
热度 1 诸平 2024-3-20 20:39
上班族的好消息 : 每天走 1 万步,死亡风险降低 39% 诸平 Fig. 1 Increasing daily steps to around 10,000 reduces sedentary lifestyle health risks, including mortality and cardiovascular disease, emphasizing the value of movement for health improvement. Higher step counts are associated ...
个人分类: 健康生活|680 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
诸平 2024-3-19 20:17
从农业废料中提取可持续塑料 诸平 Fig. 1 The dyed and natural polyamide fibers after extrusion.Credit: Lorenz Manker/EPFL Fig. 2 A transparent film made from the polyamide.Credit: Lorenz Manker/EPFL Fig. 3 An iPhone case printed with the sustainable po ...
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热度 5 诸平 2024-3-18 20:37
蛇:新的高蛋白超级食物 诸平 Efficient food source: Lead author Dr Dan Natusch, pictured, handles an Australian water python, one of 39 different python species. Credit: Derek Henderson 据澳大利亚麦考瑞大学网站 ( The Macquarie UniversityLighthouse )2024 年 3 月 15 日提供的 ...
个人分类: 新观察|2990 次阅读|13 个评论 热度 5
诸平 2024-3-17 19:54
更高效:突破性材料提高超级电容器性能 诸平 Supercapacitors, known for their rapid energy storage and release capabilities, play a crucial role in renewable energy and environmental conservation. Recent advancements, such as oxygen vacancies engineering, have significantly improved the el ...
个人分类: 新观察|1059 次阅读|没有评论
诸平 2024-3-16 20:58
科学家解开了一个世纪的细胞分裂之谜 诸平 Fig.1 A research team from Pohang University of Science and Technology unveiled the mechanism behind crossover interference during meiosis, solving a long-standing mystery in genetics. This breakthrough could revolutionize agricultural breeding ...
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Antje Körner:肥胖症卓越奖获得者
诸平 2024-3-15 17:51
Antje Körner :肥胖症卓越奖获得者 诸平 Professor Antje Körner, Photo: Christian Hüller Head of Childhood Obesity Metabolic Research Group 据德国莱比锡大学( Leipzig University ) 2024 年 3 月 12 日提供的消息,安特耶·科奈尔( Antje Körner )被授予 2024 ...
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热度 2 诸平 2024-3-14 18:32
预防心脏病发作和中风的新发现 诸平 https://www.meduniwien.ac.at/web/en/about-us/news/2024/news-in-march-2024/new-findings-on-the-prevention-of-heart-attacks-and-strokes-1/ 据奥地利维也纳医科大学( Medical University of Vienna , Vienna, Austria ) 2024 年 3 月 13 日提供的消息,奥 ...
个人分类: 新观察|3356 次阅读|12 个评论 热度 2
诸平 2024-3-13 18:26
表面等离激元光子学的突破开启了量子技术的新纪元 诸平 LSU researchers have made a significant discovery related to the fundamental properties and behavior of plasmonic waves, which can lead ot the development of more sensitive and robust quantum technologies. Credit: LSU 据美国路易斯 ...
个人分类: 新观察|2886 次阅读|没有评论
诸平 2024-3-12 19:10
维也纳医科大学进一步开发的COVID疫苗显示出针对奥密克戎的有希望的效果 诸平 据奥地利维也纳医科大学( Medical University of Vienna 简称 MedUni Vienna , Vienna, Austria ) 2024 年 3 月 11 日提供的消息,维也纳医科大学进一步开发的 COVID 疫苗,显示出针对新冠病毒变体——奥密克戎( Om ...
个人分类: 药物动态|2610 次阅读|没有评论
热度 4 诸平 2024-3-11 17:40
科学家推翻了物理学的基本原理 诸平 A new study has overturned a fundamental principle of physics by demonstrating that similarly charged particles can attract each other in a solution, with the effect varying between positive and negative charges depending on the solvent. This discovery ...
个人分类: 新观察|3825 次阅读|12 个评论 热度 4

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