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What is educational disadvantage?
热度 1 skdhf 2013-3-8 22:14
什么是教育不公?下面的一段话也许会给出一些答案,字虽少,但句句入理: “Educational disadvantage is a complex, multi-faceted problem but at its heart lies a simple truth: a child born into a less-affluent family is statistically less likely to do well at school. That sad fact will, in turn, mean that their choices and future will be limited in ways that are deep, lasting and unjust.” 我想读完这句话,大多数的人都会深有感触,不知道什么时候才能让每个人都能有机会得到公平的受教育机会和环境,也不知道是否有正开会的“代表”们想到了这件事并递交了提案?估计是指望不上他们了,因为这么多年了,这个问题依然屹立不倒。。。
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[转载]Recent decline in the global land evapotranspiration trend
热度 1 wind 2012-11-7 10:29
Recent decline in the global land evapotranspiration trend due to limited moisture supply. Jung M , Reichstein M , Ciais P , Seneviratne SI , Sheffield J , Goulden ML , Bonan G , Cescatti A , Chen J , de Jeu R , Dolman AJ , Eugster W , Gerten D , Gianelle D , Gobron N , Heinke J , Kimball J , Law BE , Montagnani L , Mu Q , Mueller B , Oleson K , Papale D , Richardson AD , Roupsard O , Running S , Tomelleri E , Viovy N , Weber U , Williams C , Wood E , Zaehle S , Zhang K . Source Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, 07745 Jena, Germany. mjung@bgc-jena.mpg.de Abstract More than half of the solar energy absorbed by land surfaces is currently used to evaporate water. Climate change is expected to intensify the hydrological cycle and to alter evapotranspiration, with implications for ecosystem services and feedback to regional and global climate. Evapotranspiration changes may already be under way, but direct observational constraints are lacking at the global scale. Until such evidence is available, changes in the water cycle on land−a key diagnostic criterion of the effects of climate change and variability−remain uncertain. Here we provide a data-driven estimate of global land evapotranspiration from 1982 to 2008, compiled using a global monitoring network, meteorological and remote-sensing observations, and a machine-learning algorithm. In addition, we have assessed evapotranspiration variations over the same time period using an ensemble of process-based land-surface models. Our results suggest that global annual evapotranspiration increased on average by 7.1 ± 1.0 millimetres per year per decade from 1982 to 1997. After that, coincident with the last major El Nio event in 1998, the global evapotranspiration increase seems to have ceased until 2008. This change was driven primarily by moisture limitation in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly Africa and Australia. In these regions, microwave satellite observations indicate that soil moisture decreased from 1998 to 2008. Hence, increasing soil-moisture limitations on evapotranspiration largely explain the recent decline of the global land-evapotranspiration trend. Whether the changing behaviour of evapotranspiration is representative of natural climate variability or reflects a more permanent reorganization of the land water cycle is a key question for earth system science.
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[转载]Diffraction limited surface wave microscopy Mike Somekh -DSN
ysk1982 2012-2-22 12:41
http://projects.exeter.ac.uk/dsn/mt18apr02/m_somekh/ Diffraction limited surface wave microscopy Mike Somekh -DSN meeting 18th April 2002 19/04/2002 Click here to start Table of Contents Diffraction limited surface wave microscopy Mike Somekh -DSN meeting 18th April 2002 Plan of presentation Properties of surface plasmons Kretschmann configuration Field at interface Reflection coefficient Effect of deposited layer (20nm of SiO2 What use could we expect from surface plasmon microscopy? Conventional approach to SP microscopy 1 Conventional approach to SP microscopy 2 Problems with previous approaches Fluid immersion excitation Back focal plane distribution in presence of surface plasmons Back focal plane method Our approach, V(z) method Hardware configuration, scanning heterodyne interferometer Effect of sample defocus Output interference signal Effect of deposited layer (20nm of SiO2 V(z) curve Sample imaged with scanning interferometer Images obtained Why might we get good resolution? Effect of water backing, biological imaging PPT Slide Modelled Fluorescent SP microscope Modelling fluorescence surface wave microscopy Focusing through objective Calculation of field distribution Fluorescence response Input polarisation states Detection process Normalisation of wavelengths Transmission coefficients/gold Fluorescent response linear polarisation Total internal reflection Total internal reflection/non plasmon Input circular polarisation/1p/2p ‘Flipped’ polarisation/1p ‘Flipped’ polarisation 2p Annular aperture Variation of peak with defocus Conclusions and prospects Author: Electrical Electronic Eng
个人分类: plasmonics|1698 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Complications, Prior Infant Death Associated With Stillbirth
xuxiaxx 2011-11-16 08:02
November 15, 2011 (Washington, DC) — Maternal infection rates and other complications are significantly higher with stillbirth deliveries than with deliveries of live infants. The risk increases substantially if the mother is black and had a previous infant death, according to 2 studies presented here at the American Public Health Association 139th Annual Meeting. Approximately 7 of every 1000 deliveries are stillbirth infants born in the second half of pregnancy, yet there are limited data on the medical issues involved in stillbirths, said KatherineJ. Gold, MD, MSW, from the Departments of Family Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. " There are very few data on what happens when someone shows up at the hospital and the baby has died. We wanted to take a closer look at how we deliver these babies, what happens, what the medical management is, and whether there are racial disparities in these deliveries," she said. Dr. Gold and her colleagues evaluated the medical charts of 579 stillborn infants delivered from 1996 to 2006 at 3 Michigan hospitals: Sinai-Grace Hospital and Hutzel Women's Hospital, both in Detroit, and the University of Michigan Health System, in Ann Arbor. Rates of maternal complications were high, with 26% of mothers experiencing chorioamnionitis, 10% experiencing postpartum hemorrhage, 23% experiencing retained placenta, and 15% experiencing abruptio placentae. "We found many more maternal complications than with live births, which may explain why some of the babies were stillborn," Dr. Gold said. "Preeclampsia, for instance, has to do with hypertension in the mom, which affects vascular blood flow." The rates of infection were also notable, she added. "Overall, nearly 40% had signs of infection," Dr. Gold said. "This is something that is often related to preterm delivery, but it was surprising how high this number was with stillbirth. I think that warrants more investigation." Six percent of mothers experienced serious maternal complications, including disseminated intravascular coagulation, blood loss requiring transfusion, shock or hypotension, renal failure, respiratory failure requiring intubation, diabetic ketoacidosis, sepsis, unplanned hysterectomy, and maternal death. Most of the deliveries were vaginal, but 8% were cesarean and 29% were breech presentations. "It's relatively rare to even deliver a breech birth these days because, according to national guidelines, a cesarean section delivery is typically recommended if a baby is found to be breech," Dr. Gold said. "Physicians often don't have much training for breech deliveries." Hospital costs were also unexpectedly high for stillbirths — about $1000 higher than for live births, possibly because the women have a longer hospital stay because of complications, Dr. Gold said. "I was very surprised to see that stillbirths were, overall, as much as $1000 more expensive than live births," she said. "We don't have a lot of data to say why that is, and it certainly flew in the face of what I would have expected." The charts showed that 26% of mothers smoked during pregnancy; however, Dr. Gold said, the true figure might have been even higher. "Since this information often doesn't make it to the medical chart, this figure may likely be an underrepresentation." In a separate study, researchers from the University of South Florida in Tampa evaluated data from the Missouri maternally linked cohort data files for 1989 to 2005, and found similar risk factors associated with infant death during a first pregnancy. They found higher rates of pregnancy-related complications ( P .01), including chronic hypertension ( P = .02), preeclampsia ( P = .01), and abruptio placentae ( P .01). The women were also more likely to be black, unmarried, and to have less than a high school education ( P .01). After controlling for the other risk factors, previous infant mortality was associated with a 3-fold elevated risk of subsequent stillbirth (adjusted odds ratio , 3.19; 95% confidence interval , 1.98 to 5.14). White women who had had a previous infant death had a risk for stillbirth that was twice as high as those who had not (AOR, 2.19; 95% CI, 1.08 to 4.44); the risk was more than 5 times higher for black women (AOR, 5.24; 95% CI, 2.71 to 10.14). "Black women with prior infant death were more than 8 times as likely to have a subsequent stillbirth than white women without prior infant death, and white women with previous infant death were nearly twice as likely to experience a subsequent stillbirth," reported lead author EunaM. August, MPH, a research associate at the Chiles Center for Healthy Mothers and Babies and a doctoral candidate at the University of South Florida's Department of Community and Family Health, in Tampa. Although previous research has shown higher rates of stillbirth among black women and those with previous infant death, Ms. August said the level of risk was still unexpectedly high. "Due to the close relationship between stillbirth and infant mortality, it is a natural progression that infant mortality may also increase the risk for subsequent stillbirth. Nonetheless, we were surprised by the magnitude of the association, which is huge." Factors contributing to the greater risk could include biologic issues stemming from previous infant or fetal loss and a lack of access to healthcare. "More research is needed to understand the nature of the relationship between previous infant mortality and stillbirth, the cause of the disparity between black and white women, and infant outcomes for consecutive pregnancies," Ms. August added. 来源: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/753599
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[转载]This service center opens today!
热度 1 JYH64J98Y99H 2011-4-6 22:30
This service center opens today, April 5th, because I know my grandma would have been proud of me. Please limit each abstract to 500 words or less, because I only have limited spare time. Make sure you use terminology correctly, which is your responsibility, especially if your topic is outside of geophysics and environmental sciences. Why can I only offer this limited service, instead of editing your whole paper for free? See my Blog below, where you can also find my contact info. http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=306792do=blogid=429498 ps. What do I want in return for this free service? Maybe to post your sincere "Thank-You" note under this Blog, if I have time and your permission? pps. My English is not always perfect, but very good. (说明:全文转自科学网虞左俊的博客)
个人分类: 杂七杂八|1492 次阅读|2 个评论

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