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已有 10555 次阅读 2008-11-16 22:46 |个人分类:读书学艺|系统分类:观点评述|关键词:学者




不记得是在1990年代的什么时候,我第一次听说上帝的影像(imago dei, 或image of God)的概念以及库萨的尼古拉(Nicholas of Cusa, 1401-1464)的名字,以及他们和现代科学得早期发展之间的关系,才发现自己真正地无知。这是没有学问的无知,而不是有学问的无知,虽然《论有学问的无知》(On the learned Ignorance, 或De Docta Ignorantia)正好是Nicholas of Cusa最重要的著作之一。

在维基百科上对Nicholas of Cusa在科学方面的影响是这样说的:

Nicholas is also considered by many to be a genius ahead of his time in the field of science. Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei and Giordano Bruno were all aware of the writings of Cusanus as was Johannes Kepler (who called Cusanus 'divinely inspired' in the first paragraph of his first published work). Predating Kepler, Cusanus said that no perfect circle can exist in the universe (opposing the Aristotelean model, and also Copernicus' later assumption of circular orbits), thus opening the possibility for Kepler's model featuring elliptical orbits of the planets around the Sun. He also influenced Giordano Bruno by denying the finiteness of the universe and the Earth's exceptional position in it (being not the center of the universe, and in that regard equal in rank with the other stars). He was not, however, describing a scientifically verifiable theory of the universe: his beliefs (which proved uncannily accurate) were based almost entirely on his own personal numerological calculations and metaphysics.

Cusanus made important contributions to the field of mathematics by developing the concepts of the infinitesimal and of relative motion. He was the first to use concave lenses to correct myopia. His writings were essential for Leibniz's discovery of calculus as well as Cantor's later work on infinity.

From the Catholic Encyclopedia (1913 edition):

The astronomical views of the cardinal are scattered through his philosophical treatises. They evince complete independence of traditional doctrines, though they are based on symbolism of numbers, on combinations of letters, and on abstract speculations rather than observation. The earth is a star like other stars, is not the centre of the universe, is not at rest, nor are its poles fixed. The celestial bodies are not strictly spherical, nor are their orbits circular. The difference between theory and appearance is explained by relative motion. Had Copernicus been aware of these assertions he would probably have been encouraged by them to publish his own monumental work.


维基百科上关于Nicholas of Cusa的介绍链接:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Cusa


American Cusanus Society的网址链接:http://www.haverford.edu/library/reference/mschaus/cusanus/cusanus.html


在西方思想中,人作为上帝之影像的概念,出自《圣经 创世纪 I:27》:

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him.


Encyclopedia of Science and Religion网站上关于imago dei的简要介绍链接:http://www.enotes.com/science-religion-encyclopedia/imago-dei

维基百科上Image of God的介绍链接:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imago_Dei

1999年我买了一本1922年出版的William Jennings Bryan (March 19, 1860 – July 26, 1925)的著作《In his image》,是以前燕京神学院图书馆的藏书,不知道怎么流落到旧书市场上去了。

维基百科上William Jennings Bryan的介绍链接:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Jennings_Bryan

Amazon网站上关于In his image一书的信息链接:http://www.amazon.com/His-Image-William-Jennings-Bryan/dp/1417912812

William Jennings Bryan曾经获得1896、1900、1908年三届美国民主党的总统竞选提名,可惜最后都没有选上。他后来在1913至1915年做过美国民主党总统Woodrow Wilson的国务卿。Bryan在科学史上最有名的事情是在1925年去世之前不久在美国田纳西州的所谓“猴子审判”(Scopes Trail)中担任检方的律师,起诉故意“违法”在课堂上讲授达尔文进化论的中学教师John Scopes。有一部推荐大家必看的电影Inherit the Wind就是叙述的关于这个著名审判的故事。当然,真实的事件其实并没有电影中描述的那么简单和黑白分明,或者说其本身更为精彩和在美国社会中具有更深远的影像。Bryan本人当然也没有电影中描述的那样代表保守和落后的思想。希望进一步了解Bryan的思想正是我对Bryan的这本书《In his image》感兴趣的原因之一。可惜到现在为止我也没有机会和时间把这本书读完。

维基百科上关于Scopes Trial的介绍链接:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scopes_Trial

维基百科上关于Inherit the wind戏剧和电影的介绍链接: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inherit_the_wind

IMDB上电影Inherit the Wind的信息链接:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053946/



虽然我在这里提到的imago dei的概念和Nicholas of Cusa这个人的不少信息,但我自己其实对它们的了解也还仅仅是皮毛。很多研究宗教和神学的学者可能对这些话题有更多的了解,但他们是否从科学思想和历史的角度有更多的了解,我不得而知。不过我还是觉得把我对这些事情的了解和疑惑分享给科学网博客上的朋友们,或许是一件有些益处的事情,甚至起到抛砖引玉的作用。




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