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OSA Style Guides

已有 11013 次阅读 2011-6-5 10:37 |个人分类:论文相关|系统分类:论文交流|关键词:学者

OSA Style Guides

Please review the following documents before preparing your manuscript for submission:

OSA Author Style GuideAOP, JOSA A, JOSA B, AO, OL, JOCN

To promote efficiency and in conformance with standard journal style, OSA has changed some of its style requirements. Adherence to this style guide is essential for efficient review and publication of submissions. Additional information and templates for MS Word & WordPerfectand LaTeX & REVTeX are also available. See the Authors tab on each journal's homepage for general information for authors.


Manuscript Preparation Templates

OSA provides templates for Word and LaTeX to assist with formatting. Please also see theOSA Style Guides.

JON/JOCN authors should consult the JOCN Author page.

Because of recent changes in the production process for the journal, Optics Letters authors are no longer required to submit their manuscripts in single-column double-spaced format. As reflected in the below updated templates, we now require you to format your paper as it will appear if accepted for publication in single-spaced double-column form. More information on formatting your paper properly can be found below.

To ensure a successful submission please follow the links and download the appropriate files. Need help? Call 202.416.1917.

Manuscript Templates
MS WordLaTeX
Applied Optics,
Optics Letters
Optics Express,
Biomedical Optics Express,
Optical Materials Express

Biomedical Optics Express and Optical Materials Express authors, please use Optics Express manuscript preparation guidelines and templates for MS Word and LaTeX.


Citation Style Files

Instructions for MS Word (and Word-compatible) Users

  • Word 2007 .docx files are not acceptable at this time; see Word 2007 Users for more information.
  • When you use the templates, save your file with document extension .doc, not .dot.
  • Please compose all math expressions (including those in text) with a math editor such asMathType to faciliate production.

Instructions for LaTeX/REVTeX Submissions

  • Use standard LaTeX coding wherever possible and avoid use of custom macros.  用标准的LaTeX编码而不是自定义宏
  • All math expressions, even simple ones, should be placed in a proper LaTeX math environment and should be coded as "cleanly" as possible without heavy customization for spacing, alignment, etc. 所有表达式要放在数学环境里,不要自己对齐什么的
  • Tar-gzip compression (not zip or other) must be used unless a single .tex file is submitted.  用tar-gzip来压缩除非没有图(单个tex文件)
  • Do not include subdirectories within the archive (figsfig1.eps will not work; usefig1.eps). 不要用子文件夹
  • Include just one .tex file. Using include and multiple .tex files will not work. 只用一个tex文件,包括所有如参考
  • Include any non-OSA or nonstandard style files with your submission.  包含非标准的风格文件如果有
  • Figure files must be in .eps or .ps format (contact OSA if you wish to use .pdf or other formats and we will try to accommodate). 图片要是 eps或者 ps
  • Do not send unprocessed BibTeX. To use BibTeX, first produce the references output, and paste the output into your .tex file. See the LaTeX documentation for details. 不要发送未处理过的bibtex,用参考处理完毕后粘贴到tex中

Additional Resources for LaTeX Authors

If you have questions or comments please e-mail elec@osa.org.


Page layoutAbstractReferencesTables
TitleOCIS CodesInternet linksEnglish
Author namesEquationsFiguresPage proofs
AffiliationsSci. notationUse of colorMultimedia
Funding SourcesArticle Thumbnail (New!)

1. Page Layout and Title Page

It is no longer necessary to double space any portion of the manuscript. The pages should be sized for U.S. letter paper with ample margins (at least 2.5 cm) all around. Beginning with the title page, number pages consecutively, including tables and list of figure captions. Font size should be 11 or 12 pt.

The title should be concise but informative. Avoid beginning with an article or a preposition. The words "new" or "novel" should be avoided in the title and the text for legal reasons. Titles may be edited by the publisher to facilitate computer search.标题要简洁但是有信息 new 或者 novel不能用因为 法律的原因。

Author names should be given in full and consistent form to facilitate indexing. Every effort should be made to keep author names consistent from one paper to the next as they appear within OSA publications. Affiliations and postal addresses for all authors should appear on the title page.作者名字定了就别动保持一致

Joseph Richardson,1,* Antoinette Wrighton,2 
and Jennifer Mayfield2,3

1Department of Peer Review, Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036, USA
2Department of Editorial Services, Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036, USA
3Currently with the Department of Electronic Journals, Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036, USA
*Corresponding author: xyx@osa.org

The abstract should be limited to approximately 100 words. It should be an explicit summary of the paper that states the problem, the methods used, and the major results and conclusions. If another publication is referenced in the abstract, abbreviated information (e.g., authors, journal, volume number, first page, year) must be given in the abstract itself without a reference number. The first reference cited in the main text will be [1]. Note that the combination of abstract and title must be an adequate indicator of the content of the paper, since it will stand alone in electronic bibliographic databases and printed abstracting journals. 摘要100词左右,陈述问题,用的方法,主要结果和结论。注意标题和摘要就可以足够描述文章主要内容。

Between two and six OCIS Codes should be provided to help with indexing. The codes should be entered as part of the electronic submission process and should also be listed on the manuscript below the abstract. Aside from indexing purposes, we use OCIS keywords to aid us in matching your paper to reviewers. The OCIS index is formatted with top-level categories and subtopics. A full-text search of the OCIS Codes is available.

2. Mathematical and Scientific Notation

A. Displayed Equations

Equations should be punctuated and aligned to show structure and should be numbered at the right. Ample space should be provided above and below to allow for copy marking:

B. In-Line Math

Simple fractions in in-line math should use parentheses when necessary to avoid ambiguity, for example, to distinguish between 1/(n - 1) and 1/n - 1. In-text fractions should be set on line, not built up. Exceptions to this are proper fractions such as ½, which are better left in this form. Summations and integrals that appear within text such as ½  (n2 - 2n)-1 should have limits placed to the right of the symbol to reduce white space and should not use oversized symbols.

C. General Guidelines on Notation

Notation must be legible, clear, compact, and consistent with standard usage. In general,acronyms should be defined at first use. Adherence to the following guidelines will greatly assist the production process: 缩略语第一次用要说明

Radical Signs. When possible, avoid oversized radical signs by using the notation of a superscript 1/2. For example, change Radical to [(a + b)(a - c)]1/2.

Exponentials. Avoid tiny superscripts of exponential e (e.g., ejkl) by using the alternative exp notation, exp(jkl).

Variables and Vectors. Set single-letter variables in italics (k). Set three-vectors in boldface (k). Functions, derivative "d," abbreviations, and multiletter identifiers should be set in roman (plain) type (α, cos, ∫...dxkout).变量和向量:单字母变量用斜体,向量用加粗,函数,求导,缩写,用roman(plain)字体

Multiplication. In general, close up multiplied terms (pypx); use × if multiplication sign is essential (1 × 10 2) or for continuation in displayed equations. Use a centered dot only for scalar product ().

Fences. For simple bracketing the usual order of parentheses and brackets is { [ ( { [ (  ) ] } ) ] }.加粗

Bit and Byte. The standard abbreviations for bit and byte are b and B, respectively. To avoid confusion, these units should be spelled out in most cases (1 bit, 20 GBytes). 单位空格

Metric System. The S.I. metric system is used in OSA journals. If nonmetric units are essential (e.g., for parts specifications), conversion should be given at first mention: ". . . a ¼-in. bolt (1 in. = 2.54 cm)." 国际单位制

3. References and Notes

OSA now uses bracketed, numerical reference callouts [1]. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first referenced in the body of the paper. Two references [2,3] should be included together, separated by a comma, and three or more consecutive references should be indicated by the bounding numbers and an en dash [1-4].一个用中括号,两个用逗号隔开,三个及以上用横线

When in-line reference numbers are essential (e.g., see [1]), it is not necessary to use the words "Reference(s)" or "Ref(s)." except when needed for clarity. Footnotes (notes at the bottom of text pages) are not used in OSA journals. Footnotes should be incorporated into the text or set at the back with references as an endnote. 脚注不能用

When compiling your references, be sure to include the titles of articles. All the journals, including Optics Letters, require this information before a paper can be sent to peer review. The reference titles will subsequently be removed from Optics Letters papers before they are published, so this information is not included in the length estimate sent to authors when a positive decision is made by the editor.

When reference authors are mentioned in the text, use surnames only (unless further clarity is needed), and use "et al." and first author name when three or more authors are given.用姓氏就可以,三个及以上用et al.来说

OSA InfoBase and online journals allow export of references in BibTeX, RIS, RTF, and plain text formats. See the templates page for BibTex and EndNote tools.


Journal paper

1. C. van Trigt, "Visual system-response functions and estimating reflectance," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 14, 741–755 (1997).


2. T. Masters, Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++ (Academic, 1993).

Chapter in a book

3. B. L. Shoop, A. H. Sayles, and D. M. Litynski, "New devices for optoelectronics: smart pixels," in Handbook of Fiber Optic Data Communications, C. DeCusatis, D. Clement, E. Maass, and R. Lasky, eds. (Academic, 1997), pp. 705–758.

Paper in a published conference proceedings

4. R. E. Kalman,"Algebraic aspects of the generalized inverse of a rectangular matrix," inProceedings of Advanced Seminar on Generalized Inverse and Applications, M. Z. Nashed, ed. (Academic, 1976), pp. 111–124.

Paper published in an OSA conference proceedings

5. R. Craig and B. Gignac, "High-power 980-nm pump lasers," in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Vol. 2 of 1996 OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, 1996), paper ThG1.

Paper in an unpublished conference proceedings

6. D. Steup and J. Weinzierl, "Resonant THz-meshes," presented at the Fourth International Workshop on THz Electronics, Erlangen-Tennenlohe, Germany, 5–6 September 1996.

SPIE proceedings

7. S. K. Griebel M. Richardson, K. E. Devenport, and H. S. Hinton, "Experimental performance of an ATM-based buffered hyperplane CMOSSEED smart pixel array," Proc. SPIE 3005, 254-264 (1997).

IEEE proceedings

8. T. Darrel and K. Wohn, "Pyramid based depth from focus," in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (IEEE, 1988), pp. 504–509.

Paper accepted for publication

9. D. W. Diehl and T. D. Visser, "Phase singularities of the longitudinal field components in the focal region of a high-aperture optical system," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, doc. ID 56789 (posted 11 November 2005, in press).

Manuscript in preparation

10. J. Q. Smith, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, 250 East River Road, Rochester, New York 14623, USA, and K. Marshall are preparing a manuscript to be called "Optical aspects in liquid crystals."

Personal communication

11. J. Richardson, Department of Peer Review, Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20036 (personal communication, 2001).

Internet links

12. A. G. Ramm, "Invisible obstacles," http://www.arxiv.org/abs/math-ph/0608034.

4. Figures and Tables

A. Figures

Figure Layout

Fig. 1. Sample multipanel

Figures will normally be reduced to one column width (8.4 cm) and should be prepared accordingly. If a particular figure should not be reduced, a note to that effect should be included with the figure. Figures should be numbered consecutively in the order of appearance and citation in the text. Be sure to cite every figure. Handwritten lettering and low-quality computer graphics are not acceptableElectronic files should be sized as they will appear in the journal and should be accompanied by high-quality laser prints. Files should have a resolution of 600 dpi.

Read more explicit information on Electronic Art Submission Guidelines.

Color Illustrations

Color Art Online Only (free to authors, but strict adherence to guidelines required)

Reproduction of color art in the online PDF version of published papers is now offered as a free service to authors. To take advantage of this service, guidelines must be strictly adhered to. There is a "no bounce" policy: when color artwork does not meet the stated production requirements, we will process the artwork as black and white for both print and online.在线的彩色pdf现在免费了。要用好这个服务,必须严格按好guideline里面说的来做。否则当彩色图没有达到声明的要求,我们会处理成黑白。

  • Read the guidelines for Free Color Online in OSA Journals.
  • {------------------------------------------------
  • Free Color Online for OSA Journals

    Authors now have the option of having their figures produced in color in the online journal free of charge. To take advantage of this free service, supply usable color graphics files in time for use during the production process. In addition to the points below, see information on

    Acceptable File Types
    General Guidelines for Preparing Electronic Images
    Other Considerations

    • It is the author's responsibility to provide OSA with suitable art files (as specified below). 作者的义务
    • If suitable electronic color files are not submitted, we will scan from a hardcopy of the manuscript and use a black and white image; in this case the author will not have the option to replace the artwork with a color version. 合适的电子版没有发送的话,我们用黑白的,而且没得换。
    • Authors are responsible for ensuring that the page proofs have the appropriate note in the caption when figures with online-only color are present (see below).
    • The procedures for obtaining color in the printed journal remain unchanged (see below).
    Acceptable File Types

    A usable color graphics file must be in one of the following formats: Encapsulated PostScript (.eps), PostScript (.ps), or Tagged Image File Format (.tif). No other type of color illustration is acceptable, and only one version of each graphics file will be accepted. Graphics should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi (600 dpi if there is text or line art in the figure) to ensure good quality reproduction of the black and white version in the print issue. Include all parts of a figure in one electronic file.

    To maintain online color as a free service to authors, multiple versions of the same graphics file will not be accepted. Also, submission of two versions of the same illustration (e.g., one for color and one for black and white production) is not allowed.没必要自己发彩色和黑白

    Note that any multipart figure submitted electronically must consist of one file that includes all the parts.一个图分成abcd的必须结合成一个图

    When preparing illustrations for color production online and for black and white production in print, ensure that

     (i) colors chosen will reproduce well when printed in black and white and that

    (ii) descriptions of figures in text and captions will be sufficiently clear for both print and online versions. These are the author's responsibility. 

    General Guidelines for Preparing Electronic Images

    Key points are summarized below. Consult OSA's Electronic Art Submission Guidelines for examples and additional information.

    1. Figure should include only necessary figure elements, no labels or identification that is not meant to print.
    2. Artwork "pictures" used should be of the appropriate resolution [at least 300 dpi (600 dpi if there is text or line art in the figure)] and color mode (RGB, not CMYK, if for color online only).
    3. All graphic elements should be fully embedded.
    4. All fonts used should be fully embedded or outlined.
    5. Images should be generated at 100% of the intended reproduction size: 1-, 1.5-, or 2-column width.
    6. After reduction lines should be no smaller than 0.5 point.
    7. After reduction type should be no smaller that 6-8 point.
    8. Images should also be generated with the intended page orientation.

    Other Considerations

    If usable color graphics files are received in time for the production process, color versions of those figures will be in the proofs. (The Corresponding Author will receive notification when the proof, as a PDF file, is available for downloading.) At the proof stage, the phrase "(Color online)" must be inserted (see example caption below) into the captions of figures that will appear in color online and in black and white in print. This is the author's responsibility.  艹,color online是要自己插入的啊。

    Sample caption:

    Fig. 10. (Color online) Experimental (dotted curve) and simulated (solid curve) x-ray diffraction spectra.

    The procedures for obtaining color in the printed journal remain unchanged. Authors or their institutions must bear the cost of any color they wish to use in the printed version of their papers. A fixed rate of $650 for the first color figure and $325 for each additional color figure will apply. For multipart figures, the charge for a single figure ($650) will apply only if all figure parts are submitted as a single piece of artwork on one page. Letter labels, if any, should be included, centered below each figure part (without the caption, which will be typeset separately from the list of captions). 打印版的彩色图片费用:第一张彩色图片$650以后每张$325,好贵好贵

    The Editors and the Optical Society of America hope that availability of free online color will be beneficial to the journal community. Please direct questions about free online color to

  • ------------------------------------------------}
  • Color Art in Print (author pays)

    Color illustrations can be printed in OSA journals; however, it is necessary that the author's institution or funding agency defray the cost of color printing. Authors who choose to include color illustrations will be billed according to these charges:

    • $650 for the first piece of color
    • + $325 for each additional piece
    • + cost of color reprints, if applicable

    Note that one figure may contain several pieces; each piece must be processed separately. For example, an author who publishes a paper with three pieces of color art would be charged $650 + $325 + $325 for the color art, for a subtotal of $1300. This is in addition to applicable page charges. Any figures that are printed in color will also appear in color online. The charge for color reprints depends on the article length. Payment for color reprints is made to Sheridan Press.

    Waivers for printed color will not be granted. Authors who cannot pay color charges must use black and white figures or submit art files that meet requirements for free color online-only. 不能减免彩色打印费用

    B. Tables

    Tables must be numbered. Tables with multiple parts should be split into separate numbered tables [not Table 1(a), Table 1(b), etc.]. The table title, which should be brief, goes above the table. Detailed explanations or table footnotes should be typed directly beneath the table, as shown. Tables should use horizontal rules to delimit the top and bottom of the table and column headings. In general, no other rules should be used. Note that tables are usually typeset, not scanned (tables cannot be electronically reduced in size).


    5. Funding Sources

    Please identify all appropriate funding sources by name and contract number in the Acknowledgment section.

    6. Article Thumbnail

    OSA authors can upload a thumbnail image to be used next to their article in the Table of Contents and abstract pages of the journal. Authors must submit a .JPG file. The image will be resized to 100 x 100 pixels. For best results, authors should upload an image this size or an image with square dimensions.

    The 100 x 100 pixel image will be displayed on the article abstract page and a 50 x 50 pixel image will be displayed on the Table of Contents page


    7. Final Remarks

    If a student-level reader might find your English difficult to understand, please have a colleague who is fluent in English edit your paper before you submit it to OSA.

    Note that Optics Letters has a limit of three printed pages. If a paper exceeds this limit, it must be shortened before the paper is accepted. If the page proof is over the three-page limit, the proof must be shortened before the paper can be assigned to a final issue. OL authors should use the OL Word or LaTeX templates to prepare manuscripts to facilitate length checking.

    Authors will receive page proofs of their papers. Corrected proofs should be returned the OSA Editorial Department as soon as possible, preferably within 24 hours of receipt, to avoid publication delays.

    Additional Resources

    The following additional resources may be helpful to authors. For spelling, OSA follows The American Heritage College Dictionary, Fourth Edition. Our editorial style is based on the AIP Style Manual.


    Attention Optics Letters Authors! Please use the new OL Length-Check Templates to prepare your articles.

    Questions about electronic art? Contact ElectronicArt@osa.org.


    上一篇:AO 目前最新一期的摘要分析 Vol. 50, Iss. 16 — Jun. 1, 2011
    下一篇:EXPORTFIG 函数的参数


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