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已有 5562 次阅读 2011-12-29 18:19 |个人分类:JMS信息|系统分类:科研笔记|关键词:学者| 编辑, office, required, before, usually

JMS-How to respond to reviewer’s comments--An example

Generally, most manuscripts need revision before they are formally published.
Authors are  usually required to respond to each item of remark (comment) and revision suggestion in a separate document, and mark the revised parts in different colors in the revised manuscript.
If the manuscript has additional changes besides the reviewers’ and editors’ requirements, it’s better to be listed too.
Here I present an example to show how to respond to each comment or suggestion.


Dear Sir,
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to suggested edits on manuscript “11-XXXX”.We have carefully considered each element of the very thorough and helpful review, and we respond to each in the remainder of this document.  In addition, we have conducted substantial revision of the grammar and expressions in this manuscript to bring it up to a general standard for peer-reviewed literature in the English-speaking world. 
Please see below for specific editorial comments from your team (in italics), and our response to each editorial suggestion (in plain text). 
Please advise if we can be of any further assistance in the improvement and publication of this manuscript. 
Specific Editorial Comments and Author Responses
Thank you for your excellent review.  We are glad that the editor feels that the manuscript merits further consideration following a substantial revision of the document.  We hope that this work may be published, and serve as a valuable contribution for creating awareness about the immediate need of hill restoration and conservation for sustainable natural resources management.
I General Comments
1. Objectives of the manuscript should be specified in the introduction.
We are agreed.
Line 70-76- We have included objectives of the research in the introduction of the revised manuscript. 
2. Public metric system should be consistently used throughout the manuscript. For instance, use km and m instead of mile and feet.
Line 90-108- We have revised and included km and m in the revised manuscript. 
3. Section 3.2 is a review of a broader region, and therefore should either be deleted or be incorporated in the intro.
Line 35-45-Information from section 3.1 and 3.2 from previous manuscript are revised and now incorporated in introduction of the revised manuscript.
II Specific Comments
1. In 3.1, you stated that “Hilly areas are home to most of the armed confliction in the world as well as too many of the world’s poorest and least food secure populations”. Can you add your reference to this statement?
As the line is not related to the concept of the research, we have decided to delete the line.

2. Quantitative description of forest changes at the end of section 3.4.1 is very confusing. Can you use a figure or a diagram to represent these changes?
Line 152- 153- We have revised and included Table 1 to show the changes pattern of forest in quantitative number.
3. Please add page and line numbers to facilitate comments from reviewers.  
Thank you. We have incorporated page and line in the revised manuscript.
Additional changes 
1.  Line 26- key words are changed, key words from the previous manuscript, Natural Resource depletion in hill and Threatened hill degraded site, are deleted. Hill restoration and conservation, DPSIR are incorporated in the revised manuscript.
2. Line 81-88- Methodology has been revised. DPSIR method is incorporated for system structuring of problem analysis in the hill area.
3.    Line 28-303 - Structure of the revised manuscript has changed into four parts (1.Introduction, 2. Methodology, 3.Hill and mountain ecosystem of Bangladesh, 4. Analysis of natural resources in the hill areas of Bangladesh according to the DPSIR framework.
4.   Line 141-157 - 4.2.1 Deforestation in the revised manuscript,  are shortened from the last manuscript. Also recent publications are inserted.
5.  Line 159- 173-4.2.2 Land degradation are also revised and shortened from the previous manuscript.
6.  Line 217-303 –Suggestions for the future are revised as 4.5 Responses for integrated natural resources management.
7.  Fig 1 is included to show the different elevations of hills in Chittagong and Chittagong hill tracts.
8.  Fig 2 corresponds to causes consequences and responses of natural resources depletion in the hilly region are analyzed using DPSIR framework.


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