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ELSEVIER 对期刊,科研活动,科研人员的部分调查结果

已有 4167 次阅读 2012-4-6 05:09 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:论文交流|关键词:学者| 论文, 期刊, 科研人员, 调查, Elsevier

因为年前《Signal Processing》接受了一篇文章,是在ELSEVIER出版。今天收到一封ELSEVIER邮件,关于作者对期刊等的调查问卷。有意思的是,完成在线调查之后给分享了已有的三项调查结果--1)作者对于期刊最看重的因素,2)未来科研支持和活动,以及 3)科研人员平个都主要干啥,有点参考价值。转分享如下: 


Those are all the questions we have. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

At the start of the survey we asked you to what extent you agreed with some statements. We thought you might be interested to compare your responses against the aggregate responses so far.

Q1. Many considerations are important when submitting articles to journals. Please rate the following in terms of their importance to you.

Q10. Looking at the next 5 years, do you think that research funding and activity in your area of research will:

Q18. Which of the following take up too much of your time? (top 3 mentions)

(占用时间最多的活动 备选项)
Which of the following take up TOO MUCH of your TIME? Please select up to three items.

 Attending conferences Finding experts and collaborators in my subject area
 Submitting manuscripts to journals Preparing article manuscripts
 Keeping up-to-date with other researchers' work Job-related traveling (fieldwork, conferences, meeting colleagues etc.)
 Identifying funding opportunities Searching the literature to determine if similar research to your own has already been published
 Dealing with office administration (finance, purchasing, personnel issues etc.) Running experiments
 Seeking commercial partners / sponsorships Documenting experiments and procedures
 Analyzing the results of experiments Reading reviews / research articles
 Searching online scientific literature Keeping up-to-date with new trends
 Finding relevant published articles Communicating with colleagues
 Peer reviewing manuscripts Setting up experiments / testing equipment
 Giving lectures / Teaching / Tutoring Preparing presentations / posters for conferences
 Finding literature of experts addressing similar issues Preparing proposals for funding
 Responding to reviewer / editor comments Other (please specify) 
 Preparing material for use in lectures / teaching



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