

精细结构常数在外太空测量实验的必要Fine Structure Constant in outer space test
2024-2-26 16:35
精细结构常数的索末菲定义是: α = 基态氢原子中电子远动速度v/真空光速c 依据量子力学原理计算出基态氢原子的电子速度后代入得到大家所熟知的表达式: α = 1/2*e^2/hcε。 在新近研究的B. Feng新物理学理论里,电荷e可用hcε。来表达,将其代入后刚好可约掉进而得到: α = 64*2π/3/k1 这表明精细结构常数最终 ...
455 次阅读|没有评论
2024-2-19 11:50
在B. Feng新物理理论体系里,精细结构常数是个五维空间的几何常数,鉴于爱因斯坦广义相对论时空弯曲的性质,五维空间的几何也从平直的欧式转变成了黎曼性质。 在无弯曲的平直欧式空间,原本精细结构常数的理论值(理想状态): α = 1/134.0412866 而在弯曲的实际黎曼空间,精细结构常数在理想状态的理论值就成了: α ...
451 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 2024-1-29 19:17
杨振宁、李政道先生1956年提出的 宇称不守恒 原理具有更深远物理的意义,都快七十年了都没引起科学界的足够重视。该原理绝对不会是一块简单的物理补丁,而是开启宇宙新物理的一把金钥匙,它的提出不仅是为了解释在弱相互作用中微观的不对称的被吴健雄进一步实验证实的放射性元素的衰变现象,而是隐喻着其将揭示宇宙更深层 ...
679 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
2023-9-10 06:43 ...
1476 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 2023-8-10 10:37
1795 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
Fine-structure constant
热度 1 2023-6-27 09:57
The fine-structure constant is indeed the most mysterious constant in nature. Its value depends solely on the properties of five-dimensional space as shown. The spatial geometrical properties it reveals have become a crucial step towards achieving the Grand Unification Theory ( GUT ) of ...
14528 次阅读|38 个评论 热度 1
Grand unified theory in Wikipedia - Positively expression
2023-6-19 11:30
The current Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) is described positively in Wikipedia as the unified theory of the other three natural forces, in addition to gravity, into a single force according to particle physics. However, it is important to note that this unification is dependent on a ...
1127 次阅读|没有评论
Grand unified theory of the universe with formulas-2\'
2023-6-3 17:41
Results with formulas-2'
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Grand unified theory-A rapid review of new theory
2023-5-31 16:50
The new book Grand Unified Theory of the Universe is written by Zhen-hua Mei and was published in Germany at the end of April 2021. The author and colleague Biao Feng made major contributions to the creation of this theory. Considering Biao Feng's important preliminary work on ...
1098 次阅读|没有评论
Strong interaction is no longer a short-range force
2023-5-27 11:23
In 1935, Hideshi Yukawa proposed the feature of short-range force in strong interaction based on his quantum theory of nuclear physics. This was due to his mathematical formula expression, Φ = g 2 /r (exp( -mcr/ ћ )) which showed that after the distance r exceeds the nucl ...
1038 次阅读|没有评论

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