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讨论班(高量):Simulation of quantum systems with the coupled channel method(周艳珺)

已有 2843 次阅读 2009-11-23 14:33 |个人分类:周四讨论班|系统分类:科研笔记|关键词:学者| 量子力学

讨论班(高量):Simulation of quantum systems with the coupled channel method(周艳珺

时间:2009.12.31. 下午 2:00—3:30

J. Wanga and J. D. Champagne, Am. J. Phys. 76 (4&5),  493, April/May 2008


We describe a computational method for simulating time-dependent quantum mechanical systems
interacting with external fields. In this method, the Schrödinger equation is solved by expanding the
wave function in the basis set of the unperturbed Hamiltonian. The expansion yields a set of coupled
ordinary differential equations for the expansion coefficients. This coupled channel method can be
applied to many time-dependent problems. We apply the coupled channel method to a particle in a
box interacting with a laser pulse. We show that if only two states are involved, the method leads
naturally to the solutions for Rabi flopping, and that the system exhibits Rabi flopping behavior even
with realistic, nonmonochromatic laser pulses. We also discuss instances where simulations could
improve the understanding or address misconceptions of beginning students in quantum



上一篇:小道消息:Accelerating neutral atoms (邱荣涛)2009.11.26
下一篇:讨论班(高量):Time development in quantum mechanics using a reduced Hilbert space(邱荣涛)


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