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已有 24464 次阅读 2020-5-28 17:33 |个人分类:论文投递|系统分类:论文交流

Langmuir (朗缪尔) 是美国化学学会出版的期刊之一,创刊于1985年,其名来源于1932年诺贝尔化学奖得主欧文·朗缪尔的姓氏。现在的主编是加拿大多伦多大学化学系的教授Prof. Gilbert C. Walker,主要发表表面化学胶体化学领域的论文。2018年的影响因子为3.683,JCR分区为化学大类2区 Top,小类分区为3区(物理化学,材料科学),最近几年的年发文量为1700篇左右。Langmuir 为标准同行评审的非开源期刊,出版周期为半月,审稿周期为2~3月,投稿命中率为45%。

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Langmuir 是化学领域的传统期刊,也表面化学领域的头牌期刊,其文章质量、口碑、排版都很好,作为传统优势化学期刊,说老实话近几年影响因子持续走低,但是期刊上发表的文章都是比较好的文章,机理性的东西比一些纳米能源类期刊上面解释得详细。


下面一段简介摘自Langmuir官网:Langmuir focuses on interfaces that govern the properties and performance of materials and systems. While in recent years the emphasis has been more strongly placed on fundamental studies, Langmuir is expanding its scope to welcome reports of applications that result from the rational design of interfaces. We are looking especially for manuscripts that report innovative interface design concepts. In addition, we seek reports of the novel expression of such concepts in applications in emerging areas that are attractive to both scientists and engineers. Papers that make a clear connection between fundamental work and applications will provide value to researchers in materials science and device creation across the broad gamut of interface science, and such papers are sure to be impactful contributions to the field that will be well read and cited. 可以看得出来,Langmuir也在随着时代的变化而变化。

Langmuir期刊现在的Journal Scope如下:

  • Surfaces and interfaces (synthetic and natural): adsorption, wetting, adhesion, forces and dynamics, surfactants, emulsions, foams, gels, and ultrathin films.

  • Surface chemistry and forces of interface-rich systems and nanoparticles/colloids.

  • Interface-driven stability: response, organization and self-organization of (nano)particle suspensions and structures, rheology and mechanics and non-equilibrium thermodynamics.

  • Charge regulation and transfer at interfaces, electrochemistry, photocatalysis.

  • Interfacial materials (synthesis/characterization) and processes for energy storage and transduction, and catalysis.

  • Surface properties and applications of 1D, 2D and layered Van der Waals materials

  • Single molecule and particle dynamics under confinement.

  • Bio-interfaces: synthetic surfaces in vivo and in vitro, synthetic or membrane surface dynamics or biofouling, anti-microbial membrane interactions, and hydrophobic/hydrophilic interfaces.

  • Transformed biointerfaces, such as nanocellulose and adaptive nanoparticles for drug delivery and diagnostics.

  • Advanced surface and interface characterization techniques.

  • Advanced microscopy.

  • Theory & computations of interfacial properties.




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