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Bulk Milk Dispenser在中國還是空白?

已有 2005 次阅读 2011-1-21 12:38 |个人分类:食品安全|系统分类:科普集锦|关键词:学者| 食品, 奶粉, 乳品, 饮奶机

【博主按:Bulk Milk Dispenser是否可以翻譯為“热奶直飲機”?這東東在咱國家好像沒有,是個市場空白。對幼兒園的低齡班級或新生有雙胞胎、三胞胎或多胞胎的家庭,還是很適用的。因為,嬰兒的口糧除了母乳,主要來自嬰兒奶粉。有了這個小機器,就比較方便了。详情请看下面的介绍。】

The 'Bottle Buddy' is quick & simple to use, it has a clear LCD display for one touch operation. 

The formula container is easily removed for cleaning purposes, is dishwasher safe and compatible with all methods of sterilisation.

Compatible with all leading brands of formula and will hold a full 900g tin. The level of formula can be viewed through the 'see through' container, once formula is added the reservoir remains sealed, keeping the formula sterile and eliminating any further contamination.

Bottle Buddy is made from 100% Bisphenol-A free plastic and has been tested for its accuracy by the National Weights and Measures Laboratory.




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