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shuihuaner 2018-8-9 11:56
数据来源: https://www.cdc.gov/tb/statistics/tbcases.htm TB Incidence in the United States, 1953-2016 Language: English (US) Español (Spanish) Recommend on Facebook Tweet Return to Main Menu TB Incidence in the United States, 1953-2016 TB Incidence in the United States, 1953-2016 TB Cases and Case Rates per 100,000 Population Year Number of Cases Rate 2016 9,272 2.9 2015 9,547 3.0 2014 9,398 3.0 2013 9,561 3.0 2012 9,940 3.2 2011 10,509 3.4 2010 11,157 3.6 2009 11,517 3.8 2008 12,890 4.2 2007 13,281 4.4 2006 13,728 4.6 2005 14,065 4.8 2004 14,499 5.0 2003 14,835 5.1 2002 15,055 5.2 2001 15,945 5.6 2000 16,308 5.8 1999 17,499 6.3 1998 18,286 6.6 1997 19,751 7.2 1996 21,210 7.9 1995 22,726 8.5 1994 24,206 9.2 1993 25,102 9.7 1992 26,673 10.4 1991 26,283 10.4 1990 25,701 10.3 1989 23,495 9.5 1988 22,436 9.2 1987 22,517 9.3 1986 22,768 9.5 1985 22,201 9.3 1984 22,255 9.4 1983 23,846 10.2 1982 25,520 11.0 1981 27,373 11.9 1980 27,749 12.2 1979 3 27,669 12.3 1978 28,521 12.8 1977 30,145 13.7 1976 32,105 14.7 1975 33,989 15.7 1974 2 30,122 14.1 1973 30,998 14.6 1972 32,882 15.7 1971 35,217 17.0 1970 37,137 18.1 1969 39,120 19.3 1968 42,623 21.2 1967 45,647 23.0 1966 47,767 24.3 1965 49,016 25.2 1964 50,874 26.5 1963 54,042 28.6 1962 53,315 28.6 1961 53,726 29.2 1960 55,494 30.7 1959 57,535 32.4 1958 63,534 36.3 1957 67,149 39.0 1956 69,895 41.4 1955 77,368 46.6 1954 79,775 48.9 1953 84,304 52.6 1 Case data after 1974 are not comparable to prior years due to changes in the surveillance case definition that became effective in 1975.Note: The 1993 to 2015 tuberculosis case counts and rates were updated using the following sources: Bridged-Race 1990–1999 Intercensal Population Estimates for 1990–1999 ( ftp://ftp.cdc.gov/pub/health_statistics/nchs/datasets/nvss/bridgepop/documentationbridgedintercena1.doc ), Intercensal Estimates of the Resident Population for the United States, Regions, States, and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2010 ( http://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest.html ) and Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for the United States, Regions, States, and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2015 ( http://www.census.gov/popest/data/national/totals/2015/index.html ); accessed Aug 9, 2016. Percentage change results reported to one decimal. See Surveillance Slides #2 and #3 .
个人分类: 结核病|1 次阅读|0 个评论
richwindow 2015-6-28 12:08
2969 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 7 yanjx45 2011-3-20 12:14
d0532 2011-3-18 16:43 请问严老师,鸡鸭鹅能感染狂犬病吗?只是哺乳动物才感染狂犬病吗? 博主回复 (2011-3-18 13:32) : 美国 CDC (疾病控制中心)网站有明确的说明: What animals can get rabies?   Rabies can affect all mammals. Birds, fish, insects, lizards, snakes and turtles never get rabies.   哪些动物可患狂犬病? 所有的哺乳动物都可患狂犬病。 鸟类 、 鱼类、昆虫、蜥蛎、龟和蛇从来不会患狂犬病 。 谢谢严老师的回答。请问严老师:鸡鸭鹅属于鸟类吗?鸡鸭鹅会感染狂犬病吗? 博主回复 (2011-3-19 18:19) : 鸡鸭鹅当然属于鸟类。鸡鸭鹅不会患狂犬病,因而也不可能成为传染源。 你的误解可能与网上的各种荒谬的传言有关。 即使是官方正式发布的信息,包括国家级新闻媒体中的“专家答记者问”,有时也会有“跨行业的专家”在那里对自己并不熟悉的领域发表想当然的议论。 例如 2006 年 10 月,当时的国家首席兽医师、农业部兽医局局长贾幼陵答记者问中居然称“鸡、鸭、鹅、孔雀等也可以感染狂犬病,但疾病的发展过程较慢,通常呈麻痹型。”   禽类能感染狂犬病?!事实上狂犬病毒只能感染哺乳动物,从来不能感染禽类。   上述背离常识的“新观点”当即使所有的媒体记者都感到惊异不已。但由于此言出自“国家首席兽医师兼农业部兽医局局长”之口,于是誰也不敢怀疑此事的真伪,而是将它当成应向广大群众进行启蒙的最新知识。这次答记者问的记录立即被多家报纸和其他媒体争相转载,在网上 ( 包括 CCTV 的网站 ) 被转贴了无数次,并被冠上了醒目的大标题:“鸡鸭鹅也可感染狂犬病” 。  (某些记者可能有喜欢添油加醋和制造轰动效应的职业本能。) 奇怪的是,多年来几乎无人对此提出异议。这也是中国整个科普水平低下的一个典型例证。
个人分类: 狂犬病防治|32082 次阅读|11 个评论

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