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Plant Physiology:乙烯受体信号通过非经典通路调控ABA响应
2017-11-22 08:18
Ethylene receptors signal via a non-canonical pathway to regulate abscisic acid responses First author: Arkadipta Bakshi ; Affiliations: University of Tennessee ( 田纳西大学 ) , Tennessee, USA Corresponding author: Brad Binder Ethylene is a gaseous (气态 ...
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the plant journal:拟南芥ELF3基因介导盐胁迫抗性
2017-11-21 08:57
Arabidopsis EARLY FLOWERING3 increases salt tolerance by suppressing salt stress response pathways First author: Yasuhito Sakuraba ; Affiliations: Seoul National University ( 国立首尔大学 ) , Seoul, Korea Corresponding author: Nam-Chon Paek Arabidops ...
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Plant Biotechnol J:杨树PtrHB4基因参与束间形成层的发育
2017-11-20 08:29
A HD-ZIP III gene, PtrHB4, is required for interfascicular cambium development in Populus First author: Yingying Zhu ; Affiliations: Chinese Academy of Sciences ( 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院 ) , Shanghai , China Corresponding author: Laigeng Li ...
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J EXP BOT:拟南芥开花时间的转录调控
2017-11-19 15:06
Arabidopsis inositol polyphosphate multikinase delays flowering time through mediating transcriptional activation of FLOWERING LOCUS C First author: Sihong Sang ; Affiliations: Wuhan University ( 武汉大学 ) , Wuhan , China Corresponding author: Sihong ...
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Nature Biotechnology:转录组组装新方法Scallop
热度 1 2017-11-18 08:23
Accurate assembly of transcripts through phase-preserving graph decomposition First author: Mingfu Shao ; Affiliations: Carnegie Mellon University ( 卡内基梅隆大学 ) , Pennsylvania , USA Corresponding author: Carl Kingsford We introduce Scallop, an ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|6238 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
2017-11-17 08:32
Genome sequence of the progenitor of the wheat D genome Aegilops tauschii First author: Ming-Cheng Luo ; Affiliations: University of California, Davis ( 加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校 ) , CA, USA Corresponding author: Jan Dvořák Aegilops tausc ...
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the plant journal:MKK4/MKK5-MPK6级联调控拟南芥的胚胎发生
2017-11-16 08:00
Maternal control of embryogenesis by MPK6 and its upstream MKK4/MKK5 in Arabidopsis First author: Mengmeng Zhang ; Affiliations: Zhejiang University ( 浙江大学 ): Hangzhou , China Corresponding author: Shuqun Zhang In flowering plants, developing embry ...
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New Phytologist:杨树基因滲入提高适应性性状的群体遗传变异
2017-11-15 08:12
Introgression from Populus balsamifera underlies adaptively significant variation and range boundaries in P. trichocarpa First author: Adriana Suarez-Gonzalez ; Affiliations: University of British Columbia ( 不列颠哥伦比亚大学 ): Vancouver, Canada Correspond ...
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Nature Plants:拟南芥早期胚胎动态转录组研究
2017-11-14 08:07
Transcriptome dynamics revealed by a gene expression atlas of the early Arabidopsis embryo First author: Joakim Palovaara ; Affiliations: Wageningen University ( 瓦格宁根大学 ): Wageningen, The Netherlands Corresponding author: Dolf Weijers During ear ...
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J EXP BOT:WTG1调控叶绿体发育和叶绿体中的RNA编辑
2017-11-13 09:00
A novel tetratricopeptide repeat protein, WHITE TO GREEN1, is required for early chloroplast development and affects RNA editing in chloroplasts First author: Fei Ma ; Affiliations: Peking University ( 北京大学 ): Beijing, China Corresponding author: Sodmerge ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|3814 次阅读|没有评论

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