
田卉 2013-9-23 22:09
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Sep 16. A set of genes critical to development is epigenetically poised in mouse germ cells from fetal stages through completion of meiosis. abstract: In multicellular organisms, germ cells carry the hereditary material from one generation to the ne ...
个人分类: epigenetics|3738 次阅读|没有评论
田卉 2013-9-23 21:44
给某校招聘的老板发信找postdoc position,他研究方向和我比较match比较有意思(就不告诉你我是因为他长得帅才想申的⊙﹏⊙),可惜已经没有职位了,但那位老板人还是挺nice的不到一个小时就回了信: Hi, I recently filled a post-doctoral position and have no positions open currently. You ...
个人分类: 博后进行时|3334 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 田卉 2013-9-17 20:45
Cell minireview: Long Noncoding RNAs Usher In a New Era in the Biology of Enhancers summary: Enhancer-associated long noncoding RNAs act over long distances and across chromosomes to activate transcription at distal promoters. Here, we address the latest advances made toward understand ...
个人分类: ncRNA|5885 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2
田卉 2013-9-2 10:46
22 August, 2013 Volume 51, Issue 4 On the cover: A man is shown reflecting on how ribosomes are made. Ribosome biogenesis is an extremely complex process involving 200 trans -acting assembly factors in budding yeast. Knowledge on ribosome assembly factors was seriously lagging in humans ...
2795 次阅读|没有评论
田卉 2013-8-16 19:52
RNA结构好火啊,这一期cell好几篇相关的文章。 On the cover: A virus must achieve a number of functions in its life cycle, often using a compact genome with a limited number of encoded proteins. As a result, many viral proteins are multifunctional. In this issue, Bornholdt, et al. (pp. 7 ...
3555 次阅读|没有评论
田卉 2013-8-16 09:31
The germ-cell lineage ensures the continuity of life through the generation of male and female gametes, which unite to form a totipotent zygote.Wehave previously demonstrated that, by using cytokines, embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells can be induced into epiblast-like cells ( ...
个人分类: Spermatogenesis|4221 次阅读|没有评论

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