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free writing practice----revised

已有 2530 次阅读 2011-5-4 12:37 |系统分类:科研笔记|关键词:学者| office, style, computer, people, about

Original version:

I am just sitting here, looking at the computer screen and putting my fingers on the keyboard. I am ready to write something, but I don’t know what I should write about. The office is so quiet that as if only I myself be here. In fact, there are not so many people in this ample room, and most of them are off duty for errands or private affairs. Those left, including me, are occupied with other things. Take myself for instance, I am busy and concentrated on my job, but what I am doing has no business with my job. For some inexplicit reasons, our department is much less busy than last year. It is good for me, because I can spare a lot of my time on my English learning. Although I want to make my learning travel as enjoyable as possible, but I keep it clearly in my mind that the only way to get great improvement is to practice all the time. Albeit It is said that I have got much progress, there is a long way for me to go to get my aim.

Some bad smell breaks my thought. It comes from a kind of food, which looks like a hotdog, on my desk. A colleague went to Thailand to attend a conference and bought us this food called durian cake. You know, I don’t like the smelly durian, not to mention this cake. It’s a problem for me to deal with it. Neither abandoning nor eating unwillingly is my choice. You want it? I can give to you.

It’s ten to five now, I have to get ready for my yoga class. See you!


Revised version:

I am just sitting here, looking at the computer screen and putting my fingers on the keyboard. I (am ready to)want to write something, but (I) don’t know what to (I should) write (about). The office is so quiet that it seems as if only I myself is (be) here. In fact, there are not so many people in this ample room, and most of them are off duty for errands or private affairs. Those left, including me, are occupied with other things. Taking myself for instance, I am usually busy and concentrated on my job, but what I am doing  now has no business with my job. For some inexplicit reasons, we are much less busy this year than the last one. It is good for me, because I can spare a lot of my time on my English learning. Although I want to make my learning travel as enjoyable as possible, (but) I keep it clearly in my mind that the only way to get great improvement is to practice all the time. Albeit It is said that I have got much progress, there is still a long way for me to go to get my aim.

Some bad smell breaks my thought. It comes from a kind of food, which looks like a hotdog, on my desk. This food are called durian cake from Thailand, where a colleague went to  attend a conference and bought it to me.  You know, I don’t like the smelly durian, not to mention eating this durian cake. It’s difficult for me to deal with it. Neither abandoning nor eating it unwillingly is my choice. You want it? I can give to you.

It’s ten to five now, and I have to get ready for my yoga class. See you!




上一篇:一本书《The Craft of Research》


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