
邱敦莲 2009-10-26 19:48
I found this from one web, hope it could have some use for some friends ! 2008年SCI收录期刊3754种点击查看:(按字顺排)http://mjl.clarivate.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jlresults.cgi?PC=K点击查看:(按分类排) http://www.isinet.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jlsub ...
个人分类: 收录引用|10379 次阅读|2 个评论
how do I do translation
邱敦莲 2009-9-25 14:42
Reading one article about the improper translation, I learnt much. Then I wrote out the method thatI did translation. I usually take the following several steps to do translation: One, read the book or articles quickly and grasp the main idea; Two, read the to-be-translated paragrap ...
个人分类: 翻译实践|3785 次阅读|1 个评论
怎样写英文投稿信?How to write cover letters
邱敦莲 2009-9-24 18:59
A cover letter is the one you write to the editorial board of the journals when you submit your manuscript. One cover letter generally should include the following parts: (1)The correspondence information of the correspondent; (2)The title of the manuscript, the numbers of ...
个人分类: 科技写作|12037 次阅读|2 个评论

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