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xupeiyang 2011-12-27 11:12
英国医学会会刊(BMJ) http://www.bmj.com/ 21 documents semantically analyzed Top Years Publications ‍ 2004 3 ‍ 2010 2 ‍ 2008 2 ‍ 2006 2 ‍ 2002 2 ‍ 1998 2 ‍ 2011 1 ‍ 2009 1 ‍ 2003 1 ‍ 2001 1 ‍ 2000 1 ‍ 1995 1 ‍ 1994 1 ‍ 1992 1 Top Countries Publications ‍ China 21 Top Cities Publications ‍ Beijing, China 4 ‍ Xi'an 3 ‍ Guangzhou 2 ‍ Shanghai, China 2 ‍ Shantou 1 ‍ Jinhua 1 ‍ Chengdu 1 ‍ Hangzhou 1 ‍ Wenzhou 1 ‍ Zhaoqing 1 ‍ Xianyang 1 ‍ Zhengzhou 1 Top Journals Publications ‍ Bmj 21 1 2 3 ... 14 Top Terms Publications ‍ Humans 20 ‍ Adult 14 ‍ China 13 ‍ Middle Aged 10 ‍ Confidence Intervals 9 ‍ Aged 9 ‍ Asian Continental Ancestry Group 8 ‍ Women 8 ‍ Odds Ratio 6 ‍ Risk Factors 6 ‍ Child 5 ‍ Mortality 5 ‍ Evaluation Studies as Topic 4 ‍ Retrospective Studies 4 ‍ Patients 4 ‍ Disease Outbreaks 4 ‍ Adolescent 4 ‍ Data Collection 4 ‍ Living Wills 4 ‍ Rural Health 4 1 2 3 ... 14 1 2 3 4 5 Top Authors Publications ‍ Peto R 2 ‍ Chen Z 2 ‍ Boreham J 2 ‍ Hesketh T 1 ‍ Zhu W 1 ‍ Lu L 1 ‍ Yan H 1 ‍ Zeng L 1 ‍ Dibley M 1 ‍ Cheng Y 1 ‍ Dang S 1 ‍ Chang S 1 ‍ Kong L 1 ‍ Yang S 1 ‍ Fan T 1 ‍ Wang G 1 ‍ Mao B 1 ‍ Xiong Z 1 ‍ Zhang Y 1 ‍ Liu X 1 1 2 3 4 5 publications over time
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xupeiyang 2011-12-26 15:29
检索时间:2011-12-26 9,807 Documents that cite: Set feed 文献引用 Turner R. Intensive blood-glucose control with sulphonylureas or insulin compared with conventional treatment and risk of complications in patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 33) (1998) Lancet ,352(9131),pp.837-853. 349 Web pages that cite: 网络引用 Covered web sources: University repositories (e.g. MIT, DiVA, Caltech), theses dissertations. Web results brought to you by: for scientific information only 87 Patents that cite: 专利引用 Covered patent sources: US and European Patent offices, World Intellectual Property Organization. For more in-depth patent information click here: http://www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-0032511583origin=resultslistsort=r-fcite=2-s2.0-0032511583src=pnlo=nlr=nls=imp=tsid=p2I6nlBhdhtkRZhOTxlpHxu%3a130sot=citesdt=asl=0 http://www.thelancet.com/ Most cited in The Lancet since 1996 1. Intensive blood-glucose control with sulphonylureas or insulin compared with conventional treatment and risk of complications in patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 33) Research (1998) Lancet 352 (9131), pp. 837-853 Full text | PDF | Cited 9,378 times 还有这四篇大牛文 2. MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study of cholesterol lowering with simvastatin in 20 536 high-risk individuals: A randomised placebo-controlled trial Research (2002) Lancet 360 (9326), pp. 7-22 Full text | PDF | Cited 4,592 times 3. Effects of intensive blood-pressure lowering and low-dose aspirin in patients with hypertension: Principal results of the Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) randomised trial Research (1998) Lancet 351 (9118), pp. 1755-1762 Full text | PDF | Cited 3,643 times 4. Peginterferon alfa-2b plus ribavirin compared with interferonalfa-2b plus ribavirin for initial treatment of chronic hepatitis C: A randomised trial Research (2001) Lancet 358 (9286), pp. 958-965 Full text | PDF | Cited 3,604 times 5. A randomised, blinded, trial of clopidogrel versus aspirin in patients at risk of ischaemic events (CAPRIE) Research (1996) Lancet 348 (9038), pp. 1329-1339 Full text | PDF | Cited 3,404 times
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热度 1 xupeiyang 2011-12-21 12:23
今年,cell杂志共发表447篇论文,中国科学家只有4篇,2010年3篇,2009年最多为8篇。太少啦,还需要继续努力。 Cell 2011年H指数 485 Top Years Publications ‍ 2009 8 ‍ 2005 5 ‍ 2011 4 ‍ 2007 4 ‍ 2010 3 ‍ 2008 2 ‍ 2006 2 ‍ 2003 1 Top Countries Publications ‍ China 29 ‍ Sweden 1 Top Cities Publications ‍ Beijing, China 14 ‍ Shanghai, China 10 ‍ Tianjin, China 1 ‍ Gothenburg 1 ‍ Harbin 1 ‍ Guangzhou 1 ‍ Zhongxing 1 447 documents semantically analyzed Top Years Publications ‍ 2011 447 1 2 Top Countries Publications ‍ USA 318 ‍ Germany 28 ‍ United Kingdom 21 ‍ Canada 12 ‍ Switzerland 12 ‍ France 10 ‍ Japan 8 ‍ Netherlands 6 ‍ Italy 6 ‍ China 4 ‍ Israel 4 ‍ Austria 3 ‍ Spain 3 ‍ Australia 3 ‍ Sweden 1 ‍ Norway 1 ‍ Singapore 1 ‍ Ireland 1 ‍ Taiwan 1 ‍ South Korea 1 1 2 1 2 3 ... 6 Top Cities Publications ‍ New York City 48 ‍ Boston 40 ‍ Cambridge, USA 28 ‍ Stanford 17 ‍ Los Angeles 16 ‍ San Diego 16 ‍ Baltimore 16 ‍ San Francisco 15 ‍ Berkeley 13 ‍ Bethesda 13 ‍ Cambridge 9 ‍ Houston 8 ‍ Lausanne 8 ‍ New Haven 8 ‍ Toronto 7 ‍ London 7 ‍ Philadelphia 7 ‍ Heidelberg 6 ‍ Dresden 5 ‍ Paris 4 1 2 3 ... 6 Top Journals Publications ‍ Cell 447 1 2 3 ... 193 Top Terms Publications ‍ Proteins 154 ‍ Animals 114 ‍ Genes 112 ‍ Mice 94 ‍ Humans 92 ‍ signal transduction 79 ‍ Genomics 64 ‍ Genome 64 ‍ DNA 56 ‍ Stem Cells 46 ‍ stem cell development 43 ‍ stem cell differentiation 43 ‍ Mutation 42 ‍ gene expression 40 ‍ Neurons 39 ‍ Transcription Factors 39 ‍ Phosphotransferases 39 ‍ Neoplasms 39 ‍ Chromosomes 38 ‍ Membranes 38 1 2 3 ... 193 Top Authors Publications ‍ unknown 3 ‍ Howard J 1 ‍ Kempermann G 1 ‍ Jülicher F 1 ‍ Hyman A 1 publications over time Weaving the Web of ER Tubules. PMID: 22153070 Related Articles Authors: Hu, Junjie , Prinz, William A , Rapoport, Tom A Journal: Cell , Vol. 147 (6): 1226-31 , 2011 Abstract: How is the characteristic shape of an organelle generated? Recent work has provided insight intohow the tubular network of the endoplasmic reticulum ( ER ) is formed. The tubules themselves are shaped by the reticulons and DP1 /Yop1p, whereas their fusion into a network is brought about by membrane-bound GTPases that include the atlastins, Sey1p, and RHD3. Affiliation: Department of Genetics and Cell Biology, College of Life Sciences, and Tianjin Key Laboratory of Protein Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China . Wikipedia: Endoplasmic Reticulum , Ergastoplasm , GTPase , Organelle Protein: DP1 Order related Antibodies online: E2F-related transcription factor , receptor accessory protein 5 , transglutaminase-4 Title: Segregation of protein aggregates involves actin and the polarity machinery. PMID: 22118450 Related Articles Authors: Liu, Beidong , Larsson, Lisa , Franssens, Vanessa , Hao, Xinxin , Hill, Sandra Malmgren , Andersson, Veronica , Hglund, Daniel , Song, Jia , Yang, Xiaoxue , Oling, David , Grantham, Julie , Winderickx, Joris , Nystrm, Thomas Journal: Cell , Vol. 147 (5): 959-61 , 2011 No abstract given. Affiliation: Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg, Medicinaregatan 9C, 413 90 Gteborg , Sweden ; Department of Life Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China . Wikipedia: Actin , Ageism , Alpha-actin , Beta-actin , F-actin , F actin , G-actin , G actin , Gender bias , Prejudice , Proteins , Racism , Segregation , Sex Discrimination , Sexism , Social discrimination Protein: actin Title: Activation of STAT6 by STING is critical for antiviral innate immunity . PMID: 22000020 Related Articles Authors: Chen, Huihui , Sun, Hui , You, Fuping , Sun, Wenxiang , Zhou, Xiang , Chen, Lu , Yang, Jing , Wang, Yutao , Tang, Hong , Guan, Yukun , Xia, Weiwei , Gu, Jun , Ishikawa, Hiroki , Gutman, Delia , Barber, Glen , Qin, Zhihai , Jiang, Zhengfan Journal: Cell , Vol. 147 (2): 436-46 , 2011 Abstract: STAT6 plays a prominent role in adaptive immunity by transducing signals from extracellular cytokines . We now show that STAT6 is required for innate immune signaling in response to virus infection . Viruses or cytoplasmic nucleic acids trigger STING (also named MITA / ERIS ) to recruit STAT6 to the endoplasmic reticulum , leading to STAT6 phosphorylation on Ser(407) by TBK1 and Tyr(641), independent of JAKs. Phosphorylated STAT6 then dimerizes and translocates to the nucleus to induce specific target genes responsible for immune cell homing. Virus-induced STAT6 activation is detected in all cell-types tested, in contrast to the cell-type specific role of STAT6 in cytokine signaling , and Stat6(-/-) mice are susceptible to virus infection . Thus, STAT6 mediates immune signaling in response to both cytokines at the plasma membrane , and virus infection at the endoplasmic reticulum . Affiliation: State Key Laboratory of Protein and Plant Gene Research, School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing , China . Wikipedia: Animal virus , Antiviral agents , Antiviral drugs , Antivirals , Cell Membrane , Cell membranes , Cistron , Cytokines , Cytoplasm , Cytoplasmic membrane , Dimerization , Disease resistance , Endoplasmic Reticulum , Ergastoplasm , Gene , Genetic material , House Mouse , House mice , Immunity , Immunization , Innate immunity , Laboratory mice , Laboratory mouse , Membrane , Mice , Mouse , Mus , Mus domesticus , Mus musculus , Mus musculus domesticus , Native immunity , Natural immunity , Non-specific immunity , Nucleic Acids , Phosphorylation , Plasma membrane , Protoplasm , Transducer , Variolation , Virus Proteins: STAT6 , STING , TBK1 , ERIS Order related Antibodies online: CDGSH iron sulfur domain-containing protein 2 , signal transducer and activator of transcription 6, interleukin-4 induced , TANK-binding kinase 1 Title: Beclin1 controls the levels of p53 by regulating the deubiquitination activity of USP10 and USP13 . PMID: 21962518 Related Articles Authors: Liu, Junli , Xia, Hongguang , Kim, Minsu , Xu, Lihua , Li, Ying , Zhang, Lihong , Cai, Yu , Norberg, Helin Vakifahmetoglu , Zhang, Tao , Furuya, Tsuyoshi , Jin, Minzhi , Zhu, Zhimin , Wang, Huanchen , Yu, Jia , Li, Yanxia , Hao, Yan , Choi, Augustine , Ke, Hengming , Ma, Dawei , Yuan, Junying Journal: Cell , Vol. 147 (1): 223-34 , 2011 Abstract: Autophagy is an important intracellular catabolic mechanism that mediates the degradation of cytoplasmic proteins and organelles . We report a potent small molecule inhibitor of autophagy named "spautin-1" for specific and potent autophagy inhibitor-1. Spautin-1 promotes the degradation of Vps34 PI3 kinase complexes by inhibiting two ubiquitin -specific peptidases , USP10 and USP13 , that target the Beclin1 subunit of Vps34 complexes. Beclin1 is a tumor suppressor and frequently monoallelically lost in human cancers. Interestingly, Beclin1 also controls the protein stabilities of USP10 and USP13 by regulating their deubiquitinating activities . Since USP10 mediates the deubiquitination of p53 , regulating deubiquitination activity of USP10 and USP13 by Beclin1 provides a mechanism for Beclin1 to control the levels of p53 . Our study provides a molecular mechanism involving protein deubiquitination that connects two important tumor suppressors , p53 and Beclin1 , and a potent small molecule inhibitor of autophagy as a possible lead compound for developing anticancer drugs . Affiliation: State Key Laboratory of Bioorganic and Natural Products Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 354 Fenglin Lu, Shanghai 200032, China . Wikipedia: 1-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase , Autophagocytosis , Autophagy , Benign neoplasm , Cancer , Cellular autophagy , Cytoplasm , Drugs , Kinase , Neoplasm , Organelle , PI-3K , PI-3 kinase , PI3 Kinase , PI 3-kinase , PI 3 kinase , Peptide hydrolases , Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase , Phosphotransferases , Proteases , Proteins , Proteolytic enzymes , Protoplasm , Tumor Proteins: USP13 , p53 , USP10 , Beclin1 , PI3 kinase , Vps34 , ubiquitin Order related Antibodies online: coiled-coil myosin-like BCL2-interacting protein , phosphoinositide-3-kinase, class 3 , polyprotein precursor , tumor protein p53 , ubiquitin B , ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 10 , ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 13 , ubiquitin specific protease 32
个人分类: 信息分析|3345 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 3 xupeiyang 2011-12-21 11:25
今年,中国科学家大大的丰收了,发表了23篇科学论文,但还没有超过2004年的25篇,明年继续努力。 Nature 2011年H指数 698 163 documents semantically analyzed Top Years Publications ‍ 2004 25 ‍ 2011 23 ‍ 2009 20 ‍ 2008 15 ‍ 2002 14 ‍ 2005 12 ‍ 2001 12 ‍ 2006 11 ‍ 2003 7 ‍ 2007 6 ‍ 2000 5 ‍ 2010 4 ‍ 1999 3 ‍ 1997 1 ‍ 1994 1 ‍ 1995 1 ‍ 1988 1 ‍ 1990 1 ‍ 1992 1 Top Countries Publications ‍ China 163 ‍ USA 1 1 2 Top Cities Publications ‍ Beijing, China 87 ‍ Shanghai, China 13 ‍ Nanjing 13 ‍ Hefei 7 ‍ Xi'an 6 ‍ Shenzhen 4 ‍ Guangzhou 3 ‍ Wuhan 2 ‍ Shenyang 2 ‍ Dalian 2 ‍ Hangzhou 2 ‍ Kunming 2 ‍ Shantou 2 ‍ Philadelphia 1 ‍ Linyi 1 ‍ Pingyi 1 ‍ Changchun 1 ‍ Guiyang 1 ‍ Zhengzhou 1 ‍ Jieyang 1 1 2 Top Journals Publications ‍ Nature 163 1 2 3 ... 73 Top Terms Publications ‍ Animals 85 ‍ China 84 ‍ Phylogeny 35 ‍ Evolution 32 ‍ Dinosaurs 25 ‍ Humans 24 ‍ Asian Continental Ancestry Group 21 ‍ Time Factors 20 ‍ Skull 20 ‍ Birds 19 ‍ Proteins 17 ‍ Character 16 ‍ Vertebrates 15 ‍ Genes 14 ‍ Skeleton 14 ‍ Temperature 13 ‍ Probability 13 ‍ Nature 12 ‍ Models, Molecular 12 ‍ Climate 12 1 2 3 ... 73 1 2 3 ... 56 Top Authors Publications ‍ Xu X 9 ‍ Zhou Z 9 ‍ Wang X 8 ‍ Zhu M 6 ‍ Norell M 6 ‍ Wang Y 5 ‍ Ji Q 5 ‍ Zhao W 4 ‍ Zhang F 4 ‍ Shu D 4 ‍ Han J 4 ‍ Yue X 3 ‍ Zhao Q 3 ‍ Luo Z 3 ‍ Hu Y 3 ‍ Li J 3 ‍ Li Y 3 ‍ Ji S 3 ‍ Cheng Y 3 ‍ Ahlberg P 3 1 2 3 ... 56 publications over time Title: Cysteine methylation disrupts ubiquitin -chain sensing in NF-κB activation. PMID: 22158122 Related Articles Authors: Zhang, Li , Ding, Xiaojun , Cui, Jixin , Xu, Hao , Chen, Jing , Gong, Yi-Nan , Hu, Liyan , Zhou, Yan , Ge, Jianning , Lu, Qiuhe , Liu, Liping , Chen, She , Shao, Feng Journal: Nature , 2011 Abstract: NF-κB is crucial for innate immune defence against microbial infection. Inhibition of NF-κB signalling has been observed with various bacterial infections . The NF-κB pathway critically requires multiple ubiquitin -chain signals of different natures . The question of whether ubiquitin -chain signalling and its specificity in NF-κB activation are regulated during infection, and how this regulation takes place, has not been explored. Here we show that human TAB2 and TAB3, ubiquitin-chain sensory proteins involved in NF-κB signalling , are directly inactivated by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli NleE, a conserved bacterial type-III-secreted effector responsible for blocking host NF-κB signalling . NleE harboured an unprecedented S-adenosyl-l-methionine-dependent methyltransferase activity that specifically modified a zinc-coordinating cysteine in the Npl4 zinc finger (NZF) domains in TAB2 and TAB3 . Cysteine-methylated TAB2 - NZF and TAB3 - NZF (truncated proteins only comprising the NZF domain) lost the zinc ion as well as the ubiquitin -chain binding activity. Ectopically expressed or type-III-secretion-system-delivered NleE methylated TAB2 and TAB3 in host cells and diminished their ubiquitin -chain binding activity. Replacement of the NZF domain of TAB3 with the NleE methylation-insensitive Npl4 NZF domain resulted in NleE-resistant NF-κB activation. Given the prevalence of zinc-finger motifs and activation of cysteine thiol by zinc binding , methylation of zinc-finger cysteine might regulate other eukaryotic pathways in addition to NF-κB signalling . Affiliation: 1] Graduate Program in Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730, China National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing 102206, China . Wikipedia: Bacterial Infections , Bacterial infection , Cysteine , Cysteine catabolism , Cysteine hydrochloride , Cysteine metabolism , DAEC , Disease resistance , EAEC , EIEC , EPEC , E Coli , Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli , Enteropathogenic E. coli , Escherichia , Escherichia Coli , Immunity , Immunization , Innate immunity , Ions , L-Cysteine , Mercaptans , Methylation , Methyltransferases , Native immunity , Natural immunity , Nature , Non-specific immunity , Prevalence , Proteins , Sensitivity , Sensitivity and specificity , Specificity , Specificity and sensitivity , Sulfhydryl compounds , Thiols , Variolation , Zinc , Zinc finger , Zinc metabolism Proteins: ubiquitin , Npl4 , NZF , TAB3 , S-adenosyl-l-methionine-dependent methyltransferase , TAB2 Order related Antibodies online: mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7-interacting protein 2 , PHD finger protein 20 , TAK1-binding protein 3 , ubiquitin B Title: Frictional ageing from interfacial bonding and the origins of rate and state friction . PMID: 22139421 Related Articles Authors: Li, Qunyang , Tullis, Terry E , Goldsby, David , Carpick, Robert W Journal: Nature , 2011 Abstract: Earthquakes have long been recognized as being the result of stick-slip frictional instabilities. Over the past few decades, laboratory studies of rock friction have elucidated many aspects of tectonic fault zone processes and earthquake phenomena. Typically, the static friction of rocks grows logarithmically with time when they are held in stationary contact, but the mechanism responsible for this strengthening is not understood. This time-dependent increase of frictional strength, or frictional ageing, is one manifestation of the ' evolution effect' in rate and state friction theory. A prevailing view is that the time dependence of rock friction results from increases in contact area caused by creep of contacting asperities. Here we present the results of atomic force microscopy experiments that instead show that frictional ageing arises from the formation of interfacial chemical bonds, and the large magnitude of ageing at the nanometre scale is quantitatively consistent with what is required to explain observations in macroscopic rock friction experiments. The relative magnitude of the evolution effect compared with that of the 'direct effect'-the dependence of friction on instantaneous changes in slip velocity-determine whether unstable slip, leading to earthquakes , is possible. Understanding the mechanism underlying the evolution effect would enable us to formulate physically based frictional constitutive laws, rather than the current empirically based 'laws', allowing more confident extrapolation to natural faults. Affiliation: 1] Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia , Pennsylvania 19104, USA School of Aerospace, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China . Wikipedia: Atomic Force Microscopy , Drought , Earthquake , Evolution , Flood , Friction , Hurricane , Laboratories , Laboratory , Microscopy , Natural Disaster , Nature , Physic , Scanning force microscopy , Tornado Title: Fundamental limits of 'ankylography' due to dimensional deficiency. PMID: 22129732 Related Articles Authors: Wei, Haiqing Journal: Nature , Vol. 480 (7375): E1 , 2011 No abstract given. Affiliation: Ambow Research Institute, Ambow Education Group, Beijing 100088, China . davidhwei@yahoo.com Title: Evidence for an oxygen-depleted liquid outer core of the Earth. PMID: 22113693 Related Articles Authors: Huang, Haijun , Fei, Yingwei , Cai, Lingcang , Jing, Fuqian , Hu, Xiaojun , Xie, Hongsen , Zhang, Lianmeng , Gong, Zizheng Journal: Nature , Vol. 479 (7374): 513-6 , 2011 Abstract: On the basis of geophysical observations, cosmochemical constraints, and high-pressure experimental data, the Earth's liquid outer core consists of mainly liquid iron alloyed with about ten per cent (by weight) of light elements. Although the concentrations of the light elements are small, they nevertheless affect the Earth's core: its rate of cooling, the growth of the inner core, the dynamics of core convection , and the evolution of the geodynamo. Several light elements-including sulphur, oxygen , silicon , carbon and hydrogen-have been suggested, but the precise identity of the light elements in the Earth's core is still unclear. Oxygen has been proposed as a major light element in the core on the basis of cosmochemical arguments and chemical reactions during accretion. Its presence in the core has direct implications for Earth accretion conditions of oxidation state, pressure and temperature . Here we report new shockwave data in the Fe-S-O system that are directly applicable to the outer core. The data include both density and sound velocity measurements, which we compare with the observed density and velocity profiles of the liquid outer core. The results show that we can rule out oxygen as a major light element in the liquid outer core because adding oxygen into liquid iron would not reproduce simultaneously the observed density and sound velocity profiles of the outer core. An oxygen-depleted core would imply a more reduced environment during early Earth accretion. Affiliation: School of Sciences, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan , Hubei 430070, China . Wikipedia: Alloy , Convection , Dioxygen , Environment , Environmental Impact , Environmental Policy , Environmental impacts , Environmental policies , Evolution , Oxides , Oxygen , Oxygen metabolism , Oxygenator , Pressure , Silicon , Silicone , Temperature Title: Geometrical enhancement of low-field magnetoresistance in silicon . PMID: 21921912 Related Articles Authors: Wan, Caihua , Zhang, Xiaozhong , Gao, Xili , Wang, Jimin , Tan, Xinyu Journal: Nature , Vol. 477 (7364): 304-7 , 2011 Abstract: Inhomogeneity-induced magnetoresistance (IMR) reported in some non-magnetic semiconductors , particularly silicon , has generated considerable interest owing to the large magnitude of the effect and its linear field dependence (albeit at high magnetic fields ). Various theories implicate spatial variation of the carrier mobility as being responsible for IMR. Here we show that IMR in lightly doped silicon can be significantly enhanced through hole injection, and then tuned by an applied current to arise at low magnetic fields . In our devices , the 'inhomogeneity' is provided by the p-n boundary formed between regions where conduction is dominated by the minority and majority charge carriers (holes and electrons ) respectively; application of a magnetic field distorts the current in the boundary region, resulting in large magnetoresistance. Because this is an intrinsically spatial effect, the geometry of the device can be used to enhance IMR further: we designed an IMR device whose room-temperature field sensitivity at low fields was greatly improved, with magnetoresistance reaching 10% at 0.07 T and 100% at 0.2 T, approaching the performance of commercial giant-magnetoresistance devices . The combination of high sensitivity to low magnetic fields and large high-field response should make this device concept attractive to the magnetic-field sensing industry . Moreover, because our device is based on a conventional silicon platform, it should be possible to integrate it with existing silicon devices and so aid the development of silicon-based magnetoelectronics. Affiliation: Laboratory of Advanced Materials, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China . Wikipedia: Charge , Device , Electron , Electronic , Equipment , Fee , IndustrY , Industrialization , Industries , Inventories , Inventory , Magnetoception , Magnetoreception , Medical device , Minor , Negatron , Positron , Remuneration , Semiconductor , Silicon , Silicone , Supplies , Tertiary sector Title: The NLRC4 inflammasome receptors for bacterial flagellin and type III secretion apparatus. PMID: 21918512 Related Articles Authors: Zhao, Yue , Yang, Jieling , Shi, Jianjin , Gong, Yi-Nan , Lu, Qiuhe , Xu, Hao , Liu, Liping , Shao, Feng Journal: Nature , Vol. 477 (7366): 596-600 , 2011 Abstract: Inflammasomes are large cytoplasmic complexes that sense microbial infections/danger molecules and induce caspase-1 activation-dependent cytokine production and macrophage inflammatory death. The inflammasome assembled by the NOD -like receptor ( NLR ) protein NLRC4 responds to bacterial flagellin and a conserved type III secretion system ( TTSS ) rod component. How the NLRC4 inflammasome detects the two bacterial products and the molecular mechanism of NLRC4 inflammasome activation are not understood. Here we show that NAIP5 , a BIR -domain NLR protein required for Legionella pneumophila replication in mouse macrophages , is a universal component of the flagellin - NLRC4 pathway. NAIP5 directly and specifically interacted with flagellin , which determined the inflammasome-stimulation activities of different bacterial flagellins . NAIP5 engagement by flagellin promoted a physical NAIP5 -NLRC4 association, rendering full reconstitution of a flagellin -responsive NLRC4 inflammasome in non-macrophage cells. The related NAIP2 functioned analogously to NAIP5 , serving as a specific inflammasome receptor for TTSS rod proteins such as Salmonella PrgJ and Burkholderia BsaK. Genetic analysis of Chromobacterium violaceum infection revealed that the TTSS needle protein CprI can stimulate NLRC4 inflammasome activation in human macrophages . Similarly, CprI is specifically recognized by human NAIP , the sole NAIP family member in human. The finding that NAIP proteins are inflammasome receptors for bacterial flagellin and TTSS apparatus components further predicts that the remaining NAIP family members may recognize other unidentified microbial products to activate NLRC4 inflammasome-mediated innate immunity . Affiliation: Graduate Program in Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730, China . Wikipedia: Burkholderia , Chromobacterium , Cytokines , Cytoplasm , Data collection , Data source , Disease resistance , Extended families , Extended family , Families , Family , Filiation , Flagellin , House Mouse , House mice , Immunity , Immunization , Innate immunity , Laboratory mice , Laboratory mouse , Legionella , Legionella pneumophila , Macrophage , Mice , Mouse , Mus , Mus domesticus , Mus musculus , Mus musculus domesticus , Native immunity , Natural immunity , Needle , Neuronal apoptosis-inhibitory protein , Non-specific immunity , Physic , Proteins , Protoplasm , Reconstituted Families , Reconstituted family , Relatives , Respondent , Salmonella , Stepfamilies , Stepfamily , Survey , Survey Methodology , Variolation Proteins: flagellin , NLRC4 , NAIP2 , NOD , caspase-1 , NAIP5 , PrgJ , CprI , NAIP , BIR , NLR Order related Antibodies online: baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 1 , bradykinin receptor B1 , Burkitt lymphoma receptor 1, GTP-binding protein , caspase recruitment domain family, member 12 , caspase-1 , potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 11 Title: The role of Tet3 DNA dioxygenase in epigenetic reprogramming by oocytes . PMID: 21892189 Related Articles Authors: Gu, Tian-Peng , Guo, Fan , Yang, Hui , Wu, Hai-Ping , Xu, Gui-Fang , Liu, Wei , Xie, Zhi-Guo , Shi, Linyu , He, Xinyi , Jin, Seung-gi , Iqbal, Khursheed , Shi, Yujiang Geno , Deng, Zixin , Szabó, Piroska E , Pfeifer, Gerd P , Li, Jinsong , Xu, Guo-Liang Journal: Nature , Vol. 477 (7366): 606-10 , 2011 Abstract: Sperm and eggs carry distinctive epigenetic modifications that are adjusted by reprogramming after fertilization . The paternal genome in a zygote undergoes active DNA demethylation before the first mitosis . The biological significance and mechanisms of this paternal epigenome remodelling have remained unclear. Here we report that, within mouse zygotes , oxidation of 5-methylcytosine (5mC) occurs on the paternal genome , changing 5mC into 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC). Furthermore, we demonstrate that the dioxygenase Tet3 (ref. 5) is enriched specifically in the male pronucleus . In Tet3-deficient zygotes from conditional knockout mice , paternal-genome conversion of 5mC into 5hmC fails to occur and the level of 5mC remains constant. Deficiency of Tet3 also impedes the demethylation process of the paternal Oct4 and Nanog genes and delays the subsequent activation of a paternally derived Oct4 transgene in early embryos. Female mice depleted of Tet3 in the germ line show severely reduced fecundity and their heterozygous mutant offspring lacking maternal Tet3 suffer an increased incidence of developmental failure. Oocytes lacking Tet3 also seem to have a reduced ability to reprogram the injected nuclei from somatic cells. Therefore, Tet3 -mediated DNA hydroxylation is involved in epigenetic reprogramming of the zygotic paternal DNA following natural fertilization and may also contribute to somatic cell nuclear reprogramming during animal cloning. Affiliation: Group of DNA Metabolism, The State Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China . Wikipedia: 5-Methylcytosine , Animal , Animalia , B-DNA , Cistron , Conception , DNA , Deoxyribonucleic Acid , Dioxygenases , Double-stranded DNA , Electric impedance , Electric resistance , Electrical Resistance , Electrical impedance , Fecundity , Fertility , Fertilization , Fertilized egg , Fertilizers , Gamete , Gene , Genetic material , Genome , Genomics , Germ cell , Germ line , House Mouse , House mice , Hydroxylation , Impedance , Incidence , Injectable , Injection , Knock-out mice , Knockout mice , Knockout mouse , Laboratory mice , Laboratory mouse , Mice , Mitoses , Mitosis , Mouse , Mus , Mus domesticus , Mus musculus , Mus musculus domesticus , Natural fertility , Nature , Oocyte , Ovocyte , Oxides , Paternalism , Sperm , Spermatozoa , Spermatozoon , Transgene , Zygote Protein: Tet3 Title: China 's chemists should avoid the Vanity Fair. PMID: 21850064 Related Articles Authors: Wang, Nai-Xing Journal: Nature , Vol. 476 (7360): 253 , 2011 No abstract given. Affiliation: Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing . nxwang@mail.ipc.ac.cn Wikipedia: China , Inner Mongolia , Mainland China , Manchuria , SinKiang Title: An Archaeopteryx-like theropod from China and the origin of Avialae. PMID: 21796204 Related Articles Authors: Xu, Xing , You, Hailu , Du, Kai , Han, Fenglu Journal: Nature , Vol. 475 (7357): 465-70 , 2011 Abstract: Archaeopteryx is widely accepted as being the most basal bird, and accordingly it is regarded as central to understanding avialan origins; however, recent discoveries of derived maniraptorans have weakened the avialan status of Archaeopteryx. Here we report a new Archaeopteryx-like theropod from China . This find further demonstrates that many features formerly regarded as being diagnostic of Avialae, including long and robust forelimbs , actually characterize the more inclusive group Paraves (composed of the avialans and the deinonychosaurs). Notably, adding the new taxon into a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis shifts Archaeopteryx to the Deinonychosauria. Despite only tentative statistical support, this result challenges the centrality of Archaeopteryx in the transition to birds. If this new phylogenetic hypothesis can be confirmed by further investigation, current assumptions regarding the avialan ancestral condition will need to be re-evaluated. Affiliation: College of Life Science, Linyi University, Shuangling Road, Linyi City, Shandong 276005, China . xingxu@vip.sina.com Pubmed MeSH: Animals , China , Dinosaurs , Fossils , Species Specificity Wikipedia: China , Forelimb , Inner Mongolia , Mainland China , Manchuria , SinKiang Title: Focus on quality, not just quantity. PMID: 21776039 Related Articles Authors: Peng, Changhui Journal: Nature , Vol. 475 (7356): 267 , 2011 No abstract given. Affiliation: College of Forestry, Northwest AF University, Yangling, China . peng.changhui@uqam.ca Authors: You, J Q , Nori, Franco Journal: Nature , Vol. 474 (7353): 589-97 , 2011 Abstract: Superconducting circuits based on Josephson junctions exhibit macroscopic quantum coherence and can behave like artificial atoms. Recent technological advances have made it possible to implement atomic-physics and quantum-optics experiments on a chip using these artificial atoms. This Review presents a brief overview of the progress achieved so far in this rapidly advancing field. We not only discuss phenomena analogous to those in atomic physics and quantum optics with natural atoms, but also highlight those not occurring in natural atoms. In addition, we summarize several prospective directions in this emerging interdisciplinary field. Affiliation: Department of Physics, State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics, Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Photonic Structures Ministry of Education, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China . jqyou@fudan.edu.cn Wikipedia: Nature , Optic , Physic Title: Structural insight into brassinosteroid perception by BRI1. PMID: 21666666 Related Articles Authors: She, Ji , Han, Zhifu , Kim, Tae-Wuk , Wang, Jinjing , Cheng, Wei , Chang, Junbiao , Shi, Shuai , Wang, Jiawei , Yang, Maojun , Wang, Zhi-Yong , Chai, Jijie Journal: Nature , Vol. 474 (7352): 472-6 , 2011 Abstract: Brassinosteroids are essential phytohormones that have crucial roles in plant growth and development . Perception of brassinosteroids requires an active complex of BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1 (BRI1) and BRI1-ASSOCIATED KINASE 1 ( BAK1 ). Recognized by the extracellular leucine-rich repeat ( LRR ) domain of BRI1, brassinosteroids induce a phosphorylation-mediated cascade to regulate gene expression . Here we present the crystal structures of BRI1(LRR) in free and brassinolide-bound forms. BRI1(LRR) exists as a monomer in crystals and solution independent of brassinolide. It comprises a helical solenoid structure that accommodates a separate insertion domain at its concave surface. Sandwiched between them, brassinolide binds to a hydrophobicity-dominating surface groove on BRI1(LRR). Brassinolide recognition by BRI1(LRR) is through an induced-fit mechanism involving stabilization of two interdomain loops that creates a pronounced non-polar surface groove for the hormone binding . Together, our results define the molecular mechanisms by which BRI1 recognizes brassinosteroids and provide insight into brassinosteroid-induced BRI1 activation. Affiliation: Key Laboratory for Protein Sciences of Ministry of Education School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China . Pubmed MeSH: Arabidopsis , Arabidopsis Proteins , Binding Sites , Cholestanols , Crystallography, X-Ray , Enzyme Activation , Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions , Models, Molecular , Protein Binding , Protein Folding , Protein Kinases , Protein Structure, Tertiary , Steroids, Heterocyclic , Structure-Activity Relationship , Substrate Specificity Wikipedia: Cistron , Free Will , Gene , Gene Expression , Gene activation , Gene expression regulation , Genetic material , Hormone , Perception , Personal autonomy , Phytohormones , Plant growth regulators , Plant hormones , Regulator gene , Self Determination Protein: BAK1 Order related Antibodies online: BCL2-antagonist/killer 1 Title: China needs no foreign help to feed itself. PMID: 21637215 Related Articles Authors: Gong, Peng Journal: Nature , Vol. 474 (7349): 7 , 2011 No abstract given. Affiliation: Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, China . penggong@tsinghua.edu.cn Pubmed MeSH: Agriculture , China , Food Supply , Humans , International Cooperation , Public Policy , Water Supply Wikipedia: Alien , China , Emigrant , Foreigner , Immigrant , Inner Mongolia , Mainland China , Manchuria , SinKiang Title: Species-area relationships always overestimate extinction rates from habitat loss. PMID: 21593870 Related Articles Authors: He, Fangliang , Hubbell, Stephen P Journal: Nature , Vol. 473 (7347): 368-71 , 2011 Abstract: Extinction from habitat loss is the signature conservation problem of the twenty-first century. Despite its importance, estimating extinction rates is still highly uncertain because no proven direct methods or reliable data exist for verifying extinctions. The most widely used indirect method is to estimate extinction rates by reversing the species-area accumulation curve, extrapolating backwards to smaller areas to calculate expected species loss. Estimates of extinction rates based on this method are almost always much higher than those actually observed. This discrepancy gave rise to the concept of an 'extinction debt', referring to species 'committed to extinction' owing to habitat loss and reduced population size but not yet extinct during a non-equilibrium period. Here we show that the extinction debt as currently defined is largely a sampling artefact due to an unrecognized difference between the underlying sampling problems when constructing a species-area relationship (SAR) and when extrapolating species extinction from habitat loss. The key mathematical result is that the area required to remove the last individual of a species ( extinction ) is larger, almost always much larger, than the sample area needed to encounter the first individual of a species, irrespective of species distribution and spatial scale. We illustrate these results with data from a global network of large, mapped forest plots and ranges of passerine bird species in the continental USA; and we show that overestimation can be greater than 160%. Although we conclude that extinctions caused by habitat loss require greater loss of habitat than previously thought, our results must not lead to complacency about extinction due to habitat loss, which is a real and growing threat. Affiliation: State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol and School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China . fhe@mail.sysu.edu.cn Pubmed MeSH: Animals , Biodiversity , Ecosystem , Extinction, Biological , Models, Biological , Models, Statistical , Passeriformes , Population Density , Trees , United States Wikipedia: Artefact , Artifact , Concise , Delton , Ecological systems , Ecosystem , Habitat , Mass Extinction , Mass extinctions , Mathematic , Overpopulation , Population Density , Population densities , Population size , Species Extinction , Underpopulation Title: Induction of functional hepatocyte-like cells from mouse fibroblasts by defined factors. PMID: 21562492 Related Articles Authors: Huang, Pengyu , He, Zhiying , Ji, Shuyi , Sun, Huawang , Xiang, Dao , Liu, Changcheng , Hu, Yiping , Wang, Xin , Hui, Lijian Journal: Nature , Vol. 475 (7356): 386-9 , 2011 Abstract: The generation of functional hepatocytes independent of donor liver organs is of great therapeutic interest with regard to regenerative medicine and possible cures for liver disease . Induced hepatic differentiation has been achieved previously using embryonic stem cells or induced pluripotent stem cells . Particularly, hepatocytes generated from a patient 's own induced pluripotent stem cells could theoretically avoid immunological rejection. However, the induction of hepatocytes from induced pluripotent stem cells is a complicated process that would probably be replaced with the arrival of improved technology . Overexpression of lineage-specific transcription factors directly converts terminally differentiated cells into some other lineages, including neurons , cardiomyocytes and blood progenitors; however, it remains unclear whether these lineage-converted cells could repair damaged tissues in vivo. Here we demonstrate the direct induction of functional hepatocyte-like (iHep) cells from mouse tail-tip fibroblasts by transduction of Gata4 , Hnf1α and Foxa3 , and inactivation of p19( Arf ). iHep cells show typical epithelial morphology, express hepatic genes and acquire hepatocyte functions. Notably, transplanted iHep cells repopulate the livers of fumarylacetoacetate-hydrolase-deficient (Fah(-/-)) mice and rescue almost half of recipients from death by restoring liver functions. Our study provides a novel strategy to generate functional hepatocyte-like cells for the purpose of liver engineering and regenerative medicine . Affiliation: Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy for Sciences, Yueyang Road 320, 200031 Shanghai , China . Wikipedia: Cardiac Myocytes , Cardiac muscle cell , Cardiac myocyte , Cardiomyocyte , Cistron , Client , Colony-forming unit , Colony forming unit , Donor , Embryonic Stem Cell , Fibroblast , Gene , Genetic material , Hepatitis , Hepatocyte , House Mouse , House mice , Industrial Arts , Laboratory mice , Laboratory mouse , Liver Disease , Liver cells , Liver diseases , Medicine , Mice , Mother cell , Mouse , Mus , Mus domesticus , Mus musculus , Mus musculus domesticus , Myocytes, cardiac , Nerve cell , Neuron , Organ donor , Patient , Pluripotent stem cell , Probabilities , Probability , Progenitor cell , Regenerative Medicine , Stem Cell , Technology , Therapeutic , Tissue , Transcription factor , Treatment Proteins: Arf , Foxa3 , Gata4 Order related Antibodies online: ADP-ribosylation factor 1 , forkhead box A3 , GATA binding protein 4 Title: A eudicot from the Early Cretaceous of China . PMID: 21455178 Related Articles Authors: Sun, Ge , Dilcher, David L , Wang, Hongshan , Chen, Zhiduan Journal: Nature , Vol. 471 (7340): 625-8 , 2011 Abstract: The current molecular systematics of angiosperms recognizes the basal angiosperms and five major angiosperm lineages: the Chloranthaceae, the magnoliids, the monocots, Ceratophyllum and the eudicots, which consist of the basal eudicots and the core eudicots. The eudicots form the majority of the angiosperms in the world today. The flowering plants are of exceptional evolutionary interest because of their diversity of over 250,000 species and their abundance as the dominant vegetation in most terrestrial ecosystems , but little is known of their very early history. In this report we document an early presence of eudicots during the Early Cretaceous Period. Diagnostic characters of the eudicot fossil Leefructus gen. nov. include simple and deeply trilobate leaves clustered at the nodes in threes or fours, basal palinactinodromous primary venation, pinnate secondary venation, and a long axillary reproductive axis terminating in a flattened receptacle bearing five long, narrow pseudo-syncarpous carpels. These morphological characters suggest that its affinities are with the Ranunculaceae , a basal eudicot family. The fossil co-occurs with Archaefructus sinensis and Hyrcantha decussata whereas Archaefructus liaoningensis comes from more ancient sediments. Multiple radiometric dates of the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation place the bed yielding this fossil at 122.6-125.8 million years old. The earliest fossil records of eudicots are 127 to 125 million years old, on the basis of pollen . Thus, Leefructus gen. nov. suggests that the basal eudicots were already present and diverse by the latest Barremian and earliest Aptian. Affiliation: Paleontological Institute of Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China . sunge@synu.edu.cn Pubmed MeSH: Angiosperms , Animals , China , Fossils , Phylogeny , Plant Leaves , Time Factors , Vertebrates Wikipedia: Angiosperms , Axis , Beesia , Character , China , Cluster Analysis , Cluster analyses , Clustering , Consolida , Dates , Ecological systems , Ecosystem , Epistropheus , Habitat , Hepatica , Inner Mongolia , Isopyrum , Magnoliophyta , Mainland China , Manchuria , Pollen , Ranunculaceae , SinKiang , Vegetable Title: Molecular regulation of sexual preference revealed by genetic studies of 5-HT in the brains of male mice . PMID: 21441904 Related Articles Authors: Liu, Yan , Jiang, Yun'ai , Si, Yunxia , Kim, Ji-Young , Chen, Zhou-Feng , Rao, Yi Journal: Nature , Vol. 472 (7341): 95-9 , 2011 Abstract: Although the question of to whom a male directs his mating attempts is a critical one in social interactions , little is known about the molecular and cellular mechanisms controlling mammalian sexual preference. Here we report that the neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine ( 5-HT ) is required for male sexual preference. Wild-type male mice preferred females over males, but males lacking central serotonergic neurons lost sexual preference although they were not generally defective in olfaction or in pheromone sensing. A role for 5-HT was demonstrated by the phenotype of mice lacking tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (Tph2), which is required for the first step of 5-HT synthesis in the brain. Thirty-five minutes after the injection of the intermediate 5-hydroxytryptophan ( 5-HTP ), which circumvented Tph2 to restore 5-HT to the wild-type level, adult Tph2 knockout mice also preferred females over males. These results indicate that 5-HT and serotonergic neurons in the adult brain regulate mammalian sexual preference. Affiliation: National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing 102206, China . Pubmed MeSH: 5-Hydroxytryptophan , Animals , Brain , Brain Chemistry , Estrous Cycle , Female , Heterosexuality , Homosexuality, Male , Housing, Animal , Male , Mating Preference, Animal , Mice , Mice, Knockout , Neurons , Odors , Serotonin , Sex Attractants , Sex Characteristics , Smell , Tryptophan Hydroxylase Wikipedia: 5-HT , 5-HTP , 5-HydroxyTryptamine , 5-Hydroxytryptophan , 5 hydroxytryptamine , Adult , Allomones , Enteramine , Gender issue , House Mouse , House mice , Hydroxytryptophan , Interpersonal relations , Kairomones , Knock-out mice , Knockout mice , Knockout mouse , L-Tryptophan , Laboratory mice , Laboratory mouse , Mice , Mouse , Mus , Mus domesticus , Mus musculus , Mus musculus domesticus , Nerve cell , Neurohormones , Neuromodulator , Neuron , Neurotransmitter , Neurotransmitter agents , Olfaction , Oxitriptan , Partner Communications , Phenotype , Pheromones , Serotonin , Sexuality , Smell , Social interaction , Tryptan , Tryptophan , Tryptophan hydroxylase , Tryptophan metabolism Title: Structure and mechanism of the uracil transporter UraA . PMID: 21423164 Related Articles Authors: Lu, Feiran , Li, Shuo , Jiang, Yang , Jiang, Jing , Fan, He , Lu, Guifeng , Deng, Dong , Dang, Shangyu , Zhang, Xu , Wang, Jiawei , Yan, Nieng Journal: Nature , Vol. 472 (7342): 243-6 , 2011 Abstract: The nucleobase /ascorbate transporter ( NAT ) proteins , also known as nucleobase/ cation symporter 2 (NCS2) proteins , are responsible for the uptake of nucleobases in all kingdoms of life and for the transport of vitamin C in mammals . Despite functional characterization of the NAT family members in bacteria , fungi and mammals , detailed structural information remains unavailable. Here we report the crystal structure of a representative NAT protein , the Escherichia coli uracil /H(+) symporter UraA , in complex with uracil at a resolution of 2.8 . UraA has a novel structural fold, with 14 transmembrane segments (TMs) divided into two inverted repeats. A pair of antiparallel β-strands is located between TM3 and TM10 and has an important role in structural organization and substrate recognition. The structure is spatially arranged into a core domain and a gate domain. Uracil , located at the interface between the two domains, is coordinated mainly by residues from the core domain. Structural analysis suggests that alternating access of the substrate may be achieved through conformational changes of the gate domain. Affiliation: State Key Laboratory of Bio-membrane and Membrane Biotechnology, Center for Structural Biology, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China . Pubmed MeSH: Biological Transport , Crystallography, X-Ray , Escherichia coli , Escherichia coli Proteins , Hydrogen Bonding , Membrane Transport Proteins , Models, Biological , Models, Molecular , Protein Folding , Protein Structure, Secondary , Protein Structure, Tertiary , Protons , Structure-Activity Relationship , Uracil Wikipedia: Antiport , Ascorbic Acid , Bacteria , Binding protein , Carrier proteins , Cations , Co-transporters , DAEC , EAEC , EIEC , E Coli , Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli , Escherichia , Escherichia Coli , Eubacteria , Extended families , Extended family , Families , Family , Filiation , Ion transport , L-ascorbic acid , Mammal , Proteins , Reconstituted Families , Reconstituted family , Relatives , Sodium ascorbate , Stepfamilies , Stepfamily , Symport , Symporters , Transport proteins , Uniport , Uracil , Vitamin , Vitamin C Proteins: uracil transporter UraA , NAT , UraA Order related Antibodies online: N-acetyltransferase 1 , N-acetyltransferase type 2 , sodium channel protein type 11 subunit alpha , sodium channel, voltage-gated, type XII, alpha polypeptide Title: Structure and mechanism of the hexameric MecA - ClpC molecular machine. PMID: 21368759 Related Articles Authors: Wang, Feng , Mei, Ziqing , Qi, Yutao , Yan, Chuangye , Hu, Qi , Wang, Jiawei , Shi, Yigong Journal: Nature , Vol. 471 (7338): 331-5 , 2011 Abstract: Regulated proteolysis by ATP-dependent proteases is universal in all living cells. Bacterial ClpC , a member of the Clp / Hsp100 family of AAA + proteins ( ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities ) with two nucleotide-binding domains ( D1 and D2 ), requires the adaptor protein MecA for activation and substrate targeting. The activated , hexameric MecA - ClpC molecular machine harnesses the energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis to unfold specific substrate proteins and translocate the unfolded polypeptide to the ClpP protease for degradation . Here we report three related crystal structures: a heterodimer between MecA and the amino domain of ClpC , a heterododecamer between MecA and D2 -deleted ClpC , and a hexameric complex between MecA and full-length ClpC . In conjunction with biochemical analyses, these structures reveal the organizational principles behind the hexameric MecA - ClpC complex, explain the molecular mechanisms for MecA -mediated ClpC activation and provide mechanistic insights into the function of the MecA - ClpC molecular machine. These findings have implications for related Clp / Hsp100 molecular machines. Affiliation: Center for Structural Biology, School of Life Sciences and School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China . Pubmed MeSH: Adenosine Triphosphate , Bacterial Proteins , Binding Sites , Crystallography, X-Ray , Endopeptidase Clp , Heat-Shock Proteins , Hydrolysis , Models, Molecular , Protein Binding , Protein Conformation , Protein Multimerization , Protein Structure, Tertiary , Protein Unfolding , Substrate Specificity Wikipedia: ATP , ATPase , Adenosine Triphosphate , Adenosine triphosphatase , Adenosinetriphosphatase , Binding , Breakdown , Catabolism , Chaperone , Degradation , Hydrolysis , Living Wills , Living will , Peptide hydrolases , Peptides , Polypeptides , Proteases , Protein sorting , Protein targeting , Protein translocation , Proteins , Proteolysis , Proteolytic enzymes Proteins: ClpC , MecA , D1 , AAA , ATP-dependent proteases , Clp , ClpP , D2 , Hsp100 Order related Antibodies online: cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide , coactosin-like protein , colipase, pancreatic , cysteine and glycine-rich protein 3 , SLC3A1 variant E An armoured Cambrian lobopodian from China with arthropod-like appendages. PMID: 21350485 Related Articles Authors: Liu, Jianni , Steiner, Michael , Dunlop, Jason A , Keupp, Helmut , Shu, Degan , Ou, Qiang , Han, Jian , Zhang, Zhifei , Zhang, Xingliang Journal: Nature , Vol. 470 (7335): 526-30 , 2011 Abstract: Cambrian fossil Lagersttten preserving soft-bodied organisms have contributed much towards our understanding of metazoan origins. Lobopodians are a particularly interesting group that diversified and flourished in the Cambrian seas . Resembling 'worms with legs', they have long attracted much attention in that they may have given rise to both Onychophora (velvet worms) and Tardigrada (water bears), as well as to arthropods in general. Here we describe Diania cactiformis gen. et sp. nov. as an 'armoured' lobopodian from the Chengjiang fossil Lagersttte (Cambrian Stage 3), Yunnan, southwestern China . Although sharing features with other typical lobopodians, it is remarkable for possessing robust and probably sclerotized appendages, with what appear to be articulated elements. In terms of limb morphology it is therefore closer to the arthropod condition, to our knowledge , than any lobopodian recorded until now. Phylogenetic analysis recovers it in a derived position, close to Arthropoda; thus, it seems to belong to a grade of organization close to the point of becoming a true arthropod . Further, D . cactiformis could imply that arthropodization (sclerotization of the limbs) preceded arthrodization (sclerotization of the body ). Comparing our fossils with other lobopodian appendage morphologies--see Kerygmachela, Jianshanopodia and Megadictyon-- reinforces the hypothesis that the group as a whole is paraphyletic, with different taxa expressing different grades of arthropodization . Affiliation: Early Life Institute, State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi ' an 710069, China . liujianni@126.com Pubmed MeSH: Animals , Arthropods , China , Extinction, Biological , Extremities , Fossils , Phylogeny Wikipedia: Arthropods , Articulator , China , EpistemOlogy , Inner Mongolia , KnowLedge , Mainland China , Manchuria , Negative reinforcement , Oceans , Positive reinforcement , Probabilities , Probability , Reinforcement , Reinforcement (psychology) , Seas , SinKiang Title: An early Ediacaran assemblage of macroscopic and morphologically differentiated eukaryotes. PMID: 21331041 Related Articles Authors: Yuan, Xunlai , Chen, Zhe , Xiao, Shuhai , Zhou, Chuanming , Hua, Hong Journal: Nature , Vol. 470 (7334): 390-3 , 2011 Abstract: The deep-water Avalon biota (about 579 to 565 million years old) is often regarded as the earliest-known fossil assemblage with macroscopic and morphologically complex life forms. It has been proposed that the rise of the Avalon biota was triggered by the oxygenation of mid-Ediacaran deep oceans . Here we report a diverse assemblage of morphologically differentiated benthic macrofossils that were preserved largely in situ as carbonaceous compressions in black shales of the Ediacaran Lantian Formation (southern Anhui Province, South China ). The Lantian biota , probably older than and taxonomically distinct from the Avalon biota , suggests that morphological diversification of macroscopic eukaryotes may have occurred in the early Ediacaran Period, perhaps shortly after the Marinoan glaciation, and that the redox history of Ediacaran oceans was more complex than previously thought. Affiliation: State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China . xlyuan@nigpas.ac.cn Pubmed MeSH: Biological Evolution , Biota , Body Size , China , Eukaryota , Fossils , Geologic Sediments , History, Ancient , Oceans and Seas , Oxidation-Reduction , Phylogeny , Uncertainty Wikipedia: Biodiversity , Biological diversity , Biota , Blacks , China , Dioxygen , Inner Mongolia , Mainland China , Manchuria , Negro , Negroid race , Oceans , Oxidation-reduction , Oxidation reduction , Oxygen , Oxygen metabolism , Oxygenator , Probabilities , Probability , Redox , Seas , SinKiang Title: Structural basis for site-specific ribose methylation by box C /D RNA protein complexes . PMID: 21270896 Related Articles Authors: Lin, Jinzhong , Lai, Shaomei , Jia, Ru , Xu, Anbi , Zhang, Liman , Lu, Jing , Ye, Keqiong Journal: Nature , Vol. 469 (7331): 559-63 , 2011 Abstract: Box C/D RNA protein complexes (RNPs) direct site-specific 2 '- O-methylation of RNA and ribosome assembly . The guide RNA in C/D RNP forms base pairs with complementary substrates and selects the modification site using a molecular ruler. Despite many studies of C/D RNP structure, the fundamental questions of how C/D RNAs assemble into RNPs and how they guide modification remain unresolved. Here we report the crystal structure of an entire catalytically active archaeal C/D RNP consisting of a bipartite C/D RNA associated with two substrates and two copies each of Nop5 , L7Ae and fibrillarin at 3.15- resolution. The substrate pairs with the second through the eleventh nucleotide of the 12-nucleotide guide, and the resultant duplex is bracketed in a channel with flexible ends. The methyltransferase fibrillarin binds to an undistorted A-form structure of the guide-substrate duplex and specifically loads the target ribose into the active site . Because interaction with the RNA duplex alone does not determine the site specificity , fibrillarin is further positioned by non-specific and specific protein interactions. Compared with the structure of the inactive C/D RNP , extensive domain movements are induced by substrate loading. Our results reveal the organization of a monomeric C/D RNP and the mechanism underlying its site-specific methylation activity. Affiliation: National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing 102206, China . Pubmed MeSH: Chromosomal Proteins, Non-Histone , Methylation , Models, Molecular , Protein Structure, Tertiary , RNA, Archaeal , Ribose , Sulfolobus solfataricus Wikipedia: Active site , Base pair , Base pairing , Binding site , D-ribose , Guide RNA , Methylation , Methyltransferases , Nucleotides , Protein complex , Proteins , RNA , RiboNucleic Acid , Ribose , Ribosome , Sensitivity , Sensitivity and specificity , Specificity , Specificity and sensitivity Proteins: box C , methyltransferase , Nop5 , RNP Order related Antibodies online: Nop58p
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分析平台 http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB01b9dilap4abijInI1I00h001000j100300010 分析主题 Male Infertility 分析结果 33,062 documents semantically analyzed 文献年代分布 Top Years Publications ‍ 2010 1,312 ‍ 2008 1,297 ‍ 2009 1,267 ‍ 2007 1,189 ‍ 2006 1,183 ‍ 2005 1,156 ‍ 2004 1,138 ‍ 2003 1,073 ‍ 2011 1,027 ‍ 2002 1,018 ‍ 1998 1,003 ‍ 2000 996 ‍ 2001 970 ‍ 1999 934 ‍ 1995 904 ‍ 1997 888 ‍ 1996 848 ‍ 1994 832 ‍ 1993 780 ‍ 1988 648 1 2 3 4 文献国家地区分布 1 2 3 ... 7 Top Countries Publications ‍ USA 5,173 ‍ United Kingdom 1,442 ‍ Germany 1,362 ‍ Japan 1,173 ‍ Italy 1,166 ‍ France 1,159 ‍ China 1,023 ‍ Canada 564 ‍ Australia 538 ‍ India 514 ‍ Netherlands 510 ‍ Israel 488 ‍ Spain 468 ‍ Turkey 451 ‍ Belgium 438 ‍ Denmark 287 ‍ Brazil 287 ‍ Sweden 284 ‍ Finland 206 ‍ Switzerland 198 1 2 3 ... 7 文献城市分布 1 2 3 ... 75 Top Cities Publications ‍ New York City 547 ‍ London 397 ‍ Paris 292 ‍ Boston 258 ‍ Brussels 222 ‍ Münster 214 ‍ Houston 208 ‍ Rome 205 ‍ Cleveland 201 ‍ Nanjing 188 ‍ Edinburgh 187 ‍ Chicago 155 ‍ Ankara 152 ‍ Philadelphia 147 ‍ Copenhagen 145 ‍ Toronto 141 ‍ Tokyo 137 ‍ Montreal 137 ‍ Tel Aviv-Yafo 132 ‍ Melbourne 131 1 2 3 ... 75 文献期刊分布 1 2 3 ... 160 Top Journals Publications ‍ Fertil Steril 3,300 ‍ Hum Reprod 1,962 ‍ Andrologia 875 ‍ Arch Andrology 620 ‍ Int J Androl 519 ‍ J Urology 508 ‍ J Androl 490 ‍ Reprod Biomed Online 334 ‍ J Assist Reprod Gen 333 ‍ Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue 325 ‍ Biol Reprod 303 ‍ Urology 296 ‍ Lancet 253 ‍ Int J Fertil 223 ‍ Asian J Androl 222 ‍ Mol Hum Reprod 211 ‍ Am J Reprod Immunol 203 ‍ J Reprod Fertil 197 ‍ J Clin Endocr Metab 186 ‍ Acta Eur Fertil 177 1 2 3 ... 160 文献主题分布 1 2 3 ... 1139 Top Terms Publications ‍ Humans 26,899 ‍ Infertility 22,448 ‍ Infertility, Male 19,103 ‍ Spermatozoa 14,870 ‍ Adult 13,060 ‍ Fertilization 11,931 ‍ Fertility 11,931 ‍ Fertilizers 11,225 ‍ fertilization 11,224 ‍ Patients 10,691 ‍ Pregnancy 8,636 ‍ Semen 7,500 ‍ Men 7,446 ‍ Animals 6,911 ‍ Testis 5,770 ‍ Evaluation Studies as Topic 5,486 ‍ Oligospermia 5,330 ‍ Sperm Motility 4,646 ‍ Spermatogenesis 4,405 ‍ Infertility, Female 4,364 1 2 3 ... 1139 参考文献 研究显示全国逾百万男性患不育症 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2011/11/255034.shtm
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中国化学论文H指数与被引量 1996-2010年
热度 1 xupeiyang 2011-11-8 14:01
根据SCOPUS数据库统计分析结果 中国化学论文H指数与被引量1996-2010年 统计指标的中文含义见 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=280034do=blogid=505891 1996-2010 H Index 182 Documents 175.488 Citable Documents 173.972 Citations 1.381.434 Self Citations 739.571 Citations per Document 7,87 Documents Citable Documents Cites Self Cites Cites per Doc. Self Cites per Doc. Cited Docs. Uncited Docs. % International Collaboration % Region % World 1996 3.589 3.581 27.875 11.294 7,77 3,15 2.284 1.305 19,20 19,14 4,61 1997 4.119 4.107 35.039 15.146 8,51 3,68 2.728 1.391 18,31 20,88 5,10 1998 4.338 4.328 39.848 17.627 9,19 4,06 2.923 1.415 16,46 21,10 5,18 1999 5.573 5.556 48.394 22.952 8,68 4,12 3.633 1.940 13,22 24,87 6,62 2000 6.301 6.276 61.647 29.516 9,78 4,68 4.317 1.984 12,79 26,94 7,19 2001 7.127 7.091 74.777 38.020 10,49 5,33 5.134 1.993 11,37 28,90 7,85 2002 7.862 7.805 94.729 50.393 12,05 6,41 6.282 1.580 10,98 30,04 8,33 2003 8.852 8.802 121.944 64.616 13,78 7,30 7.655 1.197 16,34 31,01 9,15 2004 10.777 10.692 139.693 74.902 12,96 6,95 9.066 1.711 16,56 35,41 10,13 2005 13.932 13.847 164.093 90.085 11,78 6,47 11.816 2.116 14,97 39,70 12,54 2006 16.383 16.294 175.039 95.857 10,68 5,85 14.201 2.182 15,52 41,91 13,83 2007 18.067 17.966 159.683 89.857 8,84 4,97 15.421 2.646 15,68 43,70 14,62 2008 20.340 20.216 129.318 75.061 6,36 3,69 16.690 3.650 16,08 44,45 15,88 2009 22.997 22.749 85.236 49.697 3,71 2,16 16.401 6.596 17,51 46,23 17,40 2010 25.231 24.662 24.119 14.548 0,96 0,58 9.476 15.755 17,59 47,10 18,46 数据来源 http://www.scimagojr.com/countrysearch.php?area=1600country=CNw =
个人分类: 引证分析|3068 次阅读|0 个评论
中国生物化学、遗传学和分子生物学论文H指数与被引量 1996-2010
xupeiyang 2011-11-8 13:36
根据SCOPUS数据库统计分析结果 中国生物化学、遗传学和分子生物学论文H指数与被引量1996-2010年 1996-2010年 H Index H指数 162 Documents 文献总量 137.581 Citable Documents 可引文献量 133.993 Citations 文献被引量 902.948 Self Citations 文献自引量 350.836 Citations per Document 篇均引用量 6,56 Documents 文献总量 Citable Documents 可引文献量 Cites 被引量 Self Cites 自引量 Cites per Doc. 篇均引用量 Self Cites per Doc. 篇均自引量 Cited Docs. 已引文献量 Uncited Docs. 未引文献量 % International Collaboration 国际合作% % Region 地区% % World 世界% 1996 2.028 2.021 20.074 6.207 9,90 3,06 1.413 615 26,13 8,95 1,35 1997 2.294 2.277 27.498 7.871 11,99 3,43 1.669 625 28,07 9,50 1,52 1998 2.536 2.514 28.441 8.397 11,21 3,31 1.836 700 25,28 10,30 1,67 1999 2.950 2.913 38.276 12.422 12,97 4,21 2.172 778 24,31 11,81 2,04 2000 2.865 2.817 36.285 12.878 12,66 4,49 2.164 701 23,73 11,46 1,95 2001 3.101 3.060 44.035 15.836 14,20 5,11 2.464 637 22,67 12,35 2,08 2002 3.721 3.678 52.642 20.654 14,15 5,55 3.180 541 21,26 14,22 2,44 2003 5.628 5.572 77.814 28.572 13,83 5,08 4.722 906 28,84 18,35 3,50 2004 6.547 6.483 87.539 33.466 13,37 5,11 5.498 1.049 29,17 21,38 3,86 2005 9.266 9.140 108.363 42.186 11,69 4,55 7.758 1.508 26,94 25,78 5,22 2006 12.568 12.429 111.744 46.669 8,89 3,71 10.109 2.459 23,40 30,04 6,66 2007 17.773 17.554 107.874 46.464 6,07 2,61 12.022 5.751 19,45 36,23 8,81 2008 19.353 18.985 87.050 36.536 4,50 1,89 12.651 6.702 20,55 37,31 9,48 2009 22.746 22.015 57.847 24.874 2,54 1,09 12.977 9.769 20,84 40,09 10,72 2010 24.205 22.535 17.466 7.804 0,72 0,32 7.766 16.439 22,44 40,48 11,10 数据来源 http://www.scimagojr.com/countrysearch.php?area=1300country=CNw =
个人分类: 引证分析|3121 次阅读|0 个评论
中国农业和生物科学论文H指数与被引量 1996-2010年
xupeiyang 2011-11-8 13:27
根据SCOPUS数据库统计分析结果 中国农业和生物科学论文H指数与被引量1996-2010年 1996-2010年 H Index H指数 108 Documents 文献总量 92.521 Citable Documents 可引用文献量 91.250 Citations 文献被引用量 431.051 Self Citations 文献自引量 212.498 Citations per Document 文献篇均引用量 4,66 Documents Citable Documents Cites Self Cites Cites per Doc. Self Cites per Doc. Cited Docs. Uncited Docs. % International Collaboration % Region % World 1996 1.061 1.058 12.835 4.348 12,10 4,10 869 192 43,83 9,31 1,23 1997 1.225 1.216 14.032 4.783 11,45 3,90 1.007 218 41,80 9,99 1,41 1998 1.533 1.530 15.963 5.914 10,41 3,86 1.212 321 36,33 11,65 1,68 1999 1.663 1.661 17.571 7.409 10,57 4,46 1.334 329 33,91 12,28 1,96 2000 1.650 1.643 19.139 8.211 11,60 4,98 1.346 304 36,24 11,67 1,90 2001 2.499 2.492 22.174 10.078 8,87 4,03 1.768 731 20,25 16,73 2,75 2002 2.421 2.401 24.327 11.935 10,05 4,93 2.062 359 30,11 15,64 2,54 2003 3.217 3.199 36.348 17.201 11,30 5,35 2.730 487 39,45 18,41 3,28 2004 4.484 4.457 41.934 20.395 9,35 4,55 3.728 756 34,14 23,93 4,40 2005 8.154 8.125 49.063 26.276 6,02 3,22 6.068 2.086 22,63 34,96 7,38 2006 9.680 9.638 51.638 27.312 5,33 2,82 7.038 2.642 23,47 36,35 7,80 2007 10.629 10.582 48.926 26.342 4,60 2,48 7.712 2.917 23,59 35,78 7,99 2008 12.728 12.578 42.395 22.852 3,33 1,80 8.537 4.191 24,21 38,47 8,94 2009 14.995 14.729 27.018 15.145 1,80 1,01 8.105 6.890 23,70 41,85 10,13 2010 16.582 15.941 7.688 4.297 0,46 0,26 3.977 12.605 25,35 42,77 10,76 数据来源 http://www.scimagojr.com/countrysearch.php?area=1100country=CNw =
个人分类: 引证分析|2692 次阅读|0 个评论
yelloworld 2011-11-7 08:39
Sub Macro1() ' ' Macro1 Macro 'Workbooks.Open Filename:= _ '"C:\Documents and Settings\anmin.fu\桌面\FX\12、长期应收款0.xls" Dim inbook As String 'Dim insheet As String Dim i As Integer 'Dim EachSheet As Worksheet 'Dim outbook As String 'Dim outsheet1 As String 'Dim outsheet2 As String 'Create Excel file that as the book name and sheet name 'specify the input fileslist and out put file and out sheet. 'outbook = "Tahe-HtSta.xls" 'outsheet1 = "Tahe-HtSta" 'outsheet2 = "Tahe-treeNumSta" For i = 1 To 306 '需更改数目与filelist中的个数一致 '指定输入文件book和Sheet inbook = Workbooks("filelist.xls").Worksheets("filelist").Cells(i, 1).Value inbook1 = Workbooks("filelist.xls").Worksheets("filelist").Cells(i, 2).Value Workbooks.Open Filename:=inbook '_ '"C:\Documents and Settings\anmin.fu\桌面\FX\" inbook '指定输入文件的路径+文件名 For Each EachSheet In ThisWorkbook.Sheets 'EachSheet.PageSetup.RightFooter = "页脚文字插入当前日期:" Format(Date, "yyyy年m月d日") EachSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = "" EachSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeader = _ """Times New Roman,Bold Italic""12ICPAs""Times New Roman,Regular""" """方正舒体,Bold""中泓应泰会计师事务所" EachSheet.PageSetup.RightHeader = "" Next EachSheet Workbooks(inbook1).Save Workbooks(inbook1).Close Next i End Sub
个人分类: 小程序开发|3115 次阅读|0 个评论
李光耀患周围感觉神经病 国际研究文献分析 1950-2011年
xupeiyang 2011-11-7 08:38
许博主原创博文 李光耀两年前患上外围感觉神经病变。 他的女儿国立脑神经医学院院长李玮玲医生也有这个疾病。 信息分析平坦 http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB01xlirsd37cw45IcIlI0 分析用词 sensory peripheral neuropathy 分析结果 12,058 documents semantically analyzed 文献年代分布 1 2 3 Top Years Publications ‍ 2008 632 ‍ 2010 614 ‍ 2009 611 ‍ 2007 567 ‍ 2004 541 ‍ 2005 528 ‍ 2006 520 ‍ 2003 491 ‍ 2001 490 ‍ 2002 467 ‍ 1999 437 ‍ 1998 431 ‍ 2000 430 ‍ 2011 409 ‍ 1996 373 ‍ 1995 355 ‍ 1994 345 ‍ 1997 342 ‍ 1992 320 ‍ 1993 298 1 2 3 文献国家地区分布 1 2 3 ... 6 Top Countries Publications ‍ USA 2,607 ‍ Japan 996 ‍ United Kingdom 811 ‍ Italy 636 ‍ Germany 544 ‍ France 528 ‍ Netherlands 346 ‍ Canada 310 ‍ Spain 239 ‍ Australia 213 ‍ Sweden 205 ‍ Turkey 170 ‍ China 163 ‍ India 140 ‍ Taiwan 131 ‍ Switzerland 128 ‍ Brazil 127 ‍ Israel 121 ‍ Denmark 117 ‍ Belgium 113 1 2 3 ... 6 文献城市分布 1 2 3 ... 53 Top Cities Publications ‍ London 379 ‍ New York City 191 ‍ Paris 181 ‍ Boston 163 ‍ Baltimore 142 ‍ Tokyo 136 ‍ Milan 122 ‍ Rochester, MN, USA 121 ‍ Ann Arbor 101 ‍ Rome 97 ‍ Taipei 83 ‍ Sydney 81 ‍ Manchester, United Kingdom 72 ‍ Barcelona 71 ‍ Amsterdam 71 ‍ Philadelphia 70 ‍ Utrecht, Netherlands 66 ‍ Toronto 63 ‍ Montreal 61 ‍ San Diego 61 1 2 3 ... 53 文献期刊分布 1 2 3 ... 97 Top Journals Publications ‍ Muscle Nerve 461 ‍ Neurology 422 ‍ J Neurol Neurosur Ps 246 ‍ Rinsho Shinkeigaku 243 ‍ J Neurol Sci 235 ‍ Pain 235 ‍ J Neurol 170 ‍ Brain 169 ‍ Rev Neurol-france 144 ‍ Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol 137 ‍ Ann Neurol 136 ‍ Diabetes Care 135 ‍ Acta Neurol Scand 134 ‍ Arch Phys Med Rehab 131 ‍ Clin Neurophysiol 98 ‍ Arch Neurol-chicago 98 ‍ Acta Neuropathol 94 ‍ Exp Neurol 92 ‍ J Hand Surg-am 89 ‍ J Peripher Nerv Syst 86 1 2 3 ... 97 文献研究主题分布 1 2 3 ... 747 Top Terms Publications ‍ Humans 10,307 ‍ Patients 7,041 ‍ Adult 5,577 ‍ Middle Aged 5,183 ‍ Peripheral Nervous System Diseases 4,306 ‍ Neural Conduction 3,566 ‍ Aged 3,206 ‍ Syndrome 2,940 ‍ Peripheral Nerves 2,656 ‍ Diagnosis 2,349 ‍ Axons 2,239 ‍ Evaluation Studies as Topic 2,239 ‍ Animals 2,173 ‍ axon 2,141 ‍ Polyneuropathies 1,935 ‍ Muscles 1,889 ‍ Neurons 1,721 ‍ Adolescent 1,628 ‍ Diabetic Neuropathies 1,575 ‍ Neurons, Afferent 1,461 1 2 3 ... 747 文献作者分布 1 2 3 ... 1748 Top Authors Publications ‍ Dyck P 84 ‍ Timmerman V 64 ‍ Sobue G 55 ‍ Ohnishi A 54 ‍ De Jonghe P 50 ‍ Thomas P 48 ‍ McArthur J 45 ‍ Van Broeckhoven C 45 ‍ Anand P 42 ‍ Cornblath D 42 ‍ Boulton A 41 ‍ Bouche P 41 ‍ Neundrfer B 40 ‍ Léger J 38 ‍ Dellon A 38 ‍ Low P 35 ‍ Nicholson G 34 ‍ King R 34 ‍ Zochodne D 33 ‍ Brice A 33 1 2 3 ... 1748 李光耀两年前患上外围感觉神经病变 国立脑神经医学院院长李玮玲医生今天在《星期天时报》个人专栏中透露,父亲李光耀两年前在86岁时被诊断患上外围感觉神经病变(sensory peripheral neuropathy),导致他走路不稳。 http://www.zaobao.com/wencui/2011/11/lhwb111106.shtml 身材高者外周感觉神经病变危险增加 本篇文章来自A href='http://www.100md.com'百拇医药网/a 原文链接: http://www.100md.com/html/DirDu/2006/11/23/29/75/25.htm
个人分类: 信息分析|2718 次阅读|0 个评论
肿瘤治疗系统评估文献分析报告 1963-2011年
xupeiyang 2011-11-2 10:04
编辑MM,看明白。 原创博文,请勿转载。 分析平台 http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB0w74tjte1rbq9IsI1hI0 分析用词 Systematic Review andTherapeuticsandNeoplasms 分析结果 74,206 documents semantically analyzed statistics 文献的年代分布 1 2 3 Top Years Publications ‍ 1971 156 ‍ 1970 120 ‍ 1969 118 ‍ 1968 83 ‍ 1964 64 ‍ 1967 45 ‍ 1965 29 ‍ 1963 23 ‍ 1966 12 1 2 3 文献的国家地区分布 1 2 3 ... 8 Top Countries Publications ‍ USA 27,608 ‍ United Kingdom 5,083 ‍ Germany 4,837 ‍ France 4,046 ‍ Japan 3,735 ‍ Italy 3,451 ‍ Canada 1,973 ‍ Netherlands 1,620 ‍ Spain 1,277 ‍ Australia 1,115 ‍ Belgium 950 ‍ Switzerland 857 ‍ China 729 ‍ Greece 512 ‍ Sweden 512 ‍ Austria 473 ‍ Israel 452 ‍ India 380 ‍ Denmark 333 ‍ Poland 282 1 2 3 ... 8 文献的城市分布 1 2 3 ... 110 Top Cities Publications ‍ New York City 2,381 ‍ Houston 2,109 ‍ Boston 1,684 ‍ London 1,669 ‍ Philadelphia 1,244 ‍ Chicago 971 ‍ Bethesda 951 ‍ Baltimore 936 ‍ Paris 934 ‍ Los Angeles 768 ‍ Tokyo 745 ‍ Toronto 700 ‍ Milan 602 ‍ Rome 594 ‍ Rochester, MN, USA 592 ‍ San Francisco 591 ‍ Cleveland 590 ‍ Pittsburgh 563 ‍ Amsterdam 529 ‍ Munich 528 1 2 3 ... 110 文献的期刊分布 1 2 3 ... 206 Top Journals Publications ‍ Semin Oncol 1,797 ‍ Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 950 ‍ Oncology-ny 916 ‍ Nippon Rinsho 909 ‍ Cancer 764 ‍ Ann Oncol 750 ‍ Curr Opin Oncol 718 ‍ Expert Rev Anticancer Ther 665 ‍ Bull Cancer 602 ‍ Cancer Treat Rev 568 ‍ Eur J Cancer 563 ‍ J Clin Oncol 512 ‍ Cancer Treat Res 498 ‍ Hematol Oncol Clin N 492 ‍ Oncologist 403 ‍ Cancer Radiother 393 ‍ Curr Oncol Rep 355 ‍ Int J Radiat Oncol 353 ‍ Recent Results Cancer Res 349 ‍ Crit Rev Oncol Hemat 342 1 2 3 ... 206 文献的主题分布 1 2 3 ... 1250 Top Terms Publications ‍ Humans 72,166 ‍ Patients 37,275 ‍ Neoplasms 34,862 ‍ Drug Therapy 20,327 ‍ Combined Modality Therapy 15,997 ‍ Therapeutics 14,169 ‍ Antineoplastic Agents 13,521 ‍ Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols 12,939 ‍ Animals 12,793 ‍ Radiotherapy 11,306 ‍ Prognosis 11,018 ‍ Recurrence 10,793 ‍ Surgery 10,399 ‍ Carcinoma 9,931 ‍ Pharmaceutical Preparations 9,927 ‍ Diagnosis 9,756 ‍ Radiation 9,303 ‍ Treatment Outcome 9,077 ‍ Adult 8,958 ‍ Evaluation Studies as Topic 8,957 1 2 3 ... 1250
个人分类: 信息分析|2910 次阅读|0 个评论
癌症筛查研究国际文献分析报告 1946-2011
xupeiyang 2011-11-1 20:44
原创博文,请勿转载。 分析平台 http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB019a4m6e9sdzxqIaIhI0 检索词 Cancer screening 分析结果 72,502 documents semantically analyzed statistics 文献的年代分布 1 2 3 4 Top Years Publications ‍ 2010 6,055 ‍ 2011 5,658 ‍ 2009 5,395 ‍ 2008 4,904 ‍ 2007 4,275 ‍ 2006 3,984 ‍ 2005 3,733 ‍ 2004 3,492 ‍ 2003 3,166 ‍ 2002 2,867 ‍ 2001 2,601 ‍ 2000 2,588 ‍ 1999 2,288 ‍ 1998 2,067 ‍ 1997 1,964 ‍ 1996 1,858 ‍ 1995 1,695 ‍ 1994 1,628 ‍ 1993 1,436 ‍ 1992 1,393 1 2 3 4 文献的国家地区分布 1 2 3 ... 9 Top Countries Publications ‍ USA 24,578 ‍ Japan 4,370 ‍ United Kingdom 4,296 ‍ Germany 2,872 ‍ China 2,260 ‍ Italy 2,245 ‍ France 2,119 ‍ Canada 2,112 ‍ Netherlands 1,878 ‍ Australia 1,426 ‍ South Korea 961 ‍ Spain 913 ‍ Sweden 797 ‍ Taiwan 747 ‍ India 738 ‍ Switzerland 555 ‍ Denmark 509 ‍ Belgium 488 ‍ Finland 484 ‍ Israel 479 1 2 3 ... 9 文献的城市分布 1 2 3 ... 124 Top Cities Publications ‍ New York City 1,529 ‍ Bethesda 1,378 ‍ Boston 1,320 ‍ Houston 1,222 ‍ London 1,193 ‍ Tokyo 1,073 ‍ Seattle 837 ‍ Baltimore 813 ‍ Philadelphia 735 ‍ Toronto 660 ‍ Los Angeles 630 ‍ Chicago 607 ‍ San Francisco 585 ‍ Rotterdam 533 ‍ Atlanta 509 ‍ Seoul, South Korea 502 ‍ Amsterdam 486 ‍ Beijing, China 470 ‍ Heidelberg 453 ‍ Ann Arbor 418 1 2 3 ... 124 文献的期刊分布 1 2 3 ... 238 Top Journals Publications ‍ Cancer 2,006 ‍ Cancer Res 980 ‍ Int J Cancer 856 ‍ J Med Chem 717 ‍ J Nat Prod 608 ‍ Anticancer Res 594 ‍ Brit J Cancer 586 ‍ Eur J Cancer 555 ‍ Cancer Epidem Biomar 519 ‍ Clin Cancer Res 479 ‍ Gynecol Oncol 462 ‍ J Clin Oncol 443 ‍ Lancet 427 ‍ J Natl Cancer I 410 ‍ J Urology 404 ‍ Prev Med 399 ‍ Bmj 394 ‍ Urology 384 ‍ Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 375 ‍ J Med Screen 363 1 2 3 ... 238 文献的研究主题分布 1 2 3 ... 1626 Top Terms Publications ‍ Humans 63,694 ‍ Patients 27,963 ‍ Middle Aged 26,483 ‍ Neoplasms 21,398 ‍ Adult 21,049 ‍ Mass Screening 20,568 ‍ Aged 20,342 ‍ Diagnosis 17,513 ‍ Breast Neoplasms 17,500 ‍ Evaluation Studies as Topic 16,168 ‍ Women 15,657 ‍ Carcinoma 11,300 ‍ Risk Factors 9,293 ‍ Incidence 9,203 ‍ Colorectal Neoplasms 8,733 ‍ Sensitivity and Specificity 8,594 ‍ Genes 7,985 ‍ Mammography 7,982 ‍ Uterine Cervicitis 7,878 ‍ Mortality 7,763 1 2 3 ... 1626 参考文献 癌症筛检是把双刃剑 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=335071do=blogid=503555
个人分类: 信息分析|2038 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2011-10-31 15:58
原创博文,请勿转载。 分析平台 http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB1mOWEB10O00d000j10020001000h00100090000 检索词 PREMATURE EJACULATION AND WOMEN 分析结果 250 documents semantically analyzed top author statistics 文献的年代分布 1 2 3 Top Years Publications ‍ 2011 23 ‍ 2008 22 ‍ 2010 18 ‍ 2009 18 ‍ 2007 14 ‍ 2006 14 ‍ 2005 12 ‍ 1997 11 ‍ 1980 9 ‍ 2004 7 ‍ 2000 7 ‍ 1978 7 ‍ 1984 6 ‍ 1975 6 ‍ 2001 5 ‍ 1998 5 ‍ 1981 5 ‍ 1979 5 ‍ 1977 5 ‍ 1976 5 1 2 3 文献的国家地区分布 1 2 Top Countries Publications ‍ USA 48 ‍ Turkey 12 ‍ United Kingdom 12 ‍ Italy 7 ‍ Iran 7 ‍ Netherlands 7 ‍ Ecuador 6 ‍ Australia 6 ‍ France 6 ‍ Canada 6 ‍ Brazil 5 ‍ India 5 ‍ China 5 ‍ Egypt 4 ‍ Denmark 4 ‍ Germany 4 ‍ Israel 4 ‍ Switzerland 3 ‍ Peru 2 ‍ Nigeria 2 1 2 文献的城市分布 1 2 3 ... 6 Top Cities Publications ‍ Guayaquil 6 ‍ Ankara 5 ‍ St. Louis 5 ‍ Copenhagen 4 ‍ Tehran 4 ‍ San Francisco 4 ‍ London 4 ‍ So Paulo, Brazil 3 ‍ Cairo 3 ‍ Valparaiso 3 ‍ Kermānshāh, Iran 3 ‍ The Hague 3 ‍ Cleveland 3 ‍ Los Angeles 3 ‍ Minneapolis 3 ‍ Bethesda 2 ‍ Mardin 2 ‍ Ilorin 2 ‍ Rome 2 ‍ Chapel Hill 2 1 2 3 ... 6 文献的期刊分布 1 2 3 ... 8 Top Journals Publications ‍ J Sex Med 41 ‍ J Sex Marital Ther 17 ‍ Arch Sex Behav 16 ‍ Int J Impot Res 10 ‍ Bju Int 4 ‍ Maturitas 3 ‍ Eur Urol 3 ‍ Andrologia 3 ‍ J Urology 3 ‍ Urology 3 ‍ Climacteric 2 ‍ Asian J Androl 2 ‍ J Ethnopharmacol 2 ‍ Int J Clin Pract 2 ‍ Rev Med Suisse 2 ‍ Int J Urol 2 ‍ J Clin Psychopharm 2 ‍ Pharmacol Biochem Be 2 ‍ Indian J Psychiatry 2 ‍ Compr Psychiat 2 1 2 3 ... 8 文献的研究主题分布 1 2 3 ... 69 Top Terms Publications ‍ Ejaculation 243 ‍ Humans 217 ‍ Sexuality 175 ‍ Adult 137 ‍ Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological 136 ‍ Erectile Dysfunction 111 ‍ Men 103 ‍ Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological 94 ‍ Middle Aged 91 ‍ Women 83 ‍ Patients 83 ‍ Questionnaires 69 ‍ Sexual Behavior 62 ‍ Orgasm 60 ‍ Personal Satisfaction 47 ‍ Prevalence 47 ‍ Evaluation Studies as Topic 46 ‍ Coitus 43 ‍ Pharmaceutical Preparations 42 ‍ Data Collection 41 1 2 3 ... 69 文献的作者分布 1 2 3 ... 33 Top Authors Publications ‍ Rosen R 10 ‍ Althof S 6 ‍ Shindel A 4 ‍ Rowland D 4 ‍ Safarinejad M 3 ‍ Patrick D 3 ‍ Rothman M 3 ‍ Waldinger M 3 ‍ Hengeveld M 3 ‍ Kilmann P 3 ‍ Martinez M 2 ‍ Giuliano F 2 ‍ Zargooshi J 2 ‍ Symonds T 2 ‍ Abdo C 2 ‍ Ralph D 2 ‍ Minhas S 2 ‍ Jamieson C 2 ‍ Gutierrez M 2 ‍ Stimmel G 2 1 2 3 ... 33 参考文献 宋卫东 博文 稀奇吧,女性也有早泄 精选 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=252769do=blogid=502777 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2053719/It-s-just-male-problem-Women-suffer-premature-orgasms-well.html#ixzz1byFLEElG
个人分类: 信息分析|2197 次阅读|0 个评论
word2007中不显示mathtype 图标怎么办
wqinmin 2011-10-15 22:32
1、在MathType的安装目录下找到这两个文档:MathPage.wll 和 MathType Commands 6 For Word.dot。 2、将两个文件拷贝到C:/Documents and Settings/用户名/Application Data/Microsoft/Word/ STARTUP 3、在word2007自动加载,在加载项里面可以看见。如果没有自动加载,就选择左上角图表—— Word选项——加载项——管理:Word加载项——转到,这里面就可以找到
18845 次阅读|0 个评论
geneculture 2011-10-12 02:24
由图2 可见,笔者对Σ*={ε,0,1,00,01,10,11,000,001,010,011,… } 所做的理想分类:单一集合、分层集合、标志集合以及原先不做这样细分的杂多集合(即Σ*)。笔者以二进制数为例这样来描述理想分类集,不仅可揭示其中蕴含的信息基本命题,而且,还可通过这种细分为进一步最优化各类数据结构提供一种切实可行的方略,更重要的是:这样论述理想分类集可做到言简意赅,对识别、理解和表达均具有事半功倍的效果。 from: 《软件》杂志 2011年 第5期 http://www.ccomsoft.com/kanlist.asp?ids=153 专家论坛 间接计算模型和间接形式化方法 邹晓辉 注: 著名的克莱尼星号(Σ*)是字符串形式理论的集中体现。我就是在此基础上推进了一步,即:对它做了进一步细分——区分出了:单一集合、分层集合、标志集合, 其意义至少有二 ,其一,在单一集合和分层集合的方框之内, 发现并可清晰地描述 第一信息基本定律——序位关系唯一守恒, 可排除 第三次数学危机一直没有很好地解决的逻辑悖论;其二, 发现并可清晰地描述 第二信息基本定律——同义并列对应转换,例如:0标志集合与1标志集合之间 就符合 第二信息基本定律。
个人分类: 信息学基础研究|1556 次阅读|3 个评论
树突状细胞研究进展与国际文献分析报告 1947 - 2011年
xupeiyang 2011-10-9 16:11
分析平台 http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB0b5y8cdxpeylvI7I1I00h001000j100300010 检索用词 Dendritic Cells 分析结果 53,700 documents semantically analyzed 文献的年代分布 1 2 3 Top Years Publications ‍ 2010 4,019 ‍ 2008 3,830 ‍ 2009 3,821 ‍ 2007 3,730 ‍ 2006 3,452 ‍ 2011 3,272 ‍ 2005 3,265 ‍ 2004 3,007 ‍ 2003 2,716 ‍ 2002 2,399 ‍ 2001 2,268 ‍ 2000 1,888 ‍ 1999 1,563 ‍ 1998 1,288 ‍ 1997 1,190 ‍ 1995 1,033 ‍ 1996 995 ‍ 1993 908 ‍ 1994 818 ‍ 1992 778 1 2 3 文献的国家地区分布 1 2 3 ... 7 Top Countries Publications ‍ USA 16,395 ‍ Germany 4,273 ‍ Japan 4,263 ‍ United Kingdom 2,986 ‍ France 2,639 ‍ China 2,045 ‍ Italy 2,025 ‍ Netherlands 1,627 ‍ Australia 1,480 ‍ Canada 1,352 ‍ Switzerland 1,022 ‍ Spain 806 ‍ Sweden 748 ‍ Belgium 680 ‍ Austria 621 ‍ South Korea 576 ‍ Brazil 308 ‍ Taiwan 305 ‍ Israel 299 ‍ Hungary 282 1 2 3 ... 7 文献的城市分布 1 2 3 ... 70 Top Cities Publications ‍ New York City 1,464 ‍ London 1,039 ‍ Boston 1,016 ‍ Paris 870 ‍ Tokyo 861 ‍ Bethesda 844 ‍ Pittsburgh 810 ‍ Los Angeles 684 ‍ Amsterdam 648 ‍ Philadelphia 502 ‍ Milan 482 ‍ Houston 460 ‍ Seattle 432 ‍ New Haven 415 ‍ Munich 409 ‍ Baltimore 400 ‍ Shanghai, China 394 ‍ Rome 368 ‍ Berlin, Germany 365 ‍ Oxford, United Kingdom 344 1 2 3 ... 70 文献的期刊分布 1 2 3 ... 160 Top Journals Publications ‍ J Immunol 3,960 ‍ J Comp Neurol 1,239 ‍ Blood 1,128 ‍ Eur J Immunol 1,123 ‍ J Neurosci 1,005 ‍ J Exp Med 918 ‍ J Invest Dermatol 777 ‍ Immunology 700 ‍ Brain Res 589 ‍ Neuroscience 554 ‍ J Virol 544 ‍ J Leukocyte Biol 536 ‍ P Natl Acad Sci Usa 500 ‍ Adv Exp Med Biol 484 ‍ Vaccine 431 ‍ J Neurophysiol 416 ‍ Cancer Res 404 ‍ Clin Exp Immunol 392 ‍ Infect Immun 382 ‍ Plos One 363 1 2 3 ... 160 文献的研究主题分布 1 2 3 ... 1601 Top Terms Publications ‍ Dendrites 46,023 ‍ dendrite 45,963 ‍ Dendritic Cells 38,229 ‍ Animals 32,184 ‍ Humans 27,159 ‍ T-Lymphocytes 22,863 ‍ Immunization 21,274 ‍ Immunity 21,129 ‍ Mice 19,175 ‍ Antigens 14,705 ‍ immune response 12,129 ‍ Proteins 11,541 ‍ Cytokines 10,864 ‍ Lymphocytes 9,824 ‍ Cells, Cultured 9,264 ‍ Neoplasms 8,821 ‍ Macrophages 8,430 ‍ Neurons 8,299 ‍ Patients 8,276 ‍ antigen binding 7,968 1 2 3 ... 1601 最新研究进展: 2011新科诺奖得主最新Cell“快照”文章 今年8月,新科诺奖得主Steinman在Cell杂志上发表了一篇快照文章:树突状细胞(SnapShot: Dendritic Cells.)。文章以概略图加上主题内容简介及推荐了10篇相关文献,简明扼要地归纳了树突状细胞的分类、组织分布及其几种亚群的功能特征、起源。为广大研究人员快速清晰地认识树突状细胞提供了重要的资料。 http://www.ebiotrade.com/newsf/read.asp?page=2011108100419667
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李斯特菌感染研究国际文献分析 1947 - 2011年
xupeiyang 2011-10-9 13:45
分析平台 http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB1mOWEB10O00d000j10020001000h00100090000 检索词 Listeria Infections 分析结果 7,791 documents semantically analyzed 文献的年代分布 1 2 3 4 Top Years Publications ‍ 2008 289 ‍ 2009 286 ‍ 2010 271 ‍ 2006 262 ‍ 2007 256 ‍ 2005 231 ‍ 1989 227 ‍ 2004 223 ‍ 2001 220 ‍ 2002 217 ‍ 2003 217 ‍ 1997 205 ‍ 2000 191 ‍ 1988 186 ‍ 1994 181 ‍ 1992 175 ‍ 1999 173 ‍ 1990 169 ‍ 2011 165 ‍ 1995 164 1 2 3 4 文献国家地区分布 1 2 3 4 5 Top Countries Publications ‍ USA 1,584 ‍ Germany 454 ‍ France 381 ‍ Japan 285 ‍ United Kingdom 211 ‍ Spain 154 ‍ Canada 121 ‍ Switzerland 110 ‍ Italy 110 ‍ Netherlands 94 ‍ Australia 68 ‍ Ireland 52 ‍ Austria 52 ‍ Denmark 49 ‍ Belgium 48 ‍ Sweden 46 ‍ Brazil 44 ‍ China 40 ‍ Finland 36 ‍ Norway 30 1 2 3 4 5 文献的城市分布 1 2 3 ... 38 Top Cities Publications ‍ Paris 190 ‍ New York City 88 ‍ London 74 ‍ Ithaca 71 ‍ Philadelphia 70 ‍ Berlin, Germany 68 ‍ Madison 64 ‍ Atlanta 52 ‍ Iowa City 49 ‍ Würzburg 49 ‍ St. Louis 48 ‍ Zürich, Switzerland 46 ‍ Boston 46 ‍ New Haven 45 ‍ Fukuoka, Japan 45 ‍ Tokyo 43 ‍ Seattle 42 ‍ Cork, Ireland 40 ‍ Munich 38 ‍ Ulm 38 1 2 3 ... 38 文献的期刊分布 1 2 3 ... 74 Top Journals Publications ‍ Infect Immun 414 ‍ J Immunol 373 ‍ Int J Food Microbiol 122 ‍ J Food Protect 101 ‍ J Exp Med 90 ‍ Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol 88 ‍ J Infect Dis 86 ‍ Immunology 84 ‍ Appl Environ Microb 81 ‍ J Clin Microbiol 67 ‍ Clin Infect Dis 60 ‍ Lancet 60 ‍ Vet Rec 59 ‍ Veterinariia 54 ‍ Eur J Immunol 53 ‍ Antimicrob Agents Ch 47 ‍ Cell Immunol 46 ‍ Acta Microbiol Hung 46 ‍ Infection 43 ‍ Fems Immunol Med Mic 41 1 2 3 ... 74 文献的研究主题分布 1 2 3 ... 630 Top Terms Publications ‍ Listeria 5,630 ‍ Listeria monocytogenes 5,484 ‍ Animals 4,047 ‍ Humans 3,900 ‍ Mice 2,556 ‍ Virulence 1,833 ‍ Immunization 1,529 ‍ Immunity 1,525 ‍ Bacteria 1,215 ‍ Adult 1,169 ‍ T-Lymphocytes 1,102 ‍ Macrophages 1,046 ‍ Patients 1,041 ‍ Infant, Newborn 992 ‍ Pregnancy 991 ‍ Listeria Infections 990 ‍ intracellular 933 ‍ Anti-Bacterial Agents 882 ‍ Meningitis 864 ‍ Meninges 826 1 2 3 ... 630 文献的作者分布 1 2 3 ... 979 Top Authors Publications ‍ Nomoto K 88 ‍ Kaufmann S 86 ‍ Wiedmann M 57 ‍ Cossart P 56 ‍ Czuprynski C 56 ‍ Berche P 56 ‍ Goebel W 49 ‍ Pamer E 44 ‍ Unanue E 44 ‍ Yoshikai Y 43 ‍ Nakane A 41 ‍ Mitsuyama M 41 ‍ Harty J 38 ‍ Hof H 38 ‍ Chakraborty T 37 ‍ Rocourt J 37 ‍ Wing E 37 ‍ Cheers C 37 ‍ North R 33 ‍ Zinkernagel R 29 1 2 3 ... 979 感染后大多为暂时带菌。儿童显性感染主要表现为脑膜炎及败血症,成人感染表现为各种脏器的实质性病变。   (一)妊娠感染 由于孕妇的细胞免疫功能下降,故易感染本菌,出现畏寒、发热、头痛、肌痛等类似 上呼吸道感染 症状。多发于妊娠26~30周。症状如果呈自限性,则不影响胎儿,但也可致早产、死产或新生儿脑膜炎而死亡。如果伴羊膜炎症,孕妇可持续发热,但感染后不会出现习惯性流产。   (二)新生儿感染 新生儿在胎内获得感染,分娩后发病。表现为肝、脾、肺、肾、脑等脏器内播散性脓肿或肉芽肿。早期常为败血症,后期为足月产后两周发生新生儿脑膜炎。常伴有结膜炎、咽炎,躯干及肢端皮肤红丘疹。患儿可出现呼吸或循环衰竭,病死率高达33~100%,早期治疗可提高存活率。   (三) 中枢神经系统感染 表现为脑膜脑炎或脑干脑炎。本菌居常见致病菌的第五位,社区获得性脑膜脑炎病原菌的第三位,为淋巴瘤、器官移植或激素使用者发生脑膜脑炎最常见的病原。典型的表现为发热、头痛、恶心、呕吐、脑膜刺激征、共济失调等,很少有昏迷。脑干脑炎者均为成人,发病率低,但可出现脑神经性非对称性偏瘫、共济失调等,约40%的病人出现呼吸衰竭,病死率高。   (四)心内膜炎 多见于成人,病人可有心瓣膜病变或癌症等基础疾病。7.5%的本菌感染出现心内膜炎,且伴发败血症,死亡率可高达48%。   (五)局部感染 该菌引起的化脓性结膜炎及皮肤感染可为婴儿败血肉芽肿的一部分。淋巴结感染多见于颈部,可混合有结核性淋巴结感染。   (六)胃肠道感染 为自限性发热性胃肠炎,症状有腹泻、恶心、呕吐伴发热等。   本菌尚可引起肝炎、肝脓肿、胆囊炎、脾脓肿、关节炎、骨髓炎、脊髓炎、脑脓肿、眼内炎等。 李斯特菌感染在美蔓延 已致死21人  美国疾病控制预防中心说,全美已有24个州报告了李斯特菌感染病例,死亡人数21人,感染人数升至109人。 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2011/10/253510.shtm
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eduman 2011-7-22 11:37
1. /private/var/mobile  新刷完的机器,要在这个文件夹下建一个Documents的目录,很多程序都要用到。 2. /private/var/mobile/Applications  通过AppStore和iTunes安装的程序都在里面。 3. /private/var/stash  这个文件夹下的Applications目录里面是所有通过Cydia和app安装的程序,Ringtones目录里是所有的手机铃音,自制铃音直接拷在里面即可,Themes目录里是所有Winterboard主题,可以手工修改。 4. /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/GBA  gpsPhone模拟器存放rom的目录。 5. /var/mobile/Media/textReader  textReader看书软件读取的电子书的存放路径。(我这里修正了原帖说明上的错误) 6. /Applications/WeDictPro.app或/Applications/WeDict.app(WeDict目录,WeDict字典放在该目录下,权限644不变) 7. /System/Library/Fonts/Cache(系统字体目录,要替换的字体放在该目录下,权限644不变) 8. /private/var/mobile/Media/Maps(离线地图目录,把地图文件夹放到该目录下,文件夹赋予777权限) 9. /private/var/mobile/Library/Downloads (ipa文件存放目录,把下载来的ipa文件放到此目录下,用Installous安装,后文会讲到) 10. /private/var/mobile/Library/Keyboard (系统拼音字库文件位置) 11. /var/stash/Themes.XXXXXX (winterboard主题文件存放路径) 12. /private/var/mobile/Media/DCIM/999APPLE (系统自带截屏文件存放路径,截屏方法:按住Power并快速按一下Home键) 13. /private/var/mobile/Media/Wikipedia/ (WIKI百科文件夹存放路径) 14. /System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework和/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppSupport.framework(这两个都是电话号码显示规则文件存放路径) 15: /private/var/mobile/Library/AddressBook (这个是电话本的存放路径) 16:/private/var/mobile/Library/SMS (这个是短信的存放路径) 17:/private/var/mobile/Library/Notes (这个是记事本的存放路径) 完美解决iPhone的划痕 我想,广大疯友在小I的外壳上最大的烦恼就是不断增加的细小划痕是吧,有的TX说用牙膏,呵呵,那个不行的,是能够减小划痕,但是呢,会使小I的背壳看上去就没那么亮了哦 。通过我的试验,终于找到方法可以让小I的背壳的细小划痕消失,而且不会使小I的光亮度减小哦。。。 方法如下: 首先是工具:1、买小I时赠送的擦机布或者麂皮,其他的布料会引起划痕。2、这是关键,就是3M镜面蜡!这是个好东西哦! 操作步骤:1、少量3M镜面蜡涂在小I背壳上。2、用擦机布使劲来回擦。3、这步也关键,当蜡变干以后,逐步减小手的力量,轻轻快速来回擦。 注意事项:擦的时候力道要使在手指的手肚上,不要用指甲使劲哦,不然会产生新的划痕! 大家去试试吧,不会让你失望的!! 3M镜面蜡在汽车美容店就可以找到哦。 此方法同样适用于AIR JACKET等透明保护壳。我已经试验过的,大家放心的去做吧!还小I一个崭新的面容!(太深的划痕不起作用!不过我想太深的划痕是不是可以先用3M粗蜡擦,然后细蜡擦,最后再用镜面蜡,或者不用粗蜡,因为粗蜡确实太粗了。我没试验过,划痕多且深且愿意试的同学可试一下。) 看贴记得回帖哦。 教你节省iPhone的运行内存 iPhone,在XX或多装了一些应用程序后,都存在反应慢、很卡或者无故退出等问题。这都是因为运行内存不足造成的,下面的教程可以解决这个问题。   1.首先我们需要安装BossPrefs,也可以从Cydia上下载。   2.其次我们还需要下载一些服务开关插件。下载后解压,并上传至iPhone的/private/var/stash/Applications.xxxxxx/BossPrefs.app/services文件夹中。   3.运行BossPrefs,可以看到多了FairPlaydSvr、SysLogdSvr、UpdateSvr、WeFitSvr、PandaDemonSvr、PdaNetSvr、Wiki2touchSvr等7个选项(图1),选择开启或关闭即可。   4.大家可以按需要随时启动或关闭上述服务,无需重启iPhone,效果等同于Windows的服务管理器——当你在BossPrefs关闭上述任一服务时,会立即从内存中卸载该项服务,并把占用的内存释放出来。当选择打开该服务时,则会立即启动该项服务。   这些服务是什么意思呢?下面给大家说明一下:   SysLogdSvr:iPhone日志服务,占用13M内存;   UpdateSvr:iPhone更新服务,占用12M内存;   FairPlaydSvr:FairPlayd服务,占用17M内存;(注意:这个不能关闭,否则有些程序运行不了)   PandaDemonSvr:网龙91助手的守护程序,占用20M内存;   WeFitSvr:WeFit输入法服务,占用41.6M内存;   Wiki2touchSvr:wiki服务,占用20M内存。   5.上述服务,平时都可关掉,当要用到网龙91助手、Wefit等服务时,只需到BossPrefs中启动相应服务即可,无需重启手机。   优化以后,反应慢、卡、无故退出等情况,基本上彻底消失。 主题安装,美化你的IPHONE 首先在安装主题之前,需要安装软件winterboard,该软件在cydia和91手机助手中,都可以找到并安装 1.操作界面主题: 使用91手机助手打开“媒体娱乐” 点选“手机主题” 然后就可以从网络上下载主题了,我们任意选择其中一款主题点击下载,下载完成后91手机助手会提示是否立即启用,选择是,则使用该主题,touch会注销界面进入锁屏界面,解锁之后就可以看到你所安装的主题了 如果你是从网页上下载的主题包,一样可以通过91手机助手安装,点选“iphone上的主题” 选择最下方的“添加主题” 然后找到你下载并已经解压的主题文件夹,无需打开,直接右下的确定即可 导入之后,点击左下的“启用主题”就可以了 2.美化锁屏界面: 很多新手朋友XX之后,可能对锁屏主题的安装还不太了解,我在这里也介绍下使用方法 首先从网页上下载你喜欢的锁屏界面主题 使用91手机助手,点击“文件管理” 打开路径/library/themes,选择右上角的"上传"选择其中的“上传目录” 找到你需要使用的锁屏主题文件夹,上传,权限设置775 然后打开IP上所安装的winterboard,找到你刚刚上传的锁屏主题,勾选,(不要取消本来的界面主题)home键退出,等待小菊花转完,锁屏主题就安装成功了 3.锁屏天气主题: 有不少朋友可能希望为锁屏界面上显示天气信息,论坛上下载的可能与你所在城市的信息不符,自己改代码可能又有些困难,推荐一个网站制作锁频天气主题 http://www.joyiphone.ne t/ 打开网站,点击上方的“自制农历天气主题” 将会出现15个模块,有主界面显示天气的,有锁屏显示,这里我们就制作锁屏显示的,点击其中一个 然后出现制作页面,非常简单下方有选择省份,城市 选择你所在的省份和城市,点击“下一步” 然后完成制作,点击“立即下载” 下载好压缩包,解压之后,按照前面所说的方法将主题导入路径/library/themes,权限设置775,然后进入winterboard选择你所上传的锁屏天气主题,home键退出,等待小菊花转完就可以看见了 4.电池图标更换: 看腻了系统自带的电池图标?想换一个又不知道该怎么办?请继续看下去 从网页论坛等地下载你所喜欢的电池图标,解压之后打开找到里面电池图标的图片 然后使用91手机助手打开路径/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app 点击“上传”,选择“上传文件” 将你刚刚解压的电池图标全部上传至/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app文件夹下,替换同名文件,设置用户为root,权限为644 然后重启IP即可 关键词:山寨 准备入手IPHONE的朋友都怕会买到山寨的IPHONE吧.现在来说几个最基本的鉴别方法:山寨的后盖可以轻易打开.SIM卡在机后面,可以插内存,有内置收音机,可以轻易换手机电池,当然.我的意思是.真的IPHONE这些都不可以.... 关键词:翻新机 相信各位买IPHONE最担心的还是买到翻新机吧,这里教大家几招. 非翻新机特点:三码合一(一定会有人问什么是三码合一了吧?就是说卡托.-装SIM卡的地方 机器里 设置-通用-关于本机-序列号 IPHONE盒子下面. 这三个地方的号码一样,就说明不是翻新机.另外还有一码.是电子发*票上的..除了官网买的外.这一码是没有的.这个无关紧要.另外有些朋友问盒子下面的码对不上,这个是有可能的,但绝非翻新,因为有些商家从香港带过来盒子乱了...但如果机器和卡托的不一样,,,那就不好意思了..翻新机.!! 另外还可以看IPHONE的金属边,新机是不会有刮痕的. 还可以看我刚刚说的那个序列号. 像我的序列号是8281781NY7H.从左往由数第3位是生产年4.5位是星期.我的序列号就可以看出,我的机是08年17周生产,大家可以以此推算是否翻新.说一句.1代市面上没有全新的了.全是翻新和二手,2代也快断产了.最后,大家买手机总得看价格吧.?便宜没好货. 关键词 8827 上节说到序列号.现在说的这个88827就是表示序列号的前5位.88827的机一般是一些商家为了暴利.将美版IPHONE通过程序修改成港版,使机器能被ITUNES识别成港版..现在88827的机一般存在于2代IPHONE中.大家买2代的时候一定要擦亮眼睛... 关键词:版本 IPHONE的众多版本使得IPHONE价钱不一.这里面的差价高达1000.我把各种版本发上来供大家参考市面上最多的美版编号: MB046LL/A ,MB048LL/A ,MB499LL/A ,MB702LL/A ,MB704LL/A ,MB705LL/A APPLE官方无锁版编码: 香港/澳门行货: MB489ZP/A MB496ZP/A MB500ZP/A 新西兰Vodafone: MB489X/A MB496X/A MB500X/A 新加坡行货: MB489ZA/A MB496ZA/A MB500ZA/A 意大利TIM/Vodafone:MB489T/A MB496T/A MB500T/A 捷克行货: MB489CZ/A MB496CZ/A MB500CZ/A MB490CZ/A MB497CZ/A MB501CZ/A 希腊行货: MB489GR/A MB496GR/A MB500GR/A 卢森堡行货: MB489NF/A MB496NF/A MB500NF/A 俄罗斯行货: MB489RS/A MB496RS/A MB500RS/A 南非行货: MB489SO/A MB496SO/A MB500SO/A 有些朋友不知道怎么查看自己手机的型号 设置-通用-关于本机-型号 关键词:有锁.无锁 大家一定奇怪为什么有锁无锁版本差价会这么大..原因就是有锁的不可以随便升级固件.无锁的可以随便升级,如果你还不明白.那我简单点说,意思就是如果要升级..无锁可能只用几分钟.而有锁就要半个小时..很是折腾... 关键词:刷固件(有锁版慎重) 论坛里很多朋友都是第一次用IPHONE.不知道拿到IPHONE后如何升级固件.我来说下基本步骤 下载要升级的固件-打开ITUNES按住shift鼠标点恢复-选取固件-激活(连接ITUNES按提示操作) 有锁版的一定要控制好自己的手,不要随便按更新和恢复。 关键词:越狱 港版的可以不越狱(但你就得忍受软件收费制).但美版一定要越. 越狱有什么好处.?这是大家会问的.越狱后,你就可以下载免费软件...就可以随心所欲.当然.一部分人用无锁的会不考虑越狱.这属个人喜好,不予讨论.越狱的前提是刷了固件..另外有些朋友不清楚自己是否越狱...最简单的方法..安装91手机助手.看能不能识别IPHONE. 提示!!!!越狱后的机器不可以按恢复原厂设置。。 关键词:越狱.激活 很多朋友会把这两个名词混为一谈.我来作下解释..激活,是指激活IPHONE.使IPHONE可以使用SIM卡.越狱.是为了安装免费游戏软件所要做的... 关键词:91手机助手.ITUNES. 很多朋友也会混淆这两个.会问安装哪个好..如果你是新手的话.我建议你两个都安装,不过91手机助手需越狱才可以使用..重要提醒!!!!!!!ITUNES连接IPHONE后.请取消 自动同步. 不然你会发现一连接就少很多东西的. 关键词:配件. 买了这么好的IPHONE.大家肯定会买点配件来保护它.现在我来以过来人的身份推荐几款. ARM的膜.solo的保护套. 严重提醒!!!!别买磨砂膜.防指纹膜.它会使屏幕不清晰. 还有AJ的壳.也千万别买...又贵又差.. 关键词:装机必备. IPHONE拿到了.?迫不及待想装点东西了吧.?在这里给你推荐几款. 蓝牙 QQ 进程管理 关机助手 来电秀 飞信 熊猫防火墙 专业万年历 金山词霸 cycorder UC浏览器 关键词:省电诀窍. 有些朋友会发现电用的飞快.有时待机一个晚上电就没了.其实是你开了没必要而又费电的东西 设置-WIFI-关闭 设置-邮件-获取新数据-关闭 设置-通用-定位服务-关闭 设置-通用-蓝牙-关闭 设置-亮度-自动亮度调节-关闭 另外 每个月至少保证一次电循环 电循环:指把手机电用到自动关机.再连续冲6-8个小时.. 另外很多朋友会问刚买回来的IPHONE第一次充电要充多久,这里再重申一遍:充满就行。充多了对IPHONE电池有害。 关键词:显歌词. 一些朋友喜欢边听歌边看歌词..在这里介绍个软件:青苹果 可以从里面下歌.然后传入ITUNES.再传入IPHONE. 关键词:白苹果. 8。24更新 白苹果,是用IPHONE的最忌讳的一个名词了。。呵呵。 白苹果的意思就是开机时停在白苹果界面无法进入。属于软件冲突造成手机无法正常使用,一般解决方法就是用91手机助手里的工具看能不能修复。不能就只有刷机了。 关键词:2G。3G。4G。8G。16G. 很多新手会把这几个数字混淆。。这里来做个解释。2G和3G分别代表IPHONE的版本2G为我们常说的一代。3G呢就是2代。。当然不能依次类推说3代就是4G。?呵呵。3代叫3GS。。关于4G。8G16G。为IPHONE的容量。目前1代有的是4G和8G。2代有的就是8G和16G。。 注意!!!有些朋友说自己买的IPHONE只有内存只有2G。。那不好意思。恭喜了。买到山寨了。 关键词:购买IPHONE渠道。. 有些新手准备买IPHONE。但是又不知道什么途径买最便宜,这里给您推荐下。如果你不嫌时间久。可以选择官网买。用信用卡刷,因为这是目前最便宜的途径,如果买现货,都会贵上几百上千。IPHONE香港官网: www.apple.com/hk 。 关键词:上网. 8。25更新。 今天发现一个新问题。很多IPHONE新手不知道如何上网,这里告诉下,设置-通用-网络-蜂窝数据网APN填cmnet 其他不填, 又有新问题来了。很多人又会问,怎么开通了GPRS还收了流量的钱。就像这个帖 http://forum.********/showtopic-1250.aspx 这里再次作下解释。因为有些人开通的GPRS只包含cmwap。而IPHONE一般是cmnet上网的,自然会收钱。。有人会问那就没办法了吗。有。。肯定有拉。有你们伟大的版主在,有什么问题不能解决,?呵呵。开个玩笑。我发了XXcmwap的压缩文件在下面,有兴趣的去下载吧。 关键词:IPHONE的所有配件。. 今天又看到一个帖子说自己的数据线坏了,想买条,呵呵,这里告诉大家,IPHONE里所有配件都是很贵的,丢了或坏了都是买不到正品的,网上那些全是国内生产的货色,IPHONE原装耳机大概是220RMB。 数据线180RMB,充电器300。在这里请大家爱惜自己的原装配件。。。!! 关键词:IPHONE邮件推送功能。. 8。26更新 有些朋友会发现可以打出电话,但别人打过来却是 你拨打的电话暂时无法接通。是因为你开了邮件推送功能,如果你不信你现在可以把推送打开然后打电话。。解决的办法就是把推送关闭或者改为手动。 关键词:ITUNES帐号注册. 我前面说到ITUNES里有付费软件下载。当然也有免费。具体的方法我现在发上, 1.首先确定你的电脑中安装了iTunes,8.0以上版本,我不知道其他版本可不可以,本人是V8.0。打开iTunes,单击iTunes Store出现未登录的主页,拉到最后,“My Store:”选择“China”,再选择“TOP FREE APPS”下的任意一个APPS,我点的是WebMessenger,其他的都一样。 2.然后点击“GET APP” 3.再选择“创建新帐户” 4.出现“欢迎光临iTunes 商店”,点击“Continue”后继续, 4.出现“iTunes Store Terms 使用条款”的欢迎界面,先看条款,同意后选择“我已经阅读并同意此条款”,不同意选择“Cancel”,当然你一定要同意,要不写这文章还有什么用呢?后点击,再点击“Continue”继续 6.之后出现“Create iTunes Store Account(Apple ID)”,填写你的邮件地址,你的密码,重复你的密码,安全问题,回答安全问题,你的生日等,但是不能有中文,完了后选择“Continue” 7.出现“Provide a Payment Method”页面。注意:“Payment Method”选择“NONE”,这样才能免费下载APP程序及其他的资料。还要注意,填写账号信息时,不能有中文字符。 Surname 和 First Name 这2项随意填,只要任意英文字母就可以了 Address(地址):填写任意数字 空格 再任意英文字母 如:888 jiikj city(城市): beijin 你也可以写 shanghai Postcode(邮政编码): 100032 这个也可随意 如:100011 只要是6位数字就行 Province(省份): 城市那里填写了beijin ,此处可以怱略不填 Phone(电话): 前面写 010 后面填写任意7位数字 如:1234567 大家可以看到,“Country”一行,出现“China”,接着点击“Continue” 8.出现了“Verify You Account”画面,表示已经注册OK了,点击“DONE” 9.OK,现在打开你注册时的邮箱,你已经收到由“iTunes Store (A href="http://forum.********/mailto o_not_reply@apple.com" do_not_reply@apple.com )”发来的主旨为“iTunes Store Account Verification‏”的邮件了,点击中间的链接激活你的帐号。 10.点击之后,你或许看到了下面的画面,不用怕,直接点击“确定” 11.这时你就可以看到iTunes出现了登录窗口,填上你刚注册的邮箱地址及你的密码,点击“Sign in” 12.Now,恭喜你注册并激活了你的帐号,出现了“Congratulations”窗口,点击“DONE” 13.最后是登录后的画面,可以尽情的下载你所需的东东吧。呵呵。 关键词:彩信《移动》. 还是有很多人不会弄彩信。设置分为两步,如下: 第一,设置...通用...网络...蜂窝数据网 蜂窝数据 APN:cmnet 用户名: 密码: 彩信 APN:cmwap 用户名: 密码: MMSC: http://mmsc.monternet.com 彩信代理: 彩信的最大信息容量: 50000 彩信用户代理档案 URL: 第二,设置...电话...本机号码 输入本SIM卡的手机号码就OK.,! 只适用于IPHONE3。0固件或以上,另外说明下,本机拍的照片是无法发送的,因为文件太大。必须要先截屏,然后用截屏得到的图片发。 关键词:VPN 很多人都还不知道VPN是用来干嘛的,其实。设置了VPN就可以看YOUTUBE了,具体的方法看下 首先登录 http://www.itshidden.com/ 之后选择左面的 然后后点击页面中间的FREE! 接下来 在第一行输入一个名字 第二行输入登录账号 第三行输入一个能用的邮箱 第四行第五行输入相同的密码 然后选择I accept the terms and condition.然后点击Register OK,注册好了。 之后在iphone-通用-网络-VPN-添加VPN配置,选PPTP 。 关键词:CYDIA使用攻略 1、使用Cydia必须要有WIFI无线网络或者Gprs支持才可以,所以首先得让Iphone连上WIFI,首先为保证我们在使用Cydia软件时不会中途锁屏,我们先进入设置-通用-自动锁定-选永不,再我们进入设置-WIFI-开启无线功能并在选取网络下面选定一个无线网络如果有加密还需要输入密码,正确的话应该左上角会有一个扇形的无线图标,可以按旁边的向右蓝色箭头进入查看IP地址等设置,如果你发现连不上网络可以用这里的信息和电脑上的本地连接对比一下,正确的话应该就IP地址末位不同,别的都一样,如需要更改请点击静态。 2、设置好后回到桌面点击Cydia这个软件进入下图界面,如果你是这天当中第一次进入会自动刷新,请耐心等待。。。刷好源后会出现图下界面。 在Cydia界面顶部中: “Reload”功能:可以重新加载Cydia初始页。 “About”功能:可以查看该软件的一些制作信息。 在Cydia界面底部中: “Home”功能:首页 “Sections”功能:可以进入软件列表页,来安装第三方软件。 “Changes”功能:更新后的最新软件。如果你已安装过的软件出现更新,当你开启Cydia软件时,Update下将会出现该软件的更新信息。 “Manage”功能:“Packages”可以重装、卸载你通过Cydia安装过的第三方软件, “Source”是对源的管理,你可以在此添加更多源,来获取更多的第三方软件。 “Search”功能:搜索功能。 3、点击进入“Section”软件安装界面后,你将会看到所有软件栏目页面,每个栏目下包含着一定数量的第三方软件。 Development:iPhone支持的可开发环境类软件。例如支持常见的PHP语言。 Dictionaries:词典类软件。这个栏目下里面有很多种类语言的词典,包括中英词典。 eBooks:电子书类软件。这里不仅包括ebook电子书软件,还包括了已经制作好的英文电子书小说,例如福尔摩斯探险记等。 Games :游戏类软件。 Health:健康类软件。 Localization:系统化程序类软件 。例如国人开发的iPhone系统中文输入法iCosta。 Misc :iFlashCards扩展的语言功能类软件。例如现在比较流行的GRE词汇等。 Multimedia:多媒体类软件。例如具有电子琴功能的BeatPhone。 Network :网络服务类软件。例如可以将iPhone变成服务器的Apacha,具备全球定位系统的GPS等。 Productivity:实用工具类软件。例如可以在iPhone上看电子书的Books,可以管理iPhone系统文件的MobileFinder等。 Sources:是使用Cydia必装的软件之一,安装好后就会在Cydia里出现所有的第三方软件程序了。 System:系统类软件。如果你要解锁iPhone的话,这个栏目下的BSD Subsystem和OpenSSH都是必装的软件哦。另外,WinterBoard也是必装的主题美化软件哦。 Themes(Apps):这个栏目主要是关于拨号以及短讯背景等的主题。 Themes(Battery):这个栏目主要是关于充电电池的个性主题。 Themes(Complete):这个栏目是关于完整的主题,什么都包括在里面了。 Themes(Keyboard):这个栏目主要是关于键盘的主题。 Themes(Lockscreen):这个栏目主要是关于锁屏时的主题。 Themes(Sound):这个栏目主要是关于更改系统声音。 Themes(Springboard):这个栏目主要是仅改变桌面图标的主题。 Themes(System):这个栏目主要是关于滑块、wifi标志等主题。 Themes(Vei):这个栏目主要是关于滑块、拨号以及短讯背景等的主题。 Toys:宠物类软件。 Tweaks:补丁程序。主要是针对每个固件版本所推出对应的补丁工具。 Utilities:大众类软件。 Cydia简介之软件安装篇 第一步:点击Cydia这个软件进入下图界面,如果你是这天当中第一次进入会自动刷新,请耐心等待。。。刷好源后会出现图下界面。 第二步:点页面底部的“Sections”选择要装的软件,以安装“Text Reader”为例。 ①点击“textReader”进入界面,这里有对软件的一个简单说明,你可以点击“More information”查看软件的详细说明。全部都是英文,千万不要头痛啊!哈哈 ②点击右上角的“INSTALL”进行安装,出现图3的界面。 ③选择右上角的“Confirm”进行确认 ④耐心等待他下载安装完成,安装好后,会有“Complete”的字样,在点击Return to Cydia返回cydia首页 Cydia使用教程之卸载篇 第一步: 打开Cydia,选择Manage,然后选择Packages 第二步:选择你所需要卸载的软件,以卸载“text reader”为例,在Packages里面找到Text Reader,点击进入 第三步:选择“Copy Machine”后,点击右上角的“Modify”,出现下图界面,在这里说明一下,选择“Reinstall”即为重装软件;选择“Remove”为卸载软件;“Cancel”为取消此次操作。 第四步:选择Confirm,确认卸载,出现卸载进度图 第五步:出现Complete,在点击Return to Cydia返回cydia首页,完成卸载 Cydia简介之源地址添加篇 第一步:打开Cydia进入主界面 第二步: 然后点击正方的Manage标签进入下图的Sources管理。 第三步:打开后点击右上角的Edit,然后在稍后出现的窗口中点击Add,在弹出的标签中增加源地址:    第四步:完成后点击Add Source,这时Cydia会自动更新一些文件。耐心等待一小会儿,大功告成!*的字样出现在你的源列表里了。 第五步:使用时,点击想要安装的软件即可!安装参考安装篇! 关键词:魔鬼定律。 之1 忍无可忍买了砖头一样的外接电池之后才能发现,原来 iPhone 内置电池没有那么不耐用。 之2 第一张贴膜一定会浪费掉。 喜欢光泽膜,你买的一定是磨砂的。恰巧买对了?没关系,你将会贴出气泡。 之3 你迟早被 iPhone 裸奔的手感征服。但不会早于你给他买壳之前。 之4 你装的最多的一类软件用的最少。嗯,我指的是游戏。 之5 买iPhone三个月之后,给你10秒钟,你数不清自己手机上有多少个软件可以发推。数清的同学可以挑战下一个级别:20秒内告诉我,有多少个软件可以发Email。 之6 一个热门应用,比如 Twitter 。 好消息是,App Store 上的软件囊括了所有你想要的功能。 坏消息是,这些你最心仪的功能,将非常均匀的分布于多个软件当中。 之7 PC上是一个应用,一个软件,一堆功能。 iPhone 上? 一个应用,一堆软件,每个软件一个功能。 之8 开了苹果的推送之后,迟早有一天,你会把低电量提示也看成短信,IM消息,或者推特的Mentions。 关于一些常见问题。 1,机器图标可以随意托动? 一直按住某个图标。桌面所有的图标就会抖动起来,你就可以拖动图标了到你想的位置了。 2,恢复时出现这样那样的错误,怎么办? 继续恢复,直到出现正解的恢复报告为止。唉,IPHONE就是这样,让我欢喜让我忧,这样那样的问题,让你百思不得其解。 原则上来讲,只要是硬件不出现问题(注意!如果你不懂什么叫硬件,请先用百度搜索关键字:硬件,做完相应的知识普及再往下看),没有任何修复不了的砖头。具体操作方法:如果机器在开机状态,关不了机的情况下,按HOME键(上次有一个朋友问我HOME键是什么键, 就是你手机上那个圆圆的,中间还有个四方形的那个键)+关机键=硬关机,然后开机的时候先按开机键,出现白苹果时,第一时间按HOME键,出现了连接ITUNES的界面就成功进入恢复模式。这种关机法,是我用的最多的,因为我太爱拆腾IPHONE了,动不动就死机。当然,在这里也要说明一下,如果你很想玩转你的IPHONE,你必须得适应白苹果+死机。如果你只想把它当作一件艺术品,只用来打电话跟发短信,那么这个论坛对你来说也没有什么很大的意义了。 3,如何购买IPHONE? 看个人经济情况而定。有钱的话买港版,没钱买美版自己多研究也没问题。有人问港美的区别是什么。。就是你在论坛里求救的次数的多少。。呵呵, 如果你不在乎什么二手货,什么组装货,随便找个卖家交易吧,要相信苹果的实力,既使是二手货,苹果的质量是绝对可以保证的! 4,GPRS上网明明按照论坛教程写的去做,怎么总是上不了? 这个我问过我移动公司的朋友(不是营业厅交话费的那种美女,是一个技术员),他告诉我,目前国内各地的网络参数设置不一样,导致有一些地方可以上,有一些地方不可以上,还有就是国内还有相当部分地区没有开通EGDE网络,,但只要有信号的地方,GPRS冲浪没有问题的。这点,我对政 府很满意,给他打9分,如果GPRS上网免费,无条件10分! 5,电池到底怎么样使用才算最佳? 现在都是锂电池时代了,我查过不少相关的内容,其实根本就不需要什么一定要前三次用完,再充满12个小时,纯属放屁!大家参考我的使用方法,手机刚买回来,应该是没电的(二手货不算),我觉得奇怪,以前买新手机的电池拿回来都有一点点电让我开机,算了,不管了,已经有兄弟提出来这种说法是个错误,我改改就是。接着说充电方法:充两个小时,只需两个小时,然后直接使用,想怎么爽就怎么爽!注意别爽过头,时刻注意查看一下电量,在出现警告的时候(界面显示你的电量不足20%),就该给机器充电了。 6,我的手机读不了SIM卡上的联络人,怎么样把它转到手机里面来? 有两个工具,但在我的手机上使用都失败了,不知道是我人品问题还是机器软件问题,我是自己重新编辑的,这个还希望各位新手不要怕麻烦,最稳定的办法就是:把经常联系的朋友、同事、家人……重新编辑一次,再PC套件导入手机,导入手机后立马做备份,这样一来就不怕救活白苹果后为电话表的事烦心了。其实这个问题很哆嗦,有的又说软件可以导入,有的又说不可以,反正我是这样弄的,重新编辑。 7,怎么样更改手机来电铃声? 论坛有专用的软件,我这里再教新手们一个很简单很实用很火星的方法,想必你买苹果的产品,一定知道ITUNES吧,直接用它转换成AAC格式(怎么转?自己去摸索),然后直接将转好的AAC格式文件名改名,点右键---更改文件名,把后面的.AAC改成.M4R,注意.M4R前面得加上一个空格,一定要加空格,否则你传上去的铃声机器不认了,别又跑到我这个贴时来骂我。这招我还是在菜泡饭那里学的,以前硬是百思不得其解,后来才知道有这么个规矩。 8,手机恢复后如何安装笔画输入? 笔画输入,推荐那个WE什么去了,,哦,叫WEFIT!对,就是这个,装最新版的,有梅花输入,以后打字可以一个手打了(顺便一次把问题说清,装好之后,要把机器重启一次才可以使用)。你如果又怕白苹果就安装老版本的吧。安装方法:下载PXL文件(用论坛搜索关键字:WEFIT就可以找到),用I B U S安装,这是个傻瓜式的安装第三方软件工具,我初中学历的人都会弄,你们不可能比我还差吧。另外还有一个叫ICOSTA的中文输入软件也不错,自己多搜搜就知道了。至于如何知道你是否安装成功,打开短信,编辑新短信,点123旁边一个类似地球的小图标,如果出现的中文就说明你安装成功了! 9,机器连接电脑ITUNES不认,何解喽? 有一个机友出现过这种情况,机器版本是114,可使用的ITUNES竟然是7.3,我服了他,不过知道他的日子怎么过的?后来有一天告诉我ITUNES竟然有外遇,不认IPHONE了,后来我建议他把ITUNES升级为7.6.1,终于,ITUNES回头是岸,跟自己的IPHONE重归于好。这只是个别现象,不保证你是7.6.1就一定会认你的IPHONE,不过大多数的情况各位新手还是尽量把ITUNES升到目前的7.6.1,如果实在不行,就把ITUNES删掉,重新安装一次,再不行,重装系统,再不行,换台电脑,再不行,换台IPHONE,再不行,上 吊! 10,机器买回来自己XX好还是商家XX好? 最好是自己XX,因为那种感觉太爽了。如果依赖思想太重,你会损失更多的银子,兄弟们,这年头,饭好吃,钱难赚啊~~~~~ 11,在哪下载恢复固件跟相应的XX软件? 自己在论坛里找下吧。。呵呵。现在解锁软件有很多版本,新手们看自己的机器适合哪种自己就去论坛搜索哪种吧,不要盲目的说哪种好,哪种差,其实都一样,白猫黑猫,能抓到老鼠的猫都是好猫。 12,我的机器有时候开机会出现花屏,关机时有时候也会出现,硬件坏了吗? 我个人认为,这并不是个好现象,不排除硬件问题,软件方面绝对存在一定的缺陷,机无完机么?我们要勇敢面对现实,既然这个问题已经出了,就要注意在机器使用方面做一些相关的维护,要知道,IPHONE只是一个很普通的电子产品,也是有寿命的。说它前卫,高科技化,只是相对的,不是绝对的!例如不要在高温下频繁使用娱乐功能,不要超负荷量的播放视频…… 13,花了几千块买回来的手机竟然不能用蓝牙传输文件? 想开点吧,兄弟,人家上万元的手机买回来,还没有WIFI呢 ,其实我自己到现在还没想通,乔老爷当时为什么要这样搞?很期待新固件能解决这一问题,我很放心,因为苹果给我带来的惊喜实在是太多了,苹果的策略也相当成功,动不动就给你来个更新,让你手上的宝贝永远领先于其它产品。怪不得APPLE的FANS永远都这么支持它!说到这里你去看看其它的产品,不是停产了,就是换汤不换药的产品出来了,说到这里,三星就是最好的例子,机海战术发挥的淋离尽致。(三星的FANS没喷我啊,地球人公认的我才这么说) 现在可以通过91下载蓝牙。。 15,TTY是什么意思? 一种提供给听力不便的人的文本电话方式(这个回答基本上正解的,如有不同意见,请在此贴回复,我只要得到正确信息,立马更正)。 16,什么叫WIFI?WIFI上网收费吗? 其实这种问题我不觉得算火星问题,我敢打赌绝对还有相当部分老手都对其不是很了解,刚才发现有部分新手对WIFI的定义不清楚。我找了个链接,新手+老手有兴趣的可以了解一下。[为防止上面这个链接失效,我复制了一些基本的介绍,大伙随意看看吧。 WIFI全称Wireless Fidelity,又称802.11b标准,它的最大优点就是传输速度较高,可以达到11Mbps,另外它的有效距离也很长,同时也与已有的各种802.11 DSSS设备兼容。今夏最流行的笔记本电脑技术——迅驰技术就是基于该标准的。   Wi-Fi?WirelessFidelity,无线保真?技术与蓝牙技术一样,同属于在办公室和家庭中使用的短距离无线技术。该技术使用的是2.4GHz附近的频段,该频段目前尚属没用许可的无线频段。其目前可使用的标准有两个,分别是IEEE802.11a和IEEE802.11b。该技术由于有着自身的优点,因此受到厂商的青睐。 收费问题嘛,很合理的,我们现在使用的都是免费的,但不保证将来世界科技发展火速进步,人类自身素质大大提高,经济条件越来越好,收费也是说不定的,嘿嘿。管它呢,只要现在过的好,将来的事将来再说,也许将来移动电话都会被淘汰,未来的世界是什么样子的 17,又发现火星问题,手机进行升级时点恢复还是更新? 相信绝大多数新手都是从其它智能手机阵营中转到这里来的,IPHONE很智能,很聪明,但新手们也一定怕把机器刷死,点恢复吧(我从来没点过更新,不知道自己算不算火星 ),下载相关的固件(也就是手机软件,大小都在150—160M左右,这里就四舍五入的说明了一下,不能精确到100%),手机成功进入恢复模式连接ITUNES后会提示你的,这个时候按住Shift别松开(不知道什么是Shift吗?本人已证实确实有机友连电脑的Shift键是什么都不知道,够火星吧 ,就是你键盘上最左边从下往上数的第二个键,注意顺序,从下往上),然后再点ITUNES界面里面的恢复,接下来你如果还是不知道怎么办,花点银子,找JS手杷手教你一次吧。 18,到底是2007年的屏幕好还是2008年的屏幕好? 一个比较有争议性的话题,我客观的评价一下,只要屏幕的本身没问题(例如出现死点、坏点等),其它的问题都不是问题(什么色彩不行啊,偏红,偏黄),一句话:自己的永远是最好的!打个比较傻的比方,如果你的儿子生出来没有你长的帅,你会不会不要这个儿子了。 在中 国这么有情有义的环境中,这样的话题讨论来讨论去,我个人觉得没必要的。 19,如何查看机器的出产日期 先说说我自己的机器吧,查看手机的背面,底下有一排很精细的英文(IPHONE的做工就是这么叼,连这些微处理都是这么完美):Serial No:82751K1DWH8,注意第三个数字7,代表2007年,51则代表51周。人家问我机器是什么时候生产的,我就回答是2007年51周的产品。顺便自己火星一下,有没有哪位同学能告诉我其它的代表什么 ?一直没关注这些,既然今天提到了这个问题,还是了解一下吧,学无止境! 20,IPHONE上可以直接删除哪些文件?(注意,是指在手机上操作,非PC端工具) 我真的很无奈,手机上你上传的音乐(不包括视频,视频可以删的)、图片(有朋友说相机拍出来的照片可以删,我从来没用IPHONE照过相,新手们可以试试)都不能直接在手机上删除,另外如果要删除通话记录,安装一款名叫WE什么去了的软件?是个什么名字我先检查一下,不敢随便误导新人,对!就叫WETOOL!目前的3.9版本个性化超赞,相信该作者会坚持“没有最好,只有更好”的原则,陆陆续续给我们带来更多的惊喜~~ 如果你要删掉什么第三方软件,我把菜泡饭(一名机友)对我说的原话放上来:你用什么工具装,就用什么工具删(例如你是用PC套件上传APP包的,就用PC套件把相应的APP包删掉重启即可,用Installer装的,就用Installer去删,用IB装的就用IB去删,呵呵,说的虽然哆嗦了点,但什么东西我们尽量还是求个十全十美吧)。友情提示:你用PC套件查看系统里面别的文件夹时,在你不是很会玩转机器的情况下,还是不要轻易乱删、乱换相关的系统文件,用我自己的话说:不怕白苹果,可怕的是恢复之后的IPHONE重新安装软件那种感觉,太难受了~~ 据机友反应,补充一下:自己拍的照片能删除的,上传的图片也不是不能删,就看你上传到哪个位置的,如果放到胶卷(就是拍照片的那个目录下),是可以删的,但如果自己新建的文件夹,就只有用第三方软件删除了. 21,论坛好多高手都提供新软件,可大多数需要Installer来安装,还说什么添加源,这个源怎么添加啊? 我本人是买了无线路由器才开始学这个的,一开始也不知道呢。环境:确定你有一个WIFI无线连接,并可以正常连接使用。具体操作方法:在手机设置里面找到WIFI,将其连接上,按HOME键退出,进入Installer,慢慢等,因为需要更新,更新的时候视个人的网速而定。更新完了之后看到下面的五个图标了吗?点击最右边那个Sources(样子长得有点像小地球),进入界面后再点击右上角的Edit,再点左上角的Add。这个时候界面会出现一个新的窗口,输入你想要添加的源(是一个网址),按OK,慢慢等,刷新完了之后,这个源你就成功的添加了。最后进左下角第二个图标(Install),去找你刚才添加的源。 22,几个有用的小技巧 锁屏状态下,按2下HOME键,可以出来IPOD的界面,听歌的时候不用再去开锁换歌了。。 锁屏状态下,来电话时,按2下开关键可以挂断,按1下可以静音。。 还有一个自带耳机的功能,右耳机下面的一段通话的可以按,按一下接听电话什么的,按2下可以换歌。实在是方便,可惜它的音质实在不赶恭维。 24,我的电量会跑?严重的情况下甚至会飞? 睡觉前电量显示大约还有四分之三,早上起来一看,自动关机了,手机开不了机,难道它选择了自生自灭?这种情况在我身上已出现过两次了,吓死我了!初步断定,晚上睡觉时忘记关闭WIFI,还有一个很重点的地方,忘记锁屏!新手们对这个问题一定要给予重视。(若有新发现,请在此贴进行跟贴,便于我及时更新,谢谢各位!) 25,明明买的是8G版的IPHONE,怎么可用空间不足8G?惨了,买到了组装货??? 很正常的,你去买[个512M的U盘,可用空间也不会给你512M,8G新买的,可用空间大约在7.3G左右(不能精确到100%)。以此类推,16G的可用空间也自然不会给你16G,至于是多少,还是请拥有16G的同学自己查看吧~~其实不足8G是因为 我们平时的从KB换算到MB 都是按照1024进行计算的也就是2的10次方 源于2进制算法 1M=1024KB 厂家的算法而是将1024 去零留整 直接保留了1000进制 也就是1000KB=1MB 而微软的计算方法是严格按照1024计算的 这样我们计算下来 8G就小于实际标注了 呵呵 。 由于本人即将开学,更新的次数减少,但对于大家的问题,会以最快的速度回答。 先写到这里,以后持续更新.首先谢谢你看完此篇文章,如果支持和不懂,请跟帖.另外肯定有人问为什么要“买帖”这里说明下,这是希望下大家尊重我的劳动成果,毕竟这是我键盘一个一个字打出来的。...
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