
王芳 2009-9-18 00:45
从教师节到现在,邮箱里不断收到学生的邮件。新一届的研究生又入学了,每年我给新研究生上的第一堂课都是关于在研究生期间如何学习、应树立什么样的学术理念与学术理想的内容,其中会再三、特别地强调学术道德的问题。今年虽然身在海外,不能在课堂上讲这些内容,但仍然要特别强调这个内容。 恰好在美 ...
个人分类: 研究方法|9423 次阅读|1 个评论
Reading Notes(3) Important Phrases in writing
王芳 2009-4-8 11:58
It is an admirable faculty to write elegantly. However, when we write in foreign languages, it is not difficult to make us understandable but is not easy to write in an elegant style. When I write in English, I often suffer from my limited vocabulary, especially pharases, which often makethe ...
个人分类: 电子政务|3770 次阅读|没有评论
As a reviewer of AMCIS
王芳 2009-4-7 19:54
It is an interesting experience to be invitedasa reviewer for papers in English. Although this is not the first time for me to finish such a task, there is something worthy of recording. AMCIS is an annual conference in MIS with great scale and require that all the papers be reviewed do ...
个人分类: 电子政务|4344 次阅读|没有评论
Reading notes(2): The Correlation Model: a Comment
王芳 2009-2-17 17:14
When we introduced the Pearson correlation coefficient, r, in the beginning of this chapter, we pointed out that we were doing this in order to show its relations to some of the elements of the regression model. In the course of the presentation, we discussed r in connection with standardized and u ...
个人分类: 研究方法|4789 次阅读|1 个评论
Reading Notes(1): Construct, Indicators and Variables
王芳 2009-2-10 08:20
Construct, which are synonymous with concepts, are theoretical constructions, abstractions, aimed at organizing and making sense of our environment. In other words, construct is not a visual image, nor is it external to the mind; it is analogous to a piece in a game which thought plays( Caws, ...
个人分类: 研究方法|4463 次阅读|没有评论
王芳 2008-4-29 07:51
有需求才有供给。为什么抄袭屡禁不止,大有市场,我想一定有它存在的原因: 一种情况是:除了抄没有更能得到承认的办法来证明自己的思想。这主要指有独立思想却尚未获得 ...
个人分类: 研究方法|8783 次阅读|10 个评论
热度 1 王芳 2008-4-9 19:35
权贵资本主义是一个很多人熟悉的名词。想到学术界的一些现象,忽然想到一个堪与之相媲美的词:学术权贵化。 学术水平的高低不是靠科学研究的固有标准,而是靠高官或学界权威的肯定来认可,将学术与权力(包括行政权力与学术界的权力)相结合的游戏规则,充分反映了中国知识分子千百年来学而优 ...
个人分类: 教育教学|5278 次阅读|10 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 王芳 2008-2-15 20:41
读《经济学大师的人生哲学》(一) 王芳 真是遗憾,这本书在我的书柜里已经静静地躺了四年多的时间。今天偶然拿出来读时,居然有惊为天书的感觉。已经想不起来第一次读它时的感悟与激动了,只是模糊地记得当初从风入松买它时的一种期待心情——期待它能带给我除理论之外的、更贴近心灵的感受,但是这种感受现在 ...
个人分类: 信息经济|5967 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
王芳 2008-2-9 19:56
时间过得真快,回头一看,自己的硕士研究生阶段已经过去很多年了。那些对理论的狂热、对大师的崇拜、对辩论的热衷、对论文写作的不知疲倦、对课堂提问的无休无止、对讲座的激情、对未知领域的无知无畏...真是不可尽述啊!至今依然历历在目。 现在,每年夏天,我都要送走一批新获得硕士学位的研究生。每年秋天 ...
个人分类: 教育教学|5556 次阅读|3 个评论

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