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zhpd55 2016-8-12 18:17
谈“千”论道 诸平 为什么与空气负离子相关的多项标准或者换算过程都会涉及到1000 ? 涉及到“千( 1000 )”的相关论述 1 ) 世界卫生组织 ( WorldHealth Organization )对于清新空气的认定 ,其中负离子含量不应低于1000 个/cm 3 。 世界卫生组织 ( WorldHealth Organization )规定,负离子浓度1000 个/cm 3 以上可满足健康基本需要,低于1000 个/cm 3 以下则可视为空气被污染,浓度1000~1500 个/cm 3 的环境被视为清新的环境。 Tian Jiande, Du Shanzhao, Li Qingshan, Ma Meiqin. Research of Anion Polyester BaseFunctional Materials. International Conference on Chemical, Material and Food Engineering(CMFE-2015), Atlantis Press, 2015. pp. 285-288. http://www.atlantis-press.com/php/download_paper.php?id=25836258 Onecriteria for fresh air drawn up by World Health Organization is that thenegative ion content should not be less than 1000 /cm3. http://www.chinatexnet.com/ChinaSuppliers/18099/Products--Grey-Bamboo-Charcoal-Fiber--139021.html 2 )美国建议居室中空气负离子浓度应不低于1000 个/cm 3 。 3 )日本根据人在一昼夜应吸入1~3 个空气离子生物学单位( 一个空气离子生物学单位所含离子数为8 ×10 9 个) ,提出应保持环境中空气离子数在1000~3000 个/ cm 3 之间,其中最低标准还是1000 个/cm 3 。 4 )我国提出清洁空气中负离子数要求在1000 个/ cm 3 以上。 5 )中国科学院生态环境研究中心的林金明教授所著的《环境、健康与负氧离子》一书,其中认为若环境中的负离子低于临界浓度(400 个/cm 3 )标准,说明空气己受到一定程度的污染,对人的健康不利; 而浓度介于400-1000 个/cm 3 之间时,空气对人体则即无多大害处,亦无多大益处,因而属于允许浓度范围; 只有达到保健浓度(1000 个/cm 3 )以上时,才会取得较好的疗养保健效果。 6 )安培空气负离子分级标准CI 计算公式: CI= n - /(1000 q ), (1 ) 其中 q = n + / n - ,q 被称为单极系数, n + 表示空气中正离子浓度(个/cm 3 ); n - 表示空气中负离子浓度(个/cm 3 ),故(1 )式可以改写为: CI= n - /(1000 q )= n - /(1000 n + / n - )= n - 2 /1000 n + (2 ) 7 )石强等森林空气离子评价指标 FCI= pn - /1000 (3 ) p = n - /( n + + n - ) (4 ) 其中FCI 为森林空气离子评价指标; p 为空气负离子系数; n + 和 n - 分别为空气正、负离子浓度(个/cm 3 ),1000 为人体生物学效应最低负离子浓度。 表1 石强、安培空气负离子分级标准 石强分级标准 安培分级标准 评价等级 Assessment Grades FCI 等级 CI 清洁度 Ⅰ ≥2.4 A 1.0 最清洁 Ⅱ ≥1.4~2.4 B 1.0~0.7 清洁 Ⅲ ≥0.9~1.4 C 0.69~0.50 中等清洁 Ⅳ ≥0.5~0.9 D 0.49~0.30 允许 Ⅴ ≥0.16~0.5 E E1 0.29~0.19 轻度污染 E2 0.18~0.10 中等污染 E3 0.09 重度污染 石强,舒惠芳,钟林生,等 . 森林游憩区空气负离子评价研究 . 林业科学, 2004 , 40(1):36-40. 石强 , 钟林生 , 吴楚材 . 森林环境中空气负离子浓度分级标准[ J ] . 中国环境科学 ,2002,22(4):320 - 23. 崔会平,张建国,徐文俊,等.竹群落空气负离子及空气质量评价[ J ].福建林业科技, 2013 , 40 ( 4 ): 56 - 61. 段炳奇 . 空气离子及其与气象因子的相关研究 [ D ] . 上海:上海师范大学, 2007. http://www.docin.com/p - 98362015.html 人日需多少负离子? 据 国际大地测量学与地球物理学联合会( International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics ,简称 IUGG )下属的国际气象学与大气科学协会 (InternationalAssociation of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences ,简称 IAMAS) 提供的数据, 我们 人每天需要约 130 亿个负离子 ,而我们的居室,办公室,娱乐场所等环境,只能提供约( 10~20 )亿个 ( Generally speaking, people need every day about 13billion negative ions, and our room, office, entertainment and otherenvironment, can only provide about 1 - 2 billion ) ,甚至更少,差额在 100 亿个以上,这意味着我们的生活环境中负离子是严重缺乏。因此,走出家门,到大自然环境之中去,到负离子浓度丰富的地方去,对于健康大有裨益。表 2 是根据不同参考资料整理的空气负离子浓度统计结果,可供参考。 表 2 不同环境条件下的空气负离子浓度 不同环境 空气负离子浓度 /Aeroanions ·cm -3 冷暖空调间 0~20 城市住宅 25~450 棋牌室麻将馆 200 密闭的行驶车辆 50 街道绿化区 100~200 楼宇办公室 100~400 城市公园 100~600 一般大气中 400~700 一般乡村 500-1000 山谷河流 600~4000 高山林地 900~6000 森林瀑布 10000~20000 台湾科技大学叶正涛先生收集整理的大气负离子在自然生态环境中的浓度分布 袁满雪,付小部,付延. 托玛琳负离子发生器. CN 103557557 A. 2014-02-05. 高山海边 5000~10000 乡村田野 1000~5000 公园 400~1000 旷野郊区 100~1000 城市公园 400~600 街道绿化地带 200-400 楼宇办公室 100 城市房间 40-50 工业开发区 0 一般办公室 38 日本自然疗法研究所所长饭野节夫教授所著的《负离子健康法》一书,引用日本各地的负离子测试报告 . CN 103557557 A 百货公司 46 郊外 230 温泉区 2200 表3 我国森林 空气负离子浓度水平 ( CN 103557557 A ) 分级 森林空气负离子浓度水平(个/cm 3 ) I 3000 Ⅱ 2000-3000 Ⅲ 1500-2000 Ⅳ 1000-1500 保健浓度 Ⅴ 400-1000 允许浓度 Ⅵ 400 临界浓度 “千”受益 既然一般情况下,人每天需要130亿个负离子,那么如果 我们是生活的环境中负离子浓度为 100 个 /cm 3 ,我们究竟会缺少多少呢?通过简单计算结果来回答此问题。此浓度( 100 个 /cm 3 )相当于 10 5 个 /L, 或者 10 8 个 /m 3 即每立方米空气中含有 1 亿个空气负离子。在静态情况下,每分钟呼吸 16 次,每次大约呼吸 500 mL 空气,因此每个人平均每天呼吸的空气量为: 0.5 L/ 次 ×16 次 /min×60 min/h×24 h/d=11520 L(11.52m 3 )/d 差额: 130 亿个 /d-1 亿个 /m 3 ×11.52m 3 /d=118.48 亿个 /d 如果我们的生活环境中空气负离子浓度为 1000 个 /cm 3 ,相当于 10 亿个 /m 3 (10 9 个 /m 3 ) 差额: 130 亿个 /d-10 亿 /m 3 ×11.52m 3 /d=14.8 亿 /d 差额所占比例: 14.8/ ( 130×10 -2 ) %=11.38% 由此可知,在空气负离子浓度为 1000 个 /cm 3 时,通过呼吸吸入的空气负离子可以满足需求量的 89% ,如果将通过皮肤吸收的空气负离子加以考虑,基本可以满足 130 亿个负离子的需求量。 图 1 空气负离子浓度与差额比例的关系 Fig.1 The relation of aeroanions concentrations and its shortagepercents 不同环境条件下空气负离子浓度与差额所占比例的关系图如图 1 所示。由图 1 可以看出,如果空气负离子浓度大于 1000 个 /cm 3 ( 10 9 个 /m 3 )或者 10 亿个 /m 3 , 按照静态呼吸频次进行计算,吸入的空气负离子浓度约占需求量的 90% 以上,这样我们就不难理解为什么以 1000 作为临界值或者常数的内涵,是与人体生理生化需求的有关。如果我们生活在空气负离子浓度为 600 个 /cm 3 的环境条件下,呼吸提供的负离子数量充其量只能占需求量的一半左右。作为健康者对此可能影响不大,不适性感觉不明显,但是,对于健康状况不佳者,其影响可能大不相同,不适性感觉会明显一些。 空气负离子的作用 因为山林、树冠,叶端(特别是针叶树木)的尖端放电,及雷电,瀑布,海浪的冲击下,会形成较高浓度的小空气负离子,使空气清新,使人心旷神怡。而人烟稠密的大都市、工业污染地区、密闭的空调间,所产生的污染物及污染物的液体、固体和各种生物体与空气形成的气溶胶,使大量的小空气离子结合成大离子而沉降、失去活性,及使小的空气负离子浓度降低,并出现正、负离子的比例严重失衡,而令人感到不适,甚至头昏、头痛、恶心、呕吐、情绪不安、呼吸困难、工作效率下降,以至引起一些症状不明的病变。空气负离子供求之间的巨大反差,往往容易导致肺炎,气管炎等呼吸系统疾病。集中采暖以及冷气设备的空调系统,负离子常被驱除。合成纤维、地毯带有正电荷易吸收负离子。钢筋、纤维板都会吸收负离子。虽然市场上也有各种堪称释放负离子的产品,但是否可靠,值得慎重选择。因此,以人造空气负离子提高环境中空气负离子浓度,难以满足人体对负离子的需求。而改善空气环境质量,日益受到人们关注,除了放电产生负离子(往往含有一定量的臭氧,是一种对人体有害之物)之外,特鲁玛琳及其相关产品是一种很好的负离子发射源,但是释放能力有限。而出外旅游特别是去空气负离子浓度较高地区去沐浴大自然提供的纯天然产物,不仅没有任何副作用,也不必担心浓度过量会造成伤害。古人遗留的近绿者寿的自然科学内涵可能就在于此,古代的神秘文化(如风水)可能也是与空气负离子浓度的变化有关。有水的地方,负离子浓度相对较高,流水处比静水处要高。为什么自古名山寺院多,虔诚的幸男善女,朝拜寺院庙宇归来,精神抖擞,神采奕奕,不是神灵保佑的结果而是环境空气质量对于身体带来的变化。 我们顺便再来说说血液的组成, 血液有四种成分组成即血浆、红细胞、白细胞、血小板。血浆约占血液的 55% ,是水,糖,脂肪,蛋白质,钾盐和钙盐的混合物。也包含了许多止血必需的血凝块形成的化学物质。血细胞(包括红细胞和白细胞)和血小板组成血液的另外 45% 。 红细胞在血浆中保持悬浮状态而不易下沉的特性被称为红细胞的悬浮稳定性。如果将抗凝剂与血液混匀置于血沉管中,垂直静置,经一定时间后,红细胞由于比重大而会逐渐下沉,在单位时间内红细胞沉降的距离,被称为 红细胞沉降率 (简称 血沉 )。以血沉的快慢作为红细胞悬浮稳定性大小的衡量指标。正常男子第 1 小时末,血沉不超过 3 mm ,女子不超过 10 mm 。在妊娠期,活动性结核病, 风湿热 以及患恶性肿瘤时,血沉加快。临床上检查血沉,对疾病的诊断及预后有一定的帮助。负离子对于 维持红细胞悬浮稳定性具有重要意义,是因为由于红细胞表面带有负电荷,红细胞与红细胞之间同性电荷相斥,不易聚集,从而呈现出较好的悬浮稳定性。但是,如果血浆中带正电荷的蛋白质增加,其被红细胞吸附后,使之表面负电荷量减少,这样就会促进红细胞的聚集和叠连,使总的外表面积与容积之比减少,摩擦力减小,血沉加快。当然血沉的快慢主要与血浆蛋白的种类及含量有关。在血管内形成斑块,甚至血栓。为什么麻将棋牌室中风现象频频发生,即使不在棋牌室,在家里长时间抽烟、打麻将也同样会出现脑梗或者中风,都是与空气中负离子太低、导致血沉加剧有关。下面的图示会帮助我们来认识负离子对于血液的影响。 脂肪的积累会导致增加自由基的形成和潜在的血管细胞和组织内的炎性反应。此问题的进一步复杂化 , 血管内也会出现脂质积累,导致血管狭窄 , 影响整体供血。图 2 是血管变化剖面图,其中左上方是正常动脉血管剖面图( Normalcut-section of artery )、右上方是动脉血管出现裂痕( Tear in artery wall )、左下方是脂质在血管内壁沉积( Fatty material is deposited in vessel wall ),而右下方是血栓使狭窄的动脉血管堵塞( Narrowed arterybecomes blocked by a blood clot )。但是 FAVALORO J L 等人研究发现,负离子( nitroxyl anion )具有使实验鼠 冠状血管扩张 。 图 2 血管变化剖面图 Fig.2 Cut-section of vascular changes FAVALORO J L, KEMP-HARPER B K. The nitroxyl anion (HNO) is a potent dilator of rat coronary vasculature. Cardiovascular Research , 2007 , 73(3): 587-596. 负离子通过促进心脏肌肉的活性来帮助稳定心脏功能,同时非负离子调节自主神经( autonomic nerves ) , 帮助心脏维持其最佳功能。负离子能激活细胞,使血管壁肌肉细胞年轻化 , 从而防止或改善血管硬化 , 消除高血压的因素 , 从根本上解决心血管疾病问题。 高血压主要是由血管壁的老化和血液中高浓度的胆固醇或脂质而引起。血液变得粘稠 , 血流速度降低 , 逐渐导致血管阻塞和动脉硬化。负离子可以阻止自由基的氧化 , 防止血液过于密集而导致堵塞。其主要原因是负离子对于 维持红细胞悬浮稳定性具有重要意义,是因为由于红细胞表面带有负电荷,红细胞与红细胞之间同性电荷相斥,不易聚集,从而呈现出较好的悬浮稳定性。但是,如果血浆中自由基过多,抗氧化剂太少,不足以保持氧化与抗氧化继续维系平衡,势必导致带正电荷的蛋白质增加,其被红细胞吸附后,使之表面负电荷量减少,这样就会促进红细胞的聚集和叠连,使总的外表面积与容积之比减少,摩擦力减小,血沉加快,更容易形成血管堵塞。图 3 更能说明问题,很明显红细胞暴露于负离子之前具有明显的聚集,但是,暴露于负离子之后,红细胞之间明显分开。使负离子有效阻止自由基的氧化作用而导致的最终结果。 图3暴露于负离子前后红细胞分散程度的变化 Fig. 3 Red blood cells disperse after exposure to negative ions Source:erumscience.com 表4 正负离子对于人体的影响 Table 4 How Positive and Negative Ions Affect OurBodies 离子分类(Ions ) 负离子(Negative Ions ) 正离子(Positive Ions ) 血管(Blood vessels ) 扩张血管(Dilate blood vessels ) 收缩血管(Constrict blood vessels ) 血液(Blood Pressure ) 稳定血压(Stabilize BP ) 升高血压(Increase BP ) 血液(Blood ) 增加血液碱性(Increase blood alkalinity ) 增加血液酸性(Increase blood acidity ) 骨骼(Bones ) 强化骨骼(Strengthen bones ) 弱化骨骼(Weaken bones ) 泌尿道(Urinary tract ) 利尿(Promote urination ); 提高尿氮含量(increase nitrogen in urine ) 抑制排尿(Suppress urination ); 降低尿氮含量(decrease nitrogen in urine ) 呼吸(Respiratory ) 稳定呼吸作用,使呼吸更顺畅(Stabilize respiration and make breathing easier ) 加速呼吸作用,使呼吸更困难(Accelerate respiration and make breathing more difficult. ) 脉搏率(Pulse rate ) 降低脉搏次数(Decrease pulse rate ) 增加脉搏次数(Increase pulse rate ) 心脏(Heart ) 强化心脏功能(Enhance heart function ) 消弱心脏功能(Impair heart function ) 疲劳(Fatigue ) 快速恢复体力(Speed physical recovery ) 拖延体力恢复(Prolong physical recovery ) 自律神经系统(Autonomic Nervous System ) 平静和松弛神经(Calm and relax nerves ) 使神经系统紧张(Tense and strain the nervous system ) 生长(Growth ) 促进健康生长(Promote healthy growth ) 抑制和延迟生长(Suppress and delay growth )
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热度 2 zhpd55 2016-5-27 18:14
负离子对健康有益 诸平 辑 Research review: Health Benefits of Negative Ions Air ionization is known fordecades, as is the correlation between negative ions and air quality: the morenegative ions in the air, the less polluting particles. In urban environment,and especially inside buildings, negative ions are missing. To assess thenocivity of this lack of negative ions, scientists have studied the influenceof air ionization on our physiology. Here are some picks from their researchresults. 负离子的积极作用 Negative ions have positive effects · Pathogens removal (清除病原菌) · Particles removal (消降尘粒) · Action on asthma and respiratory disorders (对哮喘和呼吸障碍有作用) · Action on blood oxygenation and pressure, heart rate (对血液氧化、血压及心率有作用) · Action on sleep (助睡眠) · Action on headaches (有助于缓解头痛) · No risk exposing oneself to high quantities of negative airions (暴露于高剂量空气负离子环境之中毫无风险) Pathogens removal (清除病原菌) Negative Air Ions help kill airborne bacteria Reduction in viability of bacteria in the presence of negative air ions And the absence of either ozone or positive air ions. The survival fractions shown are the mean of 5 replicates. Fletcher et al. BMC Microbiology 2007 7 :32 doi:10.1186/1471-2180-7-32 来自《自然》( Nature )的研究成果:空气负离子的杀菌作用 Article in Nature analyzingbactericidal effect of negative air ions: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v281/n5730/abs/281400a0.html · 来自于威利网络图书馆的相关研究:高剂量空气负离子对浮游菌具有有效的抗菌活性 High amounts ofnegative air ions have an efficient antimicrobial activity on airbornebacteria: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2672.2009.04359.x/full#b20 · 来自 美国国家生物技术信息中心( NCBI )的相关研究:应用负离子化预防肺结核传播 Using negativeionization to prevent tuberculosis transmission: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2656548/pdf/pmed.1000043.pdf · 来自 NCBI 的相关研究:挥发性精油和空气负离子的抗微生物作用 Antimicrobian action of essentialoil vapours and negative air ions: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20850191 · 来自斯普林格的相关研究:英国医院采用空气负离子发生器消除不动杆菌属抗药性细菌 Acinetobacter(antibiotic-resistant bacteria) removed from a British hospital using negativeair ionisers: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00134-005-0002-8 http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn3228#.VIOycVfF_yA · 芬兰医院通过空气负离子化除菌 Bacteria removal by negative air ionisation inFinnish hospital: http://www.info-systel.com/jbreton/effects_of_ionization_on_aerosols.en.html Particles removal ( 消尘作用 ) · 捷克畜牧生产研究所的研究结果显示,空气负离子化作用能够使牛棚内 PM10 降低 70%~75% 。 Negativeair ionization enables to decrease PM10 to 70-75% in a stable: http://www.agriculturejournals.cz/publicFiles/52302.pdf · 采用空气离子化作用消除生物气溶胶 Bioaerosol removalusing air ionization: http://www.info-systel.com/jbreton/effect_of_air_ions.en.htm Action on asthma and respiratory disorders ( 负离子对哮喘和呼吸系统疾病的作用 ) · Strong medication decrease (roughly -50%) on a set of 30patients suffering bronchial asthma, after a 17 months period of high densitynegative air ions treatment (Th. Le Cossec, doctorate thesis, Université de BretagneOccidentale): http://www.ionisation.be/Effets_benefiques_de_l_ionisation_negative_de_l_air_Revue_de_70_publications_scientifiques_Mars_2011.pdf · “Negative ions can promote the formation of epithelialcells of the nasal mucosa, accelerate mucosa cilia movement of the bronchus,improve alveolar ventilation, increased percentage of oxygen saturation in theblood. Clinical results show, after inhalation of negative ions concentrate inhigh doses during 30 minutes, a 20% increase of the oxygen absorption, and anincrease of carbon dioxide of 14 5% emission. This normalize-ation of lungfunction may help asthmatic patients.” http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E8%B4%9F%E7%A6%BB%E5%AD%90%E7%A9%BA%E6%B0%94%E5%87%80%E5%8C%96%E5%99%A8 · “Russian research conducted at the Institute ofTheoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, inPushchino, Russia, found that exposure to negative ions increased levels of theprotective antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) in mammalianerythrocytes. The researchers concluded that the primary physiochemicalmechanism of beneficial biological action of negative air ions is suggested tobe related to the stimulation of superoxide dismutase activity by micromolarconcentrations of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide).” (Jim English) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9237652 Blood oxygenation and pressure, heart rate (对血液氧化和血压及心率的作用) · Exposure to negative air ions significantlyreduces blood pressure and heart rate (observed on rats): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18188611 · “Cardiovascular system: negative ions allowcoronary expansion and increase coronary blood flow, improve the cardiacfunction by adjusting heart rate and speed of blood flow, relieve angina andallow normalization of blood pressure.” 来自维基百科的相关介绍 : 负离子不仅能促成人体合成和储存维生素,强化和激活人体的生理活动,因此它又被称为 空气维生素 , 认为它像食物的维生素一样,对人体及其他生物的生命活动有着十分重要的影响,如雷雨过后,空气的负离子增多,人们感到心情舒畅。而在空调房间,因空气中负离子经过一系列空调净化处理和漫长通风管道后几乎全部消失,人们在其中长期停留会感到胸闷、头晕、乏力、工作效率和健康状况下降,被称之为“ 空调综合症 ”。在医学界,负离子被确认是具有杀灭病菌及净化空气的有效手段。其机理主要在于负离子与细菌结合后,使细菌产生结构的改变或能量的转移,导致细菌死亡,最终降沉于地面。医学研究表明,空气中带负电的微粒使血中含氧量增加,有利于血氧输送、吸收和利用,具有促进人体新陈代谢,提高人体免疫能力,增强人体肌能,调节肌体功能平衡的作用。据考证,负离子对人体 7 个系统,近 30 多种疾病具有抑制、缓解和辅助治疗作用,尤其对人体的保健作用更为明显,负离子在医学界更是被称为“空气维生素”。 空气负离子还有镇静、催眠的作用。如果我们每天吸入适量的负离子,持之以恒,对健康大有裨益:使人精力旺盛,消除疲劳和倦怠,提高工作效率。改善睡眠,消除神经衰弱。降低疾病发病率,预防感冒和呼吸道疾病。改善心、脑血管疾病的症状。在负离子作用下,可使骨骼的兴奋性增加,运动时值降低,有助于运动员提高成绩,特别是对一些需迅速反应的项目,如短跑、游泳等。 补充生态负氧离子可以改善身体 亚健康 状态。医学研究证明,人体生活环境中的空气负离子浓度与人体的健康水平之间存在着一个正相关的关系。高浓度生态负氧离子的空气对于调理身体的亚健康状态十分重要。生态负氧离子透过血脑屏障被人体吸收利用后会会调整身体内的酸碱失衡及氧化还原失衡,恢复身体正常的新陈代谢状态,能够提高机体的免疫力和抵抗力。此外,空气负离子具有极佳的净化除尘效果,能够强效清除PM2.5、雾霾等空气污染,分解甲醛等装修污染,呵护身体健康。 治疗疾病 1 .呼吸系统:负离子能促进鼻腔黏膜柱状上皮细胞形成,使支气管粘膜的纤毛运动加速,促进水肿消退,改善肺泡的换气功能,提高血氧饱和度。临床结果表明,吸入具有治疗浓度的负离子30分钟后,肺吸收氧气增加20%,排出二氧化碳增加14.5%,缓解支气管平滑肌痉挛,促使哮喘患者等的肺功能及肺泡分泌功能恢复正常。 2.神经系统:负离子能穿透血脑屏障进入脑脊液,调节大脑皮层功能使兴奋和抑郁过程于平衡。通过调解人体脑垂体的内啡肽和干扰素的水平,起到镇静、镇痛作用。可以减轻血液中血管紧张,调节交感神经和副交感神经系统功能间的平衡; 3.心血管系统:负离子通过神经反射和体液作用,扩张冠状动脉增加冠状动脉血流量,改善心肌的功能,调整心率使血管反应和血流速度恢复正常,缓解心绞痛恢复正常血压; 4.消化系统;负离子调节胃肠蠕动,促进消化和吸收,对结肠炎、痢疾及习惯性便秘有较好的治疗效果。 5.内分泌系统:能通过血液循环,改善内分泌功能,如提高性腺功能和改善甲状腺功能等; 6.代谢系统:促进机体氧化还原过程,能激活体内酶系统,促进体内合成和储存维生素、促进机体新陈代谢,降低血中乳酸含量消除疲劳,提高工作效率; 7.免疫系统:提高机体细胞免疫和体液免疫,增强机体抗菌能力; 8.血液系统:负离子能进入血液直接影响血液中带电离子的组成和分布,促使红细胞、网织红细胞、血红蛋白、血钙的增加,降低血糖、血脂和血液粘稠度; 9.运动系统:负离子可以加强骨压电极化现象,促使有用的骨增殖,无用的骨溶解消失,对骨进行生理需要的正常改造,使病理性骨力线得以恢复,并增加骨细胞代谢功能,对颈椎病、腰间盘突出、类风湿关节炎风湿关节炎有明显治疗作用; 10.皮肤及五官科疾病:负离子对皮肤神经末梢感受器有良好作用,继而使皮下组织的酸碱度向碱性方面转化。 http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E8%B4%9F%E7%A6%BB%E5%AD%90%E7%A9%BA%E6%B0%94%E5%87%80%E5%8C%96%E5%99%A8 Sleep ( 负离子对睡眠的作用 ) · 来自美国国立卫生研究院 PubMed 数据库的相关报道,英国利物浦体育与运动科学研究中心的研究人员研究结果显示,负离子可以显著改善体温、心率、呼吸作用,特别是在休息期间。 “Britishresearchers at the Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences in Liverpool exposedmale subjects to negative ions and measured physiological responses, includingbody temperature, heart rate and respiration, while at rest and during exercise.Negative ions were found to significantly improve all physiological states,particularly during rest.” (Jim English) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8064146 · 来自斯普林格的研究结果:空气离子化作用对老鼠清醒和睡眠阶段的影响。 Effects of air ionization onwaking and sleeping phases in rats: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02188943 · 来自法国巴黎第六大学的研究结果显示,采用空气负离子有助于改善失眠。 Report of various research worksobtaining insomnia reduction with negative air ions (JM. Olivereau, UniversityParis VI): http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/psy_0003-5033_1976_num_76_1_28137 Headaches (负离子对头痛的影响) · JM. Olivereau (University Paris VI) reportsvarious research works obtaining headaches reduction with negative air ions: http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/psy_0003-5033_1976_num_76_1_28137 · Hawkins (University of Surrey, England) ran adouble-blinded experiment with negative air ionisers on a set of 106 subjects;headaches complaints decreased by 50% with negative air ioniser: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272494481800266 No risk exposing oneself to high quantities of negative airions ( 暴露于高剂量空气负离子环境之中毫无风险 ) · A.P. Krueger, University of California Berkeley: “No oneas yet has found that the negative air ions concentrations produced by anyproperly constructed commercial generator may be harmful.” · Many scientific studies experiment exposure to high levelof negative ions density (10K/cm3 and beyond), without reporting anyside-effect. Do you want toknow more? 欲了解更多信息请注意浏览如下链接 If you want to dive deeper into the airionization topic, we advise you the following readings which are as manyattempts to provide an overview of research findings regarding negative airions and the way they benefit human physiology: Superoxyde Dismutase (SOD) suggested as theprimary physicochemical mechanism for beneficial biological action of negativeair ions http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9237652 Review (dated) by JM. Oliveau of negativeair ionization impacts on psychophysiology, and discussion of its variousaspects whose root cause might be serotonin regulation by negative air ions http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/psy_0003-5033_1976_num_76_1_28137 Review of 70 scientific studies on negativeair ionization - J.-L. Guilmot http://www.teqoya.com/user-info/Effets_benefiques_de_l_ionisation_negative_de_l_air_Revue_de_70_publications_scientifiques_Mars_2011.pdf Review of air quality aspects and a visionof some research outcomes http://nutritionreview.org/2013/04/positive-health-benefits-negative-ions/ http://www.eatprayflying.com/how-can-negative-ions-help-with-hypertension-cardiovascular-and-lung-diseases/ http://www.kiflow.com/info/ions.html http://www.negativeiongenerators.com/negativeions.html http://nazdorovie.in.ua/en/science-medicine/negativeion http://nutritionreview.org/2013/04/positive-health-benefits-negative-ions/ http://www.lightair.com/source.php/1373603/Negative%20ions%20are%20Positive_3.pdf http://www.teqoya.com/blog/research-review-health-benefits-of-negative-ions/ http://nutritionreview.org/2013/04/positive-health-benefits-negative-ions/ The Positive Health Benefits of Negative Ions 近绿者寿: 亲近自然更健康,远离自然会遭殃。 The closer we are to Nature, the healthier we are. The further away from her we get, the more diseases we have - Father Sebastian Kneipp, a famous naturopath (1846). http://www.iriswellbeing.com http://www.respirasalt.com/uploads/Halotherapy_for_Dermatology.pdf ; 洞穴疗法(speleotherapy)/盐雾疗法(Halotherapy) 其本质上还是负离子作用的结果。 In 1966 at a hospital in Jerusalem, doctors performed a series of tests on thirty eight infants between two and twelve months old. All suffered from respiratory problems. The research reported that negative ions without any other treatment seem to cure attacks of asthma and bronchitis more quickly than drugs. They also observed that there were no adverse side effects frequently found when treating such children with drugs. Halotherapy, Dry Saline Aerosol Therapy has been developed on the basis of Speleotherapy - underground natural healing rock salt chambers. The beneficial health effects of the microclimate of salt mines have been known for centuries. Even before they were first described in a book published by a Polish physician Feliks Boczkowski in 1843. Since then, the practice of bringing patients with respiratory diseases down to the salt mines for healing spread throughout Europe, and it has become a standard feature of Spa treatment of respiratory diseases. In the 1980s Eastern European scientists began to build Halotherapy chambers that re-created in clinics and other above ground facilities the microclimate of salt mines. These Halo chambers have floors and walls lined with rock salt. Patients sit in the Halo chamber (salt therapy room) for 45 minutes per session while music and aesthetical, natural environment creates a relaxed mood that promotes healing. Salt covering of Halotherapy chamber surfaces is performed chiefly to deliver negative ion environment (like water falls, pine forests, ocean and sea shores). Another major reason is to deliver an aesthetic function for stress reduction, which is a powerful psychological effect contributing to healing. Is it necessary to use Dry Saline Generator (Halogenerator) in a salt therapy room which surfaces are covered with salt? Concentration of 3-5 mg of particles of minerals per cubic meter, with breathable particles of 1-5 micrometers is absolutely necessary for creating right healing Halotherapy environment. This factor has been investigated by experts and is very well known. It has been proven that this concentration of minerals has a critical importance for therapeutic action in the respiratory tract. Saline therapy, natural remedy for respiratory,dermatology and cosmetology problems. byRichard Zagrobelnyin Health / Wellness (submitted 2009-06-09) 其他自然疗法汇编 The Natural Remedies Encyclopedia (共计956页); A Complete Handbook of Nature Cure - Arvind Gupta (共计265页); Natural First Aid Remedies - Brighter Day Natural Foods
个人分类: 健康生活|4950 次阅读|4 个评论
热度 1 zhpd55 2014-3-21 18:29
空气清新指数:极有利健康的 top10 观测点 诸平 根据我们最近几周的实地监测,结合相关标准,宝鸡市区也有多处(实际上就是惠民工程的基础设施建设),其中空气负离子浓度(NAI)平均值( n30 )在 1000 个· cm -3 以上,下面给出十处观测点的观察结果的平均值以及最大值(如图1所示): 图1 宝鸡NAI观测点TOP10 由图1可以看出,宝鸡市区或者郊区,还是有多处相当有利于健康或者是极有利于健康的地方值得我们当地民众经常去进行游览和散步的天然健身馆。 表1 空气负离子浓度与分级 森林游憩区空气离子分级标准 空气清新度指数 空气负离子浓度 / 个· cm -3 分级 空气负离子浓度 / 个· cm -3 空气清新指数 备注 3000 1 1000 ~ 1500 World Health Organization standard for fresh air 2000 ~ 3000 2 2000 5 极有利于健康 1500 ~ 2000 3 1010 ~ 1500 4 相当有利于健康 1000 ~ 1500 4 510 ~ 1000 3 有利于健康 400 ~ 1000 5 100 ~ 500 2 与健康的关系较一般 400 6 ≤ 100 1 不利于人体健康 相关信息: China's First Fresh Air Index Released 2014-03-20 00:45:49 Xinhua Web Editor: Xing Yihang China's Fujian province on Wednesday began releasing the first ever fresh air index to promote eco-tourism, in sharp contrast to air quality indexes which often cause pollution scare. Compared to existing air quality indexes released by environmental departments which focus on urban air quality, fresh air indexes focus on changes at a single tourist attraction, said Chen Yihui, deputy chief of the provincial tourism bureau, at a press conference on Wednesday. Our goal is to have PM2.5 and healthy air measurements speak for themselves to boost eco-tourism, said Chen. On March 10, China's State Council, the cabinet, approved Fujian to spearhead the country's ecological construction. Zhu Hua, director of the provincial tourism bureau, said that the indexes apply to 50 local eco-tourism attractions. Tourists can track updates on the provincial tourism bureau's website, www.fjta.gov.cn, through microblogs, WeChat, fujian.people.com.cn, fj.sina.com.cn or fj.qq.com. Based on the province's data, Yongtai Yunding Mountain in Fuzhou City and Da'anyuan scenic spot in Mount Wuyi registered 100,000 and 80,000 negative oxygen ions per square centimeter respectively. Negative oxygen ion readings show how healthy the air is. These figures far exceeded the World Health Organization standard for fresh air, which ranges from 1,000 to 1,500 per square centimeter. At Yuhua Karst Cave in Jiangle County, the PM 2.5 reading, which measures airborne particles smaller than 2.5 micrometer, was one or close to zero. Under China's air quality standards, anything up to 75 micrograms per cubic meter is deemed safe for a PM 2.5 reading. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/greenchina/2014-03/20/content_17362322.htm
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