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热度 5 editage 2013-3-5 20:39
尊敬的 Eddy 博士:   我想知道不同语种如国内中文期刊发表过的,能不能在国外英文期刊发表?即国内认为的不同语种期刊发表同一篇或相近论文,不算一稿两投,在国际上怎么看?   这个问题跟我上个礼拜的博文《 自我抄袭有什么大不了? 》相关而且相当有趣。重复发表算是一个灰色地带,所有的作者,甚至期刊编辑们都不是很清楚。大部分的时候,重复发表被视为学术造假, 国际医学期刊编辑委员会 ( International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ,简称 ICMJE )则用“再次发表( secondary publication )”来称呼可接受的再发表文稿,包含为了让更多的读者看到,在另一个期刊再发表或用另一种语言再度发表的研究。   不过,即使用其他语言进行重复发表,仍有几项准则须遵守: 作者必须获得双方期刊编辑的许可,再发表的期刊编辑一定要有首次发表的论文内容 前后 发表的时间至少间隔 1 个礼拜 再发表必须要针对不同的目标读者,并且确实呈现首次发表内容中的数据及解释 再发表的题目应表示出该论文已发表过,封面注脚必须提供首次发表的信息。   针对你的问题,用另一语言重新发表已经发表过的研究,在不满足上述情况时是会被视为一搞多发的,最重要的是应该告知两边的期刊编辑并且编辑们都接受再发表。   希望这回答了你的疑问,欢迎发表你对这个议题的其他意见或问题。 ∷ Eddy 博士国际期刊发表支持中心内容由 意得 辑 英文论文翻译 专家 团队 支持提供 ∷ 【意得辑提供专业 英文论文编校 、 学术论文翻译 、 英文期刊发表一站式服务 www.editage.cn 】 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 此文同步刊载于 意得辑专家视点 频道: http://www.editage.cn/insights/eddy/用不同语言发表同样研究算重复发表吗?
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[转载]《等离子体物理》 首次发表嵌入三维图像和视频的重点文章
AIPBeijing2010 2011-8-2 23:02
Jump to Content Increase text size Decrease text size Sign In View Cart Feedback Help Volume/Page Keyword DOI Citation Advanced Volume: Page/Article: Home Browse » About » Authors » Librarians » Features » Purchase Content » Advertisers » Scitation » AIP Journals Three-dimensional images related to the Physics of Plasmas article, "The many faces of shear Alfvén waves," by W. Gekelman, S. Vincena, B. Van Compernolle, G. J. Morales, J. E. Maggs, P. Pribyl, and T. A. Carter, Phys. Plasmas 18 , 055501 (2011). Physics of Plasmas is pleased to present the following 3D images. They are a collection of supplemental images for the article, " The many faces of shear Alfvén waves ," by W. Gekelman, S. Vincena, B. Van Compernolle, G. J. Morales, J. E. Maggs, P. Pribyl, and T. A. Carter, Phys. Plasmas 18 , 055501 (2011). Dr. Gekelman presented some of these images to an excited audience at the 2010 March APS Meeting and now we are pleased to be able to present these in digital format. The top four images are anaglyph 3D images, which have the blue and red channels separated. To properly view these, you'll need a pair of red and blue tinted glasses. Stereo viewing requires that each eye gets a separate image. This website contains still images and movies described below. There are many ways to view them but the best is using a high definition 3D television. The 3D TV's have infrared emitters on them that control shutter glasses. When the left image is on the screen the right eye is blacked out and vice versa. This happens at 60-120 Hz (depending on the set) and the image is flicker free. Viewing these images or movies also requires a computer with a top-of-the-line graphics card is hooked up to the TV. The computer also needs software that drives the 3D TV. There are two current packages to best view these images: (1) The Tridef Media Player ( tridef.com ) which can be purchased online—it will play the stills and the .mov version of the movies. (2) The Stereoscopic player ( 3dtv.at ), which is free at the time. In time we suspect that many other players will become available. An alternate way of looking at the stills is to make small (2.5"x2.5") side by side images and view them through lenses which can be purchased from American Paper Optics ( 3dglassesonline.com ). Here are links to download the 4 videos (.MOV format): Video 1 : "B Ropes" — This illustrates magnetic field lines produced when two laser produced plasma collide in a background magnetized plasma. One of the frames is Fig. 30 in the article . The frames are 10 ns apart. The sparkles on the field lines are proportional in size and brightness to the local induced electric field, which is caused by magnetic field line reconnection. Video 2 : "Cone Movie" — This shows the propagation of Alfvén waves from a filamentary current channel under the conditions of Fig. 8 in the article . Note that the horizontal axis is 7 meters long and the vertical extent is 18 cm. The cone angle is greatly exaggerated to illustrate the conelike propagation. The blue lines are wave current lines and the red arrows are current vectors. The pattern is azimuthally symmetric. Video 3 : "RMF ISO" — This is a movie corresponding to Fig. 13 in the article . These are the axial currents (blue and magenta surfaces, 0.5 A/cm 2 ) and magnetic fields of a shear Alfvén wave (f/f ci = 0.54). The surfaces twist about one another and are 1/2 wavelength long. Video 4 : "J Lines" — These are three-dimensional currents which result when a Carbon target is struck by 1 Joule, 10 ns laser pulse. It is under the same conditions of Fig. 29 in the article . The currents are derived from a volumetric data set of the magnetic field. The frames are 10 ns apart. To download to your computer, right-click on the link and choose "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As..." If you're having trouble playing the files, try downloading and installing the VLC Media Player . Stereo Slide pairs to accompany "The many faces of shear Alfvén waves" by W. Gekelman et al. They are split into left and right pairs and can be viewed with a variety of methods, which can be read about here and here . Left Image Right Image Figure 1. View from above of the LAPD device at UCLA. The LAPD plasma column is 60 cm in diameter and 18 m long. The axial magnetic field is produced by 90 solenoidal magnets and may be varied over the range 300 G ≤ B 0z ≤ 2.5 kG. Ten power supplies generate current for the magnets therefore the axial magnetic field profile is variable. Possible magnetic field geometries are uniform, linearly increasing in z, mirror fields, multiple mirrors, and cusps. The plasma is produced by a DC discharge between a Barium oxide coated cathode and mesh anode. The bulk of the plasma carries no net current, therefore quiescent. The plasma parameters are: He, Ar, Ne, H, Xn, δ n / n ≈ 3% , 10 10 cm -3 ≤ n e ≤ 2 ×10 12 cm -3 , 0.05 ≤ T e ≤ 10 eV, T i ≤ 1 eV. The plasma is pulsed at 1 Hz with typical plasma duration of 15 ms. The machine can run continuously for approximately four months before the cathode has to be cleaned and recoated. There are 450 access ports serviced by portable pump-down stations, which allow introduction of probes, antennas, additional cathodes, ion beams, electron beams, etc., while the machine is running. Probes go through specially designed ball valves that allow computer controlled probe drives to accurately move them on transverse planes throughout the device. In Fig 1, four pump down stations are visible on the top of the machine (the grey box is a residual gas analyzer). Also visible are magnets (purple and yellow along with their cooling lines). Several probes and probe drives are visible on the right. The probes may be introduced or removed from the machine while it is running using vacuum interlocks. Left Image Right Image Figure 2. Another view of the LAPD device. Above and to the right are the water cooled copper bus bars used to deliver power to the magnets. A portable pump-down station is on the right and on the far right the power supplies and transistor switch used for the DC discharge. On the computer screen is an image of the plasma taken with a CCD camera and microsecond exposure. The RMF Alfvé́n wave antenna described in the text is also seen in the photograph. Left Image Right Image Figure 3. Slide illustrating a theoretical calculation of the phase fronts of a shear Alfvé́n wave in the inertial (left) and kinetic (right) regime. When fluctuating narrow current filaments generate the waves they have a component of phase and group velocity across the field and move in cone-like patterns. In a typical experiment the waves spread across the background magnetic field by 0.3 degrees or about 11 cm over the 18-meter LAPD column. Left Image Right Image Figure 4. Experimental data showing the Alfvén wave currents in a wave generated by a skin depth size current channel 0.5 cm in radius. The data were acquired in a plane with one axis (z-axis is horizontal) parallel to the background magnetic field. The figure is highly compressed, δz = 7m, δr = 9 cm. The blue "lines" are current field lines and the red arrows are current vectors. The pattern is symmetric about x=y=0. At this frequency the axial component of the magnetic field of the wave is negligible. The centers of the current vorticies are located 1.25 m apart in z. Left Image Right Image Figure 5. Shear waves with a different morphology are launched by a rotating magnetic field antenna using two concentric multi-turn loops. Isosurfaces of current density at τ = 4.6 µs after the wave (ω/ω ci = 0.54) is launched by the RMF antenna described in the text. The surfaces begin 33 cm to the right of the antenna and end approximately 8 m away. Two rotating counter-propagating helical current channels can be seen flowing in the z direction along 0z . As time advances the currents rotate in a left-handed sense. The outer surface represents a current density of 0.25 A/cm 2 and the inner surface a current density of 0.5 A/cm 2 . The red surface denotes current flow in the positive z direction and the blue surfaces current in the negative z direction. Some representative magnetic field vectors are also shown. Left Image Right Image Figure 6. Magnetic field data of a shear wave. The data are collected with the use of 3-axis magnetic pickup probes (1 mm cube). The magnetic field of the wave measured on a plane transverse to the background field 33 cm from the antenna. Data was acquired at 13,448 spatial locations and every 4th vector was drawn. Left Image Right Image Figure 7. Electrons, which move along the magnetic field, carry the parallel wave current but as the electrons are highly magnetized (r ce ≈100 µm), the cross-field current is carried by ions via the ion polarization drift. The ion motion in the wave field was measured using laser induced fluorescence. Magnetic fields shown as streamlines and background Ar ion drift (red arrows). Here the ions drift in the direction {v ExB = c E / }. Left Image Right Image Figure 8. Magnetic field (measured with a probe) and the ion motion measured at the instant of time that the cross field current is carried by the ion polarization drift v pol = {c/ } dE ⊥ /dt . Left Image Right Image Figure 9. A shear Alfvén wave can propagate into a magnetic beach, a region of decreasing magnetic field This was studied in the LAPD device. Here shear Alfvén wave currents (streamlines) and magnetic field magnitude (colored plane) are shown at one instant of time. The wave propagates from left to right until it encounters the magenta surface at the right where the wave frequency equals the local ion cyclotron frequency. Parallel currents are carried by electrons, radial currents are due to ion polarization drifts, and azimuthal currents result from the slippage of the electron and ion E x B drifts near the cyclotron frequency. Left Image Right Image Figure 10. Experimental setup to study the collision of two dense laser produced plasmas in a background magnetoplasma. Two laser beams (shown in red although they are 1 micron wavelength and not visible, δt = 8 ns, 1.5 J) strike a pair of carbon targets in the LAPD device which contains the LAPD background plasma (not shown), 60 cm in diameter. The port spacing along the background magnetic field is 32 cm. Left Image Right Image Figure 11. Measurement of the currents and magnetic fields of a "diamagnetic bubble" close to a carbon target which is struck by a laser (10 11 W/cm 2 ). The data is acquired at 6000 spatial locations, 470 ns after the target is struck. The target (rendered in perspective) is 1 cm in diameter. The currents shown as blue-green lines are helical and as high as 1100 A/cm 2 . The magnetic field associated with the current is shown as red arrows and an isosurface (also red) of 200 G. The background field points in the opposite direction. Left Image Right Image Figure 12. Superposition of a fast photograph (δt exp = 3ns) of the colliding laser produced plasma in the foreground with the two carbon targets rendered to scale. Shown are measured magnetic field lines (see also Fig. 14) of shear Alfvén wave produced in the interaction. Left Image Right Image Figure 13. Three-dimensional currents in the two-target lpp experiment derived from the volumetric magnetic field data set (16,000 spatial locations). The targets are drawn in the background for reference. The dominant Alfvén is λ || = 2.62 m. The current closes by ion polarization drift every half wavelength, the currents close at δz=1.31 meters from the targets at τ = 5.34 µs after the targets are struck. Left Image Right Image Figure 14. Three-dimensional magnetic field lines generated during the collision of the two laser produced plasmas. The 600 Gauss background field is not included in the calculation. Twisting vortex-like structures near the targets eventually merge and settle down to the relatively simple patterns of torsional (shear) Alfvén waves. Between the two current channels seen as "O" points in the magnetic field is a magnetic "X" point. Left Image Right Image Figure 15. The 'X' point shown in Fig. 14 is not static because the current channels move toward and away from each other in time. Magnetic field line reconnection occurs when this happens. Shown is a close up of a bundle of field lines near the reconnection region. The reconnection does not occur in a plane but is fully three-dimensional. Left Image Right Image Figure 16. A magnetic flux rope is a bundle of magnetic field lines with pitch varying with radius. One may alternatively consider a rope as a spiraling current system. An experiment at UCLA on colliding flux ropes was done on the LAPD device. The QSL region has a simple interpretation. Two closely spaced field lines, which enter the QSL, wind up at very different spatial separations at finite distances along the current channel. Outside the QSL neighboring field lines remain close to each other. In this experiment the Quasi Seperatrix Layer (QSL) was measured for the first time. Representative field lines from the two flux ropes are shown in yellow and blue along with the Q=1000 surface in blue threading between them. The axial dimension is compressed 30 times. Left Image Right Image Figure 17. Three flux ropes are studied and mapped in three dimensions. The field lines of three flux ropes (background field of 300 G included) are colored red green and blue to distinguish them. Note the scale difference between the transverse (Δx = 13.2 cm) and axial distances (Δz = 4.79 m). The flux ropes twist around one another and collide in space and time. When the flux ropes collide in this instance one or two QSL's are formed. These are shown as colored surfaces. 
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