
TGIF. Thank God it's not a big bug...
热度 1 虞左俊 2012-2-4 09:09
We are in the final stage of writing our never-ending paper. Then, I "discovered" a bug in the code (numerical model for ecosystem). I was soooo upset. Eliminated all the snacks I could find in my office, including part of my lunch. Painfully corrected a subroutine; checked, checked, and checked a ...
个人分类: My Research Interests|2385 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 1
Some advice for numerical modelers
热度 1 虞左俊 2011-12-4 21:40
I am an ocean modeler by training. I know what my model can and cannot do. I try my best to validate my model output using observations, so should you.
个人分类: My Research Interests|2533 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
A super short abstract on ASOMZ
虞左俊 2011-9-25 06:44
What kind of committee would make such a demand for super short abstracts? I had an abstract of 800 words. (Yes, I know it is too long.) So, I just spent 30 mins to shorten it to less than 160 words. Here it is.&nb ...
个人分类: My Research Interests|2435 次阅读|没有评论
My seminar at the Second Ins. of Oceano. went well
热度 1 虞左俊 2011-7-25 13:43
I was quite worried about how many people may come to my talk, which started at 9:30 am on Monday. By the time I counted five, my heart returned to its "normal position": good enough for me. To my surprise, many people came, more than I ever had when I ga ...
个人分类: My Research Interests|2300 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1

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