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热度 4 蒋高明 2012-6-19 11:54
蒋高明 因竞争十分激烈,从来自52个国家100多个参赛项目或个人中选择15个进入决赛,再从15个中选择3项(个人)最终获奖,共享10万元美元奖金,笔者个人最后没有赢得联合国土地生命奖决赛。但个人和我所带的团队(材料是以团队上报的,但分组时进入了个人角逐),还是为祖国争了光,我们提出的荒漠化治理新理念获得了国际认可。从这层意义上看,我们虽败犹荣,呵呵。 下面15项中红颜色的为最终获奖者,基本给了非洲的NGO。 以下是进入半决赛时中外媒体有关报道信息: 新华社消息: 中国参赛项目和个人晋级联合国“土地生命奖”半决赛 http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2012-05/25/c_112033962.htm 中国日报国际频道报道 http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hqgj/jryw/2012-05-25/content_6009459.html 2012年05月25日 10:59:59 来源: 新华网 0【字号:大 中 小】【打印】【纠错】 新华网柏林5月24日电(记者 郭洋)《联合国防治荒漠化公约》秘书处24日发表声明,公布2012年“土地生命奖”半决赛入围项目名单,来自中国的4个参赛项目和 个人榜上有名。 在来自52个国家和地区的100多个参赛项目和个人中,15个项目和个人凭借其在保护土地领域的创新脱颖而出,进入“土地生命奖”半决赛 。 其中,中国内蒙古自治区赤峰市政府以其防沙治沙的显著成果顺利晋级。通过科学规划和大力投入,赤峰已修复100万公顷退化土地的四分之三,平均每年每公顷防护林可 防止土壤流失量10万吨。 其他进入半决赛的中国参赛项目和个人还包括位于中朝边境的绿色防护林项目、全国防沙治沙标兵铁顺良以及 中国科学院植物研究所研究员蒋高明 。 作为联合国可持续发展大会的一部分,“土地生命奖”评奖结果将在今年的世界防治荒漠化和干旱日,即6月17日,在巴西里约热内卢揭晓。 2011年10月,《联合国防治荒漠化公约》缔约方在第十次缔约方大会上决定设立“土地生命奖”奖项,以表彰个人、组织、政府、企业、媒体等在可持续土地治理方面 作出的贡献。2012年“土地生命奖”为该奖项的首次评选。 德国媒体报道 PRESS RELEASE Semi-Finalists Announced for first Land for Life Award 24/05/2012 Bonn, Germany - From turning human waste into organic fertilizer to scientific breakthroughs reversing desertification, the 15semi-finalists of the Land for Life award find innovative and inspiring ways to restore degraded land . Launched by the UNCCD for the first time in 2011, the Land for Life Awardwill recognize efforts that promote the natural health and productivity ofthe earth’s soils. Three winners will share a prize fund of up to 100,000 USD. They will beannounced on 17 June, the World Day to Combat Desertification in Rio deJaneiro as part of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, known as Rio+ 20. More than one hundred applications were received from 52 countries. The competition was open to individuals, NGOs, governments, business, media and others that could demonstrate contributions to sustainable land management. The winners will be selected by a Jury of ten experts from the field of sustainable land management. The jury includes personalities like Dr.Vandana Shiva, a renowned seed sovereignty activist from India, Ms. Yolanda Kakabadse, President of WWF International and Dr. Camilla Toulmin, Director, International Institute for Sustainable Development as well as other respected experts from government, the UNCCD, civil society and academia. The fifteen semi-finalists are: Alan Savory , Zimbabwe A lifelong champion of sustainable land management, Alan Savory has pioneered the concept of holistic land management, promoting sustainable grazing particularly in the grasslands of Africa. Chifeng Muncipal Government, China In the arid lands of Inner Mongolia, the government of Chifeng faces a serious fight of desertification, which threatens nearly 30 percent of the total region. Through scientific policy planning and mass mobilization, Chifeng has rehabilitated three-quarters of a million hectares of degraded land, and on average each hectare of shelterbelt forest prevents 10 tons of soil loss each year. Community Efforts for Community Development (CECOD), Uganda More than 85 percent of Ugandans live in rural areas, making their livelihoods from the land. But over the years the school system has become increasingly academic. Concerned with increasing knowledge of sustainable development, CECOD has turned children into agents of change in rural communities through creating a network of eco-schools, training of over 7,500 teachers and involving 34,700 children in micro projects, such as organic farming and water harvesting. DeCo! GhanaFarmers in the savanna region of Ghana have low yields as result of poor soils. DeCo! provides low cost organic fertilizer through a sustainable business model, collecting local waste, fruit, vegetable and other biomass residues to produce rich compost. DESIRE-WOCAT, The Netherlands A research network connecting people from local to global levels worldwide, the DESIRE-WOCAT project has expanded the knowledge available about land degradation and desertification by collecting case studies, establishing indicators, and conducting trainings. Dr. Liliya Dimeyeva, Kazakhstan Working across borders and cultures, Dr. Dimeyeva has dedicated her scientific research to creating green sea beds in the dry Aral Sea, an important scientific breakthrough in an area facing severe land degradation. Fight Against Desert Encroachment (FADE), Nigeria Faced with advancing sand dunes in Northern Nigeria, FADE has planted a wall of trees and conducted creative awareness raising about combating desertification in Nigeria, including a reality TV show called Desert Warriors. Grupo Ambiental para el Desarrollo (GADE), Argentina In Colonia El Simbolar in Northern Argentina, farmers struggled to make ends meet, and large amounts of land were abandoned. GADE has led the community to plant resilient native trees, Algarrobo Blanco, which can be used for wood, flour and honey. The reforestation of nearly 7,000 hectares has increased incomes of struggling farmers, and mobilized the community, especially youth, to protect the environment. The Great Green Wall, Korea China Set on the border between Korea and China, the Great Green Wall runs 16 hectares, and is surrounded by the Save the Earth Eco-Village. A collaboration between students, governments, NGOs and businesses led by Future Forest, the wall has succeeded in halting desertification and preventing the encroachment of sand dunes. Dr. Goaming Jiang, Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Where many efforts to reverse desertification in northern China have failed, Professor Jiang has proven that by ending the grazing of large livestock and providing the community with alternative livelihoods, land can be naturally restored. Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL), Haiti Working in some of the poorest areas of Haiti, SOIL has developed an integrated approach to the issues of inadequate sanitation, declining soil fertility and extensive erosion. Through community driven ecological sanitation, SOIL helps restore soils and improve agricultural yields, at the same time improving the dignity and health of people without sanitation. Mr. Tie Shunliang, the Director of Forestry and Environment Protection Bureau, China Dedicating his career to afforestation and combatting desertification in the tough conditions of western China, the efforts of Mr. Shunliang have led to the restoration of nearly 25,000 hectares of degraded land. He also pioneered wolfberry cultivation, with benefits to the environment andadditional incomes for 30,000 people, most of whom are women. Terraprima, Portugal Through technological innovation including an innovative use of legumes, Terra Prima reduces costs for farmers for fertilization, land maintenance and animal feeding. The project potentially improves the soil health of 1 million hectares of land, at the same time offering opportunities for large-scale soil carbon sequestration. Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion (TEMA), Turkey The largest environmental NGO in Turkey, TEMA has mobilized people across civil society, from children to farmers, gathering one million signatures supporting a law for soil protection, as well as providing practical leadership in the field for holistic land management. Wand Foundation, Philippines Many poor farmers in the Philippines lose their land in local mortgage schemes known as prenda. The Wand Foundation helps farmers reclaim their land, and increase soil fertility through providing fertilizer produced by ecological sanitation. For more information, please visit: http://www.unccd.int/en/programmes/Event-and-campaigns/LandForLife About the Land for Life Award The 2012 Land for Life award is a collaboration between the UNCCD and the Korea Forest Service, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Global Environment Facility, International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Qatar National Food Security Programme, the Business Forum in Korea and the Elion Resources Group, China. About the UNCCD Desertification, along with climate change and the loss of biodiversity, were identified as the greatest challenges to sustainable development during the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. Established in 1994, UNCCD is the sole legally binding international agreement linking environment, development and the promotion of healthy soils. The Convention’s 195 signatory Parties work to alleviate poverty in the drylands, maintain and restore the land’s productivity, and mitigate the effects of drought. 中国国际广播电台的报道: Four Chinese Projects Nominated for UNCCD Land for Life Award http://english.cri.cn/6909/2012/05/25/2724s701937.htm 2012-05-25 05:06:45 Xinhua Web Editor: Yihang Four Chinese environmental projects have been nominated to vie for the 2012 Land for Life Award, a UN environmental group announced in Bonn on Thursday. The special award, which is earmarked for the innovative and inspiring inventions to restore degraded land, has been initiated by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) since 2011, as its commendation is in recognition of the outstanding efforts that promote the natural health and productivity of the earth's soils. Tie Shunliang, Director of Forestry and Environment Protection Bureau at Haixi Prefecture of Northwest China's Qinghai Province, has been honored for dedicating his career to afforestation and combating desertification under the tough conditions of western China, according to a statement issued by the UNCCD. Chifeng Muncipal Government in northern China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region also wins the nomination for their fruitful anti-desertification efforts to turn the arid soils into arable farmland. As the third Chinese project to bid for the prize, the 16-hectares Great Green Wall, a collaboration project between students, governments, NGOs and businesses which is surrounded by the Save the Earth Eco-Village, has succeeded in halting desertification and preventing the encroachment of sand dunes along the border between Korea and China. In addition, Gaoming Jiang, a fellow research with the Institute of Botany, under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been praised for his efforts to prove that by ending the grazing of large livestock and providing the community with alternative livelihoods, land can be naturally restored, as a successful example to reverse desertification in northern China . More than 100 applications from 52 countries had been submitted to bid the prize-winning, since it is open to individuals, NGOs, governments, business, media and whatsoever organizations that demonstrate contributions to sustainable land management. The final three winners, who will share a bonus up to 100,000 US dollars, are due to be made public on 17 June, the World Day to Combat Desertification in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as part of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development,also known as Rio puls 20.
个人分类: 环保呐喊|3437 次阅读|8 个评论
热度 2 kejidaobao 2011-2-28 15:49
本刊记者/李 娜 据法新社报道,2月22日,新西兰第二大城市克赖斯特彻奇发生6.3级强震,造成严重的人员伤亡和建筑物破坏。当地民防官员表示,此次地震对克赖斯特彻奇市的破坏程度要比去年发生的7.1级地震更大。由于临震预测无法实现,所以每次地震发生后地震学界都倍感无奈。不过,4天前传来一个好消息,法国国家科研中心发表公报说,科研中心与土耳其坎迪利观测台合作,发现了1999年土耳其大地震的前兆。这至少展示了科学界一直在努力。 地震前兆尚处于研究中 据新华社消息,法国国家科研中心2011年2月18日发表公报说,科研中心与土耳其坎迪利观测台合作,发现了1999年土耳其大地震的前兆。1999年8月发生在土耳其西北部城市Izmit的地震造成近1.8万人死亡,经济损失高达200亿美元。 1999年土耳其大地震是迄今为止有最完整地震仪记录的大地震之一,震级为里氏7.6级。地震科学家Michel Bouchon及其同事对上述地震记录进行分析时有了意外收获。他们发现,地震中,与断层比邻的2个板块向水平方向相互错位移动了大约3米。这一板块的突发性移动发生在地壳的脆性部分。他们发现了一种源于该脆弱地壳基底部的靠近“震源”的早于大地震的地震活动模式——断层在地震之前不规则但持续性地滑动了近44分钟。据悉,这种滑动的声音十分微弱,不但当地居民毫无察觉,此后的研究中也一直被研究人员所忽视,此次研究人员重新整理录音时发现了这个地震前兆。相关研究成果发表在美国的Science杂志。文章作者称,接下来要开展的步骤包括重新检查其他大型的、记录完整的地震靠近断层的地震记录以寻找类似的信号。 “土耳其地震的这种前兆属于大地震前的小地震小扰动,这种现象在其他的地震中也出现过”,中国地震局地球物理研究所研究员、中国工程院院士许绍燮告诉《科技导报》。据悉,在海城地震、玉树地震前都出现过小地震,但是并不是所有的大地震前都会出现这种情况。“此次关于土耳其地震这种前兆的研究做出了精细的结果,具有很重要的参考价值,因为这方面的完整资料较少,为地震前兆研究提供了一个很好的案例,但是还需收集更多的例证才能论证它所具有的能力,才能更好地为地震预测服务。” 此外,地震前兆是人们乐意讨论的话题。据许绍燮院士介绍,目前人们关注的常规前兆有几十种,最基本的是地震活动性,如地震活动性的涨落、震前和震间的小地震小扰动。第二大类是地壳形变,表现为应力应変的变化,比如地面的倾斜、伸缩;第三大类是电磁变化,主要指的是地电、地磁波形、电磁辐射、热红外长波、高空电离层的变化等;第四大类是水化、水位的变化。但是现在这些前兆与地震的关系都处在研究中,都还不能提供具有足够精度的可靠预测信息。 预测难题何时破解 1991年,地震学界开始争论关于地震预报能否实现的话题。1997年,地震学家Robert Geller等人在Science上发表了一篇论文,提出“地震不能预测(指临震预测)”的观点,在国际上引起了更为广泛的关注和更加激烈的讨论。 目前尚没有一种地震(短临)预测方法被科学界公认是成立的,地震预测的确是世界公认的科技难题。2008年中国汶川大地震发生后,《科技导报》出版的“汶川地震专刊”中刊发了中国地震局地球物理研究所研究员、中国科学院院士陈运泰的专访文章,文章阐述了地震预测的困难和趋势。 陈运泰认为,地震预测的困难归纳起来有3点:地球内部的“不可入性”;大地震的“非频发性”;地震物理过程的复杂性。人类目前还不能深入到处在高温高压状态的地球内部设置台站、安装观测仪器对震源直接进行观测。大地震是一种“非频发”事件,限制了作为一门观测科学的地震学在对现象的观测和对经验规律的认知上的进展。地震是发生于极为复杂的地质环境中的一种自然现象,地震过程是高度非线性的、极为复杂的物理过程。 关于地震能否预测之争,西方专家认为,在物理学中自组织临界现象具有不可预测性,所以他们认为地震作为一种“自组织临界现象”也是不可预测的。陈运泰并不同意这种观点。他指出,半个世纪来,地震预测研究还是有可以看得见的、可圈可点的进展。至于何时能够破解难题,陈运泰认为地震预测难度很大,“地震学家只能在地球表面(在许多情况下是在占地球表面面积仅约30%的陆地上)和距离地球表面很浅的地球内部(至多是几千米深的井下,而地球的半径是6371km)、用相当稀疏、很不均匀的观测台网进行观测,利用由此获取的、很不完整、很不充足、有时甚至还是很不精确的资料来反推地球内部的情况”,还需要科学界迎难而上付出更多努力。 许绍燮也告诉《科技导报》,虽然地震预测难度很大,但科学界目前也在从各个角度进行研究,比如研究地震跟日月运行、太阳活动、太阳风的关系等,“就像气象预测一样,早期由于观测资料不够多,古人也由靠农民积累的宏观经验来预测天气,但是经过几代气象人的努力,现在我们也可以通过卫星气象资料给出精确的、可重演的、客观的数据,可以很有效地预测天气,地震预测也不应是不可能的。但是地震又与气象不同,气象的变化往往有一个持续的过程,比如寒流从北方到南方,但是地震的暴发往往是一种突发状况,因此对地震的预测就更有难度(其实对于突发性灾变天气的预测也是较难的)。现在的地震预测不仅仅依靠台网,也开始关注依靠卫星监测。卫星监测很有前途,科学家寄望其从更广阔的范围监测地震活动,迅速提供全球范围的数据。”■
个人分类: 栏目:科技事件|2916 次阅读|1 个评论
kejidaobao 2011-2-21 14:59
文/杨书卷 2月9日,姗姗来迟的初雪终于降临北京,结束了去年10月25日以来,北京连续108天无有效降水的局面。与此同时,饱受干旱煎熬的河南、山东、河北、安徽等地也迎来今年首场降雪。但是,这场广受欢迎的瑞雪并非干旱结束的标志,对于焦渴已久的中国北方地区而言。一次降雪不过是“杯水车薪”。这已是中国连续第三年的重要旱情,困扰中国北方多年的干旱问题始终没有得到有效解决。 中国罕见的北方大旱引发全球关注之时,2011年“中央一号文件”适时而出,锁定水利改革发展,明确提出全面治水:“要大兴农田水利建设,力争通过5至10年的努力,从根本上扭转水利建设明显滞后的局面。”将水利建设置于“中央一号文件”的重要内容,这在中华人民共和国成立62年的历史上尚属首次。中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院教授郑风田认为,近年来大范围的干旱洪涝暴露出中国农田水利已到了必须大力改善的时刻,必须下大工夫来解决(1月29日新华社消息)。 2011年“中央一号文件”的背后,潜藏着未来中国的基本国情:中国的人均水资源只有全球平均水平的28%,近2/3城市不同程度存在缺水,地下水超采区面积惊人,中国经济增长付出的资源环境代价过大,不少地方水资源开发已超出承载能力,冰川减少、江河断流、湖泊萎缩、湿地退化、水体污染等生态与环境问题此起彼伏,令人揪心。 中国地质调查局“青藏高原生态地质环境遥感调查与监测”最新成果表明,被称为“中华水塔”,长江、黄河、澜沧江等亚洲大河大江发源地的青藏高原冰川近30年来年均减少131.4平方公里,而且有加速消减趋势。随着高原冰川大面积减少和雪线不断上升,“中华水塔”蓄水总量正在下降。在不考虑全球气候加速变暖的前提下,预计到2050年冰川面积将减少到现有面积的72%,2090年将减少到现有面积的50%(2月9日《科学时报》)。 而在2月2日,第15个世界湿地日之时,农业和生态专家杨邦杰向国务院提交报告:中国湿地全面告急!西北干旱地区最重要的水源地祁连山,其自然保护区的66万公顷的湿地区域中目前仅存11.35万公顷且逐年萎缩,沙漠正在以每年4米的速度向这块湿地逼近,黄河沿岸已形成220公里的沙化带。 然而,这还只是目前中国湿地危机的一个缩影。据不完全统计,全国沿海湿地面积已削减过半,黑龙江三江平原的原有沼泽80%消失,“千湖之省”湖北省的湖泊锐减了2/3,现在全国各类大小湖泊消失了上千个,约1/3的天然湿地存在着被改变、丧失的危险(1月29日《北京科技报》)。 被称为“地球之肾”的湿地与森林、海洋并称为全球三大生态系统,湿地大面积消失将会引发灾难性的后果。而在另一方面,水体污染也加剧了中国的水危机。2010年7月15日出版的英国《自然》杂志曾引用中国地质调查局一位专家的话说,中国有90%的地下水都遭受了不同程度的污染,其中60%污染严重。 面对日益严重的中国水资源危机,中国科学院水资源研究中心主任夏军表示,应站在全球的角度,对解决水问题提供科学的理解、认识和支撑,同时用科学和技术的新的发展寻求解决未来面临的水危机的方法。 例如,引进和发展低价、高效的污水处理技术,控制污染源,不产生或少产生新的污染,对已污染的河流进行综合治理;用新技术降低海水淡化的成本;发展耗水量少、产量高的的农业节水优良品种;甚至在三峡工程、南水北调工程等大的水利工程上,大型存储调度技术也可以及时采用(2010年11月4日《科学时报》)。 而且,由于缺少全国范围内的水资源监测网络,人们很难准确把握水危机的严重程度。其时,欧盟大型研究计划“活地球模拟器”(LES)也许能提供有用的启示。 LES项目主席、瑞士联邦理工学院的Lorenz Helbling解释说,LES是一台“知识加速器”,计划是利用最大的超级计算机模拟地球上所发生的一切,包括人类生活、金融系统、经济和整个社会,让不同的学科对撞出“火花”,“了然”地球的一举一动。为了配合大规模的计算机模拟,该项目将收集空前规模的社会、经济和环境过程数据,尤其是通过实地考察和实验室实验得到的结果,超级计算机将联合起来处理这些海量数据。 同样,中国政府在水资源管理中,也应该促进类似的数据共享工作,并且站在全球的角度,与全球水系统以及其他大的计划相结合,建立生态上可持续的、完整的水资源管理体系,减少水资源浪费、提高用水效率。中国水利水电科学研究院高占义领导的研究小组就发现,气候变化对对地下水枯竭的影响只占10%~30%,水资源枯竭的最主要原因是管理不善:“如果我们采取更为有效的水资源管理措施,水危机将可以得到很大缓解。” 令人欣慰的是,聚集水利建设的2011年的“中央一号文件”,将水利重归“公益性”位置,今后10年公共财政将投入4万亿元人民币用于水利,到2020年基本建成防洪抗旱减灾体系,真正为“水是生命之源、生产之要、生态之基”提供可靠的保障。 正如美国俄亥俄州立大学水文学家Frank Schwartz所说:“水危机并不只在中国存在,但中国面临的问题比世界上其他任何地方都更为严峻。”经济发展与资源和环境之间的矛盾,已在中国集中显现,发达国家在经济高度发达后花几十年解决的水问题,中国是否能在较短的时间内加以解决,成就“干旱中的文明”,已成为全球关注的一个挑战性问题。■
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