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R functions for MAD test

已有 1983 次阅读 2020-7-3 11:01 |个人分类:学术成果|系统分类:科研笔记

R functions for "A test for stationarity of a time series based on the maximum of Anderson-Darling-like statistics"

Date: 2020-07-03

Author: Shibin Zhang

Maintainer: Shibin Zhang zhangshibin_shibin@shnu.edu.cn

Description: This document provides R functions for a test for stationarity of a time series based on the maximum of Anderson-Darling-like statistics.

Usage: To use the software, you will need to download the file


into a suitable directory on your computer. This contains the functions to implement a test for stationarity of a time series based on the maximum of Anderson-Darling-like statistics. Please see the file 


for the guidance to use R functions. You should not need to look at the R code in SPEC.teststationarity.R unless you want to see the details of what's going on.


上一篇:NW: Spectral density for irregularly spaced data
下一篇:NW: Test of isotropy for irregularly spaced spatial data


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