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热度 1 wangjinc520 2011-7-13 16:55
VLDB2010 在复杂网络方面的文章不多,或者说VLDB在复杂网络方面关注得并不多。 其中有几篇文章值得我关注: Graph Homomorphism Revisited for Graph Matching SigMatch: Fast and Scalable Multi-Pattern Matching SAPPER: Subgraph Indexing and Approximate Matching in Large Graphs 这三个都是关于graph pattern matching的 另外, 还有一篇 Graph Pattern Matching: From Intractable to Polynomial Time 上述几篇文章虽然确实是在我现在的研究领域内,让我在第一眼看到的时候就重点关注。 但是就像他们的paper名字一样,或许并不适合我现在的研究内容: 关注的重点是图中模式的发现和匹配算法,而我虽然最近想在motif这种pattern上进行一定程度的研究,但是暂时并不想从算法方面入手。 不过今天看了一篇文章: Developmental Motifs Reveal ComplexStructure in Cell Lineages 人家虽然说用的是Motifs,但是是自己根据细胞分裂谱自己定义的一种Motifs结构,只是运用了Motif这个大名鼎鼎的概念。 我想,知识地图的Motifs 可能可以借鉴上述的方法,构思一种适合知识地图的Motifs然后采用Matching方法去挖掘。
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Social Networks中的个性化隐私保护
longxie1983 2011-2-23 15:58
VLDB2010的文章,今天才看到,看来还需要在努力些呀~~~~~~~ Personalized Privacy Protection in Social Networks(http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol4/p141-yuan.pdf) 在之前的Social Networks隐私保护中,都是假设攻击者具有相同的背景知识。这篇paper的作者根据facebook中的用户隐私保护策略,提出不同的用户可以规定自己隐私的保护级别。论文中一共提出了3个隐私级别: 1.攻击者只知道发布图中节点u的label信息; 2.攻击者不仅知道发布图中节点u的label信息,而且还知道u的degree信息; 3.攻击者不仅知道发布图中节点u的label信息,u的degree信息。而且还知道u的边上的label信息。 论文摘要: Due to the popularity of social networks, many proposals have been proposed to protect the privacy of the networks. All these works assume that the attacks use the same background knowledge. However, in practice, different users have different privacy protect requirements. Thus, assuming the attacks with the same background knowledge does not meet the personalized privacy requirements, meanwhile, it looses the chance to achieve better utility by taking advantage of differences of users’ privacy requirements. In this paper, we introduce a framework which provides privacy preserving services based on the user’s personal privacy requests. Specifically, we define three levels of protection requirements based on the gradually increasing attacker’s background knowledge and combine the label generalization protection and the structure protection techniques (i.e. adding noise edge or nodes) together to satisfy different users’ protection requirements. We verify the effectiveness of the framework through extensive experiments.
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