
戴光荣 2010-4-4 16:32
近段时间有学生在问: 毕业论文的摘要与引言,有何差异?怎么感觉差不多?是不是简单复制一遍即可? 对于初学者而言,这个问题确实非常普遍,也非常棘手,但是必须弄清楚,否则,一篇论文的价值就没办法体现出来。 我们先来看论文摘要。 摘要是全文的精华,是对一项研究工作或技术实践的总结,对研究目的、方 ...
个人分类: 论文撰写技巧 skills for graduate thesis|23160 次阅读|3 个评论
what's the difference between "abstract" and "introduction"
戴光荣 2010-4-4 16:16
what's the difference between abstract and introduction? This afternoon, one of my students asked me a question about the graduate theses: what's the difference between abstract and introduction? It's a common and complex question for the beginners, esp. for t ...
个人分类: 论文撰写技巧 skills for graduate thesis|6396 次阅读|没有评论

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