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Beijing’s Spring

已有 3522 次阅读 2009-5-16 23:18 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:生活其它|关键词:学者

       Although I was born in the north of China, I have missed spring for several times during my university life in Kunming, the city of spring. Living in Kunming you can’t distinguish the four seasons clearly for the boundaries is too dim to be recognized. So the spring in Kunming is not the real one.
On the contrary, Beijing’s spring is so distinctness that I can realize when the spring is coming. The spring is coming when you see the first blade of grass spear out of the earth; the spring is coming when you hear the first sound of the thunder; the spring is coming when you find the first swallow flying in the sky.
Despite Kunming’s spring is much longer than Beijing’s, the latter is more tasteful, for Beijing have a long history and there are plenty of scenic spots for us to take pleasure trips. For instance, we could look at the beautiful cherry blossoms in Yuyuantan Park, peach blossoms inBotanical Garden, peony flowers in Jingshan Park and so on. In addition, go boating on the lake of Beihai Park will also be very interesting. If you want to take long hikes, Miyun and some other countries in Hebei province will be nice choices.
       Spring is the most seductive season in Beijing, and Beijing’s spring is one of the most extraordinariness in all of China. Stirring up the ardor andenergy buried deeply in my heart Beijing’s spring will become anexperience go with my life.


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