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热度 5 zywsict 2018-3-11 08:56
个人分类: 图片博文|3109 次阅读|10 个评论
热度 3 zywsict 2017-4-18 08:34
个人分类: 图片博文|3115 次阅读|8 个评论
热度 12 zywsict 2016-3-27 09:12
个人分类: 图片博文|3473 次阅读|28 个评论
一半是小蜜, 一半是开会 (2013年总结)
热度 16 beepro 2013-12-15 05:07
2013年马上要过去, 我到底干了些啥啊? 还好, 时间都在照片上面, 把主要的会议, 去的地方,第一次拍到的小蜜上的新花, 就是一个年记了。 大家跟我来旅行, 到世界各地看看小蜜吧! Jan 11, The Chocolate Factory, Hershey, PA. The ABRC (American Bee Research Conference) was held there, I organized the talks for this conference as a VP of AAPA (American Association of Professional Apiculturists). 1月11号, 美国蜜蜂研究大会在滨州的巧克力城举行。这是会后去看了一下哪里的一个博物馆, 介绍Hershey的生平。 March 8, ANR Week Beekeeping Program at MSU campus. More than 500 beekeepers attended.三月8号, 我们大学的蜜蜂会议, 5-6百人参加, 基本是本州想学养蜂的。 March 28, Apis cerana foraging on a Japanese red maple. My first shot of a honey bee on maple trees. 3月28号, 在南昌拍到中蜂采日本红枫。在密州一直找蜜蜂采蜂树, 红枫太高, 拍不到。 April 7. Apis cerena foraging on a Chinese milkvetch, my hometown, Shaoshan, Hunan. 4月7号, 中蜂采紫云英, 摄于老家附近的田里。 April 14, Apis cerana foraging on logan, FAFU (Fujian Agric and Forestry Univ) campus. 4月14号, 中蜂采龙眼。 福建农林大。4月去了看到花, 5月看到小果, 九月去, 没了。 没尝到。 April 14, A. mellifera foraging on Bombax ceiba. FAFU campus. Very far away and I had to climb to a roof top to shoot them. 4月14,西蜂采木棉, 爬到一个房子的顶上拍的, 还把手刮坏。 建农林大。 April 24. My first bee pic of bees foraging on Meihua (Prunus mume, Japanese plum flowers). 4月24, 第一次拍到蜜蜂采梅花, 北京植物园。 April 26. A trip to the Jiankou Greatwall (old, most unmaintained part of the Greatwall). Wild apricots were blooming everywhere. 4.26, 箭扣野长城, 山杏花盛开。 May 5, Melissa graduation. Bloomington, IL. 5.5号, 女儿大学毕业。 July 13, HAS (Heartland Apicultural Society) conference was at Tennessee Tech Univ. 7月13, 美国中西部蜜蜂大会在田纳西工学院召开。 My first good pic of bees foraging on corn was shot there (Tamron 180mm Macro). My first batch of them shot in China, using a telephoto (not a macro) were not as good. 蜜蜂采玉米雄花, 在开会的地方,必须9点以前找蜜蜂, 晚了花粉太干, 蜜蜂不采了。 July 13.A bumble bee foraging on Clethra alnifolia at the Cheekwood Botanic Gardens, Nashville, TN. 7. 13, 熊蜂采甜胡椒, 在纳什维尔的一个植物园(我到了哪里都先找植物园!)。 July 18. Attending and giving a talk at the ICIRD (International Conf of Invertebrate Reproduction and Development). There was a cruise that evening, the same evening that Detroit filed for bankruptcy. 7.18, 底特律宣布破产那天, 我在那里开会, 会后去游船。 希望不是我引起的吧? July 20. MBA summer picnic at the Best Farm. On the way back I shot this. 7.20. 密州养蜂协会在Best家吃野餐。 回来路上拍到这个。 July 21, SEMBA picnic at the MSU Tollgate Facility in Novi, MI. I shot a few flowers and bees before the meeting. 7.21. 在密州东南部养蜂协会开会/吃饭。 拍到牵牛花。 July 28, A trip to Xinjiang to give a keynote speech on a national bee conference. We climbed this small hill post meeting (with my 25 lb camera gears). 7.28, 在新疆爬小华山。 Inside of a tent of a Kazak family. 哈萨克族的帐房里面。 Aug. 5. I got up at 5 to shoot some bees on lotus flowers. FAFU campus. 8.5, 5点起来去拍荷花上的蜜蜂。 Aug. 6, visiting a center for GMO biosafty. 参观河北廊坊测试中心。 Aug. 10. A honey bee foraging on the female flowers of a beebee tree. Before I left for China, the flowers were all males. The male flowers will wither and drop, and females then bloom, for another good 2-3 weeks. 8.10, 蜜蜂采蜜蜂树的雌花。 Aug. 31. Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes, MI. 带北京朋友去看密州北部的沙丘。 Sept 1. I was lucky enough to find a bee foraging on ragweed (apparent for pollen), again my first such shot.9.1. 拍到蜜蜂采豚草, 很多人(包括我)对这个花的花粉过敏。 Sept 5, on that trip I captured a velvet ant and kept her alive for 2-3 weeks (nice Christmas colors!). 一只象蚂蚁的无翅蜂。 蜇人很疼的。 Sept 7. A bee on stonecrop (Sedum sp), Duke Gardens, NC. 9.7. 蜜蜂采景天, 北卡杜克花园。 Sept 27. Attended Apimondia meeting in Kiev, Ukraine with 6000 other beekeepers. A visit to the Cave churches not far away. 9.27. 去乌克兰的基普参加国际养蜂大会。 附近的老教堂。 Two little girls play on one of the two tanks, one painted pink and another blue. 坦克和小女孩们。 St Andrew's Church, Kiev. It sits right across to the more famous St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery. 圣马可教堂对面的圣安卓教堂。 Nov 11, A bee foraging on a type of aster (Eupatorium), Zilke Botanic Gardens, Austin, TX. The ESA conference was held there., 11.11. 德州奥斯丁Zilke植物园, 蜜蜂采菊花 The capital of the Texas Republic. 德州首府 Dec. 14. 儿子硕士毕业了。 祝大家圣诞快乐, 新年愉快!
个人分类: 照片|9373 次阅读|28 个评论
热度 2 beepro 2012-5-26 22:27
寻花, 见博客 问柳,见博客 小蜜, 这个要经常养, 经常拍拍 钓鱼, 今天去。 每年一度的fishrun, 据说有几百万条鱼要过河, 不去好意思。 但是13年了, 第一次去试试。
个人分类: 国外|2700 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 5 beepro 2012-4-8 00:06
Apis cerana (中蜜)and Apis mellifera (西蜜)foraging on peach flowers 摄于江西南昌农大校园的桃园。 本来应该说俺今年是桃花运的, 但是我在蜜州没有看到桃花(因为校园的桃花比较远, 打电话问朋友时, 已经错过)。 所以桃花今年只看到一次。 应该是梨花运, 樱花运。 因为这2个在蜜州看一次, 南昌又重复一次。 这里梅花还在开! 但是没有发现蜜蜂。 I left Michigan March 30th, right after most of the cherries were gone and pears were still blooming. I did not check the apples but they must be blooming since some crabapples were blooming. I was lucky this year since Michigan was about 3-4 weeks ahead of schedule. But here in China, they were 2-3 weeks behind. This allowed me to see cherries and pears blooming all over again (although I tried to shoot peach flowers in Michigan and missed it), while normally I would have missed both (too early when I left Michigan and too late when I got here). I was working day and night on manuscripts but I did manage to escape, after lunch, to visit a peach garden and a pear one, both part of the Jiangxi Agricultural University. April 2, 12:40 (I forgot to adjust my camera time, so it shows the old Michigan time before the clock was “sprung ahead” (i.e. shown as April 1, 23:40). Nanchang, Jiangxi, China (28.46º N, 115.49 º E) . 1. Peaches seems to be in peak bloom. 2. Part of a tree, the “bokeh” of defocused background flowers make it nicer looking. 3. Closeup of two flowers. Some are more pink, others whiter. Not sure if it is age of the flowers or different varieties. But the color variation among these two flowers (left one is whiter) suggest colors change with flower ages. 4. Apis cerana (the Eastern hive bee, or the Asian honey bee) foraging on peach flowers. 5. Apis cerana working on peach flowers. It seems to be working for pollen. 6. Another shot. 7. Apis mellifera (the Western hive bee, or the Western honey bee), also working on peach flowers.
个人分类: 花卉|4274 次阅读|9 个评论
热度 21 beepro 2012-3-25 13:34
没有时间翻成中文, 大家凑合看吧。 有几张是发过的。 曝光/颜色/饱和都没有调, 只是把白平衡放到太阳天, 有的有剪裁 1. March 20th. There is one cherry tree between Mason Hall and Natural Science, almost ready to bloom. Yesterday (March 24) I saw two others blooming next to Grand River. All three are probably Japanese flowering cherries. 2. flower buds against the blue sky. 3. ready to bloom 4. one is starting to open. 5. One blooms here. 6. the next day, March 21st, the whole tree was in peak bloom! 7. so pretty! I stayed there for 40 min waiting for bees… 8. I used backlight (shot against the sun light) for this one… making the flowers translucent. 9. 10. against blue sky. 11. another one. 12. another. 13. three branches. 14. a bumble bee queen is foraging. 15. the same one. 16. finally a honey bee! I probably did not shoot this one intentionally…nice composition! 17. a crop of the previous one. 18. finally she lands on to the flower at the end. 19. This one is closer to me. 20. Loaded with pollen. 21. pretty! I probably stayed there for 30-40 min.
个人分类: 花卉|6466 次阅读|30 个评论
热度 6 beepro 2012-3-6 01:59
还剩下几个那里拍的。 发到这吧。 1. Acrobatic mating between two wasps.这蜂好黑, 当时应该把一个花作为背景! 2. A bee foraging on a type of amaranth.鸡冠花 3. A bee on a type a verbena (my guess). Notice that this bee is robbing the nectar near the base. The flower has such long corolla that any bees are unable to reach the nectar normally. Robbing typically bypasses the pollination mechanism so the plant loses its crop while gains no benefit.小蜜在花都基部盗蜜。 花估计是马鞭草科的。 4. A bumble bee foraging inside a sunrose (purslane, Portulacaceae).熊蜂采马齿苋花。 5. A bee foraging on a white spiderwort (Commelinaceae). I have seen blue and red ones also.蜜蜂采白色的鸭跖草花。 6. One o'clock! A day flying moth on a lantana (Verbenaceae).一点钟! 这个ailanthus web worm moth在花钟上指向1点。
个人分类: 小蜜|4101 次阅读|12 个评论
热度 5 beepro 2012-3-2 05:30
那天写珙桐的博文,到网上找Arnoldia的杂志, 发现珙桐同期有篇文章是关于花椒的。 http://arnoldia.arboretum.harvard.edu/pdf/articles/2011-68-3-a-taste-of-sichuan-zanthoxylum-simulans.pdf 这篇文章提到一些有趣的事情: 1. 哈佛大学森林公园有从韩国引进的花椒树。 2. 公园里有Zanthoxylum simulans (flatspine prickly ash) 和Z. piperitum2个种。 3. 花椒可以是从Zanthoxylum属的几个种而来,是跟橘子一个科的, 芸香科(Rutaceae)。 4. 因为这个关系, 美国FDA在1968-2005都禁止从中国进口, 因为怕传来柑橘的一个病citrus canker 柑橘溃疡病. 但是2002年才严格执行。 我记得有一年买不到花椒的。 估计就是那年? 后来出口的花椒都加温杀死细菌, 所以现在又可以买到花椒了。 今天花了一个多小时, 才找到2001年5月在北京郊区(普洼)拍到的采花椒的小蜜。因为橘花蜜有橘子香味, 龙眼蜜吃起来有龙眼味, 不知花椒的蜜是否麻辣? 1. 花椒花。 好象其貌不扬。 记得当时还吃到花椒的嫩尖抄的菜, 有麻辣的味道!这是我的第2个数码照的。Nikon Coolpix 990. 好象当时用的Basic, 不是Fine, 要不会好些。 估计当时怕卡不够用。 2. 中华蜜蜂采麻辣。 3. 采麻辣2.
个人分类: 小蜜|3913 次阅读|10 个评论
热度 10 beepro 2012-1-9 05:33
应该是去年写的搞笑的。配上蜜蜂采荷花的片片。 1. 蜂对花说: 轻轻的我走了, 正如我轻轻的来; 我振一振翅膀, 要带走你的甜蜜 那会是我在冬天 于夏天的记 忆 2。 花对蜂说 匆匆地你来了, 却又要匆匆地离开; 你振一振翅膀, 要带走我的香气 不要把我的心带走 不要忘记我的泪滴 我知道你不会马上回家 你还有更多的采撷 我好想多留下些甜 好象那些当官的 "明天又是个好日子 “ 再招待另一个小 蜜
个人分类: 调侃|3381 次阅读|17 个评论
面朝大海, 秋暖花开小蜜来
热度 7 beepro 2012-1-6 05:38
12月的时候去加州开会,博后干得很卖力,让他也去,而且会后带他玩3天。第一天看伯克利植物园(照片以后再发), 第二天去看17迈海岸(以后再发 美洲海岸:17迈)。 路上看到一个小城叫Sandcity,有海滩,就下去看了看。下了公路, 见到一个公园, 就进去了。 看到一种奇怪的花,有小蜜!只好停下猛拍了。这个花有肉质的叶子,明显是抗旱的适应, 但花是比较明显的十字花科。 看种子夹,也象。 吃了一个,有芥菜的辣味,基本确定为十字花科。 回来后狗“海边的十字花”,得Sea Rocket. The European searocket Cakile maritima in Europe, and the American searocket C. edentula in North America. The genus is native to Europe , Asia and North America , but the European searocket has been introduced into North America and has spread widely on both east and west coasts; in many places it is replacing the native C. edentula , and is regarded as an undesirable invasive species .我的这个是Cakile的一种 , 但不知是是北美的种还是欧洲进来的。 蓝色的天空, 美丽的花朵, 加上小蜜, 让我想起来海子的诗。 下面是我2011年翻译的英文版。 翻得有点俏皮, 博大家一笑。 因为我们看到的是秋天的海 故名。 面朝大海,春暖花开 Facing the ocean,where spring's warm and flowers bloom 海子 son of sea 从明天起, 做一个幸福的人 tomorrow on, I be a joyful man 喂马, 劈柴, 周游世界 feeding horses, chopping firewood, and touring the world 从明天起, 关心粮食和蔬菜 tomorrow on, mind grain and veggies 我有一所房子, 面朝大海, 春暖花开 have a house, facing the ocean, where spring's warm and flowers bloom 从明天起, 和每一个亲人通信 tomorrow on, write to every kin 告诉他们我的幸福 tell them my joys 那幸福的闪电告诉我的 what that joyful lightening told me 我将告诉每一个人 I will tell every man 给每一条河每一座山取一个温暖的名字 give warm names to every river and hill 陌生人, 我也为你祝福 strangers, I bless you too 愿你有一个灿烂的前程 to have a bright future 愿你有情人终成眷属 to wed the one you love 愿你在尘世获得幸福 to get worldly happiness 我只愿面朝大海, 春暖花开 as to me, I only want to face the ocean, where spring's warm and flowers bloom Translated by Zach 3/13/2011, revised 3/22/2011 (今天再看, 海归之兴更加黯淡) 言归正传, 看海, 看花, 看小蜜!(NND, 我的Proposal还有3天交差! 我怎么在这里啊!!哭)。 1. 面朝大海 2。 博后在海滩上画心, 再写上他“前世情人”的名字。 3。 紫花南芥在沙滩上一簇一簇的。 4。 小蜜近拍。(D700+60mm+internal flash) 5. 飞度过程中, 舌头就伸出来了。 省时间? 6. 采花。 7。 看来还有花粉的(腿上的花粉篮上是这个花的粉) 8。 种子的近拍。我自己的, 饱经沧桑的左手。 谢谢!
个人分类: 花卉|5049 次阅读|9 个评论
热度 32 beepro 2012-1-3 08:07
这个小蜜在11月7日时, 紧紧抱住白菜花有感而发。 白菜是俺家后院自己种的, 小蜜也是自己养的, 那一群, 有4万左右吧。。。 一般11月这里就下雪了。 那年反常, 还70来度(华氏,20度左右), 小蜜就采花了。 。。。。 最后一次拥抱 let me embrace you 让我再一次 tightly 把你 once more 紧紧拥抱 for snow is coming 因为明天 t’morrow 大雪将临 icy knives 冬季北风 of the winter wind 的冰刀 will cut away your 要把你的 pretty petals 花瓣切掉 frost will not 霜 appreciate 无眼 your beauty 不会理会你的美貌 the hasty tongue 冰雨 of the freezing rain 他的舌头好快 will not taste 尝不到 your sweetness 你那隐约 ever so subtle 的幽甜 let me embrace you 让我再一次 once more 把你拥抱 that last drop 最后的 of sweetness 一滴甜蜜 will give me strength 会给我力量 to fight off 来度过 six months of boredom 6个月的 无趣 darkness 黑暗 bitter cold 苦冷 but I will be back again 但我会回来 in May 在来年的五月 when again you put on these 那时, 你又会 pretty yellow dresses 穿上这黄色的衣着 that make my life 让我的生命 so sweet 如此甘甜 that make the world 让世界充满 bright and gay 光明和快乐 照片: 2004-11-7 11:01:30 英文: 2004-11-09 22:45 中文: 2011-3-14 Revised: 2012-1-4 科普下: 蜜蜂分“夏蜂”(summer bees)和冬季蜂(winter bees)。 夏天工蜂只活4-5十天, 冬天4-5月! 为何这么大差别也是一个课题。 最近的发现是蜂子外激素(brood pheromone)可以使蜜蜂变成短命的夏蜂。 11/12月蜂群断子了, 没有了外激素, 蜜蜂就长寿了。 冬天小蜜们在一起结团取暖, 靠“烧”蜂蜜产热。 在我们州(跟沈阳温度差不多)每群要60磅左右的蜂蜜, 才能越冬。 所以, 实际上, 这个小蜜是不大可能活到第2年春天了。 冬季蜂不会采蜜的。 这些应该都是那一天拍的: 2. 这个也抱的蛮紧啊。 3.空中飞行的蜂。 4. 这个就是那个书的封面的同一张吧。 5. 稍远一点的。
个人分类: 小蜜|10835 次阅读|67 个评论

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