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已有 4085 次阅读 2009-3-11 02:21 |个人分类:论文发表|系统分类:科研笔记|关键词:学者| 发表论文

Baolin ZhangXiaoju LuRuilin Luo (2010)Sand Dune Mobilization Caused by  Regional Warming in Otintag, China2010 18th International Conference on  Geoinformatics, 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS.2010.5567890, 1 – 5 (EI Accession number: 20104313318881).

Baolin Zhang,Zhen Guan and Ruilin Luo (2010)Test of a Dust Module in a Regional   Climate Model over China and MongoliaJournal of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Ecology,3(2),133-149


Xiaobao Wu, Baolin Zhang (2010), Biological characteristics and key points on cultivation of Limonium Bicolor, Medicinal Plant, 1(3), 19-20,23.

Ruilin Luo, Baolin Zhang, Julin Gao, Zhigang Wang (2010), Impacts of Climate Change on Corn Production in Inner Mongolia, China, 2010 International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT), 10.1109/ICMULT.2010.5631071, 1 – 4 (EI Accession number: 20104313318881).




Zhang, B. L., Tsunekawa, A. & Tsubo, M. (2008). Contributions of sandy lands and stony      deserts to long-distance dust emission in China and Mongolia during 2000–2006. Global and Planetary Change 60 (3/4): 487-504, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2007.06.001. SCI;


Baolin Zhang, Atsushi Tsunekawa, and Mitsuru Tsubo, Retrieval of Optical Depth of Dust Aerosol over Land Using Two Modis Infrared Bands, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6419, Geoinformatics2006: remotely sensed data and information, Wuhan, China, 28 October – 29 October, 2006. EI;


Zhang, B. L., Tsunekawa, A. & Tsubo, M. (2008). Satellite monitoring and synoptic

analysis of dust storms from China and Mongolia: a case study during 6-11 April, 2001.

Sand Dune Study, 55, 13-23;


Atsushi Tsunekawa, Baolin Zhang, Mitsuru Tsubo, A case study of mineral dusts   

from China and Mongolia: satellite remote sensing, meteorological analysis and   

model simulation, the 2007 AGU Fall Meeting, 10-14 December, in San Francisco,   


张宝林,高聚林,刘克礼盛晋华,《马铃薯氮素的吸收、积累和分配规律》、《中国马铃薯》(Chinese Potato Journal2003 vol.17,No.4,193-198

张宝林,高聚林,刘克礼,《马铃薯群体光合系统参数的研究》、《中国马铃薯》(Chinese Potato Journal2003 vol.17,No.3,146-150

张宝林,高聚林,刘克礼,《马铃薯在不同密度及施肥处理下叶片叶绿素含量的变化》,《中国马铃薯》(Chinese Potato Journal2003 vol.17,No.3,137-140


Hai Chunxing,Zhang Baolin and Wang Yong et al . Theory And Method Of Water-saving Eco-agriculture Planning In Arid And Semiarid Area. ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN MIDDLE AND WESTERN REGION OF CHINA IN 21ST CENTURY P472--478. Inner Mongolia People’s Publishing House, 1999.

海春兴,张宝林,苏惠民等。土默特左旗农田水利建设发展及水土资源利用中存在的问题,内蒙古师大学报(自然科学(汉文)版)20002),Vol.29 No 2 P141—145.


高聚林,张宝林,刘克礼等《马铃薯钾素的吸收、积累和分配规律》,《中国马铃薯》(Chinese Potato Journal2003 vol.17,No.4,200-204


海春兴,吴红英,张宝林 干旱半干旱地区节水型生态农业规划的原则和依据,《节水灌溉》(双月刊)(中文核心期刊,水利部优秀期刊),20001)(总第99期),P10—11, 《节水灌溉》编辑部。

Wang Yong, Wu Hongying, Zhang Baolin and Wu Xiaobao,  The Harmonious Developing Issue Between Resources, Eco-environment and Social Economy in Xilinguole Grassland Area, Proceedings of the first international conference on Biodiversity of the Mongolian Plateau and Adjacent Territory, P212-216,Ulaanbaatar-Hohhot,6-12 August,2001

一种新型滴灌毛管收、铺两用机,中国机械化旱作节水农业国际研讨会,200011月,王勇,吴晓宝,张宝林。中国农业大学出版社,牛盾主编,中国机械化旱作节水农业国际研讨会论文集P276-279. Proceedings of China international conference on dryland and water-saving farming (november 21-23,2000,beijing,p.r.china), Mechnized dryland and water-saving farming for the 21st centuryChina agricultural university press.

高聚林,刘克礼,张宝林等,马铃薯高产优化栽培措施与产量关系模型的研究,《中国马铃薯》(Chinese Potato Journal2003 vol.17,No.3,131-136

高聚林,刘克礼,张宝林等《马铃薯干物质积累和分配规律》、《中国马铃薯》(Chinese Potato Journal2003 vol.17,No.4,209-212

刘克礼,高聚林,张宝林,《马铃薯匍匐茎与块茎建成规律的研究》、《中国马铃薯》(Chinese Potato Journal2003 vol.17,No.3,152-156

刘克礼,高聚林,张宝林等《马铃薯器官生长发育与产量形成的研究》,《中国马铃薯》(Chinese Potato Journal2003 vol.17,No.3,141-145

高聚林,刘克礼,张宝林等《马铃薯磷素的吸收、积累和分配规律》《中国马铃薯》(Chinese Potato Journal2003 vol.17,No.4,199-203




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