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[138]ywzjn2012   2013-3-17 13:44
我的回复(2013-3-17 15:27):Please read my latest article on "for readers seeking helper advice " this month.
我的回复(2013-3-17 15:25):Read my latest blog article on "for reader seeking help and advice" this month.
[137]方锦清   2013-3-12 09:42
我的回复(2013-3-12 20:55):I am afraid this is not an area of my expertise or interest currently.
[136]DLAMDLXG   2013-3-8 23:12
You are so outstanding. I  admire  you so much !
我的回复(2013-3-8 23:38):Thank you very much.
[135]侯钢领   2013-2-28 19:25
何老师: 感谢您的回复。我的研究方向是结构体系可靠度,概率和随机过程是研究的基础。如有可能,我会结合结构体系可靠度,尝试表述对概率和随机过程的理解和感悟。当然,还是先学习何老师的。我认为,首先学会学习,然后再谈创新。如果某领域已经研究很系统,或很科学,可能学习和掌握是第一或唯一要务。
我的回复(2013-2-28 21:00):Good. Best wishes for success. (I assume 可靠度 means reliability).
[134]侯钢领   2013-2-28 11:37
我的回复(2013-2-28 11:55):Thank you for your thoughts
[133]龚秋声   2013-2-24 12:56
何老师您好!  由4个可控硅组成的单相桥式可控整流电路您一定清楚它是教科书上性能最好的相控整流电路。我在这个电路的次级中心抽头(新增加的)与1个整流输出端之间连接1个整流二极管,并改变下面2个可控器件的触发信号为全波可控整流触触发信号,上面2个可控器件还是原来桥控触发信号,这就龚氏桥全电路的一种电路,它能半压以下调压时,能输出桥控电路的2倍直流电流和4倍直流功率,功率因数和整流效率都远高于桥控电路,谐波远少于桥控等优良性能定决着它必将成为教科书相控整流电路的置顶电路,这就不跟风研究取得的创新研究成果。
我的回复(2013-2-24 20:55):Dear Prof. 龚秋声, I have difficulties reading technical Chinese. Besides, eloectric power system is not my specialty. I am sorry you must consult some one such as Prof. Xiao Hong Guan of Tsinghua for expert advice. This is beyond my ability to comment. Please read my public announcement also.
[132]龚秋声   2013-2-23 07:48
何老师:我向您拜个晚年!请关注一下国外电力电子教学中是否有教学中国人发明比单相桥式相控整流更好的"龚氏桥全电路".谢谢!                            龚秋声
我的回复(2013-2-23 19:55):I am not familiar with this area and have difficulty understand Chinese technical terms. Sorry.
[131]Smartling   2013-2-18 20:12
I do not want to hide anything, you do not understand because your language is limited. You like to write some English, that is not easy to read for some of the readers here, when you write something here, it means you want to communicate with most of the Chinese readers(I assume not so many foreigners here) while it is in English, it is a little bit conflict. So when I write in a language you do not understand what kind of feeling is it? I just want to speak out what I want to say, I am sorry to offend you, but I think this is a place people can speak freely isn’t it?
By the way, the translation is "You are an old-fashioned guy, closed and arrogance".
Sorry again!
我的回复(2013-2-18 21:27):please read my public announcement and several blog articles over five years as to the reasons I blog in English foremost among which is the invitation by Science Net to do so five years ago.
[130]Smartling   2013-2-18 19:37
That is some bad words, not compliment for you
我的回复(2013-2-18 19:50):I suspected as much. But why hide behind another language. If you wish you can write directly to me privately. My conscience is clear and have nothing to hide.
[129]Smartling   2013-2-17 18:20
Du bist ein altmodischer Kerl, geschlossenen und Arroganz
我的回复(2013-2-17 20:19):Translate into Chinese or English please.
[128]XuW   2013-2-10 01:17
Prof. Ho, Happy Chinese New Year and Good Health!
我的回复(2013-2-10 02:43):Thank you abnd best wisges.
[127]张檀琴   2013-2-9 17:40
我的回复(2013-2-9 21:51):Many thanks. You too.
[126]周向进   2013-2-1 09:43
请问一下:国外政府、企业,或者基金提供的科研资金,有没有划拨到课题承担者个人帐户的情况(而不是划拨到某个法人的帐户)? 需要发票吗? 科研经费入账后,单位,或者个人,需要缴税吗?
我的回复(2013-2-3 20:53):More added 2/3/2013: AS far as personal incomes are concerned, anything you receive personally, even Nobel prizes, are INCOMES. And you must pay taxes on it. Contracts/grants are given to universities not to you. They have to account for them with the tax office.
我的回复(2013-2-1 10:44):I have known cases in which a university professor lost his job for misuse of contract money for personal purposes.
我的回复(2013-2-1 10:42):This is a complicated question. First of all, at Harvard (and I believe at most university receiving contract money, grant, or awards) there is an office of contract administration overseeing all contract/grant money expenditures to make sure all money expenditure are legitimate. Since the money is given to Harvard and not to you personally even though you apply the money as a PI. Government agencies such as the National Science Foundation require all participant in NSF business (such as serving on panels) to list all possible source of conflict of interest before serving. Private foundation award, such as Guggenheim fellowship, only requires an activity report at end of your fellowship. This is more in the spirit of a prize, it is given to you personally for you to spend as you please.
[125]李竞   2013-1-24 08:47
我的回复(2013-1-28 06:32):I said it in your article's comment section that yours is a very good article.
[124]李竞   2013-1-24 08:47
我的回复(2013-1-26 19:47):Sorry, but I have not heard of this journal and don't know a thing about it.
[123]qq314020007   2012-12-19 09:54
Dear Prof. Hu
I am a student in mainland,here I want to ask a question.
As time goes by,I find that keep balance between focusing on specific problem and having a total grasp of my life(or study ,reseach) is not a easy thing for me,also i know it is not a simple question which can be solve by several senteces,so what I really want to know  if there are some useful  simple and specific methods having a lot of benifits to this kind of puzzle.
我的回复(2012-12-19 21:12):The short answer is NO. In general, there is seldom an easy answer to anything that is worthwhile. Life is not a bed of roses. Only hard work and struggle make the reward satisfying. I have discussed your type of question in many earlier blog in the past five years.
[122]刘波   2012-11-25 16:12
Dear Prof He,
I read some of you blogs and found they are very good. So I wrote a blog about your suggestions for young researchers. Could you please give some comments?
Thank you very much and best regards,
Liu Bo  
[121]xdqql   2012-11-20 22:24
Thank you.I have found the book in our school library this afternoon.I have been reading the book since back students' dormitory.It's very thick and full of knowledge.
[120]xdqql   2012-11-20 13:53
Thank you .I will find the book that was published  by Tsinghua University press with Chinese translations side-by-side of the English articles.
我的回复(2012-11-20 21:05):Here is the website describing the book
[119]刘福强   2012-11-20 09:17
我的回复(2012-11-20 10:11):Thank you.

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