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Getting there is all the fun!
何毓琦 2024-6-18 22:11
Last night I received a phone call from a former Tsinghua student who was a student in my class when I lectured there in 2004. Since then he has come to the US received his graduate degree and started his academic career. He called to inform me that he has just received word from the Dean at Harvar ...
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檀成龙 2024-6-18 21:48
为后续的百家争鸣做铺垫服务的“另类认识”之二: 台风云墙内部 的水汽驱动着大气高速螺旋上升 1 微小大气团在垂直方向的受力分析与大气的垂直运动 下图是某个微小大气团在垂直方向的受力分析图,单位体积向上的垂直气压梯度力为- d p/dz ,式中 p 为大气压, z ...
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GR主编 | 南志标院士出席荒漠化综合防治和“三北”工程建设学术研讨会
彭京伦 2024-6-18 21:19
2024 年 6 月 12 日,南志标院士作为特邀专家,在兰州市宁卧庄宾馆,参加了“荒漠化综合防治和‘三北’工程建设学术研讨会暨《中国沙漠》创刊 40 周年学术研讨会”。 此次研讨会以“荒漠化综合防治和‘三北’工程建设”为主题。甘肃省科学技术协会主席张世珍,甘肃省林业和草原局党组书记、局 ...
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科普 | 知草、爱草、护草 6·18草原保护日
彭京伦 2024-6-18 21:16
来源: 国家林业和草原局宣传中心 免责声明: 转载内容版权归原作者所有,转载仅供学习参考 之用,如有侵权,请联系删除。 转载、分享内容中的陈述和观点仅代表原作者,仅供读者参考。
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GR伙伴 | 第26届国际草地大会—100 Years of Grassland Research
彭京伦 2024-6-18 21:13
The Scientific and Organizing Committee of the XXVI International Grassland Congress cordially invites you to participate in the International Grassland Congress “100 years of grassland research – ways to the future” June 13-18, 2027 at “Kongresshalle am Zoo” Leipzig, Germa ...
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