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一个物理学家的大忽悠 精选

已有 14778 次阅读 2012-4-6 08:07 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:科普集锦|关键词:学者| office, face, 物理学家







1994年,纽约大学物理学家Alan SokalSocial Text杂志——在文化学领域引领潮流的杂志——投了一篇宏文,题目是Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity,编辑部很高兴,欢迎物理学家能加入他们的文化研究,于是发表在1996年的“科学战”的专辑上(Social Text #46/47, pp. 217-252 (spring/summer 1996)原文见http://www.physics.nyu.edu/sokal/transgress_v2_noafterword.pdf)。






Here my aim is to carry these deep analyses one step farther, by taking account of recent developments in quantum gravity: the emerging branch of physics in which Heisenberg's quantum mechanics and Einstein's general relativity are at once synthesized and superseded. In quantum gravity, as we shall see, the space-time manifold ceases to exist as an objective physical reality; geometry becomes relational and contextual; and the foundational conceptual categories of prior science -- among them, existence itself -- become problematized and relativized. This conceptual revolution, I will argue, has profound implications for the content of a future postmodern and liberatory science.


1 量子力学:不确定性、互补性、不连续性和相互连通性

2 经典广义相对论的解释学

3 量子引力:弦、交织或形态发生场

4 微分拓扑与同调论

5 流形理论:整体(洞)与边界

6 超越边界:走向解放的科学




不到一个月,作者就在Lingua Franc杂志(一家专门揭露学界逸闻趣事的杂志,刊名源自拉丁语,意思是common language)自我暴露了文章的真相:一个物理学家玩儿的文化学实验http://www.physics.nyu.edu/sokal/lingua_franca_v4/lingua_franca_v4.htmlA Physicist Experiments With Cultural Studies)——他感到某些人文科学缺失了严格的标准,于是想试试他们会不会发表一篇胡编滥造(liberally salted with nonsense)却颇能迎合编辑口味(flattered the editors' ideological preconceptions)的文章。


那篇“忽悠”的根本问题不在于荒谬的名词和谬误——学过数学物理的人都能看出来;而在于暧昧的主题和“论证”——这也许正是大编辑们(其中Andrew Ross是大众文化研究的重要人物)喜欢它的原因。Sokal也说,编辑喜欢他的结论;而他其实也是为了迎合编辑们的思想而杜撰那些奇谈怪论的。


Why did I do it? While my method was satirical, my motivation is utterly serious. What concerns me is the proliferation, not just of nonsense and sloppy thinking per se, but of a particular kind of nonsense and sloppy thinking: one that denies the existence of objective realities, or (when challenged) admits their existence but downplays their practical relevance. At its best, a journal like Social Text raises important questions that no scientist should ignore -- questions, for example, about how corporate and government funding influence scientific work. Unfortunately, epistemic relativism does little to further the discussion of these matters.


这个令文化学人尴尬的忽悠故事,就是有名的“索卡尔恶作剧”(Sokal Hoax),曾引起很多争论(见http://www.physics.nyu.edu/sokal/#debate_linguafranca),我就不说了。







40 吉宗祥 刘洋 陈湘明 余昕 钟炳 唐常杰 张伟 柏舟 吕喆 黄晓磊 党矗 占礼葵 梁进 鲍得海 谢鑫 王国强 李欣海 李宇斌 曹俊 陈志建 曹建军 陈耿 吴宝俊 丁邦平 赵美娣 曹聪 庄世宇 卫军英 王春艳 王晓明 石磊 吕乃基 吴锦宇 刘全慧 赵凤光 张玮 周炳红 luxiaobing12 yunmu crossludo

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