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Interpretation of NDTM in the definition of NP
热度 1 liuyu2205 2016-12-17 15:24
我们的NP理论工作首重解读NP的二个流行定义及二个定义的关系,这篇英语文章是此工作的总结和深化。 文章追本溯源分析用于定义NP的NDTM(不确定性图灵机),揭示NDTM指称二个完全不同的概念:一个是Oracle(神喻机),另一个是Turing Machine(图灵机)。由于同一术语NDTM指称两个内涵完全不同的概念,故发生了“概念偷换”的逻辑错误,导致“可验证”成为现在NP的标准定义,自此NP的本质“不确定性”消失了,遂有“P versus NP”的千禧年难题。 由于NP的原始定义与Oracle有关,而Oracle又来自图灵关于“可计算性”的工作,故追本溯源到图灵的工作,应该是澄清NP定义的正途,也即我们的NP理论基于可计算性的深刻背景。 ****** In this paper, we interpret NDTM (NonDeterministicTuringMachine) used to define NP by tracing to the source of NP . Originally NP was defined as the class of problems solvable in polynomial time by a NDTM in Cook’s theorem, where the NDTM was represented as Query Machine of essence Oracle . Later a model consisting of a guessing module and a checking module was proposed to replace the NDTM . This model of essence TM has a fundamental difference from the NDTM of essence Oracle , but people still use the term NDTM to designate this model, which leads to the disguised displacement of NDTM and produces out the verifier-based definition of NP as the class of problems verifiable in polynomialtime by a TM (Turing Machine). This verifier-based one has been then accepted as the standard definition of NP where comes from the famous equivalence ofthe two definitions of NP . Since then the notion of nondeterminism is lost from NP , which causes ambiguities in understanding NP and then great difficulties in solving the P versus NP problem. Since NP is originally related with Oracle that comes from Turing’s work about Computability , it seems quite necessary to trace back to Turing’s work and clarify further the issue about NP . interpretationNDTMCiE.pdf
个人分类: NP理论|3248 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 8 dydesk 2011-4-15 09:47
去年写了一篇英文文章,投出去后屡屡被拒,很是受挫. 今年又尝试写了一篇,实在不知道如何用英文去思考,大部分的精力都放在如何表达上,应该写什么,思路如何,思维像被禁锢似的,无从下笔,很是痛苦. 后来想想,豁出去了,还是写中文的,一写中文,感觉自己的思维就比较发散,活跃,思路很通畅,该如何写,写什么,心里很有把握,一时间就觉得还是母语好呀. 可是,英语文章还是得写呀,要不,别人问,写了多少篇SCI得时候,自己心中很是自卑,而且有负罪感,觉得自己的成果上不了台面.可我觉得英文的文章有时候未必比一些中文的好.我感觉我自己写中文的比写英文的认真,写中文的,我的精力大部分放在如何分析结果上,写英文的,我的精力都放在如何表达上了. 可能,我写英文文章还缺乏经验,英语能力需要大力加强.
7390 次阅读|11 个评论

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