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[SF企业管理国际资料] 焦点解决取向管理11:领导伦理的不确定性
Gaodeming 2017-8-5 10:46
领导伦理的不确定性——建构焦点解决实践的本源(5) 高德明团队 译编   Griffin(2002)指出,许多讨论组织伦理的行为都会产生一个非此即彼的观点,要么是在不同情境中传统伦理定义的一般道德规范的应用,要么是后现代主义的立场强调与情境相对的道德选择和行为。传统定义假设组织领导者应该有绝对的道德标准。这也掩盖了许多一般道德准则在实际应用中的模糊性和不确定性。或者,后现代方法太过强调情境的模糊性和不确定性以至于认为一般道德规范无关紧要。   复杂反应过程的理论家提供了第三种关于领导伦理的对话基础。他们承认组织领导的许多不确定性,但他们也将一般道德规范作为组织伦理的潜在相关关系。他们通过把领导伦理作为自组织对话的一个方面,把这些独立的主题整合在了一起,也就是说,伦理参与关注的是社会互动和关系的细节。这些细节形成了真实情境中讨论道德准则的相关背景。Giffin(2002:213)解释了领导者和伦理同时在自组织对话中的显现;有效领导往往是那些能够发展更多的自主性和有能力处理那些正在进行的目的和互动任务的人。领导者是那些能够增强团队内成员负责任态度的人。他们能够加强团体内以及团体之间的沟通交流。   焦点解决实践者接受过对话知识和技能的训练,这些知识和技能有助于解决日常生活细节中的伦理问题。复杂反应过程理论家对焦点解决实践者造成的一个困难是,扩大他们对解决伦理方法的知识和技能,而这是在不确定和矛盾情境中的领导力的一个内容。再则,我们回顾组织是如何成为社交互动的点以及焦点解决顾问的责任是通过提升对话技巧和敏锐度来帮助组织成员变成更有效的领导者。 结 论   我已经指出,这篇文章与我在组织中的实践经验有关。这对焦点解决实践者的有用程度与他们的经历相关,也可能与如何看待顾问角色有关。对于隐含在本文中的假设——组织咨询的一个方面是为客户提供感受和处理组织生活中的矛盾、焦虑和困境提供资源,我称之为教学。焦点解决实践者可能会利用复杂反应过程的角度来提高他们教学活动中的两种相关方法。   首先,这是一种扩展实践者和客户词汇的资源。焦点解决实践者早就知道语言远超其所命名的事物,它们只是看到和想象的过去、现在和未来事实的基础。不幸的是,这些实践者有时在焦点解决对话过程中让极简主义的言论所蒙蔽,忽视了对话中关于改变的新词汇。第二种方式,对复杂反应过程的担忧可能增强了焦点解决实践者的教学,包括构建反思的社会背景。这个背景帮助焦点解决实践者和客户从经验中学习。这是Cheryl Mattingly和Maureen Hayes Fleming研究中的一个重要主题,职业治疗师如何能变得更熟练。虽然实践经验很重要,但是,不是所有有经验的治疗师都能产生相同的效果。   Mattingly和Fleming (1994: 30)认为,经验不是从事一些简单的事情,而是指做一些与反思有关或者使事情变得有意义的事。经验是有用的,但不是因为你经历过,而是因为它有意义。本研究与焦点解决实践者和客户的工作以及文章写作有关。如果这篇文章对你形成了一个语境反思,那么我就成功了。 ——高德明焦点解决高效教练督导团队译编 附:原文 Uncertainties of Ethical Leadership Griffin (2002) notes that many discussions about organizational ethics turn on an either/or choice between a traditional definition of ethics as the application of general moral codes to diverse situations and the postmodern stance that emphasizes the situational relativity of ethical choices and behavior. The traditional definition assumes that there are absolute moral standards to which organizational leaders should be held. It also glosses over the many ambiguities and uncertainties associated with applying general moral codes to actual situations. Alternatively, the postmodern approach assumes that the ambiguities and uncertainties of situations are so great that they render general moral codes irrelevant. Theorists of complex response processes offer a third basis for conversations about ethical leadership. The theorists acknowledge the many uncertainties of organizational leadership but they also treat general moral codes as potentially relevant to organizational ethics. They bring these separate themes together by treating ethical leadership as an aspect of self-organizing conversations, that is, an ethics of participation focused on the details of social interaction and relationships. The details form contexts for talking about the relevance of moral codes for actual situations. Griffin (2002: 213) explains that leaders and ethics emerge together in self-organizing conversations; Effective leaders tend to be those who have…developed more spontaneity and ability to deal with the on-going purpose and task of interaction. Leaders are individuals who have enhanced capacity for taking the attitudes of the other members of the group. They enhance communication within and between groups. Solution-focused practitioners are trained in conversational knowledge and skills that are potentially useful in addressing the ethical implications of the small details everyday life. A challenge that theorists of complex response processes pose for solution- focused practitioners is to extend their knowledge and skills to explicitly address ethics as an aspect of leadership in uncertain and paradoxical situations Once again, we come back to how organizations are sites of social interaction and to solution-focused consultants’ responsibility to help organization members become more effective leaders by enhancing their conversational skills and sensibilities. Conclusions I have already stated that this essay is connected to my practical experiences in organizations. It’s usefulness for solution-focused practitioners will probably vary based on their experiences. It is also likely to be related to how they think about their roles as consultants. Implicit in this essay is the assumption that one aspect of organizational consultation is providing clients with interpretive resources for making sense of and dealing with the paradoxes, anxieties and dilemmas of organizational life. I call this teaching. Solution-focused practitioners might use the complex response processes perspective to enhance their teaching activities in two interrelated ways. First, it is a resource for expanding practitioners’ and clients’ vocabularies. Solution- focused practitioners have long known that words are more than labels for naming things, they are standpoints for seeing and imagining past, present and future realities. It is unfortunate that these practitioners sometimes allow the rhetoric of minimalism in solution-focused discourse to blind them to the magic of new words in conversations about change. The second way that concern for complex response processes might enhance solution-focused practitioners’ teaching involves building social contexts of reflection. The contexts assist solution-focused practitioners and clients in learning from their experiences. This is a major theme in Cheryl Mattingly and Maureen Hayes Fleming’s6 study of how occupational therapists become more proficient. While practical experience is important, all experienced therapists are not equally effective. Mattingly and Fleming (1994: 30) explain that Experience is not simply doing something. It is doing something combined with reflecting on, or making meaning of, the event. Experience is useful, not because one has lived through it, but because one has made meaning of it. This research is also relevant to the work of solution-focused practitioners, their clients and to the writing of this essay. I have succeeded if this essay has formed a context of reflection for you. 学习、练习、实践、反思、督导,是一个SF取向工作者的快速成长之路。 敬请期待下期分享。
个人分类: 焦点解决理论|1390 次阅读|0 个评论
Gaodeming 2017-8-5 10:14
高德明 访谈目的 访谈时间 访谈地点 访谈对象 创始人访谈方法 按照焦点解决取向进行访谈设计 , 围绕企业文化的维度,企业所在的阶段,创始人对企业的愿景,创始人曾经取得的成绩 与文化要素的关系, 以及创始人的期待多个角度进行访谈。 通过 对话 访谈 的方式 给创始人提供 语言 空间,让其对自己的企业文化的运行和期待,全面地展开 回顾 和 展望 。通过谈话过程的设计,可以让这个谈话 激发 创始人 高度的热情对 企业文化内容给与提炼总结,并汇集成可见的可被展示的内容。访谈设计也引发 CEO思考,对自己企业文化的各个要素 在 企业起到的作用,给予建构性的反思,并且 对 自己的企业文化所包含的要素给与整合。 流程 1 (思路是对过去资源的挖掘,过去资源给自己带来的好处。) 您的企业,发展到这个阶段,您的事业做得这么好,您认为是您的哪些文化理念在起作用? ( 三到五个要素 ) 对其他的人有什么影响?您希望谁能了解,他们了解了有什么不同? 你期待哪些思想可以在企业中起到作用? 其他人是怎么 能 看到 或知道 这些文化内容是起作用的,他们能够看到什么? 现在正在起作用的 企业文化内容有哪些? 如果,五年之后您的事业发展 得 非常 顺利 ,像你想象的那样,那时候 您希望其他的人 如何来评价您的企业文化? 他们会说什么? 如果,整个企业上下 想法 一致,都能了解您的想法是十分,您觉得现在这个状态是几分? 你为什么会打这个分数呢?你做了哪些工作? 如果再往前加一分的话,你觉得您会给你的企业带来什么不同? 流程 2 如果用 3到5个词,您总结您的企业文化,您会用哪 几个词呢 ? 关于第一个词,这个代表什么意义呢?它在您的创业过程中起到了什么样的作用呢? 还有呢? 在这个行业中,您最喜欢哪个创业者?您觉得他会给您什么建议?他会对我们的企业文化有什么期待? 假设一定阶段,而我不知道你们企业发展的年限,比如说是五年是一个阶段,您的企业完全像您想象的那样得到了发展,那时候,您觉得,哪些企业文化会起到决定的作用呢? 或者您非常信任的一个朋友,他非常了解您,他会如何赞叹您企业文化做得好?他会说些什么呢? 等企业发展到您期待的最高峰,你希望新闻界如何来评价您的企业? 您期待员工了解您的这些思想 的什么内容? 按照您这些思想来工作的话,会给企业带来什么不同? 会给他们带来什么不同呢? 您最喜欢什么样的员工?他们的哪些意识和品质是您喜欢的和期待的? 您看到什么样的一个现象,能够知道:嗯 , 很好,现在企业的员工真的跟我的想法是一致的啦? 访谈之后的资料总结: 创始人的企业文化要素,是什么? 这种要素起的作用是什么? 现在企业员工对要素的知晓和同步情况是什么尺度? 创始人对企业文化能够落实的情况的期待是什么? 学习、练习、实践、反思、督导,是一个SF取向工作者的快速成长之路。 敬请期待下期分享。
个人分类: 焦点解决实践|2425 次阅读|0 个评论
[SF企业管理国际资料] 焦点解决取向管理10:控制的矛盾性
Gaodeming 2017-8-3 15:50
控制的矛盾性——焦点解决实践的本源4 高德明团队 译编 控制的矛盾性回答了这样一个问题:“谁负责”。 传统的答案是管理者负责。管理者是解决问题的专家,也是让人们一起工作来实现组织目标的人。这就是为什么他们被称为管理者。传统的答案还定义了管理者作为领导比其他人更了解组织的需要。作为领导,还需要了解员工的绩效以及决策的伦理规范。这是一个自上而下的组织社会控制观点。 那些把组织当作可行的自我组织节点的管理者和顾问,对“谁负责”的问题给出了不同的解答。他们认为,虽然看起来管理者在管理整个组织,然而他们的管理处在一个自组织对话的情境当中,事实上并没有任何人完全“说了算”。管理者并非在传统方式上领导别人。他们必须要接受这样的矛盾:对组织运营未来的规划是必不可少的,然而在实践中,计划可能永远没能得到实现,或者他们可能产生意想不到的后果。 Streatfield认为:对我来说,管理意味着接受控制矛盾性的两个极端。这也就是说我们可能会对结果有一个期待,同时知道很有可能无法实现,需要我们对于任何可能发生的结果做好准备。包括寻找有效的方法来控制“未知”的焦虑。 控制的矛盾性概念在焦点解决的实践和假设方面契合的很好,例如解决一个问题不需要全面了解这个问题的想法。意识到控制的矛盾性也扩展了焦点解决的使用范围,例如应对组织员工尚未处理好的焦虑和担心。控制的矛盾性也是复杂性对话过程中的一个概念,可以帮助组织成员理解他们的担忧和焦虑。我们也可以以此为起点来探讨管理者是否是“足够好”的领导者,以及他们责任的限制。这种方法将管理者看作是有责任的,同时也是自组织对话的参与者,并非永远对组织中的问题有正确答案。换句话说,控制的矛盾性是谈论管理领导和伦理的起点, 然而焦点解决实践和训练中仅仅略有涉及。 ——高德明焦点解决高效教练督导团队译编 附:原文  Paradox of Control The paradox of control answers the question, “Who is in charge?”5 The traditional answer to this question is that managers are in charge. Managers are experts at problem-solving and getting people to work together to achieve organizational goals. That is why they are called managers. The traditional answer also defines managers as leaders who understand their organizations’ needs better than others who follow the policies set by managers. As leaders, managers are also accountable for the performances of the people that they lead and for the ethical propriety of their decisions and actions. This is a top-down view of social control in organizations. Managers and consultants who treat organizations as sites of ongoing self-organizing conversations answer the question of “Who is in charge?” differently. They explain that while managers appear to be in control of their organizational units, their control is exercised within the context of self-organizing conversations in which no one is fully in control. Managers lead by not managing others in traditional ways. They also lead by accepting the paradox that planning for the future is essential to organizational operations and that the plans may never be realized in practice or that they may produce unintended consequences. As Streatfield (2001: 7) states, For me, management has come to mean living with both sides of the control paradox at the same time. This means acting on the basis of an expectation of an outcome, knowing full well that it is unlikely to materialize, requiring me to be ready to handle the consequences whatever they may be. It involves developing effective ways of handling the anxiety of “not knowing.” The concept of the paradox of control fits well with aspects of solution-focused practices and assumptions, such as the belief that it is not necessary to fully understand a problem in order to move past it. Awareness of the paradox of control also expands solution-focused practices by orienting them to the anxieties and concerns that organization members may have difficulty stating in direct ways. The paradox of control is one concept within the vocabulary of complex response processes that may be useful to organization members in understanding and articulating their concerns and anxieties. It is also a beginning point for conversations about whether managers are “good enough” leaders and about the limits of their accountability. This approach treats managers as accountable for their facilitation of and participation in self-organizing conversations, not for always having the right answers to organizational problems. Put differently, the paradox of control is a starting point for talking about managerial leadership and ethics, an issue that is at best only implied in solution- focused training and practice. 学习、练习、实践、反思、督导,是一个SF取向工作者的快速成长之路。 敬请期待下期分享。
个人分类: 焦点解决理论|1468 次阅读|0 个评论
Gaodeming 2017-8-3 11:31
高德明 倾听来访者的回答是回应的前提 总的原则: 不管运用什么样的问句,只有当听到来访者的回答时,我们才会知道自己向来访者真正传达的是什么问题。 密切关注来访者的回答是十分重要的,因为治疗师的后续问题必须建立在来访者回答的基础之上。在得到回应后,我们会继续追问,仔细倾听来访者的回答,然后根据来访者的回答进一步提出问题,以此来澄清并扩展来访者所描述的细节内容。 这里需要我们谨记的是,不论我们在提问时使用了什么样的语言,只有听到了来访者的回答,我们才能知道来访者所听到的是怎样的问题。在听到答案前,我们不会知道我们问的是什么问题。 持有“ 在听到答案前,我们都不知道我们问的问题究竟是什么 ”这样的理念。如果来访者回答了一个我们并没有问的问题,我们就知道这个问题有被提出来的必要。此时,我们要表现得好像确实问过了那个问题那样,这能帮助我们融入到对话中去。 回应看似难题的难题 下面的情景经常出现在奇迹问题的回答中,我们要相信这些情况和回答,是来访者最好的回答,我们只需在此基础上,走向下一步。这些处理方法不是唯一的,不过,处理的思路可以给我们带来更多的思考。 1.答案为:“我不知道”,或,沉默。 我们假设奇迹问句得到的答案是“我不知道”(“不知道”是来访者最初回答奇迹问句时最普遍的答案之一)。 我们可以认为“我不知道”意味着“安静---我正在思考”(这是一种相信)。比如有些人会以“我不知道……”作为重要陈述的开头。例如,“我不知道…关于某某(诸如回到学校、辞职、放弃一段恋爱关系、结婚以及生孩子等),我已经想了很久了。” 在来访者回答“我不知道”后,我们发现, 保持几秒钟的沉默 是非常有用的。这样能让来访者有一段时间思考。我们不用重复之前的问题,同时我们也不要给出任何的评价、赞同或是做一些吸引来访者注意的事。我们发现在开始说其他话之前,可以在心里从1默数到6,这很管用。 为让来访者开始理顺思路、组织语言,与此同时,你要避免移动,特别是点头一类的动作,如果你准备记下这些东西,此时也最好停下来,将你的笔放下不要动。倘若来访者在6秒钟之内没有作出回答,那么我们可以直接说:“这是个很难的问题”。然后继续放松地坐在椅子上,给来访者另一个6秒的思考时间。 我们要接纳尴尬和训练自己的耐心,如果你用其他方式非语言上的信号,来访者可能会产生误解,会停止思考,礼貌地等待你的下个问题或陈述,因为他们会认为该轮到你继续下去了。再次强调,需要注意避免点头或是发出任何可能打断来访者回应的声音。 六秒之后要思考谈话是否陷入停顿。假设此时来访者正礼貌地等你继续说下去,而同时你也正礼貌地坐在那里等待来访者继续回答问题,或许让“逼迫”来访者再继续思考,或许已经需要你把话语权接过去了。 一旦来访者越过“我不知道”这个回答,开始构建答案时,情况自然就会有所改变了。 2. 答案为:“不” 人们通常会在一开始时描述自己“不会感觉到什么,不会做什么,不会考虑什么”,或是“其他人不会做什么”。这是对奇迹问句的一种很自然的回答。此时可以着重强调“不。。。”并提出“还有什么会不同?”并以此来回应他们的答案。如果来访者接下来描述中还带有很多“不”字,可以理解层次上推, 这些不做的行为给他们带来的感觉是什么,意义是什么,做些什么还可以给他们带来这些感觉或意义 。这能帮助很多来访者转为描述奇迹之后,想法是什么,会做些什么就自然出现了。 我们倾向于将“感受、想法和行为”看作是同一描述中相互联系的部分。假设来访者用她将有哪些不同的感受作为对奇迹问句的回答,在这种情况下,我们会问:“当你有那种感受时,接下来你将会做哪些事,而这些事是你现在没有去做的?”在仔细倾听并理解了来访者的回答之后,接着我们会问:“其他的呢?”这样至少3到4次,每次都需要认真地倾听和理解来访者的回答。 当来访者的答案是“我会有一些更积极的想法”时,我们的处理方法也是一样,在这种情况下,我们会问:“那么,当你的想法更积极时,你知道自己会做哪些不同的事吗?”或是“你猜到时候会发现自己在做些什么呢?”因为对于大部分来访者来说,描述其他人注意到自己不同的地方要相对容易一些,所以我们会问:“当你的想法更积极时,你要做些什么才会让你的(家庭成员、朋友或同事)感到你更积极了?”那么让我们假设回答:“我醒来后将不再焦虑。” 问:当早上醒来时,一个人怎么才能发现这点?不焦虑会做些什么?会发生什么不同? 3.答案为:关于感觉和想 法的 “我会很开心地醒来,想:‘噢,多美好的一天啊……’我很期待这一天。”我们把它视为……的开端。 继续问:“开心的醒来,很期待这一天……嗯。 还有其他的吗 ?” 4.答案为:关于行为的 对于来访者来说, 行为描述也被证明是最有效的描述方式 。对动作与行为详尽具体的描述让来访者对其在现实生活中想做的事进行了一次预演。描述越详细,来访者的经验就会越生动和“真实”,从而使描述中的行为更容易且更自然地出现在生活中。作出一个细致的行为描述也会让来访者预见到未来可能发生的改变所带来的一些好处,从而增强他们自我改变的动力。 “其他人会发现什么?”人们不是海洋中的孤岛,我们生活在社会环境下。在我们的社会背景下,变化只有被人看见和认识到时才能称之为变化。在制定解决方法时,将来访者的人际关系考虑在内,是非常重要的。在来访者所处的社会环境中,他们的变化是如何被人察觉到的!“你们之间发生了什么?” 我们存在于与他人的互动中。在大多数情况下,我们通过其他人的反馈来了解自己。人与人之间的互动可以给描述带来更丰富、更充实和更深层次的含义。根据这一点,在会谈过程中,我们会通过询问其他人的观察以获取更多细节:“身边的人会如何反应?” 即使有些很能实现,而那种 在描述行为的过程中所唤起的积极感受,将来也会为来访者的改变提供极大的勇气和信心 。 相当长的时间内,对于我们来说,行为描述要比那些不确切的描述有用得多。但是这是一个归纳法的理论。一定还有一些例外,我们要保留一些警觉,也要思考模糊和不清楚的描述什么情景下也会取得成功。这个答案来自于来访者的反馈和我们不断的尝试实践,而不是理论归纳。 5.答案为:“不切合实际” 偶尔会有来访者在回答奇迹问句时给出不现实的答案。 当来访者的描述的事件是为符合自己的利益而改变或是一些不切实际的事情,如变得富有、彩票中奖等时,可以 表面上接受来访者描述的不切实际的变化,然后询问来访者这些变化能给他们带来什么 。例如,你可以说:“我们假设你的彩票真的中奖了……妻子会看到你在做什么,而你又会看到她在做什么,从而让你感觉到你们之间的关系变好了?” 6.答案为:“事情和其他人会变” “我的丈夫应该更体贴,”“我的孩子应该听我的话,”相似的回答构成了一个类别的答案。 我们认为,在多数情况下,这说明来访者没有做好充分的准备来回答这个问题,或是在对这个问题的理解上出现一定偏差。这里我们将给出一些行之有效的建议。 我们可以重新聚焦,说明奇迹发生在他身上所带来的不同,而不是别人身上。 还有一种常用的方法是,我们并不会把这个类型的回答看作是必然不可能或是不切实际的期望。相反,我们要寻找的是有可能发生的事,会让来访者陈述更多的细节内容。 当我们处理“家庭成员变得不同”这个回答时,一般分为两个阶段:第一阶段涉及提出问题使来访者来描述“奇迹”如何改变其他成员。第二阶段:(这个阶段实际上是第一阶段所谈内容的延续部分)要关注能使来访者对以下内容进行描述的问题,即两个人的关系将如何改变,以及这又如何反过来影响原本想要他人改变的来访者的。 这个例子也进一步强调了奇迹问句中非常重要的核心理念之一: 对奇迹详尽描述的必要性是建立在来访者日常生活的基础之上 (日常工作的基础上)。 我们尝试着为来访者和他们的家庭创造一个关于未来的共同畅想---问题不存在,整个家庭都在做着期望中的事情。这样做能让他们开始感觉自己好象真的经历过那些事一样。对于那些被生活压垮和身陷于绝望中的家庭及个人来说,这点至关重要!这段经历能给予他们充足的勇气和希望,去将自己设想的解决方法变成具体的现实。为了达到这个目标,我们试着构想出解决方法,即奇迹之后的生活(尽可能包含具体的细节),而我们会试着在这奇迹的画卷里“自由旅行”。 我们根据情感、思想、行为以及跟他人的互动的描述,创造这个奇迹并使之变成真正的生活 。 参考书目: 1.路易斯·卡夫曼(比利时),《不懂带人你就自己干到死》,若水 译,印刷工业出版社 ,2013。 2.史蒂夫·德·沙泽尔,《超越奇迹-焦点解决短期治疗》,雷秀雅,刘愫,杨振 译,重庆大学出版社,2011. 3.钟思嘉,黄蕊,《焦点解决短程咨询实务》,高等教育出版社,2014. 4.陆意文,《家庭中的正面管教》,中国妇女出版社,2015. 学习、练习、实践、反思、督导,是一个SF取向工作者的快速成长之路。 敬请期待下期分享。
个人分类: 焦点解决实践|2465 次阅读|0 个评论
Gaodeming 2017-8-2 10:53
高德明 教练的领导方法特别好,但不是万能的,不是所有事情都适用引导和教练的方式处理。譬如当紧急事故发生时,更应给予指示。那么? ► 我们什么情况下用教练的方式来工作? ► 员工什么时候遇到什么问题需要用教练的方式来引领他? ► 我们自己什么时候需要教练来帮助我们? 从我现在总结的教练与团队领导、企业管理的结合经历来看,下面的情景是判断的刻度尺标准。既然是刻度尺,就是 1 到 10 的比例需要你根据情景把握了。 A: 解决问题的方法是领导者给予员工的 , 领导是专家的身份。 B: 员工根据自己的经验和实际情况,来自己找到解决问题的答案,领导是教练的身份。 1A: ---------------------------------------------------- 10B 用这两个界定你是用教练式的领导,还是用专家式的领导的。它是一个刻度尺的两个端点。所以在这里总的原则就是: 你得出的结论和解决方法在哪里?在哪里有利于变为行动或解决问题,那么我们就应该采取那一种领导方式。 是他自己得出答案有利于转换成行动,还是你给他答案有利于解决问题,这是一个总的原则。 下面这些思考维度的应用,可以给我们带来思考。 双向考虑的问题 一、与谈话者的关系。信任度如何?层级关系明晰度?比如如果你给上级提建议,教练的方式可能就好一些。 二、专业程度认可度,你真的是这个领域的专家吗?员工认可吗?在团队中都各有所长,创新企业和项目其实没有专家可言。有时我们会被委派到一个我们自己不熟悉的专业领域去当 leader 。这时,教练领导力最重要了。 三、双方的共同语境,是否有共同的经历,工作经历的相似度。 单向考虑的问题 四、对方的能量点是不是很低?我们的情绪是不是低落? 五、目标的清晰与重视程度,对方不重视,而对团队很重要。 六、问题的私密性,是不是不能公开讨论。 在上面的情况下,你就应该考虑应用一定比例的教练式领导方式,比如高效焦点解决教练取向就是通过问句和谈话流程,从最终的目标为视角,陪伴我们的员工一起来,探寻他们内在的潜在的能力和资源,达到高效快速的对员工所期待的工作目标,形成策略和一小步的行动。 下面的知识或许对你分析上面的方法有用。 知识点一 协助部属寻找解决方案的类别 由他人发现 (Found by Other(s)) 自己发现 (Self-found ) 内在资源 Internal Solution B- “你应该再运用 X 方法,因为你曾经有效地运用过它。” D- “等一下 …… 我曾用 X 方法,而且能有效的解决我的问题 …… 这一闪可能也会有帮助 …… 好,我会再用 X 方法试一下!” 外在资源 External Solution A- “我建议你运用 X 方法,因为这是个已经验证对你的问题有效的方法。” C- “我曾读过 X 方法对我这种问题有效,我会试用 X 方法。” A 方式: 是一般主管使用的命令式指导,也就是以外在资源告诉当事人处理事情的方法。 B 方式: 是由主管提醒员工在过往的经验中曾有效处理,建议他继续这么做。 C 与 D : 当事人启动自我发现的本能,以引导方式,让当事者自己发现问题并找寻资源解决,有自我激励的作用。 D 方式 : 是教练式领导,“通过沟通对谈,当事者自我发现可行方案,并知道如何运用。” 从这个角度思考的原则,也是教练式领导的大原则,哪个方案更有利于执行和解决问题,就应用那个方案。 知识点二 从领导的六个角色分析 领导的 6个 角色 1 . 教导 (teaching) :一般职员初来报到时,传授其有关企业岗位相关的知识与资 讯。 2 . 指导 (mentoring) :以个人经验及分享智慧为主的师徒关系,边做边教的实务模式。 3 . 训练 (training) :有系统性的技术和技能练习:有目的的达到思维或技术上的提升。 4 . 咨询 (consulting) :以专家与顾问的姿态,分享业界都认同的成功经验。 5 . 辅导 (counseling) :以安抚员工情绪为导向,解决心理问题与挑战。 6 . 教练 (coaching) :通过对话引导来挖掘对方的资源与方法,以产出行动力。 从职业角色划分: 主管: 1,2, 4. 培训师: 3. 专家: 4. 教练: 5,6. 引导师: 5,6. 知识点三 企业结构的教练应对度 董事层 高应对度 讨论内容:资源 - 战略 - 平台 - 修为(未来取向) 管理层 中应对度 讨论内容:计划制定 - 实施(人事物) - 监督 - 反馈 - 总结(时间段取向) 操作层 低应对度: 讨论内容:小组工作 - 班级技能 - 师徒教授 学习、练习、实践、反思、督导,是一个SF取向工作者的快速成长之路。 敬请期待下期分享。
个人分类: 焦点解决实践|1951 次阅读|0 个评论
[SF企业管理国际资料] 焦点解决取向管理9:授权与约束的矛盾
Gaodeming 2017-8-2 10:42
授权与约束的矛盾——焦点解决实践的本源3 高德明团队 译编 自组织谈话的概念引导我们关注社会互动,包括谈话中的话轮转换。通过这种方式,交谈者会考虑到对方的存在,并建立对话关系。对话可以被设想为一个双人舞,与搭档一起做动作。有时一方引导,另一方跟随,有时则相反;有时搭档离开,同时继续把对方考虑在内;有时互相密切协调动作。舞蹈/对话伙伴还可以根据公认的规则或脚本前后移动,并通过他们正在进行的活动和社交关系中即兴“改变”规则。   讲话者所具有的多种行动的可能性定义了授权与约束的矛盾。矛盾的焦点集中在每个合作伙伴的行动如何限制其他人可能会说或做什么,然而这些限制措施也使他们有创造新的对话的可能性。再一次,我们看到复杂的反应过程如何破坏或构建社会交往和人际关系。它还指出了焦点解决实践者很少谈论的对话的可能性。其中一个就是权力,权力通常仅仅意味着约束,但其实还包括了授权的可能性。权力代表了个人主体性的要求。通过他们的权力行使,组织成员产生了变化从而为他人和自己进行制约和授权。   这种权力的指向符合焦点解决实践中的许多问句。问句的设计是为了鼓励客户谈论通过个人主体性使问题发生改变的可能性。焦点解决实践者经常把授权的问题,与要求客户评价不同行动方针可能带来的结果的问题相结合。这些提问邀请客户去想象未来,包括权力的决断可能产生的约束。通过这种方式,焦点解决实践者培养深思熟虑的计划和决策的能力。   毫无疑问,许多焦点解决实践者认为持续问这些问题就足够了。然而,对我来说,把这些问题放在一个更广泛的语境中是很有用的,包括授权约束的概念。在使用这一概念时我提醒我自己和我对话的伙伴,复杂性与我们之间简单的关系是相关的。我们作为主体,在情境中使用权利,并且是未来的建造者,包括那些非意愿的约束。谈论授权的约束并不能大大增加我们控制未来的能力。相对的,它有助于预期未来的不可预测性,看到将来约束得到授权的可能性。 ——高德明焦点解决高效教练督导团队译编 附:原文  Paradox of Enabling Constraint The concept of self-organizing conversation directs our attention to how social interaction involves making and taking turns at talk. In this way, conversationalists take account of each others’ presence and build conversational relationships. Conversation might be envisioned as a dance-like activity in which the partners move together. Sometimes one partner leads and the other partner follows but other times this pattern is reversed. Sometimes dance/conversational partners move apart while continuing to take account of each other and other times they closely coordinate their moves. Partners in dance and conversation may also move back and forth between following recognized rules or scripts and “bending” rules by improvising within their ongoing activities and relationships. The various moves available to speakers (and dancers) define the paradox of enabling constraint. The paradox turns on how each partner’s actions set limits on what others might say or do, but these constraining actions are also enabling because they create new possibilities for conversation. Once again, we see how the complex response processes perspective undermines either/or constructions of social interaction and relationships. It also points to conversational possibilities that solution-focused practitioners seldom talk about. One such issue is power, which is often defined as only constraint but it also involves enabling possibilities. Power is enabling because it is the assertion of personal agency. Through their exercise of power, organization members create changes that constrain and enable others and themselves. This orientation to power fits with many of the questions asked by solution-focused practitioners. The questions are designed to encourage clients to talk about the possibilities for asserting personal agency to change problematic situations. Solution- focused practitioners also often combine their enabling questions with questions asking clients to assess the probable consequences of different courses of action. The questions invite clients to imagine the future, including the constraints that their assertions of power might create. In this way, solution-focused practitioners foster thoughtful planning and decision-making. No doubt, many solution-focused practitioners will decide that it is sufficient to continue to ask only these questions. For me, however, it is useful to put these questions in a broader context that includes the concept of enabling constraint. In using this concept, I remind myself and my conversational partners of the complexities associated with our otherwise simple interactions. We are simultaneously agents asserting power within situations and constructors of future conditions that include unintended constraints. Talking about enabling constraints probably does not greatly increase our control over the future. Rather, it helps in anticipating the unpredictability of the future and in seeing the enabling possibilities in constraints encountered in the future. 学习、练习、实践、反思、督导,是一个SF取向工作者的快速成长之路。 敬请期待下期分享。
个人分类: 焦点解决理论|1668 次阅读|0 个评论
教练 Pk 咨询 Pk 冶疗
Gaodeming 2017-8-1 13:42
高德明 分享一下,关于心理问题和心理疾病,我现在是如何来定义的。 心理问题和心理疾病的区别: 心理问题 是指你有件事情需要去解决,这个问题给你心理上带来了很大的烦恼,你希望解决这个问题,同时解决这个心理上的烦恼。而且这个事情是跟当时的情境相融的,比如说遇到惊吓;生活中遇到比较大的变故。这都给我们带来问题,需要解决。 心理疾病 是指,你经常会反复地出现相同的心理问题。这个心理问题,更多的情况,不是外界引发你的心理变化,而可能是外界没有发生变化,你的心里面也有这样的感觉,或者是你的心理去影响外界的,改变外界的普世化认知了。 这里的概念是 问题、心理、疾病 ,三个层面,教练比较倾向于前面的问题,帮助来访者解决他的问题,当然有时也可以解决他的心理认知。心理咨询师更倾向于心理问题,心理医生更倾向于心理疾病。 虽然没有明显的界限,在这三个现象中,还是有所偏重的。 主题,也偏向另外三个概念: 思考、成长、治疗 。 这些差异不同,对焦点解决教练的培训和培养方向也应该有一定的个性化和差异化。 放到上面的系统框架来定义焦点解决的话,那么 焦点解决教练,应该是一个思考方法,这个思考方法是帮助人们解决问题和达成目标的,一套新的思考方法。它的特点是通过共创的方法,提高客户自己解决问题的能力,找到他没有看到的资源,从而解决他所面临的问题和达到他想要的目标。方法侧重于用赞美和详细描绘目标,来找到对他有用的,他已拥有的资源和方法,带来自然而然的行动和认知。 学习、练习、实践、反思、督导,是一个SF取向工作者的快速成长之路。 敬请期待下期分享。
个人分类: 焦点解决理论|1392 次阅读|0 个评论
[SF企业管理国际资料] 焦点解决取向管理8:复杂的反应过程
Gaodeming 2017-7-26 11:01
复杂的反应过程——焦点解决实践的本源(2) 高德明团队 译编    “复杂的反应过程”这一术语指的是很容易观察到和经历的简单活动。它涉及人们如何在社会互动中构建未来。这是一个永无止境的过程,是通过社会互动而改变的潜在源动力。   复杂反应过程的观点是一种将人和知识都视作社交和人际关系中偶然出现的一种社会学现象。它挑战了占主导地位的人与人之间独立且分开的西方心理学概念。这个观点的支持者同样也挑战了其他流行的观点。例如,他们拒绝接受知识是一种存在于个人头脑里的“事物”的想法。相反,这些理论家把知识当作一种社会建构和社交互动的共享。   这些挑战都与理论家所拒绝的组织是系统的观点有关。相对的,他们定义组织为自组织会话的节点。该术语呼吁重视为什么会谈是组织人群、活动和意图的一个过程(Shaw, 2002)。自组织对话无法被任何一个人、团体或组织的计划所控制。他们总是有可能开始变化,尽管这可能并不总是在实践中发生。参与者和观察者可能会感觉体验自我组织的对话有点乱,因为没有人准确的知道他们要去哪里,同时他们经常产生无法预料的意义。   在这个环境中,组织成员和顾问可以控制组织生活和社会关系的矛盾。我已经提到了其中之一,那就是简单的对话涉及复杂反应过程的解释和协商。交谈者创建意外的意义,可能引导决策和行为,然后产生意想不到的后果,这样的可能使社会互动的复杂性增加。尽管简单的对话有风险,但是组织成员无法避免。他们是许多组织成员所做的工作中的一个必要特征,并且是成员试图影响未来的一个重要途径。   在本章节的剩余部分将通过讨论受约束的矛盾,矛盾的控制和在组织中伦理领导的不确定性,将使复杂的反应过程显露出来。 ——高德明焦点解决高效教练督导团队译编 附:原文  Complex response processes The term “complex response processes” refers to activities that are easily observable and are often experienced as simple. It deals with how people in social interaction construct the future. This is a never ending process that is always a potential source of change through social interaction. The perspective of complex response processes is a sociological view that treats persons and their knowledge as emergent in social interactions and relationships. It challenges the dominant Western psychological concept of the person as separate and distinct from others. Proponents of this perspective also challenge other popular ideas. For example, they reject the idea that knowledge is a “thing” that individuals possess in their heads. Rather, these theorists treat knowledge as socially constructed and shared within social interactions. These challenges are related to the theorists’ rejection of the idea that organizations are systems. Instead, they define organizations as sites of self-organizing conversations. This term calls attention to how conversing is a process of organizing people, activities and meanings (Shaw, 2002) Self-organizing conversations cannot be controlled by any single person, group or organizational plan. They always have the potential of initiating change, although this possibility is not always realized in practice. Participants and observers may experience self-organizing conversations as somewhat disorderly because no one knows exactly where they are going and they often produce unanticipated meanings. It is within this environment that organization members and consultants can engage the paradoxes of organizational life and relationships. I have already mentioned one of them. It is that simple conversations involve complex response processes of interpretation and negotiation. The complexity of social interaction is increased by the possibility that conversationalists will construct unanticipated meanings that may lead to decisions and actions that then produce unintended consequences. Despite the perils of simple conversations, organization members cannot avoid them. They are a necessary feature of the work done by many organization members and are a major way in which members attempt to influence the future. I develop the complex response processes perspective in the rest of this section by discussing the paradox of enabling constraint, paradox of control and the uncertainties of ethical leadership in organizations. 学习、练习、实践、反思、督导,是一个SF取向工作者的快速成长之路。 敬请期待下期分享。
个人分类: 焦点解决理论|1611 次阅读|0 个评论
[SF企业管理国际资料] 焦点解决取向管理7:“两者皆是”的方法
Gaodeming 2017-7-26 10:39
用“两者皆是”的方法欣赏矛盾和不确定性 ——建构焦点解决实践的本源(1) 高德明团队 译编   本文建立在一个树状结构的比喻上,其中包括树干、树枝和树根。树干是树的中心,它连接树的分支及树根。树干和树枝很容易被路过的人观察到,而树根通常是隐藏在地下。当然,我们可以通过挖掘树根来观察根部,但这样做的风险是损坏树木。所以,大部分时候我们通过自己的想象来想树的根看起来像什么,根部是如何连接树的。本文就是这样一个富有想象力的项目。我将讨论焦点解决的想法和做法,以及相关的方式来形成变化。   不提供任何证据证明我的说法。那怎么可能?我在写的是我从来没有见过的连接,并且在我的想象中才存在的东西。尽管如此,我认为这是一个有意义的方法,其讨论作为焦点解决方案的思路和做法,不管是以前还是以后,这是与过去和现在都不同的有效途径。我盘问焦点解决方案的实践者认真对待自己的假设,改变的是人生永远存在的方面。正如这些实践者鼓励来访者在生活中积极和富有想象力地去向明确的方向改变,所以我鼓励实践者们自己去做同样的事情。   我用这篇文章来赞颂Steve de Shazer的成就和其他焦点解决方案的创造者们,其中许多人是该组织的成员。我承认我的颂扬方式与其他方式不同,主要集中在观察焦点解决的做法及想法的分支。该分支与维特根斯坦哲学,艾瑞克森和策略治疗和早期解决方案为重点的治疗师的工作的影响相连接。我把该焦点解决的方法当作在特定的历史环境,一个早期焦点解决观点治疗师与在世界各地的相关项目的其他人共享想法。焦点解决方法是与其他方法同时发现的,也是挑战20世纪末和21世纪初的传统观念。这些发现都是我的焦点解决的做法的根源。 成为一个“两者皆是”的实践者   焦点解决的一个重要的主题是,将其他治疗方法看作是单独的、独特的、不可调和的概念,选择和行动连接起来。焦点解决的实践者通常将这个主题看作是对“两者皆是”方法的采用,与他们形成对比的是“非此即彼”方法。这些实践者进一步解释“两者皆是”方法,即在构建解决方案、增强客户的创造力、开始改变等方面允许更大范围的可能性。这一主题在焦点解决实践者的教学和写作方面特别明显,注重交互性技术以帮助客户在生活中采用“两者皆是”方法。    然而,“两者皆是”方法的另一个层面很大程度上被焦点解决的实践者忽视了。包括“两者皆是”方法发展以及欣赏社会生活和人际关系的矛盾与不确定性的能力。“两者皆是”方法承认生活在终极意义上来说存在无法解决的矛盾以及未来是不可预知的。尽管如此,我们仍然需要去影响我们生活的方向。“两者皆是”方法鼓励我们学习和欣赏适应生活的矛盾和不确定性。    我认为焦点解决顾问忽视“两者皆是”方法的这个方面是很遗憾的。它限制了从业者和组织客户之间的对话未知的可能。例如,我在与取代我作为我们大学部门领导人的对话中注意到了这个限制。这种中层管理职位在所有大学等级结构中都充满了矛盾和不确定性。我们发现我们的谈话技巧和策略不足以满足我们的想法。我们还需要一个理论背景来解释矛盾和不确定的情况。 我意识到许多实践者对于“理论”持怀疑态度,尽管许多人拥护维特根斯坦的理论和社会建构论。在我看来,问题在于焦点解决的实践者是以非常受限制的方式来使用“理论”这个词的。他们用它来描述结构的方法,分析背后的原因和问题的条件,但是这个词同时也适用于共享的理论、语言以及导向。如果这样定义理论,焦点解决的实践是具有理论依据的。 这个定义还指出了焦点解决的实践者如何使用词语理论构建“非此即彼”方法,也就是去选择究竟是焦点解决实践者还是理论家。成为“两者皆是”实践者需要放弃这种社会建构,并用一种新的东西取而代之。这就是为什么其他观点在组织生活中对焦点解决实施者是有用的。对我来说, Ralph Stacey (2001) 及其合作者 (José Fonseca (2002), Douglas Griffin (2002), Patricia Shaw (2002), Philip J. Streatfield (2001))的著作在复杂的反应过程中形成一个有用的开始,以讨论“两者皆是”方法和欣赏矛盾和不确定性的影响。  ——高德明焦点解决高效教练督导团队译编 附:原文  Gale Miller Constructing the Roots of Solution-Focused Practices This essay builds on the metaphor of a tree, which includes a trunk, branches and roots. The trunk is the center of the tree and it connects the tree’s branches with its roots. The trunk and branches are easily observable to passers by, whereas the roots are usually hidden below the ground. We could, of course, observe the roots by digging up the tree but that risks doing damage to the tree. So, most of the time we content ourselves with only imagining what trees’ roots look like and what the roots connect trees to. This essay is such an imaginative project. I discuss some possible connections between solution-focused ideas and practices, and a related approach to organizational change. I offer no evidence for my claims. How could I? I am writing about connections that I have never seen and that may only exist in my imagination. Nonetheless, I see this exercise as a useful way of moving discussions of solution-focused ideas and practices away from the past and toward the future that will be different than the past and present. I challenge solution-focused practitioners to take seriously their assumption that change is an ever present aspect of life. Just as these practitioners encourage their clients to actively and imaginatively shape the direction of change in the clients’ lives, so I encourage the practitioners to do the same for themselves. I use this essay to celebrate the accomplishments of Steve de Shazer and other creators of the solution-focused approach, many of whom are members of this organization. I admit that my way of celebrating is different than other approaches that focus on the observable branches of solution-focused practices and ideas. The branches connect with Wittgensteinian philosophy, Ericksonian and strategic therapies and other recognized influences on the work of early solution-focused brief therapists. I treat the solution-focused approach as a social invention occurring within a particular historical environment, one that early solution-focused brief therapists shared with other people working on related projects around the world. The solution-focused approach is a simultaneous invention with the other complementary inventions that also challenged conventional wisdom in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. These inventions are the roots of solution-focused practices for me. Becoming a both/and practitioner An important theme within solution-focused discourse involves linking concepts, choices and actions that others treat as separate, distinct and irreconcilable. Solution-focused practitioners often characterize this theme as adopting a “both/and” orientation and they contrast it with an “either/or” approach. These practitioners further explain that the both/and approach allows for a wider range of possibilities in constructing solutions and enhances clients’ creativity in initiating change. This theme is especially evident in the teachings and writings of solution-focused practitioners that focus on interactional techniques intended to help clients adopt both/and orientations to their lives. But there is another side to the both/and orientation that is largely ignored by solution-focused practitioners. It involves the potential of developing a both/and orientation that takes account and even appreciates the paradoxes and uncertainties of social life and relationships. This side of the both/and orientation acknowledges that life includes contradictions that are not resolvable in any final sense and that the future is unknowable. Nonetheless, we must still try to influence the direction of our lives. This side of the both/and orientation encourages people to become comfortable with the paradoxes and uncertainties of life by learning to live with and appreciate them. I believe that solution-focused consultants neglect of this aspect of the both/and theme is unfortunate. It limits what is possible in conversations between the practitioners and their organizational clients. For example, I noticed this limitation in my conversations with the person who replaced me as head of my department at my university. This mid-level administrative position is filled with paradox and uncertainties created at all levels of the university hierarchy. We found that our conversations about techniques and strategies were inadequate for our purposes. We also needed a theoretical context for interpreting paradoxical and uncertain situations. I realize that many solution-focused practitioners are skeptical about theories, even though many embrace Wittgensteinian theory and social constructionism. As I see it, the problem is that solution-focused practitioners tend to use the word theory in a very restricted way. They use it to characterize structural approaches that analyze the hidden underlying causes and conditions of problems. But this word is also used to refer to shared assumptions, shared use of language, and shared orientations. Using this definition of theory, solution-focused practice is informed by theory. This definition also points to how solution-focused practitioners use the word theory to construct either/or situations in which they must choose between being solution- focused or being theorists. One aspect of becoming a both/and practitioner, then, involves rejecting this social construction and replacing it with something new. This is where other perspectives on organizational life can be useful to solution-focused practitioners. For me, the writings of Ralph Stacey (2001) and his collaborators (Jose Fonseca (2002), Douglas Griffin (2002), Patricia Shaw (2002), Philip J. Streatfield (2001)) on complex responses processes form a useful starting point for talking about the implications of a both/and orientation that takes account of and appreciates paradox and uncertainty. 学习、练习、实践、反思、督导,是一个SF取向工作者的快速成长之路。 敬请期待下期分享。
个人分类: 焦点解决理论|1597 次阅读|0 个评论
[SF企业管理国际资料] 焦点解决取向管理6:与众不同的智慧
Gaodeming 2017-7-26 10:20
---高德明团队编译 我第一次见到Steve是在1994年的加利福尼亚州、帕洛阿尔托的交流会议上。 虽然当时我并不知道,那次会议在互动和系统观发展中具有里程碑意义,而且那也是为数不多的由Steve de Shazer 和Insoo Kim Berg亲自发起的会议。 我再次遇到Steve是在1995年的伦敦,我的同事Harry Norman邀请他接受一次访问。起初并不顺利,Steve并不想接受邀请。 Steve是一个狂热的啤酒酿造师和啤酒爱好者,Harry想法设法吸引Steve,品尝了正宗酿造的中世纪啤酒。而这可能就是我们最终能成功邀请到他的关键! 访问前一周,Steve带领了一次大型焦点解决治疗培训。大概有100多人参加了此次培训。 Steve手拿麦克风从舞台上缓步走来,像他以前经常做的一样他深深地呼气,然后说:“你们最好问我一些问题”。 一阵骚动在房间蔓延开来。 他才是专家,我们希望被教导该如何去做,但是现在,他却拒绝告诉我们。 现场出现一阵沉默。 “它对治疗酗酒者有用吗?”台下学员提了一个问题。“我不知道。下一个问题。” “它对治疗人格障碍有效吗?”“我不知道。下一个问题。” 更多的疾病诊断名称被提及,而每次答案都相同——“我不知道”。 我感到惊讶和迷惑。 我渴望找出更多SFBT对改变有用的信息,而这位名人却告诉我,他不知道是否对酗酒者有用。发生什么了? 我的不适感显然其他观众也有。 过了一会,一些人开始离开现场。 “你能给我们示范问一个奇迹问题吗?”有人提问。 史蒂夫明显兴奋起来。“啊!当然可以,我相信我能做到这一点。谢谢你能这么问。” 我们放松了一些,至少他开始要做些什么了。 随着会话继续,我陷入对史蒂夫“我不知道”回答的沉思中。 这种方法可适用于各种各样的病人?难道没有研究想要证明这一点?我突然意识到,史蒂夫当然知道这一切。 事实上,那一刻他在给我们示范如何进行焦点解决治疗,而从那一刻开始,我称呼他为“与众不同的智者”。 为了回答这个看似简单的问题“对治疗酗酒者有用吗?”,其实必须要接受两个前提。 首先,存在酗酒者。其次,这种(提问中的治疗方案)方法是任何人都可以复制和使用的。 让我们来看第一个前提,存在酗酒者吗? 显然,这个名词曾被多次使用,就好像真的存在这样一种人,但是焦点解决的实践并不是基于诊断——客户的抱怨与他们想要的(焦点解决中的解决)及已发生的次数并不是相关的。 史蒂夫的工作是,在任何情况下,甚至在有准确评估的情况下,质疑诊断的价值。 每个人都想要有些不一样——这使得每个案例的治疗过程都是不同的,因此考虑客户是否是一个'酒鬼'是没有价值的。他的“我不知道”是对类似这种术语的拒绝。 另一个前提是:“是否有效”。“是否有效?”暗含着“它”可以是有效的,而非某个人通过某种技巧使之发生。 我们可能会问这架钢琴:“它是有用的吗?”——如果有人按键,就会出现一些声音。不论是谁在弹奏,声音都会出现。 在SF实践中,解决方案在对话中建构。这即是一门艺术,也是一门科学。因此提问SF治疗是否有效,类似于质疑钢琴是没用的,而非提问钢琴演奏是否有效。 这不是一个合理的问题——通过熟练的技巧练习可以使钢琴发出优美的声音,而某些没有接受过训练的人却声称弹钢琴是没有用的——原因只在于:他们还不够熟练。 如果这样提问或许就能从史蒂夫那得到一个较好的回答:“你是否曾经成功地使那些想要少喝酒的客户少喝一些酒?” 这种情况下提问的问题是关于他自己的经历,并且是根据他们想要什么来定义客户。这与“是否对酗酒者有用?”之间的区别,对我而言,是SF实践的核心。 或许,史蒂夫对我们的馈赠是:停止尝试回答泛泛的问题,转而关注构建解决之道的微观对话。 附:原文 Mark McKergow Steve de Shazer - a Different Kind of Cleverness I first met Steve in 1994 at the Interaction View conference in Palo Alto, California. Although I did not know it at the time, this was a milestone event in the development of interactional and systemic ideas - one of the few times where the Mental Research Institute group (Paul Watzlawick, John Weakland and Dick Fisch amongst them) came together with the Solution-Focused therapy crowd led by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg. Steve and Insoo had trained at MRI two decades earlier, and had introduced new subtleties and simplicity into the MRI model - improvements, as they saw it. However, the link between the two centres was maintained by Steve’s relationship with John Weakland, his supervisor and mentor. I next met Steve in London. My colleague Harry Norman had approached him for an interview, which we finally managed to do in London in 1995. I only discovered later that he was noted for not giving interviews, and that this was a great privilege. Steve was a keen brewer and beer drinker, and Harry had managed to interest him in sampling some ‘medieval beer’, brewed in tiny quantities to authentic recipes. This may have been the key to our success! In the week before the interview Steve was leading a training in Solution-Focused Therapy, with a large audience (well over 100 people). Steve ambled onto the stage with a microphone, exhaled deeply as he always did before starting, and said…”So.. you’d better ask me some questions”. A shiver went around the room. Surely he was the expert, and we wanted to be told what to do. Yet here he was, refusing to tell us. There was a silence. “Does it work with alcoholics?”, came a question from the floor. “I don’t know. Next question.” “Does it work with personality disorders?” “I don’t know. Next question.” Several more diagnoses were mentioned, and each time the answer was the same - “I don’t know”. I was amazed and disturbed. Here I was, keen to find out more about this fantastic approach to change, and the star performer was telling me he didn’t know if it worked with alcoholics. What was going on? My discomfort was clearly shared by other audience members - after a while, some started to leave. “Can I see you ask the Miracle Question?” asked someone. Steve brightened up visibly. “Ah! Yes, I’m sure I can do that. Thanks for asking.” We relaxed a little - at least he was going to do something. As the session went on, I reflected on Steve’s remarks of “I don’t know”. Surely this approach did work with many kinds of patient? Were there not studies to prove it? I came to realise that Steve, of course, knew all this perfectly well. Actually, he was showing us how to do Solution-Focused therapy in that moment, engaging what I have to come call his ‘different kind of cleverness’. In order to answer the apparently simple question “Does it work with alcoholics?”, one must accept two presuppositions. Firstly, there is such a thing as an alcoholic. And secondly, that it (the treatment in question) is replicable by anyone who applies it. Let’s look at the first one first - is there such a thing as an alcoholic? Clearly the word is used as if there was, but SF work is not based on diagnosis - the client’s complaint is not relevant in determining what they want (the ‘solution’ in Solution Focus) and times when that happens already. Steve’s work was part of the tradition that questions the value of diagnosis in any case, and even if an accurate assessment of the condition could be made, each one would want something different - leading to a course for treatment which would vary in each case. There was therefore no value in even considering whether the client was an ‘alcoholic’ or not. Part of his ‘I don’t know’ was a rejection of this as a relevant term in his work. The other presupposition is in the ‘Does it work’ element. ‘Does it work?’ implies that ‘it’ is working, rather than someone is acting skilfully to make something happen. We might say of a piano, ‘Does it work?’ - meaning that if someone hits the notes, then the relevant sounds will emerge. It doesn’t matter who is hitting the notes, the sounds will emerge. In SF work, solutions are constructed in conversation, which is an art as well as a science. To ask if SF therapy works is therefore to ask not if the piano works, but instead to ask if piano-playing ‘works’. This is not a sensible question - pianos can be made to sound beautiful with skill, but someone without the skill could scarcely claim that playing the piano didn’t work - just that they were not yet individually skilful enough. A question which may have had a better reaction from Steve was “Have you got successful outcomes with clients who want to drink less?” In this case, the question is about his own experience, and related to a client group defined in terms of what they wanted. The distinctions between this and ‘Does it work with alcoholics?’ are, for me, at the heart of SF practice. Maybe Steve’s legacy to us is to stop trying to answer big questions and focus instead on the tiny micro-construction of conversations which build solutions. 学习、练习、实践、反思、督导,是一个SF取向工作者的快速成长之路。 敬请期待下期分享。
个人分类: 焦点解决理论|1465 次阅读|0 个评论
Gaodeming 2017-7-19 15:27
高德明 让当事人能够不变得更糟的策略与力量,是激发当事人原先就有的的信念、希望与努力。 “这位当事人是靠什么力量与方法,让自己撑到现在?” “如果当事人看到这些力量与资源,他又会有何不同?” 在危机时刻还能完成日常生活(如:一个担忧在受到家暴的太太还能回家去照顾孩子),是一个很多人都没有勇气的举动。 相信人们都是经过努力才变成今天的他,要愿意看到相信当事人在困境中有其尽力之处。 导向努力的语句:“在……情况下,你是怎样做到的……?” 导向能量、信念、目标的语句:在……情况下,是什么让你……”“在这么糟糕的环境下,是什么让你坚持……(某个日常生活、行为努力、没有放弃等)” 尽量使用当事人的话语中的词汇来表达上述意思。作为建构语句,咨询师要记着下面几个语句,来觉察当事人各个层面的努力与资源。 行为 :“在……情况下,是什么让你做到……” 能力 : “ 在……的情况下,是什么让你有能力…… ” 价值 : “ 在……的情况下,是什么让你认为值得(愿意)…… ” 信念 : “ 在……的情况下,是什么让你还相信…… ” 人生 : “ 在……的情况下,是什么让你觉得自己…… ” 学习、练习、实践、反思、督导,是一个SF取向工作者的快速成长之路。 敬请期待下期分享。
个人分类: 焦点解决实践|2119 次阅读|0 个评论

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