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JMC Feature Article:石墨烯化学 (综述)
热度 3 2010-1-6 22:58
石墨烯(graphene)从实验上发现到现在才五六年光景,而现在全世界关于石墨烯的研究进行得如火如荼,2009年初用web of science检索时才2000多篇论文,现在已经到了5000多。 近一年以来,各经典权威杂志陆续推出几篇关于graphene的review,如Chem. Rev., Science, ...
个人分类: Graphene Research|16494 次阅读|17 个评论 热度 3
最近一篇合作的工作被选中NPG Asia Materials research highlight
2009-12-21 18:52
REF: H. Zhang, Q. L. Bao , D. Y. Tang*, L. M. Zhao, and K. P. Loh. Large energy soliton erbium-doped fiber laser with a graphene-polymer composite mode locker . Applied Physics Letters , 2009, 95, 141103. ( Selected for the November 2009 issue of Virtual ...
个人分类: Graphene Research|7942 次阅读|没有评论
2009-11-5 23:00
Room-Temperature Synthesis of Soluble Carbon Nanotubes by the Sonication of Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Abstract: The transformation of two-dimensional graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets into carbon nanotubes was achieved by sonicating GO in 70% nitric acid. Through the use of mass spectrometry to t ...
个人分类: Graphene Research|14991 次阅读|15 个评论
2009-10-12 15:42
Research Fellow (Postdoctoral Fellow) Postdoctoral fellow positions for researches in novel carbon nanotube based devices and electrochemical sensor for explosives detection are available in Center for Advanced Bionanosystems, School of Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering, Nany ...
个人分类: 未分类|6924 次阅读|没有评论
2009-9-14 10:48
图1. Schematic illustration of the creation of microfeatures on GO nanosheets with an optical microscope-focused laser beam. 图2.Optical microscope images ofthe square patterns created by laser-cutting of the 6-layer ?lm. The bright region corresponds to cut area, and dark ...
个人分类: Graphene Research|10598 次阅读|没有评论
2009-9-6 22:05
Title: Atomic layer graphene as saturable absorber for ultrafast pulsed lasers The optical conductance of monolayer graphene is defined solely by the fine structure constant, = e 2 /hc (where e is the electron charge, h is Diracs constant and ...
个人分类: Graphene Research|10752 次阅读|没有评论
最新的pubication list(不断更新)
热度 4 2009-9-5 20:58
2012 Qiaoliang Bao , Kian Ping Loh. Graphene Photonics, Plasmonics , and Broadband Optoelectronic Devices . ACS Nano , Invited Review, 2012, DOI: 10.1021/nn300989g. Maryam Jahan, Qiaoliang Bao , Kian Ping Loh* . Ele ...
个人分类: Graphene Research|23451 次阅读|9 个评论 热度 4

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