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地球物理学家Robert E. Sheriff教授追掉会12月13日将在德州举行
毛宁波 2014-11-28 07:11
据美国休斯敦大学网站消息,著名地球物理学家Robert E. Sheriff教授追掉会12月13日将在德州举行。 (A memorial service for Dr. Sheriff will be held at 2 p.m., December 13 at the Settegast-Kopf Co. at Sugar Creek, 15015 Southwest Freeway, Sugar Land, Texas. A reception will follow.)Robert E. Sheriff教授于今年11月19日在美国德州去世,享年92岁。 以下引自: http://www.geosc.uh.edu/news-events/stories/2014/1121-sheriff-memoriam.php Robert E. Sheriff, professor emeritus in the University of Houston’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and long-time departmental benefactor, passed away in Missouri City on November 19. The department mourns the loss of such an admirable, selfless man. Dr. Sheriff had an illustrious career both in industry and academia impacting the lives of many colleagues, students, and the geophysics community worldwide. Those who knew Bob Sheriff share a common set of descriptions for him – mentor, teacher, friend, and role model. After starting graduate school in physics at Ohio State University, Dr. Sheriff interrupted his education to work for The Manhattan Project in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. It was there that he met his wife, Margaret. They married in 1945, and he returned to Ohio State to complete his Ph.D. in physics. Through the course of their marriage, they had six children – Anne, Rick, Jeanne, Susan, Barbara, and Linda. Dr. Sheriff began working for Chevron in California in 1950. Geophysics research was in its infancy, and he was eager to learn. Throughout the course of his career at Chevron, he traveled the world supervising work in numerous locations and relocating his family to Trinidad and Australia. Dr. Sheriff may be best known in the geophysics community for writing the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Geophysics. What started out as a short booklet describing terms related to the rapidly growing geophysics industry grew to more than 400 pages. First published by the Society for Exploration Geophysicists in 1973, it is in its 4th edition. It is still the SEG’s best seller, with 7,500 copies sold in 2014. “It has been translated into at least 75 languages, maybe more,” said Hua-wei Zhou, chair of the UH Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. “It is the exploration geophysicist’s bible; people refer to it all the time.” Dr. Sheriff came to Houston in 1970 and began serving as an adjunct professor of geophysics at UH. After retiring from Chevron, he was the vice president of development at Seiscom-Delta. In 1980, he became a full tenured professor at UH. He was a gifted teacher and cared deeply about his students. Dr. Sheriff would share his opinions without any reluctance and pointed out weaknesses of students, telling them how to improve. His input and guidance helped his students learn to be able to find issues and solve them later on in their careers. “Bob is the reason why I joined UH,” said Zhou, who holds the Margaret S. Sheriff College Professorship in Geophysics. “I read his books while I was in graduate school. When I finally became a colleague of Bob’s, he was bigger than anyone I had known before. He was so unselfish, helping people any way he could.” Over the years, Robert and Margaret Sheriff established four endowments at the University of Houston, giving almost $2 million in support of the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. The endowments are the Margaret S. Sheriff College Professorships in Geophysics, the Robert E. Sheriff College Professorship in Sequence Stratigraphy, the Robert and Margaret Sheriff Faculty Chair in Applied Seismology, and the Sheriff Endowment in Applied Geophysics. The Sheriffs also set up a scholarship through the Society of Exploration Geophysicists for international graduate students coming to UH to study geophysics. More than 100 students have been funded through their generosity. “Bob Sheriff was a huge figure, a guru in his field. He was much more than just a good and generous person. He was academically a giant,” Zhou said. To make a gift in Dr. Sheriff’s memory, the family has requested that contributions be made to the Robert and Margaret Sheriff Endowment in Applied Geophysic s at the University of Houston.
个人分类: 地球物理学家|3217 次阅读|0 个评论
地球物理学家Robert E. Sheriff 教授的遗产
毛宁波 2014-11-27 23:53
以下内容引自Geoexpro杂志2014 年11月第四期上 Thomas Smith 的文章“Never Hold Back”,以此纪念92岁高龄逝去的美国著名地球物理学家Robert E. Sheriff 教授(1922~2014)。 Possibly best known for the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Exploration Geophysics, first published in 1973, Bob Sheriff’s accomplishments go literally to the ends of the earth – from his family’s travels to his contributions to geophysics and education. Now in its fourth edition, the encyclopedic dictionary has remained one of the Society of Exploration Geophysics’ (SEG) best sellers. It is a valuable and comprehensive reference that is a must to just about anyone in the oil and gas business. This alone would have been a bequest that would have assured Bob’s place in the upper echelon of the science. However, his contributions to geophysics and seismology, teaching at the University of Houston and short courses around the world, writing text books and articles, have all made Dr. Sheriff a household name to both students and professionals in geophysics. Adding to this, the Sheriff Scholarships for the SEG Foundation that finances foreign graduate students at the University of Houston, as well as endowed Chairs and Professorships at the University, proves his influence is truly global. Getting Started After graduating with degrees in physics and chemistry, young Bob Sheriff entered graduate school at Ohio State to study physics. The year was 1943 when the US was deeply involved in World War II. Bob was soon to be out of university deferments necessary to stay in school so he interviewed with The Manhattan Project at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, where he landed a job. “The pilot plant was manned by a bunch of physics graduate students from all over the country,” says Bob. “We talked freely among ourselves… my Oak Ridge experience magnificent as we taught each other.” Working at Oak Ridge also brought Bob another life-changing experience. A sister of a pilot plant colleague joined The Manhattan Project team as a chemist. Bob was introduced to the new employee and they “hit it off beautifully”. Bob and Margaret, the chemist, were soon married in 1945. The couple stayed at Oak Ridge until the spring of 1946 before returning to Ohio State University to complete graduate studies. Bob was able to teach physics classes while in graduate school until he received a scholarship from the National Science Foundation. Margaret worked on a geology degree. While still a student, Bob interviewed with Chevron and received an offer for a job at their La Habra facility (a technical center that operated from 1948 until it was closed in 1999) in Orange County, California. Anne, their first of six children, arrived in 1950 and they made their move to “the mountains and a sea shore” as Margaret put it. Being from Kansas, California had quite the appeal and she thought they were “set for life”. Little did she know where their future adventures would bring them… Becoming a Wandering ‘Geo’physicist “I knew nothing about geophysics ,” says Bob. “Dr. Allen Reilly, the manager of the La Habra facility, was just starting geophysics research. He told me it was easier to teach geology to a physicist than physics to a geologist. This is how I became a geophysicist.” Bob joined SEG at that time “to get their magazine and learn geophysics” and has been an active member ever since. During his early days at Chevron, Bob was eager to learn all he could about geophysics, including how things were done in the field. This would lead to the start of a yearning to see the world. After a year and a half of assigned projects at La Habra, he was transferred to New Orleans where he worked with a geophysicist who was on Chevron’s research committee. They traveled to geophysical operations all over the country. “I got to meet lots of important people and see lots of situations,” recalls Bob. After transferring back to California, Bob began supervising seismic work in foreign locations, mainly Latin America and the Caribbean, and he spent a considerable amount of time visiting these locations. He was then transferred to Port of Spain, Trinidad. At that time, Margret was pregnant with their sixth child. Bob came back for the birth and when number six, Linda, was nine weeks old, Margaret and the family made the move to Trinidad. Two years later, they all moved on to Perth, Australia. The transfer to Australia came with an added benefit for the Sheriff family – a six-week vacation plus a week of travel time. “Between company geophysics courses and visiting our offices along the way, I managed to stretch our vacations to three months,” says Bob. Consequently they were able to plan some very extensive trips to all corners of the world. After over five years there, Bob requested a transfer back to the United States. “Our children knew a lot about the rest of the world but little about the US, so we figured it was time to move back,” Bob recalls. The ‘Glossary’ is Born While their time in Australia was filled with traveling adventures, Bob still had a job to do, which included training and familiarizing personnel with new terms and concepts in geophysics. To fill this need, he created a 30-page pamphlet describing various geophysical terms in an industry that was evolving quickly.Bob also used it as a recruiting tool when visiting Australian universities. The glossary was distributed to other companies that were part of the Australian joint operation. One of those companies was Shell, which distributed it throughout their organization. The Sheriff family returned to the States in 1966 and settled again in New Orleans. By then, one of the past SEG presidents had received a copy of the geophysical glossary that Shell had distributed and recommended it to the SEG membership. “I was asked to update and expand the glossary,” says Bob, “but I was concerned about Chevron releasing this update. Well, the current president of SEG was Neal Smith, also a Chevron employee, who thought ‘releasing it to SEG would be good for the company’. I reported this to my manager and it was first published as one of the issues of Geophysics magazine.” Bob received the Kauffman Gold Medal, which is awarded for outstanding contributions to the advancement of the science of geophysical exploration. The little 30-page glossary had by then grown to 429 pages in its 4th edition as the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Geophysics. A Second Career While in New Orleans, Bob was contacted by his old boss, Lloyd Geldart, from La Habra, California, who was teaching at McGill University in Montreal. Bob was asked to review the chapter on seismic work for a revised geophysics book series by Eve and Keys. “I told Geldart that the chapter was not acceptable because it did not describe geophysics as it is done today,” says Bob. “Consequently, I joined a group of authors and wrote the new seismic chapter for the book.” This would be the start of Bob joining the academic ranks and writing more geophysical text books. Bob was transferred to Houston in 1970, retiring from Chevron after 25 years of employment, and went to work with Seiscom Delta. While at Chevron in Houston, he had joined the University of Houston as an adjunct geophysics professor for four years, and continued teaching for another five years during his employment with Seiscom Delta. In 1980, the very respected geophysicist, Milton Dobrin, who had developed the university’s geophysics program, died suddenly while jogging in the early morning hours in Houston. That is when Bob began his second career in earnest, becoming a full tenured professor. Bob not only taught at the University, but also spent a lot of time teaching short courses for the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) on a number of different subjects. One he is particularly proud of was Seismic Stratigraphy. He had written a paper on the subject, and subsequently a book, and was invited to help teach the course in 1975. He brought this new concept to many skeptical geologists and geophysicists. The project turned out to be a success and was repeated for several years, eventually expanding to four courses a year. Bob taught other courses for different sponsors, especially overseas. “To provide time to teach these courses plus some sightseeing, I often took halftime positions at the university,” recalls Bob. “People were eager to have me teach them and I ran across many good students. That is when Margaret and I endowed the Sheriff Scholarships of the SEG Foundation. It finances two foreign graduate students every year at the University of Houston. It is wonderful to give deserving students the opportunity to advance their education. It is one of the things I have been very proud of.” Bob quit teaching in 2006 but his manner of teaching lives on through the people he touched along the way. Hua-Wei Zhou came to the University of Houston in 1989 partly because of Bob’s influence on exploration geophysics. He had this to say about Bob Sheriff: “…a giant figure in the world of exploration geophysics… When I think about Bob, a number of key words pop up in my mind: kindness, honesty, hardworking, seeking perfection, generosity and wisdom.” Wouldn’t everyone want such a legacy? http://www.geoexpro.com/articles/2014/10/never-hold-back
个人分类: 地球物理学家|2569 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 毛宁波 2012-7-23 07:14
徐世浙(1936年10月2日浙江台州) 中国科学院院士(2001年)。1956年毕业于长春地质学院地球物理勘探系,先后在长春地质学院、中国科技大学、青岛海洋大学、浙江大学任教。曾任青岛海洋大学地质系主任,校研究生部主任,地学院名誉院长,地质地球物理研究所所长,山东省第七、八届人大常务委员会委员。曾获“山东省优秀教师”、“山东省科技拔尖人才”称号。曾为浙江大学理学部地球科学系教授,国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员。 中国共产党的亲密朋友,中国科学院院士、著名地球物理学家、浙江大学教授 徐世浙 同志因病医治无效,于2012年7月21日16时55分在杭州逝世,享年76岁。 徐世浙同志遗体告别仪式定于7月29日上午10:00在杭州殡仪馆举行。送花圈、发唁电、唁函的单位、同事、学生和生前友好请与浙江大学徐世浙院士治丧办公室联系。 联系电话: 0571-87952617 ,87951336 邮箱: dilith@zju.edu.cn 传真: 0571-87951336 联系地址:浙江大学玉泉校区第六教学大楼地球科学系办公室邮政编码: 310027 吊唁灵堂设在浙江大学玉泉校区第六教学大楼325室 联系电话: 0571-87952617 请参加遗体告别仪式的同志于7月29日上午9:00在浙江大学玉泉校区正校门上车。 徐世浙院士治丧办公室 二○一二年七月二十二日 http://gs.zju.edu.cn/news.aspx?id=419 徐世浙主要贡献:长期从事地球物理科研教学工作。提出用构制保角变换坐标网的方法,将数学上无法用许克变换的任意地形曲线变换为水平线,解决了国内外任意地形磁场、重力场的曲线延拓和电阻率法二维地形改正问题,使地球物理场的计算更加准确和科学。长期致力于地球物理的数值计算方法的研究,是国内外最早将有限元法和边界元法应用于地球物理勘探的研究者之一,有效地解决了许多地球物理计算难题。代表作《地球物理中的边界单元法》。
个人分类: 中国大学逸事|4512 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 1 毛宁波 2011-6-15 09:07
同济大学新闻网 中国共产党党员、著名地球物理学家、中国科学院院士、同济大学教授马在田先生因病医治无效,于2011年6月5日上午9时47分在上海中山医院逝世,享年81岁。遗体告别仪式于6月9日上午在龙华殡仪馆举行。 马在田先生逝世后, 胡锦涛总书记通过教育部转达对马在田院士去世表示悼念,对家属表示慰问。中共中央组织部来函,转达习近平、李源潮同志和中组部领导对马在田同志逝世的悼念和对其家属的慰问。 中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝,中共中央政治局常委李长春,中共中央政治局常委、中央书记处书记、国家副主席习近平,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理李克强,中共中央政治局常委、中央政法委员会书记周永康,中共中央政治局委员、国务委员刘延东,中共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中央组织部部长李源潮,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理张德江,中共中央政治局委员、上海市委书记俞正声,原中共中央政治局常委吴官正等中央领导同志送来花圈。 全国政协副主席、科技部部长万钢,中国科学院院长白春礼,教育部部长袁贵仁,上海市委副书记、市长韩正,上海市委副书记殷一璀,上海市委常委、组织部长李希,上海市副市长沈晓明送来花圈。敬献花圈的还有中国科学院院士、民盟中央副主席、中国科学院副院长丁仲礼,中国科学院副院长李静海,全国人大常委、原教育部副部长吴启迪,同济大学党委书记周家伦,中国科学院院士、同济大学校长裴钢,上海市教卫党委书记李宣海,上海市人民政府副秘书长翁铁慧,上海市科学技术协会副主席陆檩,杨浦区委书记陈寅,杨浦区人大常委会主任陈安杰,杨浦区区长金兴明,杨浦区政协主席李文连,杨浦区委副书记魏伟明,杨浦区区委常委、组织部长于秀芬。中国石油化工集团公司总地质师蔡希源,中国石油化工集团公司副总地质师金之钧,国家深海基地中心刘保华,中石化有限公司原高级副总裁牟书令等同志。 中国科学院院士叶叔华、刘光鼎、汪品先、孙钧、卢耀如、陈颙、殷鸿福、朱日祥、陈运泰、金振民、许志琴、郭令智、王德滋、苏纪兰、杨文采、秦大河,中国工程院院士金祥龙、何继善、李庆忠、赵文津、马永生敬献花圈。 敬献花圈和发来唁电的单位和组织有:中共中央组织部、教育部、中国科学院学部主席团、中国科学院地学部、中国科学院院士局、国家自然科学基金委地球科学部、中国地球物理学会、中国石油学会、上海市科学技术协会、中国科学院上海分院、中共上海市委组织部、上海市总工会、中共上海市教卫工作委员会、上海市教育委员会、中国教育工会上海市委员会、中共杨浦区委员会、杨浦区人大常委会、杨浦区人民政府、杨浦区政协、中国石油化工集团公司、中国海洋石油有限公司、中国石油大庆油田有限责任公司、复旦大学、上海交通大学、南京大学、浙江大学、西安交通大学、中国科学技术大学、吉林大学、东北大学等。 中国科学院院士、原上海市人大副主任叶叔华,同济大学党委书记周家伦,市委组织部副部长周祖翼,市教卫党委副书记杜慧芳,市科协副主席陆檩,同济大学副校长陈小龙、伍江、董琦、蒋昌俊,中石油、中石化、中海油等部分企业和马在田先生母校辽宁省实验中学领导参加了遗体告别仪式,并向家属表示慰问。中国科学院院士、同济大学校长裴钢敬献花圈并撰写挽联:“在校在国在大地 一生在科学;育人育心育百谷 万里育良田”。同济大学常务副校长李永盛主持了遗体告别仪式。马在田先生的亲属、同事和生前友好,以及同济大学师生代表300余人前往送别。 马在田先生1930年10月出生于辽宁省法库县,1950年毕业于东北实验中学并考入东北大学建筑系,1952年经国家选派赴苏联列宁格勒矿业学院留学,转学地球物理勘探,1957年毕业并获地球物理勘探工程师学位。回国后,马在田先生先后在石油工业部华北石油会战指挥部、胜利石油管理局、四川石油管理局和石油地球物理勘探局等单位工作,历任华北石油会战指挥部研究队队长、四川石油管理局地质调查处研究队队长、石油地球物理勘探局研究院方法室主任等职。1985年马在田先生调入同济大学任教,1991年当选为中国科学院学部委员(院士)。历任上海市科学技术协会副主席、同济大学图书馆馆长、上海市地球物理学会理事长、上海市地球物理学会名誉理事长、同济大学海洋地质国家重点实验室学术委员会主任。 1960年代,马在田先生为我国华北石油勘探发现做出了重要贡献。华北石油勘探会战期间,他提出了有别于发现大庆油田的“解放波形”、“突出标准地震反射层”的地震勘探方法,成为当时华北-渤海湾地区公认的地震勘探标志性成果,使我国地震勘探从以连续相位追踪为主的几何地震学开始走向以波形振幅为主的运动学与动力学相结合的波动地震学时代。1961年,他领导的研究队根据地震构造图确定了胜利油田发现井—华8井,在此基础上又确定了新钻探井位,于1962年9月23日打出了日产千吨级的油井。 1970年代,马在田先生主持我国首个地震勘探数据处理软件系统的研发,打破了西方国家对我国石油勘探技术的封锁,对我国大规模地震勘探新技术研发和先进装备引进工作起到了促进作用。1973年,石油工业部地球物理勘探局成立计算中心,马在田先生担任计算中心方法程序室主任,负责领导地震资料处理系统的研发,经过三年多的奋斗,不仅用自主研发出的地震处理系统成功地处理出了第一条国产“争气地震剖面”,而且自主培养了我国第一批石油工业界使用数字电子计算机的地球物理人才,打破了发达国家在大型计算机地震数字处理技术上的封锁,促进了当时“巴黎统筹委员会”对中国在石油勘探高技术方面出口的解禁。 1980年代初期,马在田先生瞄准当时勘探地球物理国际前沿问题,创造性地提出了高阶方程分裂偏移方法,不仅解决了当时地震成像的关键问题,研究成果被国内外石油工业界广泛应用,而且在勘探地球物理界为我国赢得了国际声誉。同时,马在田先生积极推动我国三维地震勘探工作的开展,他的《三维地震勘探》著作是当时系统论述三维地震方法的参考文献。 1980年代中后期,马在田先生转入高等教育战线,调入同济大学海洋与地球科学学院任教,将精力集中到教书育人、学科建设和国家重点实验室建设上。他培养了一百多名研究生,很多已成为大学、科研院所以及国内外著名企业的优秀人才。他领导并建立了同济大学地球物理学一级学科博士点,推动并形成了产学研结合、多学科交叉融合的科学研究特色。马在田先生在同济大学工作生活二十余年,为同济大学海洋与地球科学学科的发展做出了不可估量的贡献,他的身上深深体现了“同济精神”,他为人、为师、为学,也为同济精神注入了新的时代内涵。 马在田先生一生学术成就斐然,获得了多项奖励与荣誉称号。他在地震波成像方面的研究成果受到国际的广泛承认,“高阶方程分裂偏移方法”至今仍以“马氏方法”或“马氏系数”被国际广泛引用。《地震成像技术-有限差分法偏移》专著是国内反射地震学界公认的经典论著。获得过“陈嘉庚地球科学奖“、“国家科技进步二等奖”、“上海市劳动模范”、“上海市科技功臣”、“上海市高教精英”、“全国教育系统劳动模范”、“全国五一劳动奖章”和“全国先进工作者”等荣誉称号。 马在田先生爱国情怀终生不渝,老而弥坚,经常教育学生要热爱祖国,不要崇洋媚外;他忠于事业,严谨求实,勤于治学,生命不息,战斗不止,即使在重病期间,仍念念不忘我国油气勘探事业的发展,并亲自组织大型前瞻性科技攻关项目;他谦和宽厚,乐于助人育人,关心年轻一代的成长;他意志坚强,乐观向上,顽强与病魔抗争数年,直至生命最后一刻。 马在田先生是爱党爱国的一生,是兢兢业业、脚踏实地工作的一生,是光明磊落无私奉献的一生,是教书育人追求创新的一生,他的逝世是我国地球物理界和教育战线的重大损失。 虽然马在田先生已去,给后人留下了宝贵的知识和精神财富。
个人分类: 地球物理勘探进展|3864 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 3 毛宁波 2011-6-6 19:16
以下是马在田院士主要论著,供大家参考,以此纪念马院士逝世! 著作 1、陆相油储地球物理学导论 科学出版社 1997年 2、计算地球物理学概论 同济大学出版社 1997年 3、反射地震学论文集 同济大学出版社 2000年 论文(1983-2003) 1. 马在田 高阶方程偏移的分裂算法 地球物理学报 1983 2. Ma Z Ji S, All Dip Finte-Difference Migration with Scalar Wave Equation, Jounal of Chinese Geophysics 31(4) Allerton Press, N .Y, 1988 3. 马在田 Depth Migration with higher-order Approximation by Timeshift Algorithm, Selected papers of Tongji University, T.U. Press 1992 4. 马在田 时移法高阶方程深度偏移 同济大学学报 1992 5. Ma Zaitian Finite-Difference Migration with Higher-order Approximation, in Advances in China’s Earth Science, Tongji University Press, Shanghai, China 6. 马在田  变形波动方程法及其在地震学中的应用 中国工业与应用数学学会第二次大会文集 1992.5 7. 孙建国 马在田  差分偏移最佳离散参数的误差分析石油地球物理勘探 1992.5 Vol.32,No.2 8. 马在田 反射地震资料在中国海域油气资源勘探开发中的应用效果 中国海洋湖沼学会第六次年会专题报告 1992.9 9. 金胜汶 马在田 The seismic Wavefield Modeling and Migration of the 3-D Geological Features, Selected papers of Tongji University, T.U. Press 10. 马在田 反射地震学的现在与未来 科技导报 1993 No.5 11. 金胜汶 马在田 三维波动方程有限差分正演 地球物理学报 1993 No.6 12. 金胜汶 马在田 Seismic wave field modeling and migration for 3-D Geologic features, Selected papers of Tongji University, Shanghai 1993 13. 马在田 徐仲达 石油物探技术的进展 地球物理学进展 1993.3 14. 马在田 地震偏移理论的新进展应用地震层析成像, 地质出版社,1993.9 15. 金胜汶 马在田  三维波动方程偏移 同济大学学报 1994 No.2 16. 马在田 反射地震学研究中的问题浅谈地球物理学进展 1994 2期 17. 马在田 曹景忠 纪少游 波动方程法地震偏移成像的理论与应用 陈嘉庚奖获奖科技成果文集科技出版社 1994 18. 金胜汶 马在田 三维波动方程有限差分正演方法地球物理学报 1994 37卷6期 19. 陈比远 马在田 三维叠前偏移新技术 地球物理学报 1994 Vol.37.No.3 20. 金胜汶 马在田 三维波动方程全倾角偏移方法 同济大学学报(自然科学版)1994 22 (2) 21. 陈比远 金胜汶 马在田 反偏移法波动方程正演 石油地球物理勘探 1994 29 (1) 22. 金胜汶 陈比远 马在田 三维波动方程有限差分法正演方法地球物理学报 1994 37 (6) 23. 耿建华 马在田 快速DMO算法 石油地球物理勘探 1994.4 24. 马在田 反射地震学发展方向初探 地球物理学进展 1994 Vol.9. No.4 25. 马在田 Seismic Imaging and Inversion 学术讲座汇编(香港大学讲学) 王宽诚教育基金会 1994.9 26. 侯安宁 何樵登 马在田 三维裂隙介质中弹性波Green函数的Weyl积分解研究 地球物理学报 1995 Vol.38,(supp1) 27. 耿建华 马在田 三维F-K域DMO方法应用效果 地球物理学报1995 No.2 28. Geng Jianhua Ma Zaitian , 3-D DMO Algorithm in F-K Domain and Application, C.J. of Geophysics, 38(1), Allerton Press Inc.,New York 29. 耿建华 马在田 在K-F域实现转换波(P-SV,SV-P) DMO 石油地球物理勘探 1995 No.2 30. 季文贇 马在田 自组织网络与模糊聚类在油气识别中的应用 同济大学学报,1995 增刊 31. 马在田 多分量地震学理论与应用问题 同济大学学报 1995 增刊 32. 金胜汶 马在田 时移法大倾角深度偏移方法 石油地球物理勘探 1995 Vol.30 No.1 33. 马在田等 三维频率波动域DMO方法研究及应用效果 ACOUSTIC地震资料处理论文集,石油工业出版社 1995.6 34. 陶正喜 马在田 串级深度偏移方法与应用ACOUSTIC 地震资料处理论文集,石油工业出版社 1995.6 35. 侯安宁 马在田 VSP数据中的横波分裂理论研究中国博士后十周年论文集 1995.10 36. 马在田 王华忠 地震数据反演中的非线性问题 自然杂志 1995 Vol.17 78-86 37. 金胜汶 马在田 宜明理时移法大倾角深度偏移方法 石油地球物理勘探 1995 30(1) 38. 耿建华 马在田 在F-K域实现转换波(P-SV,SVP)DMO 石油地球物理勘探 1995.1 39. 耿建华 马在田 黄海贵 用声波方程对海底地层回波数据进行逐层折射校正成相声学学报 1995 21 (3) 40. Geng Jianhua , Ma Zaitian Huang Haigui , Imaging of echo data of submarine sedimentary beds layer-by-layer with acoustic wave equation refraction correction method, Chinese Journal of Acoustics, 1995 21(3) 41. 马在田 走向21世纪实用地震学 地球物理学报 1995 No.6 42. Jin Shengwen Ma Zaitian, Wavefield-extrapolation-based imaging for echo data of sea-bed sedimentary layers, C.J. of Acoustics 43. 宋海斌 马在田 层状弹性介质三参数同时反演 石油地球物理勘探 1996 No.1 44. 宋海斌 马在田 张关泉利用平面波地震记录同时反演层状介质纵横波速度中国科学D辑 1996 No.4 45. 马在田 共炮检距三维弹性波地震抛面的偏移方法地球物理学报 1996 Vol.38 (supp 1) 46. 马在田 P-SV反射转换波的倾角时差校正 (DMO)方法研究地球物理学报 1996 39 (2) 244-250 47. 侯安宁 马在田 VSP数据中的横波分裂:理论研究同济大学学报 1996 24 (4) 48. Geng Jianhua ,Ma Zaitian Huang Huagui, Imaging of echo data of submarine sedimentary beds layer-by-layer with acoustic wave equation refraction correction method, C.J. of Acoustic, 1996 Vol.14 No.3 49. Ma Zaitian Cao Jingzhong, On the seismic imaging research in China, The 30th International Geological Congress Abstracts, Vol. 3,13-4-28, Beijing, China 50. Ma Zaitian, DMO for P-SV converted Reflection, Chinese Jour. Of Geophysics, 1996 39(2)N.Y. 51. Ma Zaitian Anning Hou, Fracturing and Shear wave splitting, The 30th International Geological Congress Abstracts, Vol. 3,13-4-29, Beijing, China 52. 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Zhong Guangfa, Ma Zaitian, Liu Ruilin, and Wu Ningfen Distribution of Upper Cenozoic carbonate-cemented sandstones, Kuche Depression, northwest China: insights from high-resolution borehole micro-resistivity imaging. Journal of Sedimentary Research 73 (2): 176-185. 161. Cheng Jiubing ,Wang Huazhong, Ma Zaitian DSR-Based Wave Equation 3-D Prestack Depth Migration Chinese Journal of Geophysics Vol.46, No.5, 2003, 966~977 http://mgg.tongji.edu.cn/pub/mazt/works.html
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热度 7 毛宁波 2011-6-6 10:25
中国共产党优秀党员、著名地球物理学家、中国科学院院士、同济大学教授马在田先生因病医治无效,于2011年6月5日上午9 时47分在上海中山医院逝世,享年81岁。   马在田先生1930年10月出生于辽宁省法库县,1950年考入东北大学建筑系,1952年赴苏联列宁格勒矿业学院留学,1957年毕业并获地球物理勘探工程师学位。回国后,马在田先生先后在石油工业部华北石油会战指挥部、四川石油管理局和石油地球物理勘探局等单位工作,历任华北石油会战指挥部研究队队长、四川石油管理局地质调查处研究队队长、石油地球物理勘探局研究院方法室主任等职。1985年马在田先生调入同济大学任教,1991年当选为中国科学院学部委员(院士)。历任上海市科学技术协会副主席、同济大学图书馆馆长、上海市地球物理学会理事长、同济大学海洋地质国家重点实验室学术委员会主任等职。   马在田先生告别仪式定于2011年6月9日上午9时在上海龙华殡仪馆1号大厅举行。   谨此讣告。   同济大学马在田先生治丧委员会  二○一一年六月五日 http://news.tongji.edu.cn/show.aspx?id=32430cid=20 http://mgg.tongji.edu.cn/pub/mazt/works.html 马在田院士个人主页 中国科学院院士 同济大学教授 上海市地球物理学会名誉理事长 石油学会物探专业学会顾问 美国科学促进会( AAAS )荣誉会员 美国勘探地球物理学家协会( SEG )正式会员 邮件地址: mazaitian@mail.tongji.edu.cn 联系电话:021-65984809 马在田院士,男,汉族, 1930 年 10 月生于辽宁省法库县,中国科学院院士,地球物理学家,同济大学教授,博士生导师。兼任中国地球物理学会理事和上海市地球物理学会名誉理事长,石油学会物探专业学会顾问等职,美国科学促进会( AAAS )荣誉会员,美国勘探地球物理学家协会( SEG )正式会员。在中国科学院地球物理研究所、浙江大学、吉林大学、青岛海洋大学、石油大学(华东)、长江大学任兼职教授。 1930年10月 生于辽宁法库县 1952年9月-1952年3月 就读于东北大学建筑系 1952年11月-1957年7月 就读于苏联列宁格勒矿业学院地球物理专业,获优等毕业证书,授予工程师资格证书 1957 年 9 月 -1972 年 12 月 先后服务于前石油工业部胜利石油管理局和四川石油管理局,从事地震勘探方面的研究工作 1973年3月-1985年11月 石油部物探局研究中心和研究院方法软件研究室主任、高级工程师 1987年1月 同济大学海洋地质系,教授 1990年6月 《地球物理学报》编委 1991年11月 当选为中科院地学部学部委员(中科院院士) 1995年9月 任上海市科协副主席 2003年1月 中石化物探研究院学术顾问 著名地球物理学家马在田院士主要论著: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=339326do=blogid=452344
个人分类: 地球物理勘探进展|16086 次阅读|6 个评论
热度 1 毛宁波 2011-4-24 11:02
综合SEG网站资料,下面简要介绍SEG的历史,欢迎大家在评论中翻译和讨论。( www.seg.org ) SEG History The Society of Exploration Geophysicists is a not-for-profit organization that promotes the science of applied geophysics and the education of geophysicists. SEG, founded in 1930, fosters the expert and ethical practice of geophysics in the exploration and development of natural resources, in characterizing the near surface, and in mitigating earth hazards. The Society, which has more than 33,000 members in 138 countries, fulfills its mission through its publications, conferences, forums, Web sites, and educational opportunities. SEG(The Society of Exploration Geophysicists )是美国勘探地球物理学家学会的简称。它是为了促进地球物理教育与应用的菲赢利组织。SEG创建于1930年。SEG创建的初衷在于培养地球物理专家以及更好的让地球物理在勘探开发自然资源,近地表表征,减少地质灾害等方面发挥积极作用。SEG在138国家中拥有33000个会员, 通过 出版物, 会议,论坛, 网站和 教育机会 等履行其使命。 1930 On March 11, twenty-nine men and one woman met in Houston at the University Club to found the Society of Economic Geophysicists. Donald C. Barton was elected the first president. On 20 May, a constitution and bylaws were adopted, and two papers were published in mimeograph form. 1931 The group's name was changed to Society of Petroleum Geophysicists (SPG), and the first convention was held in conjunction with AAPG. 1932 SPG became the "Division of Geophysics of the AAPG." The Society continued to meet with AAPG through 1955. 1936 The first issue of Geophysics published. 1937 Once again the name of the organization was changed, this time to Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Accepted as an Affiliated Society by AAPG 1939 Patents section first appeared in Geophysics . 1940 First Cumulative Index published. Membership: 892. 1946 Constitution amended to permit establishment of Local Sections. 1948 Council created and met in Denver. First Local Sections chartered. Student Sections formed. Best Paper Award first presented. 1950 First Distinguished Lecture Tour organized. Membership: 2566. 1951 EAGE organized. Back issues of Geophysics available on microcards. 1952 SEG Crest adopted. 1953 Geophysical Prospecting appeared as a quarterly. 1954 Executive Committee voted to separate the Annual Meeting from the AAPG. First Associate Editors appointed to assist the Editor of Geophysics . 1955 SEG held its last joint meeting with AAPG, then celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary with a separate meeting in Denver. 1956 The first Yearbook was published, and SEG's scholarship program was initiated with $12 125 distributed to thirteen students. 1960 A silver anniversary issue of Geophysics published listing "classic" papers of the first twenty-five years of the journal, which were selected by a panel of judges. Membership: 5724. 1961 The SEG Medal Award (later renamed in honor of Reginald Fessenden) was created. 1965 When the SEG staff moved into the Society's new building in June, there were 5837 members. 1968 SEG accepted an invitation from the Society of Petroleum Engineers to become a cosponsor of the Offshore Technology Conference. R. E. Sheriff published in Geophysics , the "Glossary of terms used in Exploration Geophysics," the precursor of his Encyclopedic Dictionary . Sheriff received the Virgil Kauffman Gold Medal in recognition of the glossary. 1969 Emeritus Membership was established in 1970. Membership: 7306. 1971 The fiftieth anniversary of the reflection seismograph was observed at the Midwestern Meeting in Oklahoma City with the dedication of a monument near the site of the tests of that technique. 1972 The first book published jointly with AAPG, Stratigraphic Oil and Gas Fields-Classification, Exploration Methods, and Case Histories , appeared. It was to be twenty-five years before the second joint publication effort by the two societies. 1973 Sheriff produced SEG's all time best-seller, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Exploration Geophysics . The addition of three new student sections brought the total to twenty-eight. 1978 The Maurice Ewing Medal Award was established as SEG's highest award. 1979 Geophysics began monthly publication, and fifteen Continuing Education courses were offered. 1980 In the 50th anniversary year of the Society, when the total membership was 14 172, there were 12 319 registered at the Annual Meeting. Eleven of the original thirty founders of SEG attended and were honored at that meeting. That attendance record has not been broken. 1981 A record $4 billion was spent on geophysical acquisition and processing in 1981. More than 100 000 attended the OTC that year. 1982 Geophysics, The Leading Edge of Exploration , debuted in June. The SEG scholarship program passed the million-dollar mark with awards of $130 800. Expanded abstracts were required for all papers presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting. 1984 The Geophysical Resource Center was completed and occupied. It was dedicated the following year. 1985 Two special issues were published to commemorate the fiftieth year of publication of Geophysics . A new film about geophysical exploration, Seeing the Unseen: Geophysics and the Search for Energy and Minerals , was produced. The First Annual Gulf Coast Exploration and Development Meeting was held, and the first joint meeting of the China Petroleum Society and SEG took place in Beijing. SEG's membership of 19 559 was the highest total to that point, and would remain the record for 10 years. 1986 Shell Companies Foundation donated $100 000 for books and periodicals to the SEG Library in the Geophysical Resource Center, and the building was named the Cecil and Ida Green Tower. 1987 Seismic Data Processing , zdogan Yílmaz's best seller, was available at the Annual Meeting in New Orleans. This was to become the second all-time revenue producer behind Sheriff's dictionary. The SEG Foundation was reorganized. 1988 An agreement with AAPG, SPE, and SPWLA led to the formation of an Intersocietal Coordinating Committee. The first EAEG-SEG joint research workshop under a new agreement to hold alternating workshops every other year and the first ASEG-SEG joint meeting were held. 1989 Initiation of the SEG Foundation Trustee Associates. 1990 A 15-tape set video short course, given by Oz Yílmaz and based on his Seismic Data Processing , was produced by Western Geophysical and offered to SEG to market. Membership: 14 964. 1991 Attendance at the 61st Annual Meeting in Houston was 10 670. The Executive Committee adopted a policy of holding a midyear meeting annually in a venue outside North America. 1992 Successful meeting held in Moscow. Record income of just under $7 million for the year. 1993 GEOROM , a set of CD-ROMs containing fifty-seven volumes of Geophysics - 1936-1992 - fully searchable, was produced. The mortgage on SEG's building, the Geophysical Resource Center, was retired. 1994 A nine-year decline in membership was interrupted when gains were shown in each category of membership. GEOROM was expanded to include selected articles from The Leading Edge plus Sheriff's Dictionary , The Cumulative Index, and Expanded Abstracts from the Annual Meeting. An SEG Home Page, hosted by Stanford University and maintained by volunteers led by Brian Spies, was established. 1995 A CD-ROM of the Expanded Abstracts of that meeting was offered at the Annual Meeting in Houston. 1996 The donation of a Sun Netra Webserver to SEG by Sun Microsystems allowed the Web site to be moved to the Business Office, enabling the entire Internet operations to be done in-house. 1997 The Distinguished Instructor program was inaugurated, wherein a selected individual presents a short course in various sites around the globe. The first instructor is Ian Jack. A constitutional amendment was approved which increased the membership of the Nominations Committee from the historical three most recent past-presidents by four members to be selected by a prescribed method from the Sections and Associated Societies. 1998 An all-time record of 1457 booths were sold for the Annual Meeting in New Orleans. The SEG Museum was reorganized by the addition of a Virtual Museum and Traveling Museum to the existing museum in Tulsa. The Distinguished Educator program was launched and Robert R. Stewart of the University of Calgary was chosen as the first honoree. A new logo was adopted by the Council to reflect the Society's increasingly international nature. 1999 Despite a turbulent year in the petroleum industry, the Annual Meeting in Houston drew 11 103 attendees, and there were 1276 booth sales--second-highest total ever. Also, paid membership grew to nearly 16 000, the highest total since 1987. A major redesign of the SEG Web site was completed, and an equipment donation from Sun Microsystems helped prepare SEG for a bold digital future. 2000 SEG Annual Meeting returns to Calgary for the first time since 1977. This is only the third time the meeting has been held outside the United States. Sally Zinke becomes the first woman to hold the office of SEG President. The increasing percentage of members residing outside the U.S. causes the International Affairs Committee to be radically restructured and renamed the Global Affairs Committee. Membership: 16 894. 2001 The SEG Executive Committee authors a strategic vision of the future of geophysics and SEG’s role in it. While SEG's Annual Meeting is under way in San Antonio, the terrorist attacks of September 11 take place. The meeting proceeds with only minor disruptions. Mary L. Fleming, director of programs at the American Statistical Association, is selected executive director in December. 2002 The fourth edition of SEG's all-time best-selling book, retitled Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Geophysic s to reflect the increasingly diverse employment of the membership, is published. Attendance at the Annual Meeting is disappointing, probably because of the out-of-the-mainstream venue (Salt Lake City) and the travel restrictions imposed after the terrorist attacks a year earlier. However, the meeting has one of the all-time magical moments of any SEG convention—the multimedia presentation of Robert Ballard, discoverer of the Titanic , which wows hundreds of junior high students and experienced geoscientists. 2003 SEG membership exceeds 20 000 for the first time, and a majority of members lives outside the United States. 2004 To address income disparity among geophysicists around the world, the Council approved a three-tiered dues structure that allows Active membership at all three levels. Membership approaches 23 000. 2005 SEG marked its 75th anniversary with celebrations at section meetings throughout the world, a special publication, retrospective journal articles, a video about geophysics and the Society, an extra distinguished lecture, historical photos on the SEG Web site, and special exhibits at the Annual Meeting in Houston. Membership surpassed 25 000 late in the year. 2006 SEG held a highly successful Annual Meeting in New Orleans barely a year after Hurricane Katrina devastated the city. Membership exceeded 27 000 late in the year. 2007 The SEG Foundation launched a US$15 million major-gifts campaign, “Advancing Geophysics Today, Inspiring Geoscientists for Tomorrow,” aimed at accelerating the rate of geophysical innovation and knowledge transfer and attracting more young people to careers in the geosciences. 2008 SEG opened its first office outside the United States in Beijing, China, on 3 April. The SEG Foundation exceeded its US$15 million campaign goal, celebrating pledges totaling more than US$17 million during a celebration at the Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, USA. At year’s end, pledges totaled US$17 232.410. SEG membership exceeded 33 000. 2009 Despite a worldwide recession, SEG's Annual Meeting in Houston drew more than 9,200 delegates and filled four exhibit halls with technical session posters and exhibits.
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