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[转载][紀錄] [马龙,听我说 Listen to Me Marlon (2015)][1080p + 720
lcj2212916 2015-11-15 19:24
导演: Stevan Riley 编剧: Stevan Riley / Peter Ettedgui 主演: 马龙·白兰度 类型: 纪录片 / 传记 制片国家/地区: 英国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2015-01-24(圣丹斯电影节) 片长: 95分钟 又名: Lying for a Living IMDb链接: tt4145178 With exclusive access to his extraordinary unseen and unheard personal archive including hundreds of hours of audio recorded over the course of his life, this is the definitive Marlon Brando cinema documentary. Charting his exceptional career as an actor and his extraordinary life away from the stage and screen with Brando himself as your guide, the film will fully explore the complexities of the man by telling the story uniquely from Marlon's perspective, entirely in his own voice. No talking heads, no interviewees, just Brando on Brando and life. 下载地址: http://page92.ctfile.com/file/131920762
925 次阅读|0 个评论
Personal Space in the US
zuojun 2015-6-28 08:25
The NPR story below reminds me of my many blunders in the US, at the very beginning, along the way, and even today. Many times, one should be able to learn things quickly when he/she is in a new country, if he/she observes others. But, what do you do when you go to a country where personal space is next to zero? If you walk out of a long line, you may never get your (train) ticket. http://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2015/06/27/417415574/learning-the-hard-way-why-you-just-shouldnt-gettooclose
个人分类: I Love NPR|2572 次阅读|0 个评论
Career planning and Rules for implementation
Shinewell 2014-11-28 16:45
In the latter half of every year, students, like undergraduates,postgraduates and phD graduaes, all have to face severe employment situation.In view of personal circumstance,there are several competencies that I should be qualified as follow: First, language proficiency (Russian and English) Second, Third,management ability
0 个评论
How to go through the final one year
Shinewell 2014-11-25 20:45
I have to say it is really a tough time for job-hunting students. Because of sustained low oil price,CNPC, CNOOC and SINOPEC all largely reduce the number of their recruitment. In view of this employment situation, several measures below should be taken to boast personal competetive advantage: Firstly, improving English ablities, especially speaking and writing, will benefit the career developement. With the advent and developement of business globalization, entrepreneur have placed emphasis on the view of internationalization. Personally, in terms of language proficiency, it is critical to obtain CRT 4 certification in the following 7 months and practice my English speaking and writing abilities to reach an achievement, say, professional PPT presentation and report. Secondly, confirming specialized vantage points, for example, having the ability to interpret geological problems by means of wireline logging, seismic data as well as some other drilling data. Finally, keeping focus on the frontier of your major.
0 个评论
Why Walking is benefical to your overall health?
热度 2 duke01361 2014-8-11 14:30
Why Walking is benefical to your overall health? My personal point of view Many people believe that walking is good for improving your overall health condition, why? my understanding of this is that walking can help the circumfluence of your blood in lower limbs back to your right atrium, and therefore force them to participate in exchange of oxygen through lung circulation. 静脉血压 静脉血压是指静脉血管血压或左右心房不部位的血压,一般右心房(肢体回心静脉血)为5mmHg,左心房(肺部来的动脉血)为8mmHg, 比动脉血压120mmHg-80mmHg低16-24倍。因此,静脉血血流缓慢。 肺部血压: 通常情况下,静息状态的肺动脉压为15 mm Hg ,肺部毛细血管血压增高,则会出现肺部高压,如果血压高出20 mm Hg,会出现肺间质部位水肿,如果高出25 mm Hg则会出现肺积水(水肿) 因此,这种情况决定了你必须通过增加下肢压力迫使静脉血向右心房回流,增加回心血量,促进肺循环。
个人分类: Life a Bit|2360 次阅读|3 个评论
Personal Statement: all about you
热度 1 zuojun 2012-11-14 04:39
We were brought up to be anything but self-centered. Right? I was. I was told to see,to listen, and to think, rather than to be seen, or to talk without thinking. However,once in a blue mo on , you have to speak, such as during an interview, during your oral presentation, etc. For many young people, the first chance to show off who they really are is to write a personal statement for college applications. It’s not too different for writing a personal statement for a master program, but it should be very different if you are going to apply to a Ph.D. program. Stay tuned. Write a Graduate School Essay that Will Knock TheirSocks Off http://www.petersons.com/graduate-schools/write-graduate-school-essay.aspx
个人分类: Education|3306 次阅读|2 个评论
KeraFast Employee Jennifer Wu coerces money from customer
zjcui 2012-10-27 14:34
KeraFast employee Jennifer Wu tried to coerce money from customer for personal gains. An American company, KeraFast, sells biochemical reagents on the website. No distributors are used for products sales and distributions. One reliable source reveals that Jennifer Wu, an employee at the company, tried to obtain credit card information illegally from a customer, and tried to coerce money from the customer by threatening to stop shipment of products already paid for. The source also said that the KeraFast employee leaked company information without authorization from top management. It is believed that the said Ms J. Wu is a Chinese compatriot but holds strong opinions against Chinese customers.
个人分类: 科研新闻|1 次阅读|0 个评论
My personal website
热度 1 wszjzhang 2012-7-19 07:47
https://sites.google.com/site/jiongzhangphysics/ It's important to let people know what you're working on and your contributions.
3185 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 4 cosismine 2012-2-22 19:12
MarquisWhosWho@mww.marquiswhoswho.com Dear Y. LIU, I am the editor-in-chief of Who's Who in the World , and I have received your name through a private nomination process. I'm writing to ask if you would provide us with information about your personal and professional accomplishments for possible inclusion in the book. Inclusion in Who's Who in the World indicates real accomplishment. The book is a global reference relied on by universities, libraries, corporations, and governments around the world. Many people put this recognition on their resumes or CVs. Unlike Wikipedia, Facebook, and LinkedIn, our books contain only the biographies that we choose through our rigorous selection process (see below). But like those resources, it costs you nothing to be included. Also, our books are actually printed and purchased by the world's most respected institutions. So, among other things, Who's Who in the World gives you all the benefits of high quality networking. Please click this link to the Who's Who in the World Biographical Data Form and you will be taken to our password-protected site. The submission process takes only a few minutes, and the benefits of being included in Who's Who in the World can be significant. Congratulations on being nominated! Sincerely, Fred Marks Editor-in-Chief, Who's Who in the World
5073 次阅读|12 个评论
热度 3 MJ2009 2011-10-23 23:26
昨天接触到了一类新的软件,叫思维导图或者脑图软件(mind mapping),是英国人Anthony Buzan在70年代发明的(话说不知怎么搞的他也被称为Tony Buzan,大概是为了简略,呵呵),维基中有给出介绍( http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BF%83%E6%99%BA%E5%9B%BE )。简单说就是把平时的树状图(内容1,2,3,次级内容1.1, 1.2, 1.3……)变成了网状图,原来的1、2、3之间的从属、等级关系不再明显,更重要的是还可以建立环状联系,比如说2.2可以和3.1连接起来。这种做图的好处在于,“所有关连资讯都是被辐射线形及非线性图解方式接连在一起”。确切的说是,我们的思考方式不是总是线性的(有了1才有1.1),而是经常是有“超链接”(从2.2突然想到3.1),思维导图很适合捕捉这种超链状态。作为创新实践者,保存思考记录是很重要的,有灵感的瞬间,别忘了画出来哦~ 脑图软件已经有很多,开源免费的也很多,freemind就是一款,personal brain好像不是开源的但是有免费版。我下载了这两个试了一下感觉还是后者更容易使用,而且动态星云图酷多了,哈哈。想象一下,打开博士论文目录,看到的不是传统的树状图(示意,图1),而是用freemind或者personal brain做成的网状图(示意,图2、3),评委会不会摔本子?呵呵。(我是初学所以还没有添加环状联系,因此图2、3仍然本质上是树状图,不过层次关系就比图1要模糊一些)。 图1,传统树状图示意 图2,freemind作图示意 图3,personal brain作图示意
个人分类: 创新|4270 次阅读|5 个评论
热度 5 xuyingxiao 2011-8-5 11:38
老美开会时允许自己安排额外的personal trip,费用自理。既占点开会的光,又合理合法。网上一查,很多人从丹佛自驾去科罗拉多大峡谷,于是我们也开始了大峡谷之旅。 本以为科罗拉多大峡谷就在丹佛所在的科罗拉多州,后来才知道其实是在亚利桑那州,中间还得经过犹他州才能到。要开车十二三个小时才能到,真是远。 租车时一开始淘到7美元一天的汽车,但犹豫几天没下单,后来就只有最低29美元一天的汽车了。虽然挑的是价钱最便宜的,但质量一点都不差。长时间保持时速140公里也没有不一样的感觉,在山中时速140公里时转弯也没有漂移。 三天途中都在山里转,70号高速公路途中不断有出口给人出来看风景再接着转入高速公路。接下来的191号公路、160/163和89号公路则在路边 就随时突出一块空地给人看风景。沿途到处是国家公园,公园里面也是公路修到风景面前。这种玩法非常适合老年人和残疾人,几乎不用走一步路,就可以看遍各种 风光。想走路的则可以走专门的徒步的线路。 开了有生以来最远、最长的路,来回行程2500到2600公里左右,从雪山、森林、到沙漠,经历了各种地貌和气候。 看到了更加清晰的七彩祥云,看了山中日落、峡谷中日落日出。 看到漆黑的乌云从空中整个倒挂山头电闪雷鸣下着暴雨,而乌云的右边则是拆成了丝丝黑线飘入山中,估计下着小雨,乌云的左边则是落日透过乌云露出边界分明的红红的蛋黄,并在更左边冲出一排晚霞。可惜正在开车,无法拍下这三种天气并存的奇妙景观。 看到前面一排白云如同坐在地平线上,等车开近了,方发觉这朵朵白云虽然升到了天上,但底部确实平直如一个直线一般。 接近大峡谷时,晚上12点才到达宾馆。还好途中突然有个时差,赚了1小时,变成晚上11点,还不算太晚。但我们还是体验了荒山野岭开夜路的感觉。太 阳一落山,天迅速黑下来。远方庞大的岩石群如一个个巨大的黑漆漆的城堡,而我们的车灯只能照亮眼前的一点路面,向着未知的前方推进。 天气再黑下来就什么也看不见,只能看见前方汽车的尾灯。接近、再接近,正准备距离太近时踩刹车,前方的车也踩刹车了。诡异的是,它一刹车就突然一片 黑暗看不到它了。本能的想法是它的车灯坏了——这下惨了,感觉黑漆漆的我已经快要撞上它了。后来才知道,原来是它正好一个下坡,就一下子看不到了。夜间看 不到路面的下坡,给人的感觉就是前面的车子突然消失了。 夜里汽车很少,等前方的这辆车进了一个宾馆后,心中失落落的。只有偶尔对面来一辆车还让我们心里有点踏实。 回程中在70号高速上开夜路,又是另一番感觉。在快车道正要超车,突然发现我想超的那辆车没打转向灯就转到我的车到了。连忙减速,这才发现它还是在 右边的慢车道,原来道路是弯了一下,晚上只看见前面车的尾灯时就感觉开到我的车到上了。类似的情形是,突然发现有车在我前方横穿马路,心中一惊连忙减速: 高速公路上也有车子横穿?而且怎么连红绿灯也没有?开过去一开发觉原来前面的道路向右偏一下后又向左弯过去。 GPS非常管用,只是第一天住宾馆时下了高速以后它宾馆的小路虽然找对了,但找门牌号码时方向给我们指反了,结果花了很久才找到宾馆。第二天玩好 191号公路边上的拱门公园后,下一个宾馆就在高速公路边上,但输入的地址GPS干脆不认识。只得先输入城市的名称再说。GPS指示我们继续沿着191号 公路向下开,开了一段感觉不对,因为我们记忆中宾馆在70号公路边上,鉴于前一天GPS关键时刻让我们吃了一回药,我们决定折返开回70号公路,看看 GPS会不会就重新计算出道路出来。开了很久回到70号公路,继续开了几个口,可怜的GPS依旧执着地不断地要求我们折回,叫得我们心里发毛。下一个口有 信息服务,于是出去看看,结果出去是一片村庄模样,最后只找到有几个宾馆。 进得宾馆,服务员也不得要领。还好宾馆的大堂有电脑,还连接着彩色打印机。亲切的Google来了,一查,继续向前不知开到哪里去了,Google验证了GPS是对的,我们得回到191,再160,再89才能到我们的宾馆。这么来回一折腾,近100多英里耗掉了。 感谢完美的Google,感谢宾馆的免费打印,感谢不算完美的GPS,感谢上帝,那天晚上最终在12点之前到了宾馆。 70号公路一个多小时看雪山。冬天这里是滑雪胜地。 第一天的日落,万里红霞。 荒漠 路边的红岩 第二天才发现宾馆就在河边。 向大峡谷进发的途中看小峡谷。 科罗拉多大峡谷的日落。 科罗拉多大峡谷的日出。 归途,看到之前赶夜路没看到的风景。 归途宾馆在科罗拉多河边上。 河边的湖泊。 穿过杂草来到湍急的科罗拉多河畔。 科罗拉多河。 对比大峡谷中的科罗拉多河。
个人分类: 旅游|4033 次阅读|11 个评论

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