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已有 3641 次阅读 2011-1-29 17:13 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:论文交流|关键词:学者| 科学家, 孤独症

Neuroligin 2 Is Required for Synapse Development and Function at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction
Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature
A-query: Neuroligin or Neurexin
C-query: Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction
The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 8 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 15769 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 103 terms on the current B-list (33 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.

job id # 15769 started Sat Jan 29 04:39:17 2011
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/html/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
15769 Search ARROWSMITH A
A_query_raw: Neuroligin or NeurexinSat Jan 29 04:39:30 2011

A query = Neuroligin or Neurexin started Sat Jan 29 04:39:31 2011
A query resulted in 435 titles
15769 Search ARROWSMITH C
C_query_raw: Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction Sat Jan 29 04:40:21 2011

C: Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction 766

A: pubmed_query_A 435

AC: ( Neuroligin or Neurexin ) AND ( Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction ) 8

C query = Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction started Sat Jan 29 04:40:21 2011
C query resulted in 766 titles
A AND C query resulted in 8 titles
704 B-terms ready on Sat Jan 29 04:40:33 2011

Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
103 B-terms left after filter executed Sat Jan 29 04:42:12 2011

B-list on Sat Jan 29 04:47:02 2011
1 synaptotagmin
2 dystroglycan
3 synaptotagmin i
4 microrna
5 lin-7
6 genome wide
7 bmp
8 syntaxin
9 dysbindin
10 syndecan
11 agrin
12 ankyrin
13 calmodulin
14 glutamate receptor
15 dlg
16 syt
17 cell adhesion molecule
18 neuregulin
19 tgf beta
20 cask
21 potassium channel
22 cdna
23 laminin
24 neuropeptide
25 transcription factor
26 cadherin
27 glia
28 gene encoding
29 susceptibility gene
30 transporter
31 protein tyrosine phosphatase
32 isoform
33 choline acetyltransferase


上一篇:今日临床证据 EvidenceUpdates for: 1/28/2011

2 孙学军 丁甜

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