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我们需要好好谈谈食物 (NPR on Jan 13, 2020)
zuojun 2020-1-15 05:50
Food, We Need To Talk ( Jan 13, 2020 ) https://www.npr.org/podcasts/785605906/food-we-need-to-talk 食物,我们需要好好谈谈食物 JANUARY 13, 2020 How Can I Become A Fat-Burning Machine? 我如何才能成为 “ 燃脂机 ” ? Asked for just one recommendation for lifelong health, our experts all had the same answer: exercise. And there's one type of exercise that may bring the best benefit in the least amount of time. Experts include: Wayne Westcott, Sal Di Stefano, and Jackie Shahar. (Bonus: For more on exercise, listen to The Magic Pill: https://www.wbur.org/magicpill) 如果你想知道哪一种方式能使你终身健康,我们的专家们的答案是一致的:锻炼。有一种锻炼可以在最短的时间内带来最大的收益。 (翻译者的附注:增加肌肉比例。显然,瑜伽是其中之一。) Past recordings: First Listen 引言 DECEMBER 6, 2019 One woman's quest to end her war with food. Hosts Juna Gjata and Dr. Eddie Phillips wield solid science, medical knowledge, common sense and an endless supply of dad jokes to teach us how to eat better and feel better about it. Hint: It's not dieting. They discuss exercise, body image, food addiction, genetics, weight loss and more. 一位女性寻求结束她与食物的无休止“战争”。 主持人莜纳·贾塔(JunaGjata)女士和埃迪·菲利普斯(EddiePhillips)博士运用扎实的科学知识、医学知识、常识和无休止的“老爸笑话(短、善意)”来教我们如何吃得更好、感觉更好。 提示:不是节食。他们讨论运动、身体形象、食物瘾、遗传学、减肥等。 DECEMBER 23, 2019 Doomed If You Diet, Doomed If You Don't 如果你节食 必定失败,如果你不节食(依然)必定失败 Episode one! 第一集 24-year-old co-host Juna Gjata says restrictive eating has made her miserable her entire adult life, but she's sure if she stops she'll literally gain 20 pounds on gingerbread lattes peppermint mochas. Enter Dr. Eddie Phillips, founder of the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine and a seasoned doctor, who aims to help Juna get to a happier, healthier place with food. 24岁的联合主持人莜娜·贾塔女士(JunaGjata)说,节食令她一生痛苦,但她确定如果停止节食,她“会因为喝姜饼拿铁、薄荷摩卡咖啡增加20磅”。请听听生活方式医学研究所的创始人,经验丰富的医生埃迪·菲利普斯(EddiePhillips)博士。他的目标是帮助莜纳从食物中获得更多的幸福感和更好的健康。 DECEMBER 23, 2019 Good Food, Bad Food 好食物,坏食物 What if there's no forbidden fruit? What if you think about eating to take care of yourself? In episode two, Juna describes the judgments she and others impose on themselves and their food choices. 假如没有“禁果”?假如您考虑通过饮食来善待自己呢?在第二集中,莜纳描述了她和其他人强加于自己的判断,和强加于食物选择的判断。 DECEMBER 30, 2019 This Is Your Brain On Cheesecake 这等于是用芝士蛋糕支撑你的大脑 Among the scary insights that brain science can offer into junk foods: eating them tends to shift food preferences long-term — at least, in mice. Co-hosts Dr. Eddie Phillips and Juna Gjata discuss what happens in your brain when you eat the most craveable foods. 脑科学可以提供的关于垃圾食品的可怕“内幕”包括:食用垃圾食品往往会长期改变一个人对食物的偏好—至少对实验用的白鼠是这样。共同主持人埃迪·菲利普斯(EddiePhillips)博士和莜纳·贾塔(JunaGjata)讨论了当您食用最渴望的食物时,大脑中会发生什么。 JANUARY 6, 2020 What The Heck Should We Eat? 我们究竟应该吃什么呢? Possibly the best thing you can do to help yourself eat better is not about choosing a particular type of food at all. It's about the quality of what you eat. The hosts distill the state of nutrition science down to a few helpful basics. Experts include: Dr. Walter Willett, Michael Pollan and Dr. Rani Polak. 可能,您可以做的最好的事情就是根本不选择某种食物。如何帮助自己更好地饮食,与您所吃食物的质量有关。主持人将营养科学精简为一些有用的基础知识。 LISTEN ·19:20
个人分类: I Love NPR|2039 次阅读|0 个评论
zuojun 2020-1-8 12:00
Food, We Need To Talk https://www.npr.org/podcasts/785605906/food-we-need-to-talk 食物,我们需要好好谈谈食物 First Listen 引言 DECEMBER 6, 2019 One woman's quest to end her war with food. Hosts Juna Gjata and Dr. Eddie Phillips wield solid science, medical knowledge, common sense and an endless supply of dad jokes to teach us how to eat better and feel better about it. Hint: It's not dieting. They discuss exercise, body image, food addiction, genetics, weight loss and more. 一位女性寻求结束她与食物的无休止“战争”。 主持人莜纳·贾塔(Juna Gjata)女士和埃迪·菲利普斯(Eddie Phillips)博士运用扎实的科学知识、医学知识、常识和无休止的“老爸笑话(短、善意)”来教我们如何吃得更好、感觉更好。 提示:不是节食。他们讨论运动、身体形象、食物瘾、遗传学、减肥 等。 DECEMBER 23, 2019 Doomed If You Diet, Doomed If You Don't 如果你节食 必定失败,如果你不节食(依然)必定失败 Episode one! 第一集 24-year-old co-host Juna Gjata says restrictive eating has made her miserable her entire adult life, but she's sure if she stops she'll literally gain 20 pounds on gingerbread lattes peppermint mochas. Enter Dr. Eddie Phillips, founder of the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine and a seasoned doctor, who aims to help Juna get to a happier, healthier place with food. 24岁的联合主持人莜娜·贾塔女士(Juna Gjata)说,节食令她一生痛苦,但她确定 如果停止节食,她“会因为喝姜饼拿铁、薄荷摩卡咖啡增加20磅”。请听听 生活方式医学研究所的创始人,经验丰富的医生埃迪·菲利普斯(Eddie Phillips)博士。他的目标是帮助莜纳从食物中获得更多的幸福感和更好的健康。 DECEMBER 23, 2019 Good Food, Bad Food 好食物,坏食物 What if there's no forbidden fruit? What if you think about eating to take care of yourself? In episode two, Juna describes the judgments she and others impose on themselves and their food choices. 假如没有“禁果”?假如您考虑通过饮食来善待自己呢?在第二集中,莜纳描述了她和其他人强加于自己的判断,和强加于食物选择的判断。 DECEMBER 30, 2019 This Is Your Brain On Cheesecake 这等于是用芝士蛋糕支撑你的大脑 Among the scary insights that brain science can offer into junk foods: eating them tends to shift food preferences long-term — at least, in mice. Co-hosts Dr. Eddie Phillips and Juna Gjata discuss what happens in your brain when you eat the most craveable foods. 脑科学可以提供的 关于垃圾食品的可怕“内幕”包括:食用垃圾食品往往会长期改变一个人对食物的偏好—至少对实验用的白鼠是这样。共同主持人埃迪·菲利普斯(Eddie Phillips)博士和莜纳·贾塔(Juna Gjata)讨论了当您食用最渴望的食物时,大脑中会发生什么。 JANUARY 6, 2020 What The Heck Should We Eat? 我们究竟应该吃什么呢? Possibly the best thing you can do to help yourself eat better is not about choosing a particular type of food at all. It's about the quality of what you eat. The hosts distill the state of nutrition science down to a few helpful basics. Experts include: Dr. Walter Willett, Michael Pollan and Dr. Rani Polak. 可能,您可以做的最好的事情就是根本不选择某种食物。如何帮助自己更好地饮食,与您所吃食物的质量有关。主持人将营养科学精简为一些有用的基础知识。
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|2340 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Could one word unite the world?
zuojun 2015-9-20 11:35
Huh? Hmm. http://www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2013/11/11/244573567/could-one-word-unite-the-world
个人分类: From the U.S.|980 次阅读|0 个评论
zuojun 2015-7-4 02:25
今天的NPR (美国广播电台)介绍“ 珊瑚礁魚毒素 ”对人的影响。爱吃(热带大的)鱼的童鞋们小心点哦。 From NPR: http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/07/03/418899997/when-the-fish-you-eat-have-eaten-something-toxic From wikipedia: 梭魚 (學名 Sphyraenus ),又譯 金梭魚 或 梭子魚 ,俗稱 海狼 ( Barracuda )或 麻雀錦 ,是一種 金梭魚科 魣屬 的 條鰭魚 ,個性兇狠且具侵襲性,愛聯群出動,因其較大的體積(可長達1.8米)和兇猛的外形而廣為人知。 梭魚身體屬長圓柱形,嘴巴尖,下巴闊大,頭如梭,長有突出的犬牙狀牙齒。兩邊背鰭分開,一邊有五條刺針,另一邊則有一條刺針和九條放射狀線條,全身橫線明顯。 梭魚主要是用來作觀賞用途,但亦可作食用,產於沿海或海水淡水交界處,肉質鮮美,不過卻含有 珊瑚礁魚毒素 。
个人分类: I Love NPR|3820 次阅读|0 个评论
zuojun 2015-5-12 02:38
我比较懒,尤其懒得写中文,因为中文打字我刚刚开始入门。 但是,我毕竟在科学网混了好几年,也知道“抓眼球”很重要。如果我用“头疼医头“,你不见得会点进来。 今天早上看了这篇关于头疼的报道,我觉得有可取之处。转一下: http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2015/05/11/404693609/for-headache-pain-a-lifestyle-change-may-be-better-than-a-doctor-visit 如果有10个网友要求翻译,我会考虑。因为我曾经每个星期会头疼。
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|2798 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Does The Subjunctive Have A Dark Side?
zuojun 2013-12-16 07:24
Does The Subjunctive Have A Dark Side? by NPR/TED STAFF December 13, 2013 9:27 AM http://www.npr.org/2013/12/13/248195238/does-the-subjunctive-have-a-dark-side ps. If you can't listen to it, read the transcript at: http://www.npr.org/templates/transcript/transcript.php?storyId=248195238
个人分类: I Love NPR|1845 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 huiee 2013-11-13 23:01
居然位居第二!仅次于NPR里面的经典栏目:新化合物热点推荐(Hot off the press)! Q3 Top ten most accessed Natural Product Reports articles 01 Nov 2013 By Judy Allen, Publishing Assistant . These are the Top ten most accessed articles between the months for July to September 2013 Hot off the Press Robert A. Hill and Andrew Sutherland Nat. Prod. Rep ., 2013,30, 1074-1078 DOI : 10.1039/c3np90022c Recent advances in the heterologous expression of microbial natural product biosynthetic pathways Sarah E. Ongley, Xiaoying Bian, Brett A. Neilan and Rolf Müller Nat. Prod. Rep . , 2013,30, 1121-1138 DOI : 10.1039/c3np70034h Marine natural products John W. Blunt, Brent R. Copp, Robert A. Keyzers, Murray H. G. Munro and Michèle R. Prinsep Nat. Prod. Rep ., 2013,30, 237-323 DOI : 10.1039/c2np20112g Natural product isolation – how to get from biological material to pure compounds Franz Bucar, Abraham Wube and Martin Schmid Nat. Prod. Rep ., 2013,30, 525-545 DOI : 10.1039/c3np20106f Yeast-based genome mining, production and mechanistic studies of the biosynthesis of fungal polyketide and peptide natural products Yuta Tsunematsu, Kan’ichiro Ishiuchi, Kinya Hotta and Kenji Watanabe Nat. Prod. Rep ., 2013,30, 1139-1149 DOI : 10.1039/c3np70037b Bioactive natural products derived from the Central African flora against neglected tropical diseases and HIV Denis Zofou, Fidele Ntie-Kang, Wolfgang Sippl and Simon M. N. Efange Nat. Prod. Rep ., 2013,30, 1098-1120 DOI : 10.1039/c3np70030e Walking in the woods with quantum chemistry – applications of quantum chemical calculations in natural products research Dean J. Tantillo Nat. Prod. Rep ., 2013,30, 1079-1086 DOI : 10.1039/c3np70028c Ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptide natural products: overview and recommendations for a universal nomenclature Paul G. Arnison et al . Nat. Prod. Rep ., 2013,30, 108-160 DOI : 10.1039/c2np20085f The enzymes of ß-lactam biosynthesis Refaat B. Hamed, J. Ruben Gomez-Castellanos, Luc Henry, Christian Ducho, Michael A. McDonough and Christopher J. Schofield Nat. Prod. Rep ., 2013,30, 21-107 DOI : 10.1039/c2np20065a Natural sesquiterpenoids Braulio M. Fraga Nat. Prod. Rep ., 2013,30, 1226-1264 DOI : 10.1039/c3np70047j 本文网址 http://blogs.rsc.org/np/2013/11/01/q3-top-ten-most-accessed-natural-product-reports-articles/ 来自英国皇家化学会主页的博客,留下以便存档
个人分类: 谈探学术|2236 次阅读|2 个评论
zuojun 2013-5-30 10:45
China's Air Pollution: Is The Government Willing ToAct? http://www.npr.org/blogs/parallels/2013/05/24/186246634/chinas-air-pollution-is-the-government-willing-to-act
个人分类: I Love NPR|1725 次阅读|1 个评论
It's all US government's fault...
热度 2 zuojun 2013-1-16 05:20
I was definitely depressed yesterday, due to the hard work (of editing a bad paper), the bad weather in Honolulu, and the terrible air quality in Beijing where so many of my friends work and live. My father used to ask me if I heard anything about the "big things" that were happening in China, I tried to tell him patiently that the US media works for the US people, not for the Chinese government. Well, I was wrong, sort of. The NPR never let go of the news about PM2.5 being 25 times of the "limit" for human tolerance all day yesterday, and continued today. I wonder how much the US government is responsible for the pollution in China. I bet a lot. You have to blame someone when things go bad. Since we are not allowed to blame the Chinese government, because there were no sunspots since we can't see them with our one eyes (without using instruments), let's blame the US govern me nt . So, why is the US govern ment at fault? First, if the US govern ment never allowed private car own ership, then the Chinese gov ernment would never have dreamed up such a thing . The same can be said about the GDP , fashi on, housing, etc. The list goes on and on. Oh, let's not forget about the damn SCI Index!
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2808 次阅读|3 个评论
[转载] New Dimensions Radio & Media
zuojun 2012-11-12 06:08
Changing the World, One Broadcast at a Time http://www.newdimensions.org/
个人分类: I Love NPR|1469 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] My guilty pleasure: The Splendid Table
zuojun 2012-11-11 04:24
http://splendidtable.publicradio.org/ ps. Why guilty? Well, I know there are still many people in the world who lack the very basic food .
个人分类: I Love NPR|1529 次阅读|0 个评论
Is Writing Online Without Pay Worth It?
热度 1 zuojun 2011-2-19 16:31
The answer is YES, YES, YES, for all of us who blog at SciNet.cn. For one thing, how else can I learn so much about the true China while sitting inside a small “box” on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? Link to NPR's report is here: http://www.npr.org/2011/02/15/133759724/is-writing-online-without-pay-worth-it
个人分类: I Love NPR|2214 次阅读|1 个评论

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