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Seeking answers for three questions regarding writing research papers

已有 3034 次阅读 2010-5-25 11:53 |个人分类:Scientific Writing|系统分类:教学心得|关键词:学者| writing, English, Scientific

Before my summer lectures on scientific writing, I have received the following questions from a student rep. I post my quick, and not well-thought-through, answers below.  I hope you all can contribute by giving your version of A1, A2 and A3.  Thank you in advance!
Q1: When preparing a research paper in English, is it ok to write it in Chinese first, and then translate it into English? If your answer is "No," how can we overcome it? (Actually, some of us are doing so right now.)
A1: My answer is actually “YES.”  If you feel comfortable writing in Chinese first, go ahead. You do need to pay attention to some writing style in English, which I will teach when I visit. My guess is that you will do this only once or twice, because you don’t want to write “two” papers each time and only publish one!
Q2: We often have trouble choosing proper words in English. Do you have any good suggestions? 
A2: It’s hard even for a native speaker to write well One thing you could do is to use the "thesaurus" in Word (under “Review” button).  Still, you need a good “sense” of knowing right from wrong, which takes time to learn.  In time, however, you will get better.
Q3: Can you talk about how to improve English writing besides through reading? Because we may still feel intimidated by English writing after we have read lots of English materials.
A3: Rome was not built in one day. Do not rush yourself. How long did it take you to learn how to write well in Chinese?  All the composition lessons in grade school, middle school, and high school…  It's like swimming: You can never be good at it without lots of practice in the water

Read and WRITE with your heart and mind, and you will get better and better every day.  Good Good Study, Day Day Up!

上一篇:Effective Writing, with Examples (1)
下一篇:Happiness is what you owe yourself!

2 段明 金小伟

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