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新作 Online First!
hucs 2017-6-7 11:07
新作 Online First ! 谢谢JIM编辑 Editor ZHOU Editor FAN !! 谢谢审稿专家!!! 欢迎大家点阅和参考引用,全文 PDF 可免费下载。 http://www.jcimjournal.com/jim/showAbstrPage.aspx?articleID=S2095-4964(17)60355-8 ( 南昌大学 胡春松大夫) -- 作者简介 : 胡春松(笔名:地震、青春依旧),南昌大学在职博士(生),医生,诗人,江西省作家协会 2017 年新会员。有《博客中国》个人专栏,入驻中国诗歌网。作者是 “ 春韵 ”(2013 年 ) 、 “ 岭峰体 ”(2011 年 ) 、 “ 五美 ” 标准诗歌 (2013 年初 ) 的命名者、提出者和建立者。著有医学专业著作以及诗集《青春诗语》(江西高校出版社, 2011 ),诗集《美丽中国 • 梦》、《地震 N 章》及《佳节诗语》(均待出版),另有 “ 青春三部曲 ” 之《青春论语》(网络版,纸质版待出版)和《青春私语》(写作中)。诗观:诗歌如药( 2011 年)。作者曾参加 2016 年 “ 诗词中国 ” 大赛,初选 “ 种子作品 ”43 首,作品已入选《人民网》 (2013 年 ) 、《诗歌赣军》( 2016 年)和《 2016 江西诗歌年选》等,科学网个人博客访问量已逾 195 万次。
个人分类: 博士研究|1859 次阅读|0 个评论
zuojun 2011-6-22 10:44
This article by Jeffrey Bennett reprinted from Mercury magazine, Nov/Dec 1999 issue. ...scientists should be no more willing to fly blind in their teaching than they are in scientific research, where no new investigation is begun without an extensive examination of what is already known. --Bruce Alberts, former President of the National Academy of Sciences Two "Laws" of Teaching First Law: Assume that your audience knows LESS than you think they should. Second Law: Assume that your audience is MORE intelligent than you think they are. Five Key Strategies for Astronomy Strategy 1: Provide a Contextual Framework Strategy 2: Create Conditions for Conceptual Change Strategy 3: Make the Material Relevant Strategy 4: Limit Use of Jargon Strategy 5: Challenge Your Students Putting It All Together I hope that the strategies discussed here will be useful to readers in future teaching efforts, but remember that there is no foolproof recipe for teaching success. Every teacher has a unique style of presentation, and every student has a unique style of learning. Good teaching therefore means adapting to your students1 needs, and always being willing to try a new strategy when an old one fails. It1s hard work, and requires constant effort to improve. But modern astronomy is a subject that belongs to the public at large: the public pays for it, supports it, wants to know about it. We owe it to society to make whatever effort is required. ps. If you find any of the laws or strategies interesting, go read it at http://www.jeffreybennett.com/astronomy.html
个人分类: Education|1424 次阅读|0 个评论
Strategies for Teaching Science by Dr. Bennett
zuojun 2011-6-22 10:32
TUESDAY JUNE 21, 2011 at 3:00PM POST 723 Strategies for Teaching Science No matter whether you are teaching school children, undergraduates, or colleagues, a few key strategies are always useful. After an introduction on teaching philosophy, five key strategies for teaching science will be discussed, all designed to help non-science majors learn about the nature of science and key scientific ideas. The ideas are easy to implement and apply across the science curriculum, although most of the examples will be drawn from astronomy and physics. Note: This talk is updated and adapted from an article written for Mercury, Nov/Dec 1999. Dr. Bennett has developed many innovative strategies for teaching science to non-science majors and has written leading textbooks in both astronomy and astrobiology. As a result, he has spoken about strategies for teaching science to faculty at many colleges and universities, including the University of Kentucky, UCLA, San Diego State, Emory University, BYU-Idaho, SUNY-Stonybrook, Rice University, Charleston College, Indiana/Purdue, and many more. ps. Ok, you may have missed his talk, but you can check out his website below. In the mean time, I am trying to get a copy of his ppt for the talk. http://www.jeffreybennett.com/index.html
个人分类: From the U.S.|2558 次阅读|0 个评论

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