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已有 4503 次阅读 2010-10-26 23:10 |个人分类:数学|系统分类:科研笔记|关键词:学者| 数学, 论文, 规范

论文已接收,到了最后的编辑出版阶段, 记下editor给出的修改意见, 方便以后查阅:

1, 当一些可以缩写专业名词第一次出现在论文当中时, 要全部单词拼写出来, 然后空一格,跟上(),括号内写上缩写, 如

finite element method (FEM)


2,作者的项目支持中, 项目名称 的主要部分单词,首字母大写,其它如 for , grant, key ,project 首字母要小写。如:
  Education Department key project
  Hunan Provincial Innovation Foundation for Postgraduate
  NSF grant
另外,"author was supported"  而不是" author is supported".

3, 论文叙述中要引用某个已经标号的方程, 比如方程 (1.1),  不要用 the equation (1.1),  直接用 (1.1)即可, 如:

then discretized (1.1) with the piecewise linear finite element.

4, point wise ----> pointwise, shape regular---> shape-regular, quasi uniform ---> quasi-uniform, least squares ---> least-squares, convection-diffusion equation, first-order,

5,  we have include  ||u|| the effect of the additional approximation error of the geometry. 这个句子当中||u||后面的内容是对||u||的说明, 此时 ||u||后面不加逗号.

6, These afore mentioned results ----> These aforementioned results, 意思是: 这些以上提到的结果.

7, only have, only get, only need ---->  have only,  get only, need only

8, which deserves a further studying ----> which deserves further study.

9, d(x)<0, for all ... ---> d(x)<0 for all ...., 不管是行内公式 还是行间公式, for all前都不要加逗号.

10, The Laplace-Beltrami operator on S reads as follows:    注意这里的冒号不能少
     define ..... as, .....  -----> define ....  as .....

11, 在长的英语句子中, 表示并列或进一步的关系 的and前面加 逗号

12, semi norm ---> seminorm

13, we introduce the following definition which is first introduced in [10] .... ----->  we introduce the following definition, which is first introduced in [10] ....

14, we use Lemma 2.3,  the estimates (3.4) and (3.6) to get ... ---> we use Lemma 2.3 and the estimates (3.4) and (3.6) to get ...

15, the estimates (3.4), (3.7) and (3.8) to ....  ------> the estimates (3.4), (3.7), and (3.8) to ....

16, c.f.  ---> cf.   cite from

17, Theorem 4.1 ([1], [2])....  ----> Theorem 4.1 (see [1], [2]) ...

18   "......; see [1], [2]."  or  ".....; see Figure 4.1(a)." ,注意(a)前面不要有空格。

19  " see  [10](page 285)"  ----> "see [10, page 285]"

20  the authors firstly projected the patch ...  ----> the authors first projected the patch ...

21  .....; then  在定理, 引理中, 会用到这种句式, 前面叙述完条件, then后面给出结论. 

22 mid-points --->midpoints

23,  .... is:  .... -----> ..... is as follow: ......

24, we reach to the conclusion ....  ----->  we reach the conclusion....

25, 9th ----> ninth.

26, by the definition of  (1.1), the  ...,  and the identity (4.6).  注意and前面的逗号。

27, we introduce the following definition, which is first introduced in [1].  注意which前面要加逗号。




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