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Automated survey based on social media
liwei999 2015-6-14 22:35
It is now an evident trend that automated survey using social media as sources complements and will eventually largely replace manual surveys. That is an unstoppable direction as social media are becoming the major outlets of public opinions. The technology is ready too. Automated survey, or auto poll, refers to the use of computers to collect the public opinions and sentiments on a topic. The data sources are social media big data where people are discussing most every topic all the time. The technology is a parser that reads social media posts and mines salient information (facts, evaluations and emotions) about any topic. More specially, deep information extraction and sentiment analysis are the required and mature text mining technology that can be enabled by an underlying parser. This is the part of Artificial Intelligence that is proven to work and has been serve the clients in the business world (e.g. our customer insight products). Polls can provide quantitative information for decision-making in government, businesses and the general public, enjoying an extremely wide range of applications for many years. The presidential election is a prominent example, polls are conducted from time to time during the election to inform the voters as well as the president candidates how the public feels about the race so voters can make an educated choice and the candidate president teams can adjust their policies and campaign strategy to enhance their public image. Product launch is an example of the enterprise, feedback collected from customer surveys can help businesses to detect issues and to address them. Auto-poll is dong the same, just that it is doing it much faster, more comprehensive, in a larger scale and is less costly. Compared with the traditional manual questionnaires or polls, auto-poll has the following salient features. Real time. No need to go through a series of traditional survey process, designing the questionnaire, distributing them or by telephone interviews or street interviews, collecting and summarizing the results, with all steps carried out manually. It often takes days or even weeks to complete a serious survey. But auto-polls are instant, you get results as soon as you enter your topic. As long as there are people discussing it , the insights will mined out of the text sea. For any topic, using automated survey is as easy as using a search engine with the same response time but much more accurate results, Our deep parser reads social media day and night to feed our storage just as a search engine indexes the Internet in their storage. Low cost . Manual surveys are constantly struggling between the required costs and the scale of surveys (bigger scale reduces the error margin to be more reliable and convincing). They often have to compromise the sample size given the budget. Auto-poll is done fully automatically by the system, and the same system can serve a variety of different customers in different topics, each poll is inexpensive, costing just a fraction of the traditional poll. The sample size can easily be magnitudes higher than that of manual surveys (often millions of data points vs. several thousand data points), way beyond the reach of most traditional polls. Objectivity . Traditional polls or surveys need to design a questionnaire, which may intentionally or unintentionally introduce subjective bias or implied suggestions. Auto poll is bottom-up data analysis and mining, hence more objective by nature. The public opinions are collected from the natural comments people make on topics, not as a response to a designed specific question. Moreover, in order to collect sufficient number of survey responses, the investigators administering the surveys sometimes need to offer incentives, which introduce a possible bias because some customers who answer the surveys too quickly to be honest, mainly do so to gain rewards, not to really air their opinions, causing the return of low-quality or polluted results. Multi-topic comparison . This is particularly important, because almost for any topic, we need a competitor or industry as background to figure out the real image in public mind. For example, the poll on Obama's presidential campaign's effectiveness is of little sense if it is not contrasted to his rival Romney. Likewise, customer surveys on ATT's cellular network service is inseparable from comparisons of its competitors like Verizon. Ideally, a full picture will be clear on one brand once it is in comparison with all leading brands in the same industry. In theory, manual surveys can also perform multi-brand comparisons, but in practice, the costs and time required to investigate many brands at the same time are often beyond feasible. Investigators have had to reduce or sacrifice on the front of investigation of competitors, and use the limited resources on their own brand. Automated survey is different, multi-topic survey and comparison of these products is designed as a feature in these systems, it is just as easy as surveying one brand in this fully automated environment. BPI (Brand Passion Index) in our products is one such feature that instantly surveys multiple brands in one industry and compar them in three dimensions, buzz (size of the bubble), popularity (up or down in the graph), passion intensity (right or left in the graph: the more right, the more intense). For example, the illustration of BPI for the US retail stores gives a clear picture of the landscape and where each brand stands in its space.. In short, we are entering a big data age with no short of information on any topics you may need to study. With mobile-web and social media in everyone's hands, public opinions and sentiments are buried in the big data calling for deep technology to mine. Thus, there is absolutely no doubt that automated survey will become the direction of polls as the mainstream. Its supporting technologies are mature, large-scale multi-lingual text mining system that parses and reads big data around the world is just around the corner. Related posts in my original Chinese blog: 【立委科普:自动民调】 奥巴马赢了昨晚辩论吗?舆情自动检测告诉你 社会媒体舆情自动分析:马英九 vs 陈水扁 舆情自动分析表明,谷歌的社会评价度高出百度一倍 【置顶:立委科学网博客NLP博文一览(定期更新版)】
个人分类: 社媒挖掘|3224 次阅读|0 个评论
survey 基因组情况
liujd 2014-3-31 11:36
个人分类: 基因组组装|0 个评论
link mining:a survey
hxs91 2013-4-7 14:58
在看上一篇文章的时候,里边提到了一篇比较好的 survey ,所以这一周看了看相关内容。 2005_SIGKDD_link mining.a survey 文章指出, link mining 主要是有以下几个内容: object ranking , groupdetection , collective classification , linkprediction , subgraph discovery 。 虽然这篇文章是在 2005 年的时候发表的,但是作者很有遇见性的指出当今数据挖掘面临的问题:就是数据越来越结构化以及异构化,而基于异构数据的挖掘正是现在挖掘的热门领域。 这篇 survey 主要贡献如下: 1 ,探讨了数据表示( datarepresentation ) 2 ,对 8 个 link mining 问题进行了概括 3 ,提出了一些还没受到有效关注的领域 我主要看了三个常见领域也对相关文献进行了调研 1 LINKBASED OBJECT RANKING ( LBR ) 介绍了 ranking 这方面比较经典的两个方法: PageRank 和 HITS 以及相关的改进工作,同时提到了相似度,这与之前看的文章联系了起来。 介绍了在动态 ranking 方面的相关工作 2 LINKBASEDOBJECTCLASSIFICATION ( LBC ) LBC 面临的问题是:在很多情况下,相关对象的标签是互相关联的。这提出了一个“集体分类( collective classification )”的概念,也即将一个组来进行分类。 3 LINK PREDICTION 之前看的文章基本都是 link prediction 或者 inferring link ,因此着重看了这方面的工作,值得注意的是一种称作“ relational data ”的数据与异构数据比较接近,而也有人在这方面进行了相关工作。 在处理这方面问题上基本都用的是概率手段。
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[转载]For Lots of People Getting Older Means Getting Happier
huangyanxin356 2013-3-17 19:47
点击 On line listening This is the VOA Special English Health Report. Old age may not sound exciting. But recent findings offer good news for older people and for people worried about getting older. Researchers found that people become happier and experience less worry after they reach the age of fifty. In fact, they say by the age of eighty-five, people are happier with their life than they were when they were eighteen years old. The findings came from a survey of more than three hundred forty thousand adults in the United States. The Gallup Organization questioned them by telephone in two thousand eight. At that time, the people were between the ages of eighteen and eighty-five. The researchers asked questions about emotions like happiness, sadness and worry. They also asked about mental or emotional stress. Arthur Stone in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Stony Brook University in New York led the study. His team found that levels of stress were highest among adults between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-five. The findings showed that stress levels dropped sharply after people reached their fifties. Happiness was highest among the youngest adults and those in their early seventies. The people least likely to report feeling negative emotions were those in their seventies and eighties. The study also showed that men and women have similar emotional patterns as they grow older. However, women at all ages reported more sadness, stress and worry than men. The findings appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers say they do not know why happiness increases as people get older. One theory is that, as people grow older, they grow more thankful for what they have and have better control of their emotions. They also spend less time thinking about bad experiences. Professor Stone says the emotional patterns could be linked to changes in how people see the world, or maybe even changes in brain chemistry. The researchers also considered possible influences like having young children, being unemployed or being single. But they found that influences like these did not affect the levels of happiness and well-being related to age. And that's the VOA Special English Health Report, written by Brianna Blake. Tell us what you think about the relationship between happiness and age. You can post comments on our website, http://www.hxen.com , or on Facebook and Twitter at VOA Learning English. I'm Barbara Klein. 音频下载: 20110824b.mp3 同步字幕: 20110824b.lrc
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[转载]Papers on the Community Structure Topics
zengqingsong 2013-3-16 10:07
Papers on the Community Structure Topics : A recent survey of Fortunato (2010) Finding statistically significant communities in networks, A. Lancichinetti, F. Radicchi, J.J. Ramasco and S. Fortunato Overlapping Communities in Dynamic Networks: Their Detection and Mobile Applications, N. P. Nguyen, T. N. Dinh, S. Tokala, and M. T. Thai, (Mobicom 2011) FacetNet: A Framework for Analyzing Communities and Their Evolutions in Dynamic Networks, Y.-R. Lin, Y. Chi, S. Zhu, H. Sundaram, and B. L. Tseng, (WWW 2008) Graphscope: A parameter-free mining of large time-evolving graphs, J. Sun, C. Faloutsos, S. Papadimitriou, and P. S. Yu, (KDD 2007) Community Structure in Time-Dependent, Multiscale, and Multiplex Networks, P. J. Mucha, T. Richardson, K. Macon, M. A. Porter, and J.-P. Onnela, (Science 2010) Discovering Network Structure Beyond Communities, T. Nishikawa and A. E. Motter, (Nature 2011) Algorithm for parametric community detection in networks, A. Bettinelli, P. Hansen, and L. Liberti, (Physical Review E, 2012) A markov random walk under constraint for discovering overlapping communities in complex networks, D. Yin, B. Yang, C. Baquero, D. Liu, D. He, and J. Liu, (J. STATE MECH 2011) Community Discovery and Profiling with Social Messages, W. Zhou, H. Jin, and Y. Liu, (KDD 2012) Vertex neighborhoods, low conductance cuts, and good seeds for local community methods, D. Gleich and C. Seshadhri (KDD 2012) Community Detection in Dynamic Social Networks: A Random Walk Approach, L.-C. Huang, T.-J. Yen, and S. T. Chou (ASONAM 2011) Community Detection in Incomplete Information Networks, W. Lin et. al (WWW 2012) Using Content and Interactions for Discovering Communities in Social Networks, M. Sachan, D. Contractor, T. Faruquie, and L. V. Subramaniam (WWW 2012)
1803 次阅读|0 个评论
SIMPLEDREAM 2013-1-6 23:00
完成survey, 修炼内功。
2487 次阅读|0 个评论
IEEE PES Member Survey 问卷节选
热度 2 zlyang 2011-11-15 10:04
IEEE PES Member Survey 问卷节选 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE , read I-Triple-E) 的 Power Energy Society ( PES ) 的Member Survey 问卷节选: 20. Outside of IEEE, please indicate which groups, associations or societies that you belong to (1) American Nuclear Society (2) American Society Mechanical Engineers (3) American Society of Civil Engineers (4) American Public Power Association (5) American Solar Energy Society (6) American Wind Energy Association (7) Association of Energy Engineers (8) CIGRE (9) CIRED (10) Edison Electric Institute (11) Engineers without Borders (12) Institution of Engineering and Technology (13) National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (14) National Society of Professional Engineers (15) National Hydropower Association (16) Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (17) Society of Industrial Engineering (18) Society of Manufacturing Engineers (19) Society of Women Engineers (20) Solar Electric Power Association (21) Society of Industrial Engineering (22) None 23. Which publications do you read regularly? Please indicate as many as apply? (1) Energy Biz (2) Electric Energy (3) Electricity Today (4) Electric Light Power (5) Electrical Source (6) Intelligent Utility (7) Power Energy Power Grid International (8) Power Electronics Technology (9) Public Utilities (10) Rural Electric (11) Transmission Distribution World (12) Underground Construction (13) Other (please specify) 24. Which industry web sites do you visit on a regular basis? Please select as many as apply. Which industry web sites do you visit on a regular basis? Please select as many as apply. (1) www.awea.org (2) www.doe.gov (3) www.eei.org (4) www.electricity-today.com (5) www.electricenergyonline.com (6) www.elp.com (7) www.energycentral.com (8) www.ieee-pes.org (9) www.ieee.org (10) www.fortnightly.com (11) www.nreca.coop (12) www.sepa.org (13) www.seia.org (14) www.tdworld.com (15) Other (please specify) 25. What methods of communication do you use for your professional activities? Check 1 for the most frequent and check 3 for the least frequent. Please make one selection per row. (1) Web sites (2) E-Newsletters (3) E-magazines (4) Blogs (5) Paper Magazines (6) Paper Newsletters (7) Facebook (8) Twitter (9) Linked In (10) Webinars
5368 次阅读|4 个评论
jiangdm 2011-10-13 19:32
本文综合网上资料而成,对于各个原文作者表示感谢。 研究生论文如何写好文献综述-方法和技巧.ppt 我认为: 无论什么综述,无非都是回答以下6个问题: 1)问题的意义、作用? 2)问题的发展脉络? 3)问题的研究现状? 4)问题的难点、重点和疑点?(简称三点式) 5)问题的代表性工作、文章和实现平台? 6)问题的展望? i)一是问题研究是不是还可以研究下去? ii)若可,自己侧重于哪几点? 格式: 前言 用200~300字的篇幅,提出问题,包括写作目的、意义和作用,综述问题的历史、资料来源、现状和发展动态,有关概念和定义,选择这一专题的目的和动机、应用价值和实践意义,如果属于争论性课题,要指明争论的焦点所在。 主体 主要包括论据和论证。通过提出问题、分析问题和解决问题,比较各种观点的异同点及其理论根据,从而反映作者的见解。为把问题说得明白透彻,可分为若干个小标题分述。这部分应包括历史发展、现状分析和趋向预测几个方面的内容。   ① 历史发展 :要按时间顺序,简要说明这一课题的提出及各历史阶段的发展状况,体现各阶段的研究水平。   ② 现状分析 :介绍国内外对本课题的研究现状及各派观点,包括作者本人的观点。将归纳、整理的科学事实和资料进行排列和必要的分析。对有创造性和发展前途的理论或假说要详细介绍,并引出论据;对有争论的问题要介绍各家观点或学说,进行比较,指问题的焦点和可能的发展趋势,并提出自己的看法。对陈旧的、过时的或已被否定的观点可从简。对一般读者熟知的问题只要提及即可。   ③ 趋向预测 :在纵横对比中肯定所综述课题的研究水平、存在问题和不同观点,提出展望性意见。这部分内容要写得客观、准确,不但要指明方向,而且要提示捷径,为有志于攀登新高峰者指明方向,搭梯铺路。主体部分没有固定的格式,有的按问题发展历史依年代顺序介绍,也有按问题的现状加以阐述的。不论采用哪种方式,都应比较各家学说及论据,阐明有关问题的历史背景、现状和发展方向。 综述写作步骤: 一、 二、对已有研究心中大概有数后,就可以对其进行划分为几个大类; 三、五、加上自己的一些认识和评判。 综述的撰写建立在作者占有大量的有关原始文献资料的基础上。但是占有资料不等于综述,胡乱罗列资料也不是综述,只有正确使用资料,进行严谨的叙述,才能产生综述。撰写综述要经过确定题目,拟定提纲、编撰文章、编列参考文献四个步骤的工作。 1.确定题目 确定综述题目是写好综述的前提。要善于从专业学习过程及阅读整理原始文献资料过程中发现问题、考虑问题。纵观近年综述的命题通常是从“新”、“热”、“争”等处着眼发现题材和命题的。 “新” 是指专业(学科、专题)科技的新动态、新水平、新原理、新技术,主要与成就有关; “热” 是指科学研究中就某种问题研究形成高潮的热点问题; “争” 指科学探讨时存在意见分歧的争议问题。 从这三方面容易看到一批原始文献,同时从上述三方面着眼综述,文章才可能吸引读者。初步确定题材后,则下载相关国内外研究文献,详加阅读;应反复研究分析原始文献,从中选择最有用的资料,恰如其分的拟定题目。题目大,内容不足,势必造成头重脚轻的毛病;反过来,题目小,内容多,也同样要犯名实不相符的毛病。确定题目,除了客观题材之外,还要结合作者主观情况进行权衡。对于初写综述者,选题时一定不要好高骛远,去选那些大题和难题。选题必须实事求是,以免题目虽好,但因材料不足,或因能力有限,最终画虎不成反类犬,空耗时间与精力。 2.拟定提纲 提纲是文章的框架。写综述前,应根据题目分类梳理原始文献,列出提纲。提纲写具体一些,包括大标题,小标题以及小标题下准备引用哪些文献,总结中主要谈什么问题等。可以说,拟提纲是打腹稿的阶段,是用文字将头脑中的文章轮廓描述下来。拟出提纲之后还应不断修订,反复推敲,做到大标题统辖于题目并有序的展开,小标题支撑大标题并反映了引用资料的精神,引用文献的排列要合乎逻辑。列出了逻辑合理,纲目清晰的提纲,综述文章也就呼之欲出了。 3. 编辑综述文字 按提纲规范,将综述内容丰富起来并付诸于笔端。文献综述写作第一步要说明要研究问题的背景,需要解决的问题是什么要说清楚;针对这些问题的解决,现在的解决方法,就是文献里面的方法,归类说明。先一气呵成,草稿中不必斤斤计较小的方面,如字词句的通顺妥帖等,而应注意大的方面,如问题是否已讲清楚、引用资料是否全面等。过几天再来看一遍草稿,逐段斟酌逐句推敲,做细致的修改润色工作。反复多次,直至自己比较满意为止。 4. 编列参考文献 参考文献是综述文章的有机组成部分。综述文末一定要编列出引用原始文献的出处目录,并与引用时的标号相一致。由于拟定提纲和编撰文章中多次修改,以及原始文献同篇在综述中多次被征引等情况,稍不注意就会出错。所以,应对参考文献的引用及文末的标注,逐字逐句地核实,务必做到字字有根据,句句有出处,标注规范。文末参考文献目录通常按综述文中出现的先后顺序排列。标注内容除序号外,还应有:作者姓名、篇名、原载期刊名、卷期数、起始页码、出版年月、出版者名称等,其目的是让读者能有效的查出原始文献。 以下是网上一篇精彩的关于综述写作的文章,供大家参考 1 综述定义和特点 综述 是查阅了某一专题在一段时期内的相当数量的文献资料,经过分析研究,选取有关情报信息,进行归纳整理,作出综合性描述的文章。 综述的特点: ①综合性:综述要"纵横交错",既要以某一专题的发展为纵线,反映当前课题的进展;要从国内到国外,横向比较。只有如此,文章才会占有大量素材,经过综合分析、归纳整理、消化鉴别,使材料更精练、更明确、更有层次和更有逻辑,进而把握本专题发展规律和预测发展趋势。 ②评述性:指比较专门地、全面地、深入地、系统地论述某一方面的问题,对所综述的内容进行综合、分析、评价,反映作者的观点和见解,并与综述的内容构成整体。一般来说,综述应有作者的观点,否则就不成为综述,而是手册或讲座了。 ③先进性:综述不是写学科发展的历史,而是要搜集最新资料,获取最新内容,将最新的信息和科研动向及时传递给读者。 综述不应是材料的罗列,而是对亲自阅读和收集的材料,加以归纳、总结,做出评论和估价。并由提供的文献资料引出重要结论。一篇好的综述,应当是既有观点,又有事实,有骨又有肉的好文章。由于综述是三次文献,不同于原始论文(一次文献),所以在引用材料方面,也可包括作者自己的实验结果、未发表或待发表的新成果。 综述的内容和形式灵活多样,无严格的规定,篇幅大小不一。 2 综述的内容要求 选题要新:即所综述的选题必须是近期该刊未曾刊载过的。一篇综述,若与已发表的综述文章"撞车",即选题与内容基本一致,同一种期刊是不可能刊用的。 说理要明:说理必须占有充分的资料,处处以事实为依据,决不能异想天开地臆造数据和诊断,将自己的推测作为结论写。 层次要清:要求作者在写作时思路要清,先写什么,后写什么,写到什么程度,前后如何呼应,都要有一个统一的构思。 语言要美:科技文章以科学性为生命,但语不达义、晦涩坳口,结果必然阻碍了科技知识的交流。所以,在实际写作中,应不断地加强汉语修辞、表达方面的训练。 文献要新:由于现在综述多为"现状综述",所以引用文献中,70%应为3年内文献。文献依引用先后次序排列在综述文末,并将序号置入该论据(引文内容)的右上角。引用文献必须确实,以便读者查阅参考。 3 综述的格式和写法 综述一般都包括题名、著者、摘要、关键词、正文、参考文献几部分。其中正文部分又由前言、主体和总结组成。 前言: 用200~300字的篇幅,提出问题,包括写作目的、意义和作用,综述问题的历史、资料来源、现状和发展动态,有关概念和定义,选择这一专题的目的和动机、应用价值和实践意义,如果属于争论性课题,要指明争论的焦点所在。 主体: 主要包括论据和论证。通过提出问题、分析问题和解决问题,比较各种观点的异同点及其理论根据,从而反映作者的见解。为把问题说得明白透彻,可分为若干个小标题分述。这部分应包括历史发展、现状分析和趋向预测几个方面的内容。①历史发展:要按时间顺序,简要说明这一课题的提出及各历史阶段的发展状况,体现各阶段的研究水平。②现状分析:介绍国内外对本课题的研究现状及各派观点,包括作者本人的观点。将归纳、整理的科学事实和资料进行排列和必要的分析。对有创造性和发展前途的理论或假说要详细介绍,并引出论据;对有争论的问题要介绍各家观点或学说,进行比较,指问题的焦点和可能的发展趋势,并提出自己的看法。对陈旧的、过时的或已被否定的观点可从简。对一般读者熟知的问题只要提及即可。 趋向预测:在纵横对比中肯定所综述课题的研究水平、存在问题和不同观点,提出展望性意见。这部分内容要写得客观、准确,不但要指明方向,而且要提示捷径,为有志于攀登新高峰者指明方向,搭梯铺路。主体部分没有固定的格式,有的按问题发展历史依年代顺序介绍,也有按问题的现状加以阐述的。不论采用哪种方式,都应比较各家学说及论据,阐明有关问题的历史背景、现状和发展方向。 主体部分的写法有下列几种: (1) 纵式写法 "纵"是"历史发展纵观"。它主要围绕某一专题,按时间先后顺序或专题本身发展层次,对其历史演变、目前状况、趋向预测作纵向描述,从而勾划出某一专题的来龙去脉和发展轨迹。纵式写法要把握脉络分明,即对某一专题在各个阶段的发展动态作扼要描述,已经解决了哪些问题,取得了什么成果,还存在哪些问题,今后发展趋向如何,对这些内容要把发展层次交代清楚,文字描述要紧密衔接。撰写综述不要孤立地按时间顺序罗列事实,把它写成了"大事记"或"编年体"。纵式写法还要突出一个"创"字。有些专题时间跨度大,科研成果多,在描述时就要抓住具有创造性、突破性的成果作详细介绍,而对一般性、重复性的资料就从简从略。这样既突出了重点,又做到了详略得当。纵式写法适合于动态性综述。这种综述描述专题的发展动向明显,层次清楚。 (2) 横式写法 "横"是"国际国内横览"。它就是对某一专题在国际和国内的各个方面,如各派观点、各家之言、各种方法、各自成就等加以描述和比较。通过横向对比,既可以分辨出各种观点、见解、方法、成果的优劣利弊,又可以看出国际水平、国内水平和本单位水平,从而找到了差距。横式写法适用于成就性综述。这种综述专门介绍某个方面或某个项目的新成就,如新理论、新观点、新发明、新方法、新技术、新进展等等。因为是"新",所以时间跨度短,但却引起国际、国内同行关注,纷纷从事这方面研究,发表了许多论文,如能及时加以整理,写成综述向同行报道,就能起到借鉴、启示和指导的作用。 (3) 纵横结合式写法在同一篇综述中,同时采用纵式与横式写法。例如,写历史背景采用纵式写法,写目前状况采用横式写法。通过 "纵"、"横"描述,才能广泛地综合文献资料,全面系统地认识某一专题及其发展方向,作出比较可靠的趋向预测,为新的研究工作选择突破口或提供参考依据。无论是纵式、横式或是纵横结合式写法,都要求做到:一要全面系统地搜集资料,客观公正地如实反映;二要分析透彻,综合恰当;三要层次分明,条理清楚;四要语言简练,详略得当。 总结:主要是对主题部分所阐述的主要内容进行概括,重点评议,提出结论,最好是提出自己的见解,并提出赞成什么,反对什么。 参考文献:写综述应有足够的参考文献,这是撰写综述的基础。使读者在深入探讨某些问题时,提供查找有关文献的线索。综述性论文是通过对各种观点的比较说明问题的,读者如有兴趣深入研究,可按参考文献查阅原文。因此,必须严肃对待。 4 综述的写作步骤 选定题目对综述的写作有着举足轻重的作用。选题首先要求内容新颖,只有新颖的内容才能提炼出有磁石般吸引力的题目。选题还应选择近年来确有进展,适合我国国情,又为本专业科技人员所关注的课题,如对国外某一新技术的综合评价,以探讨在我国的实用性;又如综述某一方法的形成和应用,以供普及和推广。选题通常有几种:一种是与作者所从事的专业密切相关的选题,对此作者有实际工作经验,有比较充分的发言权;一种是选题与作者专业关系不大,而作者掌握了一定的素材,又乐于探索的课题;还有一种是医学科学情报工作者的研究成果。 题目不要过大,过大的题目一定要有诸多的内容来充实,过多的内容必然要查找大量的文献,这不但增加阅读、整理过程的困难,或者无从下手,或顾此失彼;而且面面俱到的文稿也难以深入,往往流于空泛及一般化。实践证明,题目较小的综述穿透力强,易深入,特别对初学写综述者来说更以写较小题目为宜,从小范围写起,积累经验后再逐渐写较大范围的专题。此外,题目还必须与内容相称、贴切,不能小题大作或大题小作,更不能文不对题。好的题目可一目了然,看题目可知内容梗概。 查阅文献题目确定后,需要查阅和积累有关文献资料。对初学者来说,查找文献往往不知从哪里下手,一般可首先搜集有权威性的参考书,如专著、教科书、学术论文集等,教科书叙述比较全面,提出的观点为多数人所公认;专著集中讨论某一专题的发展现状、有关问题及展望;学术论文集能反映一定时期的进展和成就,帮助作者把握住当代该领域的研究动向。其次是查找期刊及文献资料,期刊文献浩如烟海,且又分散,但里面常有重要的近期进展性资料,吸收过来,可使综述更有先进性,更具有指导意义。查找文献资料的方法有两种。一种是根据自己所选定的题目,查找内容较完善的近期(或由近到远)期刊,再按照文献后面的参考文献,去收集原始资料。这样"滚雪球"式的查找文献法就可收集到自己所需要的大量文献。这是比较简便易行的查阅文献法,许多初学综述写作者都是这样开始的。另一种较为省时省力的科学方法,是通过检索工具书查阅文献。常用的检索工具书有文摘和索引类期刊,它是查阅国内外文献的金钥匙,掌握这把金钥匙,就能较快地找到需要的文献。此外,在平时工作学习中,随时积累,做好读书文摘或笔记,以备用时查找,可起到拾遗补缺作用。 查找到的文献首先要浏览一下,然后再分类阅读。有时也可边搜集、边阅读,根据阅读中发现的线索再跟踪搜集、阅读。资料应通读、细读、精读,这是撰写综述的重要步骤,也是咀嚼和消化、吸收的过程。阅读中要分析文章的主要依据,领会文章的主要论点,用卡片分类摘记每篇文章的主要内容,包括技术方法、重要数据、主要结果和讨论要点,以便为写作做好准备。 加工处理:对阅读过的资料必须进行加工处理,这是写综述的必要准备过程。按照综述的主题要求,把写下的文摘卡片或笔记进行整理,分类编排,使之系列化、条理化,力争做到论点鲜明而又有确切依据,阐述层次清晰而合乎逻辑。按分类整理好的资料轮廓,再进行科学的分析。最后结合自己的实践经验,写出自己的观点与体会,这样客观资料中就融进了主观资料。 撰写成文:撰写成文前应先拟提纲,决定先写什么,后写什么,哪些应重点阐明,哪些地方融进自己的观点,哪些地方可以省略或几笔带过。重点阐述处应适当分几个小标题。拟写题纲时开始可详细一点,然后边推敲边修改。多一遍思考,就会多一分收获。 提纲拟好后,就可动笔成文。按初步形成的文章框架,逐个问题展开阐述,写作中要注意说理透彻,既有论点又有论据,下笔一定要掌握重点,并注意反映作者的观点和倾向性,但对相反观点也应简要列出。对于某些推理或假说,要考虑到医学界专家所能接受的程度,可提出自己的看法,或作为问题提出来讨论,然后阐述存在问题和展望。初稿形成后,按常规修稿方法,反复修改加工。 撰写综述要深刻理解参考文献的内涵,做到论必有据,忠于原著,让事实说话,同时要具有自己的见解。文献资料是综述的基础,查阅文献是撰写综述的关键一步,搜集文献应注意时间性,必须是近一二年的新内容,四五年前的资料一般不应过多列入。综述内容切忌面面俱到,成为浏览式的综述。综述的内容越集中、越明确、越具体越好。参考文献必须是直接阅读过的原文,不能根据某些文章摘要而引用,更不能间接引用(指阅读一篇文章中所引用的文献,并未查到原文就照搬照抄),以免对文献理解不透或曲解,造成观点、方法上的失误。 5 综述论文的遴选及审编 综述论文是多篇研究成果的综合,所涵盖内容信息量大,使读者费时不多却能得到更多信息。国内外著名期刊很多都设有综述栏目。综述论文的学术水平和写作要求比较高,只有资深作者才可能写出合乎要求的综述论文:作者对所综述的资料拥有准确的判断能力,较强的分析、综合能力,对专业知识的掌握有一定的深度和广度,并有亲身研究的经历和体会,以及较强的驾驭文字的能力。综述能较系统地反映国内外某一学科或专题的研究概况及发展趋势,可以帮助读者了解最新研究的热点及新思路、新方法,对启发读者的研究思路具有向导作用。 可以参考 科学网 博文 《如何做文献综述:克雷斯威尔五步文献综述法》
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xupeiyang 2010-11-9 08:31
Dear xu You are invited to participate in a short online survey we are conducting in order to understand more about our Naturejobs users, in order to tailor our services to the needs of our customers. This survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Your participation is entirely anonymous; responses will be analyzed in aggregate only and will never be associated with individual participants. At the end of the survey you will be able to enter a prize draw to win a 200/$300/250 Amazon gift card! To access the survey, click on the link below (if that doesn't work for you, copy and paste the text into your browser's address bar). http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=14m=35964031r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyOQS2b=2j=ODYxNjcwOTcS1mt=1rt=0 If you encounter any problems while completing the survey, please contact Fiona Watt at mailto:f.watt@nature.com. Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide this feedback. Kind regards, Naturejobs ************************************************************************** You have opted-in to receive announcements from Naturejobs. If you no longer wish to receive emails regarding Naturejobs announcements please click here http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=8m=35964031r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyOQS2b=2j=ODYxNjcwOTcS1mt=1rt=0 To alter or discontinue your e-mail services from Nature Publishing Group please update your online account. Modify My Account: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=7m=35964031r=Mzg0ODUxNzcyOQS2b=2j=ODYxNjcwOTcS1mt=1rt=0 For further technical assistance, please contact our registration department mailto:registration@nature.com For print subscription enquiries, please contact our subscriptions department mailto:subscriptions@nature.com For other enquiries, please contact our customer feedback department mailto:feedback@nature.com Nature Publishing Group | 75 Varick St Fl 9 | New York | NY 10013-1917 | USA Nature Publishing Group's offices: Principal offices: London New York Worldwide offices: Basingstoke Boston Buenos Aires Delhi Hong Kong Madrid Melbourne Munich Paris San Francisco Tokyo Washington DC Macmillan Publishers Limited is a company incorporated in England and Wales under company number 785998 and whose registered office is located at Brunel Road, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS. 2010 Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
个人分类: 自然杂志|2518 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Google in China – Nature survey 2010年1月28日(星期四) 00:06
xupeiyang 2010-1-28 07:47
Google in China Nature survey Dear xu peiyang, Nature magazine is conducting a survey of Chinese scientists to assess how much they have come to rely on Google for their work. Recent news stories highlight the fact that Google may pull out of China if it is not allowed to provide uncensored search results in the country. Since you are a prominent scientist working in China, Nature would like to know what impact losing access to Google and its related products would have on your research. The survey is completely anonymous, and includes ten questions designed to find out what field you work in, and how you use Google and/or other search engines. Please click on this link to fill out the online survey. It should take no more than two minutes, but could help to provide the scientific community with vital information about how online search engines have become a key tool in research in China. The survey is hosted by an online survey website called Survey Monkey, which is a legitimate website. To take the survey, please go to: http://www.surveymk.com/s/RV3ZMLB The results of the survey will be analysed by Nature staff, and will hopefully be used in a forthcoming article. If you have already received an invitation to complete this survey, we thank you for your participation and request that you ignore this email. Many thanks for your assistance! On behalf of Nature, Sara Grimme
个人分类: 科学出版|2224 次阅读|0 个评论
jlpemail 2008-12-10 08:04
本月 8 日开始,国家科学图书馆二层大厅中,有个国外学术期刊(以自然科学为主)展览。 展览中,我经常浏览的测绘类期刊不多,只有三种。 其中 survey review 是德国的期刊, 1931 年创办。展览中,把这个期刊放在了基础科学类别中。另一测量制图类的期刊也在其中。 GPS world 被归入工程技术类期刊中。上述三种期刊我院图书馆都有订阅。 预期中的美国杂志 journal of geodesy ,没有看到。或许因为它不过是测绘类期刊,而且是大地测量杂志,内容太专一、狭窄了。 举办这次展览的中国图书进出口公司的工作人员,向参观者赠阅了部分过期期刊,包括 science 和 nature 。
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