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thoughts of society

已有 1598 次阅读 2008-10-21 19:39 |个人分类:原创作品|关键词:学者| society

When i browse news every day, my eyes will be attracted by some familiar and popular words.

      currently the housing price is beyond the capability of civilians,therefore many people can only rent a simple and small room in bigger cities , they donn't have enough incomings to afford the house.but everyone would like to have his own house,however it is just a pure dream in a sense. low saray but high housing priice,   in this situation who will feel happy and content?apparently the rich can do it.  with the big and unfair degree of wealth distribution,social problems will come up one by one,suh as the education ,living conditions and etc.it is known to every one that only money can you solve the problems of education ,living conditions and others related.this probably explains why people in the rual is much  poorer than the ones in the urban ,and the rich is much richer than the poor in the cities.it is not because the rich  is clever than the poor but the information and condiotion directly created by money.without mney ,you cann't  be fully fostered in kindergarten ,and also you cann't enter in college.and then you will lack of knowlwdge,lack of thoughts,lack of minds ,which results in lack of money.when it comes to me ,i am very lucky guy.i have the opportunity to study in compus though i am not well fostered in the kindergarten.when i write here ,i suddenly find people who donn't have much education are rich.but why?it seems there is a big conflict with points just i expressed.firstly i have to confess that these people is very clever and they make fully use of the immature social system,for example,the law is unsound,the social relationship is much more important than one's real bilty.As far as i can say ,they become wealthy partly by their social relationship and the unsound social system..surely ,some people get rich only by their abiltiies  and their hard work,however it can be counted in numbers.this is the big character of chinese society.i have to adapt to this bid situation,if not ,i  can only rent a small house and my family won't have a relative better life.

   another hot word is the "stock" ,it is in a depression that the stock market drops to the very low point.many people have earned  money increased by times because of the cattle market in these 3 years.for those people who donn't investigate some money in the stock,the feel deeply regreted .because in their eyes money is much easier got not by hard work but through stock !but how about now?many people have lost their money because of the sudden drop in the stock.when i first realized the stock in china is very  inormal,i think,one shouldn't conceret  on the stock for 100% but only as a rational investigation.in a word ,every one should be much more rational than before.antoher thing is the purchase of a house that one has to work all over his life to pay for it.in china ,there are so many housing salves that maybe result in social problems.some rich people think values of houses will never  depreciate but increase.so they throw their money to seveal houses to earn monry with the increase in value.but when it comes to 2008,there is a price drop in the cities.what will happen?only god knows!

        besides two aspects describled above,the high CPI influent our daily life.the price of everything rises but the salary and the subsidy by education agency.i clearly remember that i could eat well in our refectory for only 2.3yuan 4years ago but 5 yuan currently.what cause this? at first the high CPI is resulted in by meat,but most importantly ,caused by the oil price related to energy.you know ,the energy source in this small earth is limited.at the present,only oil,coal,gas can be widely used,while,solar energy,tide,wind ,nuclear can only be used in a fraction.as the energy source is being used up,we have to pay much more to get them.it is a important thing to control the CPI at the present,that is what premier Wen Jiabao has laid emphasised on.this is not a easy thing to deal with.as farmers,they hope to get higher pay from their products,because in china,most are farmers.if their get richer,the china is really strong and rich.while,people in cities will have to pay more to eat fresh vagetables,meat and others.apparently this is will be much more difficult for those who have little incomings to live in the urban.how to balance this point betwwen farmers and citizens? personaly i think it should rasie the price of farm products but not the industral products.now ,we can see the incomings betwwen the urban and the rual has a higer ratio day by day.only if in that way can the farmers have a better life than before.

       the advantage of peasant-workers in china doesn't still exsit.this means china will tend to high-tech industry ,on the other hand, china enterpruer will lose the comeptition over other countries such as india.last year,many factories have left DongGuan ,GuangDong province due to the higer price of peasant-workers .this is very special stage for china,if we china can steel the car of ecnomy correctly ,it will develop fast which is also what i expected. As the premier Wen Jiabao has said:this is a cruical year for china,because there is a depression market in the USA,while the CPI at home is so high,likewise ,the inflation is  in the way of development."So big a country ,so many people in china.it must be very hard for central leader to handle this problem.We have to develop economy,but our environment has been being polluted all the time.our land is disappearing one square meter by one.moreover,many farmers flood into cities for better incomings and there is much land left unharvest.this is a danger.
    Everyday is a past,but what will happen in the future?one should take notice of the changes in society.with much more information you can make use of ,apparently ,you will be a winner in your life.





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