
Patience is what one needs to do REsearch
虞左俊 2012-7-25 05:58
Once I found a better solution, called control experiment (CTL), after days of tuning (model parameters), the next step is very boring--to repeat all the exps used in the ppt and the manuscript. For the ppt, I have to repeat at least 16 exps. OMG!
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虞左俊 2012-7-21 17:14
means you keep on finding new things. It took us more than one year to refine the best numerical solution for our first paper, which was finally submitted last month. As I started to write the second paper, I needed to adjust the "best solution." That's when I discovered an even better solution th ...
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For ocean/ice modelers: CORE.v2 forcings are available
热度 1 虞左俊 2012-6-27 01:11
at http://data1.gfdl.noaa.gov/nomads/forms/mom4/COREv2/CIAF_v2.html
个人分类: My Research Interests|2636 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 1
Decadal variability or 50-year trend?
热度 1 虞左俊 2012-6-25 11:38
That is the question I need an answer for. A few days ago, I was convinced by a Nature paper that the tropical Indian Ocean has undergone changes that are consistent with what scientists expected from a warming climate. Today, I found two papers that emphasize decadal variability, at least ...
个人分类: My Research Interests|2863 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
Self-imposed deadline, three weeks
虞左俊 2012-6-23 15:52
My proposal partner said he wrote his first NSF proposal in two weeks, and got funded. Well, I was going to spend 4-5 weeks on this one, but we actually only have three weeks due to travels in summer. Let's hope that he is as lucky the second time as he was the first time.
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