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我在频谱激电方面开展的工作 期待合作
热度 4 chrujun 2016-5-31 23:37
最近几年,由于频谱激电在油气勘探、金属矿勘探和环境地球物理方面的潜在应用,频谱激电研究又火起来了。作为一直从事频谱激电研究的老兵,应法国科学院Revil教授请求对我在频谱激电方面的工作做了介绍。下面是2016年年初给Revil教授回信的主要内容: It’s my great pleasure to hear from you. I hope you have a great year in 2016. The year 2016 belongs to monkey year according to Chinese culture. Kind people in monkey year will be very smart and clever. Anyway, I summary my contribution to IP research. I developed method and instrument for SIP research and application. I put forward relative phase spectrum measurement method in SIP about 10 year ago. The relative phase spectrum measurement can remove EM coupling, capacitive coupling, and synchronization error in phase measurement of SIP. The relative phase spectrum measurement is the key for the successful application of SIP in the field. Then I developed a distributed SIP acquisition system with 800 channels based on ZigBee sensor network and GPS four years ago. It’s the biggest SIP system in the world to my knowledge. I used this SIP system in China for a lot of projects and it is very successful in mineral exploration. I also developed a SIP system for laboratory usage. This system can measure accurate SIP response of rock and ore sample with ultra-low impedance and ultra- high impedance. The highest impedance of sample can be great than 10 G ohm. Therefore, it can make SIP response of sample with very few water content. Now I am developing a SIP system based on wired network. This system is much cheap than the SIP system based on wireless communication targeted for mineral exploration in mountain area. The wired SIP system adopt the basic idea of cabled seismic acquisition. It reduce capacitive coupling that exist in current SIP system for engineering usage. The wired SIP system designed by me and my team achieved ultra- high synchronization accuracy which is vital important for signal to noise enhancement. The systems developed by me adopt ultra-low noise electrical element and state-of-art signal processing method. We can acquire good quality SIP data in area with strong noise or interference. 今年,我们将在频谱激电方面加大勘探力度和基础研究投入,使频谱激电成为矿业勘探的高效物探手段。我们有大量高质量勘探数据和岩矿石标本频谱激电数据,目前正和国外的多个团队开展合作。期待国内的同行也加入,大家共同推进频谱激电的发展。
个人分类: 我的科研|21825 次阅读|7 个评论
热度 9 chrujun 2015-2-17 19:19
1985年发表的论文,信息如下: G. R. Olhoeft (1985).”Low-frequency electrical properties.” Geophysics, 50(12), 2492-2503. doi: 10.1190/1.1441880   In the interpretation of induced polarization data, it is commonly assumed that metallic mineral polarization dominantly or solely causes the observed response. However, at low frequencies, there is a variety of active chemical processes which involve the movement or transfer of electrical charge. Measurements of electrical properties at low frequencies (such as induced polarization) observe such movement of charge and thus monitor many geochemical processes at a distance. Examples in which this has been done include oxidation‐reduction of metallic minerals such as sulfides, cation exchange on clays, and a variety of clay‐organic reactions relevant to problems in toxic waste disposal and petroleum exploration. By using both the frequency dependence and nonlinear character of the complex resistivity spectrum, these reactions may be distinguished from each other and from barren or reactionless materials   Read More: http://library.seg.org/doi/abs/10.1190/1.1441880     前5年只获得8次引用,平均每年获得1.6次引用。             James A. Tyburczy , Jeffery J. Roberts . (1990) Low frequency electrical response of polycrystalline olivine compacts: Grain boundary transport. Geophysical Research Letters 17 , 1985-1988. Online publication date: 1-Oct-1990. CrossRef Andrew K. Jonscher . (1990) Admittance spectroscopy of systems showing low-frequency dispersion. Electrochimica Acta 35 , 1595-1600. Online publication date: 1-Oct-1990. CrossRef J.R. Wait . 1989. COMPLEX RESISTIVITY OF THE EARTH. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 1-173. CrossRef R. S. SMITH , P. W. WALKER , B. D. POLZER , G. F. WEST . (1988) THE TIME-DOMAIN ELECTROMAGNETIC RESPONSE OF POLARIZABLE BODIES: AN APPROXIMATE CONVOLUTION ALGORITHM1. Geophysical Prospecting 36 :10.1111/gpr.1988.36.issue-7, 772-785. Online publication date: 1-Oct-1988. CrossRef Richard S. Smith , G. F. West . (1988) An explanation of abnormal TEM responses: coincident-loop negatives, and the loop effect.. Exploration Geophysics 19 :3, 435-446. Online publication date: 1-Sep-1988. Abstract | PDF (1210 KB) | PDF w/Links (747 KB) A. Duba , E. Huengest , G. Nover , G. Will , H. Jodicke . (1988) Impedance of black shale from Munsterland 1 borehole: an anomalously good conductor?. Geophysical Journal International 94 , 413-419. Online publication date: 1-Sep-1988. CrossRef Alan D. Chave , John R. Booker . (1987) Electromagnetic induction studies. Reviews of Geophysics 25 , 989. Online publication date: 1-Jan-1987. CrossRef David A. Lockner , James D. Byerlee . (1986) Changes in complex resistivity during creep in granite. Pure and Applied Geophysics PAGEOPH 124 , 659-676. Online publication date: 1-Jan-1986. CrossRef           Read More: http://library.seg.org/doi/abs/10.1190/1.1441880 2014年获得9次引用 2013年获得14次引用,大大超过了论文发表后5年内引用数的总和。 2012年获得7次引用 2011年获得16次引用 2010年获得9次引用 最近5年获得55次引用,大约等于论文发表后5年内引用数的7倍。 引用数激增的原因在于近年来出现了高精度岩石物理性质测量仪器,用新仪器可以发现以前无法观测到的现象,岩石物理又火起来了。
个人分类: 科研心得|4894 次阅读|14 个评论
ustcpress 2012-3-11 16:15
丛书名:当代科学技术基础理论与前沿问题研究丛书——中国科学技术大学校友文库 (“十一五”国家重点图书出版规划项目) 出版日期:2009年8月 出版社:中国科学技术大学出版社 正文页码:520页(16开) 字数:655千 定价:98.00元 编辑邮箱: edit@ustc.edu.cn (欢迎来索要目录、样章的PDF) 当当网购书链接: http://product.dangdang.com/product.aspx?product_id=20695452 内容简介 :本书分岩石物理基础、实验岩石物理学和计算岩石物理学三大部分,相对独立。以教科书形式写成,对基本概念和基本知识、实验技术和方法以及数值模拟进行了系统而全面的介绍。书中还附有大量学科发展的历史材料和趣味性的应用事例,以框图形式给出,可自行选择性地阅读。本书可供从事地球科学、油气勘探和开发工程、环境和灾害研究等方面的科研人员和教学人员参考,也可作为大学高年级学生和研究生相关专业的教科书。 第一作者简介:陈顒 , 1965 年毕业于中国科学技术大学地球物理系,先后担任地球物理所所长( 1982-1986 ),国家地震局副局长( 1986-1996 )。担任过国际地震学和地球内部物理学联合会( IASPEI )的地震预报和地震灾害委员会主席,国际地震中心 (ISC) 执行理事。现任中国地震学会理事长,国家地震局科技委主任,国务院应急专家委员会委员。 1993 年当选中国科学院院士, 2000 年当选第三世界科学院院士。从 1987 年开始,他一直讲授 “ 岩石物理学 ” 课程,本书是在他讲课讲义的基础上,吸收了美国和英国一些大学的有关教材而编著的。 当当网购书地址及读者评价: http://product.dangdang.com/product.aspx?product_id=20695452
个人分类: 院士著述|7514 次阅读|0 个评论

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