

Visual Basic与图像处理15

已有 2784 次阅读 2012-10-11 16:12 |系统分类:教学心得|关键词:学者| Visual, Basic与图像处理

Visual Basic与图像处理(三)

通过动态数组减少Point方法的使用次数,可以有效的提高图像处理的速度,C系列语言之所以在处理图像的时候速度较快,其实很大原因就是因为是从内存中直接读取图像数据。如果能完全放弃使用PointPSet方法,直接获得图像数据,那么Visual BasicC系列语言处理图像的速度并无明显差异,一种方法是直接读取文件的方法,对于初学者,还是不建议使用,因此没有必要,如果需要可以直接参考文件读取和写入的方法即可。这里推荐一种通过API函数直接完成图像读写的方法,主要涉及这样几个API函数:

(1)    PictureBox读入图像数据到数组中,用于取代Point方法。

Declare Function GetBitmapBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal dwCount As Long, lpBits As Any) As Long

(2)    将数组数据直接映射到PictureBox中,用于取代PSet方法。

Declare Function SetBitmapBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal dwCount As Long, lpBits As Any) As Long

(3)    获得控件句柄

Declare Function GetObject Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetObjectA" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, lpObject As Any) As Long




    bmType As Long

    bmWidth As Long

    bmHeight As Long

    bmWidthBytes As Long

    bmPlanes As Integer

    bmBitsPixel As Integer

    bmBits As Long

End Type




在获取图像数据时,首先定义一个整型变量用于存放PictureBox中的图像句柄,然后调用GetBitmapBits函数获取图像数据,存放于数组中,需要注意的时,Visual Basic获得的数据都默认为彩色图像,因此定义数组大小时,需要按照真彩色图像进行处理。将读取图像按钮代码做调整,使得读入图像的同时就获得图像数据,代码调整如下:

Private Sub cmdReadImage_Click()

    Dim strFileName As String

    CDialog1.Filter = "bmp|*.bmp|jpg|*.jpg|gif|*.gif"  '文件过滤,可以打开上述三类图像


    If CDialog1.FileName <> "" Then

        strFileName = CDialog1.FileName

        PicSource.Picture = LoadPicture(strFileName)

    End If

    SourceImHeight = PicSource.Height

    SourceImWidth = PicSource.Width



    Dim tSBmpInfo As BITMAP

    Dim hSrcBmp As Long

    Dim x As Integer, y As Integer


    hSrcBmp = PicSource.Image.Handle '注意,这里只能使用image,而不能使用picture



    Call GetObject(hSrcBmp, Len(tSBmpInfo), tSBmpInfo)

    ReDim ImageArray(1 To tSBmpInfo.bmWidthBytes, 1 To SourceImHeight) As Byte



    Call GetBitmapBits(hSrcBmp, tSBmpInfo.bmWidthBytes * tSBmpInfo.bmHeight, ImageArray(1, 1)) '注意起点是(1,1)


    ReDim sbits(SourceImHeight - 1, SourceImWidth - 1, 2) As Byte '通过下面的转换,将数组转置为习惯的格式,当然也可以不转置,只是后面使用起来比较麻烦


    For y = 1 To SourceImHeight

        For x = 1 To SourceImWidth

            sbits(y - 1, x - 1, 2) = ImageArray((x - 1) * 4 + 1, y)

            sbits(y - 1, x - 1, 1) = ImageArray((x - 1) * 4 + 2, y)

            sbits(y - 1, x - 1, 0) = ImageArray((x - 1) * 4 + 3, y)

        Next x

    Next y


End Sub



Private Sub cmdGrayEqua_Click()

    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

    Dim PixelValue As Long

    Dim r As Integer, g As Integer, b As Integer

    Dim GrayValue As Integer


    Dim Hist(255) As Long '存放原直方图统计结果

    Dim P(255) As Single '存放原直方图概率

    Dim PA(255) As Single '存放原直方图累计分布概率

    Dim Map(255) As Single '存放灰度等级映射结果



    Dim NGrayValue As Integer




    DestImHeight = SourceImHeight

    DestImWidth = SourceImWidth



    PicDest.Height = DestImHeight

    PicDest.Width = DestImWidth


    ReDim dbits(DestImHeight - 1, DestImWidth - 1, 2) As Byte '重新定义目标数组的维数



    For i = 0 To SourceImHeight - 1

        For j = 0 To SourceImWidth - 1

               r = sbits(i, j, 0)

               g = sbits(i, j, 1)

               b = sbits(i, j, 2)

              '插入图像处理的过程,对r, g, b进行处理

               GrayValue = 0.3 * r + 0.59 * g + 0.11 * b

               Hist(GrayValue) = Hist(GrayValue) + 1

        Next j

    Next i



    P(0) = Hist(0) / SourceImHeight / SourceImWidth

    Map(0) = 255 * P(0)

    For i = 1 To 255

        P(i) = P(i - 1) + Hist(i) / SourceImHeight / SourceImWidth

        Map(i) = 255 * P(i)

    Next i



    For i = 0 To SourceImHeight - 1

        For j = 0 To SourceImWidth - 1

               r = sbits(i, j, 0)

               g = sbits(i, j, 1)

               b = sbits(i, j, 2)

              '插入图像处理的过程,对r, g, b进行处理

               GrayValue = 0.3 * r + 0.59 * g + 0.11 * b

               dbits(i, j, 0) = Map(GrayValue)

               dbits(i, j, 1) = Map(GrayValue)

               dbits(i, j, 2) = Map(GrayValue)

         Next j

    Next i


    Dim tDBmpInfo As BITMAP

    Dim hDestBmp As Long


    hDestBmp = PicDest.Image.Handle



    Call GetObject(hDestBmp, Len(tDBmpInfo), tDBmpInfo)

    ReDim ImageArray(1 To DestImWidth * 4, 1 To DestImHeight) As Byte


    For i = 1 To DestImHeight

        For j = 1 To DestImWidth

            ImageArray((j - 1) * 4 + 1, i) = dbits(i - 1, j - 1, 2)

            ImageArray((j - 1) * 4 + 2, i) = dbits(i - 1, j - 1, 1)

            ImageArray((j - 1) * 4 + 3, i) = dbits(i - 1, j - 1, 0)

        Next j

    Next i



        Call SetBitmapBits(hDestBmp, tDBmpInfo.bmWidthBytes * tDBmpInfo.bmHeight, ImageArray(1, 1))


End Sub


通过比对可以发现,采用本例的方法以后,Visual Basic处理图像的速度就跟平时见到的C系列语言处理的图像的速度基本一致,如果想要进一步提高处理速度,就需要研究算法方面的内容,这个就不在这里进行讨论了。

上一篇:Visual Basic与图像处理14
下一篇:Visual Basic与图像处理16


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