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通过高分辨率结构成像对抗多重耐药细菌 精选

已有 5948 次阅读 2023-10-2 16:22 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察



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The antibiotic tetracycline (blue) and its interactions with ribosomal rRNA (gray), which are mediated by direct (orange) or indirect (cyan) interactions via Mg1 (green) or water molecules (red). Photo: Universität Hamburg and Paternoga

据德国汉堡大学University of Hamburg/ Universität Hamburg2023929日提供的消息,由汉堡大学化学系领导的欧洲研究小组提出了一项研究,展示了17种不同抗生素核糖体化合物(distinct antibiotic ribosomal compounds)的高分辨率结构。这些知识可以为开发新的抗生素来对抗多重耐药细菌铺平道路。相关研究结果于202387日已经在《自然结构与分子生物学》(Nature Structural & Molecular Biology)杂志网站发表——Helge PaternogaCaillan Crowe-McAuliffeLars V BockTimm O KollerMartino MoriciBertrand BeckertAlexander G MyasnikovHelmut GrubmüllerJiří NováčekDaniel N Wilson. Structural conservation of antibiotic interaction with ribosomes. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2023 Sep; 30(9): 1380-1392. DOI: 10.1038/s41594-023-01047-y. Published: 07 August 2023. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41594-023-01047-y

参与此项研究的除了来自德国汉堡大学的研究人员之外,还有来自德国哥廷根的马克斯普朗克多学科科学研究所(Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen, Germany)、瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院-洛桑大学的杜博切特成像中心(Dubochet Center for Imaging at EPFL-UNIL, Batiment Cubotron, Lausanne, Switzerland)以及捷克马萨里克大学(Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)的研究人员。

上述照片是由汉堡大学和帕特诺加(Paternoga)提供的抗生素四环素(antibiotic tetracycline,蓝色)及其与核糖体 rRNAribosomal rRNA,灰色)的相互作用,通过Mg1(绿色)或水分子(红色)直接(橙色)或间接(青色)相互作用介导。



汉堡大学化学系丹尼尔·威尔逊(Daniel N. Wilson 领导的团队使用冷冻电子显微镜以1.6 ~2.2 Å的分辨率对这些结构进行成像。“过去,抗生素核糖体结构主要以 2.5~3.5 Å的分辨率成像,分辨率的提高甚至使我们能够观察支持药物和核糖体成分之间相互作用的水分子。”丹尼尔·威尔逊说。研究人员发现,一般来说,有10~20个氢键与核糖体相互作用,并且水分子的相互作用水平不同类别的抗生素的情况各不相同。

此研究的抗生素包括6种临床相关抗生素类别,包括四环素类(呼吸道感染)、广谱氨基糖苷类broad-spectrum aminoglycosides结核病和脑膜炎)和截短侧耳素(pleuromutilins 皮肤和软组织感染)。



本研究得到了德国航空航天中心(Deutsche Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt grant no. DLR01Kl1820)、德国研究基金会(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / the German Research Foundation grant no. WI3285/12-1)以及德国卓越战略(Germany’s Excellence Strategy grant no. EXC 2067/1-390729940)的资助。



The ribosome is a major target for clinically used antibiotics, but multidrug resistant pathogenic bacteria are making our current arsenal of antimicrobials obsolete. Here we present cryo-electron-microscopy structures of 17 distinct compounds from six different antibiotic classes bound to the bacterial ribosome at resolutions ranging from 1.6 to 2.2 Å. The improved resolution enables a precise description of antibiotic-ribosome interactions, encompassing solvent networks that mediate multiple additional interactions between the drugs and their target. Our results reveal a high structural conservation in the binding mode between antibiotics with the same scaffold, including ordered water molecules. Water molecules are visualized within the antibiotic binding sites that are preordered, become ordered in the presence of the drug and that are physically displaced on drug binding. Insight into RNA-ligand interactions will facilitate development of new antimicrobial agents, as well as other RNA-targeting therapies.


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