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2011年意大利特伦托大学的summer school
热度 1 babyann519 2011-3-1 11:29
2011年意大利特伦托大学的summer school
一个很不错的summer school,我参加过07年的,那年的topic是 Agent-Based Finance 。大家感兴趣可以去看看,Trento那个小村很美:) Dear all, it is our pleasure to inform you about the forthcoming XII Summer School organized by the Department of Economics of the University of Trento (Italy): 26 June - 08 July 2011 “12th SUMMER SCHOOL - Intensive course in “Evolution of Social Preferences” We would very much appreciate your bringing the attached Announcement to the attention of graduate students and post-docs . Further information about the schoolsis available at the following web site: http://www-ceel.economia.unitn.it With best personal regards, MariaGrazia Zorzi Summer School Secretary Computable and Experimental Economic Laboratory Dipartimento di Economia ,Università degli Studi di Trento ccschool@economia.unitn.it http://www-ceel.economia.unitn.it 广场 喷泉 城堡
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