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Ten Steps for Radiant Skin

已有 1297 次阅读 2011-4-2 09:28 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:生活其它|关键词:学者

1.Eat a balanced diet. What we put in our bodies will show on your skin.If you eat fatty and junk foods your skin will reflect that,so give your skin proper nutrition.

2.Get at least 7 to 8 hours'sleep every night.A lack of sleep wil show up under your eyes as dark circles or bags.Proper rest will also benefit your body and your life.

3.Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated.It is best to spread the consumption of water in small amounts over the course of the day to be sure it is properly absorbed.

4.Maintain a regular exercise schedule.Exercise gets the blood moving and creates a heathy body.

5.Get lots of fresh air but aviod prolonged exposure to wind and cold.

6.Avoid much exposure to the hot sun.The damage done by ultraviolet rays is long lasting and cannot reversed.

7.Always wear sunglasses to avoid squinting.

8.Try to achieve a well-balanced life and reduce stress.

9.Exfoliate twice a week to rid your skin of dead cells.

10.Develop a skin care routine for your particlar skin type.

If you have neglecting your complxion start right way to improve it.It is never too late from now.What you do today will show up in your skin in the future.It's up to you.


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