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歌德的植物学朋友Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850)
热度 1 livingfossil 2017-12-14 11:41
Structural Botany: Neobotany + Paleobotany (No.22b) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s (1749—1832) botanical friend Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) 歌德的植物学朋友 Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) --------------------------------------- An outline of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s (1749—1832) botanical friend Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) ∮ 1 Karl August (1757—1828) and Weimar Karl August ( 卡尔 · 奥古斯特公爵 , 1757—1828): Duke /Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach Anna Amalia of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1739--1807), a German princess and composer; the duchess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach; the regent of the states of Saxe-Weimar and Saxe-Eisenach from 1758 to 1775 ∮2 Dietrich Family of Botanists Ziegenhain is a district of the university town in Jena (Thuringia, Germany) A Dietrich Family of Botanists: Solomon Dietrich (??—1762) Adam Dietrich (1711--1782) Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) David Nathaniel Friedrich Dietrich (1800--1888) Wilhelm August Salomo Dietrich (1811--1867) Koncordie Amalie Dietrich (née Nelle) (1821--1891) ∮ 3 A brief chronology of German botanist and gardener Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) Born in Ziegenhain Practice/study/work in Weimar Work in Eisenach Prolific writer of botany and gardening Died in Eisenach --------------------------- 地处德国中部的图林根州的耶拿大学城有个齐根海姆区 (Ziegenhain) ,该区与历史文化名城 -- 魏玛 (Weimar) 邻近,直线距离约为 20 公里。齐根海姆有个姓氏为 “Dietrich” 的著名植物学世家,对激发伟大诗人歌德 (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749—1832)的 植物学兴趣和热情起到很重要的作用。 插图 1. 德国耶拿大学城 ( 齐根海姆区 ) 和魏玛的地理位置 1790 年,歌德发表论文,提出 “ 植物变态理论 ”( Metamorphosis of Plants ) ; 1796 年首创 “ 形态学 ”(Morphology) 之术语; 1815 年借用美丽的银杏叶片,写就一首科学味甚浓的著名情诗,馈赠年轻美貌的女诗人 Marianne von Willemer(1784--1860) (née Jung) 。 1818 年,歌德当选为德国科学院院士 (German Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina) 。 歌德是 植物形态学发展史上的代表人物之一。本文的主要内容简要介绍歌德一生中重要的植物学朋友、来自 Dietrich 家族的成员 -- Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) 。 ∮ 1 “ Dietrich ” 植物学世家 1688 年, Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) 的曾祖父 -- Solomon Dietrich (??--1762) 由于宗教原因从 波希米亚东部的摩拉维亚 (Moravia) 逃亡到 德国耶拿大学城的齐根海姆 (Ziegenhain) ,以耕种为生。 Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich(1765--1850) 的祖父 Adam Dietrich (1711--1782) 于 1711 年在 齐根海姆 (Ziegenhain) 降生。 Adam Dietrich 承接了父亲的农场从事种植,还经常为 耶拿大学提供植物材料之服务,后来他成为当地小有名气的植物学家 。 1742 年 Adam Dietrich 结识瑞士著名植物学家、医生和诗人 Albrecht von Haller (1708--1777) 。 Adam Dietrich 对德国植物学家 Heinrich Bernhard Rupp’s (Ruppe) (1688--1719) 著述的《 耶拿植物志 》第 2 版 ( Flora Jenensis ) 进行了修订。 1745 年,《 耶拿植物志 》第 3 版正式发表, Albrecht von Haller 为编辑。 值得一提的是 Adam Dietrich 和他同时代的瑞典著名植物学家 Carl von Linné (1707--1778) 有过通讯联系。 1765 年, Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich(1765--1850) 在 齐根海姆 (Ziegenhain) 降生。他比歌德 (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749—1832) 要年轻 16 岁。 Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich 是影响 歌德热爱植物学的重要人物 ( 本文第 2 节详述 ) 。 19 世纪德国植物学家和园艺师 David Nathaniel Friedrich Dietrich (1800--1888) 于 1800 年出生于齐根海姆 (Ziegenhain) 。他是 Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) 的侄子。 1836 年, David Nathaniel Friedrich Dietrich 在耶拿大学获得博士学位。后来,他供职于该大学标本馆和植物园。 Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich(1765--1850) 还有一个侄子叫 Wilhelm August Salomo Dietrich(1811--1867) ,是一位医生,但还从事标本制作和销售生意。 Wilhelm August Salomo Dietrich 训练他的妻子 Koncordie Amalie Dietrich (née Nelle) (1821--1891) 开展标本的采集和制作。 Koncordie Amalie Dietrich (née Nelle) 是 19 世纪德国著名的女性博物学家。 1863—1873 年, Koncordie Amalie Dietrich (née Nelle) 受雇于德国大商人、博物学家、 Godeffroy 博物馆创始人 --Johann Cesar VI. Godeffroy (1813--1885) ,独自 远赴澳大利亚进行了为期 10 年的动植物标本采集。 Wilhelm August Salomo Dietrich 的经历颇具传奇色彩,她的女儿 Charitas Bischoff (1848--1925) (née Dietrich ) 是一位德国作家,为母亲写作了一本传记。 ∮ 2 歌德的植物学朋友 Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) 卡尔 · 奥古斯特公爵 ( Karl August, 1757--1828 )是 18 至 19 世纪德国的重要历史人物之一, 是德意志邦国萨克森 - 魏玛 - 艾森纳赫 (Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach) 的主政者。 在卡尔 · 奥古斯特公爵未成年前,聪慧的母亲 Anna Amalia (1739--1807) 担任摄政,并对公爵的成长和公国的未来发展产生积极影响。 作为公国首府的魏玛 (Weimar) 历史悠久,在 卡尔 · 奥古斯特时代它似乎成为 德意志精神思想和文化艺术的圣地,被后人誉为“德国的雅典”。而公国属地艾森纳赫 (Eisenach) 位于 图林根州的西端,始建于中世纪。在 12 至 13 世纪它曾是图林根州的首府。 1775 年,应卡尔 · 奥古斯特公爵的邀请诗人歌德从法兰克福来到魏玛,开始服务于公国,进行政务、文化和科学等活动。几年后,来自耶拿 “ 齐根海姆植物学世家 ”( Ziegenhain family of botanists) 的一位少年 --Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) 到魏玛公国给花匠当学徒,很快成为歌德的朋友。他们终生服务于魏玛公国,施展非凡才华、创造辉煌成就。 ------- A brief chronology of German botanist and gardener Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) 德国植物学家和园艺师 Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) 简要生平 --1765 年 : Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich(1765--1850) 出生于 德国中部图林根州耶拿大学城的齐根海姆区 ; -- 齐根海姆离魏玛公国很近。 F. G. Dietrich 到魏玛公国给花匠当学徒 ; --1780 年 : 在 耶拿参加植物学野外活动认识诗人歌德 (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749—1832); -- 承蒙 歌德的帮助入读高中 ; -- 承蒙 卡尔 · 奥古斯特公爵 ( Karl August, 1757--1828 ) 的帮助在耶拿学习有关植物学的基础知识 ; -- 曾赴英国邱园 (The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew) 等地考察学习 ; --1782—1801 年 : 担任魏玛公国的市长 (Mayor of Weimar); --1785 年 : 陪同诗人 歌德到捷克地区进行植物采集活动 ; --1794 年 : 担任魏玛公国的花匠 / 园艺师,为歌德的植物学研究提供材料 ; --1801 年 : 担任公国属地 Eisenach( 艾森纳赫 ) 附近的 Wilhelmsthal 庄园园长 ; --1802 年 : 在 Eisenach 担任 Kartausgarten 庄园园长 ; --1828 年 : ; --1832 年 : ; --1845 年 : 在公国属地 Eisenach ( 艾森纳赫 ) 及 Wilhelmstal 担任植物园主任 ; --1850 年 : 在 Eisenach ( 艾森纳赫 ) 去世,享年 85 岁。 Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich 担任过 大公 ( 爵 ) 的顾问,获得博士和教授之学术头衔。他一生著述丰富,涉及植物学和园艺学的诸多领域,学术成果包括 1800 年发表的《魏玛植物志》等著作。非常有趣的是:在这部具有历史文化意义的植物分类学著作里, Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich 记载并描述了栽种于魏玛、但原产中国的“活化石”植物 -- 银杏! 参考文献(略) --------- 结构植物学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学 (22b) Morphology Anatomy: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.22b) Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.22b) 歌德的植物学朋友 Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) A preliminary version of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s (1749—1832) botanical friend Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich 1765--1850) prepared by QSUN in December 2017. ----- 相关阅读(Further readings) : Lectures on Neobotany and palaeobotany: a teaching project and catalogue 古今植物学大讲堂 ( 工作目录 ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1031964.html ( 2017-2-6 21:44) -- Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.22a) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s (1749—1832) botanical passions and passage 歌德的植物学激情和研究历程 ( 英文 ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1068222.html ( 2017-7-26 22:05) --------- Appendix: Partial publications of German botanist and gardener Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850) O ekonomisch- botanisches garten -journal. Eisenach, Germany : Wittekindtschen, 1795-1806 --- Die Weimarische Flora : oderVerzeichniss der im herzoglichen Park in Weimar befindlichen Bäume, Sträucherund Stauden Dietrich, Friedrich Gottlieb, 1768-1850. Eisenach : In der Wittekindtschen Hofbuchhandlung, 1800. -- Die Linnéischen Geranien fürBotaniker und Blumenliebhaber : durchaus neu und nach der Natur abgebildet undnach sorgfältigen Beobachtungen beschrieben Dietrich, Friedrich Gottlieb, 1768-1850. Weimar : Gädicke, 1801-1803. --- Vollständiges Lexicon derGaertnerei und Botanik, oder, Alphabetische Beschreibung vom Bau, Wartung undNutzen : aller in- und auslaendischen oekonomischen, officiellen und zur Zierdedienenden Gewaechse Dietrich, Friedrich Gottlieb, 1768-1850. Weimar : Gebrüdern Gädicke, 1802-1811. -- Darstellung vorzüglicherZierpflanzen : welche zu den beliebtesten Modeblumen gezählt werden, fürBotaniker und Blumenliebhaber, nach der Natur abgebildet und nach sorgfältigenBeobachtungen beschrieben. Bd. 1, Heft 1. Dietrich, Friedrich Gottlieb, 1768-1850. Weimar : Gädicke, 1803. --- Beschreibung der vorzüglichengärten in und bey Eisenach und ihrer schönen gegend, nebst einem verzeichnissschönblühender perennirender gewächse oder zierpflanzen im herzoglichencarthausgarten zu Eisenach. Dietrich, Friedrich Gottlieb, 1768-1850. Eisenach. 1808. 2e, vermehrte und verbesserte aufl. -- Gartnerei und Botanik. Dietrich, Friedrich Gottlieb, 1768-1850. 1811. --- Nachträge zum vollständigenLexicon der Gärtnerei und Botanik, oder, Alphabetische Beschreibung vom Bau,Wartung und Nutzen aller in- und ausländischen ökonomischen, officinellen undzur Zierde dienenden Gewächse Dietrich, Friedrich Gottlieb, 1768-1850. Berlin : Gebrüder Gädicke, 1815-1824. --- Nachtrag zu Borckhausens botanischemWörterbuche : oder, Versuch einer Erklärung der vornehmsten Begriffe undKunstwörter in der Botanik Dietrich, Friedrich Gottlieb, 1768-1850 Gießen : Georg Friedrich Heyers Verlage, 1816 --- Neuer Nachtrag zumvollständigen Lexicon der Gärtnerei und Botanik : oder alphabetischeBeschreibung vom Bau, Wartung und Nutzen aller in- und ausländischenökonomischen, officinellen und zur Zierde dienenden Gewächse Dietrich,Friedrich Gottlieb, 1768-1850. Ulm : Bei den Gebrüdern Gädicke, 1825-1840. --- Handbuch der botanischenLustgärtnerei, oder, Anleitung zur Kultur der Pflanzen überhaupt, und derzweckmässigen Bauart der Gewächshäuser, Behälter und Treibbete insbesonderenebst einem Unterricht von der Anordnung der Gewächse im freien Garten nachnatürlichen Verwandtschaften Dietrich,Friedrich Gottlieb, 1768-1850. Hamburg : bei August Campe, 1826. ---------------------------
个人分类: Structure: Neobotany & Paleobotany|6617 次阅读|1 个评论
livingfossil 2017-7-26 22:05
歌德的植物学激情和研究历程 -- 附重要历史背景 Brief life chronology of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1749—1832) in the light of botany --1749: Born in Frankfurt am Main, the Holy Roman Empire ; --1754: --1759: --1765—1768: Studied law at the Leipzig University ; --1766: Fell in love with Anna Katharina Schönkopf (1746--1810); --1770: Left Frankurt and then studied at the University of Strasbourg where Goethe met German poet and philosopher Johann Gottfried von Herder (1744--1803); --1770: Fell in love with Friederike Elisabetha Brion (1752--1813) on the journey tothe village Sessenheim near Strasbourg; --1771: Received law license and set up a small legal service in Frankfurt; --1772: Practiced law in Wetzlar; fell in love with Charlotte Buff (1753--1828); --1773: Became a leading figure in the literary movement “Sturm und Drang”(storm and stress) with a successful play- Götz von Berlichingen ; --1774: Published-- Die Leiden des jungen Werthers ( The Sorrows of Young Werther ) Die Leiden des jungen Werthers: erster- Theil ... Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. Strasburg ; Hanau : , 1775. Zweyteächte Auflage. --1774: Met Charlotte von Stein (born von Schardt) (1742--1827) and formed a close relationship, which last about 12 years; --1775: --1775: Fell in love with Anna Elisabeth Lili Schönemann (1758--1817) and became engaged with Lili Schönemann secretly, which was soon resolved; Settled down in Weimar at the invitation of Karl August, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach(1757--1828) in November 1775 ; Visited the famous greenhouses in Belvedere and the botanical gardens very often; and initiated the geological and botanical studies since 1775; --1775--1785 (and onwards): Worked as an important civil servant in the Duchy of Weimar ; --1776: Appointed as Privy Councilor in the spring of 1776; Started to write diary records; Baltic German writer Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz (1751--1792) followed Goethe to the court of Weimar in April 1776, but he was expelled in December 1776; --1778: Christiane von Laßberg (1761--1778) died on January 16, 1778; The landscape park in the Ilm Valley was set up onJuly 9, 1778. --1779: Met German poet and philosopher Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759--1805) in 1779, who was then a medical student in Karlsruhe; --1780: Met German botanist and horticulturist Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850); --1782: Ennobled; Father-- Johann Kaspar Goethe (1710--1782) died; Read the Letters on the Elements of Botany ( 《植物学通信》 ) in the summer of 1782, which were written by French philosopher and writer Jean Jacques Rousseau ( 让 · 雅克 · 卢梭 , 1712--1778) during 1771—1773; --1783: Met German naturalist and anthropologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752--1840) ; --1783—1785: Made fieldtrips to Harz Mountains and conducted botanical and geological studies; --1783 (and onwards): Co-worked with German mineralogist Johann Karl Wilhelm von Voigt (1752--1821) regarding the management of the mines in Ilmenau ; --1784: Discovered the human intermaxillary bone under the direction of German anatomist and surgeon Justus Ferdinand Christian Loder (1753--1832), who then was professor of surgery and anatomy at the University of Jena ; --1785: Made the first trip to Karlsbad (Carlsbad, Czech) together with his botanical assistant Friedrich Gottlieb Dietrich (1765--1850); Conducted the botanical research of seedling and field work in Ilmenau Thüringen; Set up the botanical bed for his studies of plant growth in the garden of the house on the women's plan; --1786—1788: Made journeys to Italian peninsula and Sicily under the pseudonym Johann Philipp Möller from September 1786 to June 1788 while a ccompanying the painter Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein (1751--1829), who once painted Goethe on the window in 1786 ; Fig.1. A portrait of Johann Wolfgang vo n Goethe (1749--1832) in Italy in 1786, painted by Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein(1751--1829) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s interests in botany were greatly stimulated by the Italian vegetation; --1787: German poet and philosopher Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759--1805) came to Weimar in 1787; German naturalist August Johann Georg Karl Batsch (1761--1802) taught medicine at the University of Jena; --1788: Met Johanna Christiana Sophie Vulpius(1765--1816) in July 1788; Vulpius became Goethe’s secret partner soon; Conducted close relationship with German poet and philosopher Johann Christoph Friedrichvon Schiller (1759--1805) from 1788 to 1805; --1789: --1789: Made the first acquaintance with Prussian philosopher Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767--1835); Son-Julius August Walthervon Goethe (1789—1830) was born; --1790: Published-- Versuchdie Metamorphoses der Pflanzen zu Erklären ( “ An Attempt to Explain the Metamorphosis of Plants ” ); Versuch die Metamorphose derPflanzen zu erklären Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. Gotha : bey Carl Wilhelm Ettinger, 1790. --1790: Made second journey to Italy; --1790: German naturalist August Johann Georg Karl Batsch (1761--1802) founded the botanical gardens in Jena; --1791: Served as director of the Weimar Court Theater; --1792: Wrote the essay “ Experiment as Mediator Between Subject and Object ,” which was published in 1823; --1794: Worked with German poet Christian Gottlob von Voigt (1743--1819) to have commission with the botanical garden of Jena ; --1794: Otto Joachim Moritz von Wedel(1752--1794)--chief forester of Weimar—passed away; --1795: Wrote “ First Sketch of a General Introduction into Comparative Anatomy, Starting from Osteology ”; -- mid-1790s: Began to write “ Preliminary Notes for a Physiology of Plants ”; --1795—1796: Published the second novel-- Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship ( Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre ); --1796: Coined the term “ Morphology ” in Goethe’s notes of 1796; --1797: Visited German botanist Johann Hedwig FRS (1730—1799), who is the father of bryology ; --1798: Wrote the Elegy The Metamorphosis of the Plants ; German pharmacist and chemist Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Buchholz (1734--1798), one of Goethe’s friends and consultants in the Weimarian circle died on December 16, 1798; --1801: Visited German botanist Georg Franz Hoffmann(1760--1826) in 1801, who was then director of botanical garden of the University of Göttingen ; --1803: Commissioned with the superintendence of the natural sciences of the University of Jena; --1804: German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724--1804) passed away in Königsberg, Prussia; --1806: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769--1821) conquered Prussia and French troops occupied Weimar; --1806: Got married with Johanna Christiana Sophie Vulpius (1865—1816); --1807: German botanist and zoologist Friedrich Siegmund Voigt (1781--1850), a supporter of Goethe botanical theory, served as professor of medicine and botany of the University of Jena and the director of the Botanical Gardens in Jena from 1807 to1850 ; -- 1808: The first edition of Faust I appeared; Mother-- Katharina Elisabeth Textor (Goethe) (1731--1808) died in Frankfurt am Main; Met Napoleon Bonaparte in Erfurt on 2 October, 1808; --1810: Published-- Theory of Colours ; --1811: Published—The first part of Goethe’s autobiography (Truth and Poetry); --1812: Met German composer and pianist Ludwig van Beethoven (1770--1827) in Teplitz for the first time; --1813: --1815: Wrote a Ginkgo poem to poetess Marianne von Willemer(1784--1860) (née Jung); --1816: W ife Christiane ( Johanna Christiana Sophie Vulpius(1865--1816 ) died in Weimar; --1816--1817: Published Italienische Reise (“ Italian Journey ”); --1817: Gave up the directorship of Weimar Court Theatre; Son— Julius August Walther von Goethe (1789—1830) married Ottilie von Pogwisch (1796--1872); --1817—1824: Edited and published the Journal of Natural Science, especially of Morphology (“ On Science in General, On Morphology in Particular ”) ; --1817: Volume I, No.1 (1817) of the journal-- Morphology (“ On Science in General, On Morphology in Particular ”) Our undertaking is defended Our objective is stated The content is given a foreward The history of my botanical studies (Geschichte meines botanischen Studiums )(A short version of 1817) Genesis of the essay on the metamorphosis of plants The metamorphosis of plants History of the manuscript History of the Brochure in Print Discovery of a worthy forerunner Propitious encounter --1818: Elected to the German Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina together with Swiss botanist Augustin Pyrame de Candolle ForMemRS (1778--1841) ; --1820: Volume I, No.2 (1820) of the journal Morphology (“ On Science inGeneral, On Morphology in Particular ”) Orphean prophecy Excursus Influence of the new philosophy Intuitive judgement Indecision and surrender Creative urge Three favorable reviews Other friendly overtures Later studies and collections Outlines of osteology The intermaxillary bone Meteors of the Literary sky Addenda In memory of Caspar Friedrich Wolff (1733--1794) --1820: Volume I, No.3 (1820) of the journal Morphology (“ On Science inGeneral, On Morphology in Particular ”) Lectures on the three first chapters of a projected work on comparative osteology Pollination, volatilization and exudation Friendly gesture Angry gesture --1820: Established friendship with Bohemian naturalist Kaspar Maria von Sternberg (1761--1838), who is the father of palaeobotany; --1822: Volume I, No.4 (1822) of the journal Morphology (“ On Science in General, On Morphology in Particular ”) By way of introduction Botany Remarkable healing of a badly injured trees Notes for an essay on plant culture in the Grand Duchy of Weimar Analogous volatilization Sloths and pachyderms Dr.Carus: on opinions concerning shell and bone structure Fossil steer Color chart of organic nature, by Wilbrand and Ritgen (Book review) History and development of the plant world, by Schelver (Book review) Luke Howard to Goethe Remarks --1823: Volume II, No.1 (1823) ofthe journal Morphology (“ On Science in General, On Morphology in Particular ”) The objective and subjective reconciled by the means of the experiment Ananalogous procedure Remarks on a collection of diseased ivory Carus: on primitive forms of Pelecypoda and Gastropoda Problems Considerable assistance from one ingeniously chosen world On requirements for illustrations for natural history in general and for osteology in particular Chartsof organic nature, by Wilbrand and Ritgen (Book review) Nature, its system and history, by Voigt (Book review) --1823: First visited by German poet and writer Johann Peter Eckermann (1792--1854), who became Goethe’s close friend and assistant soon; Fell in love with the 19-year-old Ulrike von Levetzow (1804--1899); --1824: Volume II, No.2 (1824) of the journal Morphology (“ On Science in General, On Morphology in Particular ”) Carus:outlines of general natural sciences On hops and their disease called smut On smut, blight and honeydew Additional note on smut on hops Illustrations of outstanding horses in the Royal Prussian studs Wrong roads taken by a botanist General et species Palmarum, by Martius (Book review) --1825: Resumed to work on Faust II ; --1827: Charlotte Albertine Ernestine von Stein ( née Schardt) (1742--1827) died; --1827: Augustin Pyrame de Candolle (1778--1841) published-- Organographie végétale in two volumes; --1828: Karl August, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (1757--1828) died; --1830: Son-Julius August Walther von Goethe (1789—1830) died in Rome; --1831: Published-- Spiraltendenz der vegetation ; Wrote Story of My Botanical Studies (1831); --1832: Died in Weimar at age of 83. ================== Lectures on Neobotany Palaeobotany-22a J.S. Preliminary version completed on July 21, 2017 Main links and references: Lectures on Neobotany and palaeobotany: a teaching projectand catalogue 古今植物学大讲堂 ( 工作目录 ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1031964.html 2017-2-6 21:44 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749—1832) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ( 歌德 ,1749--1832) Georg Christoph Tobler (G. C. 托布 勒 , 1757--1812),1946. Goethe's botany--the Metamorphosis of plants (1790) and Tobler's Ode tonature (1782) / with an introduction and translations by Agnes Robertson ArberFRS (1879—1960); Chronica Botanica, Vol.10 (No.2), pages 63-126, plates 23-26 (publishedin the summer of 1946) 歌德对植物变态的研究 (1790 年 ) 托布 勒对大自然的赞颂 (1782 年 ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1061956.html 2017-6-20 20:27 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749—1832), 1952. Goethe’s Botanical Writings. First published by the University of Hawaii Press in Honolulu. T ranslated by Bertha Mueller (1901--??) with an introduction by Charles J. Engard(1912--1951). Reprint published by Ox Bow Press in Woodbridge, Connecticut in 1989. i—x,pp.1—258; figures 1—51, plates I—IV. Steigerwald, Joan(2002). Goethe's morphology: Urphänomene and aesthetic appraisal. Journal of the History of Biology, 35(2): 291-328. http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1065608.html 2017-7-10 21:35 ----------- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1749—1832 ). Goethes morphologische Schriften / Ausgewählt und eingeleitet von Wilhelm Troll (1897--1978) Jena : E.Diederichs, 1926 ; 483 pages : illustrations -- Goethes morphologische schriften, Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. Jena, E. Diederich =================
个人分类: Structure: Neobotany & Paleobotany|2612 次阅读|0 个评论
Plant anatomy-18: Johann Jakob Bernhardi (1774—1850)
livingfossil 2017-6-7 22:46
Plant anatomy-18: German botanist Johann Jakob Bernhardi(1774—1850) 德国植物学家 Johann Jakob Bernhardi 院士 (1774—1850) 德国植物学院士 Johann Jakob Bernhardi (1774—1850) 于 1774 年出生于图林根首府 -- 埃尔福特 (Erfurt, Thuringia) 。他在埃尔福特大学学习医学和植物学。自 1809 年起, Johann Jakob Bernhardi 担任埃尔福特大学教授。 1820 年,他当选为德国科学院院士 (German Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina) 。 1803 年, Johann Jakob Bernhardi 出版了一本植物学教科书。 1805 年,他发表论著,对导管的特征进行了详细观察,属于 19 世纪初德国植物解剖学研究的代表性工作。 1850 年, JohannJakob Bernhardi 在埃尔福特去世。 1857 年他的 6 万多份植物标本由美国商人、慈善家 Henry Shaw(1800--1889) 购买。 Henry Shaw(1800--1889) 是美国密苏里植物园的奠基人。 Johann Jakob Bernhardi 的标本一直珍藏在该园标本馆。 --------------------------- ∮ Brief life chronology of German botanist Johann Jakob Bernhardi (1774—1850) German botanist Johann Jakob Bernhardi (1774—1850) is a representative of German plant anatomists in the beginning of the 18 th century. He made some discoveries about the nature of vessels and published Beobachtungen über Pflanzengefäße in 1805 . --1774: Born in Erfurt ( 埃尔福特 ), the capital city of Thuringia ( 图林根 ), Germany; --Studied medicine and botany at theUniversity of Erfurt; --Practice medicine for some time in Erfurt; --1799: Served as director of botanical garden; --1809: Appointed as professor of botany,zoology, mineralogy and materia medica at the University of Erfurt; --Served as editor of the Thüringischen Gartenzeitung d the Allgemeinendeutschen Gartenmagazin ; --1820: Elected to the German Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina; --1850: Died in Erfurt at age of 76. --1857: --------------------------- Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.18) German botanist Johann Jakob Bernhardi (1774—1850) and plant anatomy 德国植物学家 Johann Jakob Bernhardi 院士 (1774—1850) 2017 年 6 月 相关阅读: Lectures on Neobotany and palaeobotany: a teaching project and catalogue 古今植物学大讲堂 ( 工作目录 ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1031964.html 2017-2-6 21:44 German botanist Johann Jakob Bernhardi (1774—1850) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Jakob_Bernhardi ----- German botanist Johann Jakob Bernhardi’s (1774—1850) specimens http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/media/fact-pages/herbarium.aspx American businessman and philanthropist—Henry Shaw (1800--1889), the founder of the Missouri BotanicalGarden https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Shaw_(philanthropist) ----------- Timeline of microscopes 显微镜的时间表 https://www.nobelprize.org/educational/physics/microscopes/timeline/ ( 转载 -- http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1055400.html 2017-5-17 09:46) --- 植物形态解剖学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学( 2 ) 结构植物学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学 (2) Morphology Anatomy: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.2) Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.2) Macroscope( 宏观镜 ) vsMicroscope( 显微镜 )(in English with Chinese introduction) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-951574.html 2016-1-21 00:16 --------- 古植物学的故事( 84 ): 钻研古植物学要读《维管植物比较形态学》 Story of Palaeobotany Series (84): Graduate students majored in palaeobotany should spend enough time in perusal of Comparative Morphology of Vascular Plants co-authored by A. S. Foster and E. M. Gifford. http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-396369.html 发表于 2010-12-23 7:17:57 ============================= 古今植物学大讲堂 Lectures on Neobotany Palaeobotany 植物演化生物学讲座 -17a Lectures on Evolutionary Biology of Plants (17a) 植物形态解剖学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学( 17a ) 结构植物学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学 (17a) Morphology Anatomy: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.17a) Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.17a) Antony vanLeeuwenhoek (1632—1723) and plant anatomy (Chinese Part) 为何显微镜宗师列文虎克 (1632--1723) 的植物学贡献被忽略? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1057189.html 2017-5-26 09:56 =========================== Some publications of German botanist Johann Jakob Bernhardi(1774—1850) Catalogus plantarum horti Erfurtensis , 1799. Systematisches Verzeichnis der Pflanzen, welche in der Gegend um Erfurt gefunden werden ,1800 - Systematic catalog of plants that are found in the vicinity of Erfurt. Anleitung zu Kenntnis der Pflanzen , 1804 - Botanical instruction manual. Beobachtungen über Pflanzengefäße , 1805 - Observations involving planters. Ueber den Begriff der Pflanzenart und seineAnwendung , 1835 - On the concept ofspecies and its application. ------------ Ueber Asplenium und einige ihmverwandte Gattungen der Farrenkräuter. Bernhardi , Johann Jacob , 1774 - 1850 . Erfurt, 1802. · Title: Ueber Asplenium und einigeihm verwandte Gattungen der Farrenkräuter. · Author / Creator: Bernhardi , Johann Jacob , 1774 - 1850 . · Published: Erfurt, 1802. · Description: 18 p. : plate ; 8vo. · Language: German · HOLLIS Number: 006500740 · Creation Date: 1802 · Permalink: http://id.lib.harvard.edu/aleph/006500740/catalog · Source: HVD ALEPH ----------- Handbuch der Botanik / Johann JakobBernhardi. - Erfurt : Henning, 1803. - 1. Theil 1. Bd. Handbuchder Botanik / Johann Jakob Bernhardi. - Erfurt : Henning, 1803. - 1. Theil 1.Bd. ------------------- 1804: Annalen desNationalmuseums der Naturgeschichte. Herausgegeben von den Professoren dieserAnstalt, übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von D. Johann Jakob Bernhardt.Mit Kupfern. Hambur... -------------------- 1804: Dr. J. F.Bernhardi's Handbuch der Botanik. Ersten Theiles Erster Band. --- Auch unterdem Titel: Anleitung zur Kenntniss der Pflanzen, zum Gebrauch bey Vorlesungen.Erster Theil. Mit Kupfe... ----------- 1805: Bernhardi,J. J.: Beobachtungen über Pflanzengefässe und eine neue Art derselben. Erfurt:Henning 1805 Band 1 ------- 1805: VonBeurtheilung des gesunden und kranken Zustandes organisirter Körper / vonJohann Jakob Bernhardi. - Erfurt : Hennings, 1805 Band 2 ----------- 1805: JohannJakob Bernhardi's Beobachtungen über Pflanzengefässe und eine neue Artderselben. - Erfurt : Hennings, 1805 Band 3 -------- Dr. Joh.Jak. Bernhardi's Professors zu Erfurt Beobachtungen über Pflanzengefässe undeine neue Art derselben. Erfurt, 1805. 2 Kupfer. 79 S. 8. -------- Handbuch der allgemeinen undbesondern Contagienlehre. Bernhardi , Johann Jacob , 1774 - 1850 . Erfurt, 1815. · Title: Handbuch der allgemeinenund besondern Contagienlehre. · Author / Creator: Bernhardi , Johann Jacob , 1774 - 1850 . · Published: Erfurt, 1815. · Description: p. 8vo · Language: German · Contents: 1.Theil.--Elementarlehre.--Contagien überhaupt.--Anthropophthorisches Contagium. · HOLLIS Number: 006073128 · Creation Date: 1815 · Permalink: http://id.lib.harvard.edu/aleph/006073128/catalog · Source: HVD ALEPH -------------- Ueber die Natur, die Verhütungund Behandlung des Spitaltyphus und der ansteckenden Krankheiten überhaupt Bernhardi , Johann Jacob , 1774 - 1850 . Erfurt : in derHennings'schen Buchhandlung, 1815. (Bernhardi, Johann Jacob, 1774-1850.Handbuch der allgemeinen und besondern... · Title: Ueber die Natur, dieVerhütung und Behandlung des Spitaltyphus und der ansteckenden Krankheitenüberhaupt · Attribution: von Joh. Jakob Bernhardi ... · Author / Creator: Bernhardi , Johann Jacob , 1774 - 1850 . · Published: Erfurt : in der Hennings'schenBuchhandlung, 1815. · Description: xl, 608 p. ; 20 cm. (8vo) · Language: German · Subject: Typhus fever. · Med. subject: Typhus, Epidemic Louse-Borne. · Place: Hierarchical: Germany -- Erfurt. · Other title / series: Harvard medicine preservation microfilm project ; 01504.; Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine--Medical Heritage Librarydigitization project. ; Bernhardi, Johann Jacob, 1774-1850. Handbuch der allgemeinen undbesondern Contagienlehre ; 1. Th. · Series: Dr. Johann Jakob Bernhardi'sHandbuch der allgemeinen und besondern Contagienlehre ; 1. Th · HOLLIS Number: 005998713 · Creation Date: 1815 · Permalink: http://id.lib.harvard.edu/aleph/005998713/catalog · Source: HVD ALEPH --------- 1817: Handbuchder Pharmakologie, oder Lehre von den Arzneymitteln nach ihremnaturhistorischen, pharmaceutischen und therapeutischen Theile kritischbearbeitet von Friedr. Carl Albrecht Gren, de... ------- 1818: Dr. JohannJacob Bernhardi's Handbuch der allgemeinen und besondern Contagienlehre. ErsterTheil. Elementarlehre. Contagien überhaupt. Anthropophthorisches Contagium.Erfurt, in der Henning... ------------- 1834: Bernhardi,J. J.: Ueber den Begriff der Pflanzenarten und seine Anwendung. Erfurt: Otto1834 Band 3 ------------ Ueber Saracha und Physalis :eine briefliche mittheilung Bernhardi , Johann Jacob , 1774 - 1850 . Title: UeberSaracha und Physalis : eine briefliche mittheilung · Attribution: des Bernhardi and denHerausgeber. · Author / Creator: Bernhardi , Johann Jacob , 1774 - 1850 . · Language: German · Notes: Reprinted from: Linnaea. 1839.357-362. · HOLLIS Number: 006644261 · Creation Date: 1839 · Permalink: http://id.lib.harvard.edu/aleph/006644261/catalog · Source: HVD ALEPH =================
个人分类: Structure: Neobotany & Paleobotany|2765 次阅读|0 个评论

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