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Simple is best
热度 2 liwenbianji 2011-7-15 00:54
Simple is best
简单的语言 在本贴中,我将介绍简单的语言对于学术文章的重要性。科学是复杂的,因此语言需简练。复杂的语言会让读者难以理解你想表达的学术内容。最好使用简单、清楚、简洁的语言让读者易于理解。我在后面还会提供一个图表帮助作者来简化文章中的语言。 Simple is best The nature of reality and science are complicated enough without English getting in the way "Easy writing's curse is hard reading." --Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816) The origins and evolution of the universe, the Earth and life. The climate system and effects of humans on the environment. Alternative energies and sustainability. The struggle to understand ageing, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. These are only some of the issues being addressed currently by modern science, and they are all extremely complex. A commonly-used approach in science to manage this complexity is to tackle one small part of the problem at a time, and it is in this incremental approach that the modern scientific endeavor has been so successful in helping us understand our universe. Never the less, the methods, technologies and language of science are also extremely complex. Our disciplines are replete with their own vocabularies of technical jargon, often with their specific “grammars” in which only certain combinations of terms make scientific sense. Given this complexity of nature and our scientific methods and language, clear and concise written scientific English is essential. Unfortunately the English language is not intrinsically concise, although it is becoming more so. Compare, for example, the following lists: a majority of most a number of many, several, some at a rapid rate rapidly as a consequence of because of at this point in time currently based on the fact that because despite the fact that although due to the fact that because in order to to so as to to on the basis of based on On the left are terms that are perfectly correct, but not concise. The concise versions are on the right. The list on the left is a legacy from when English was more formal and “wordy”. These terms are still used frequently in much English writing, but in technical scientific writing they are being discarded increasingly in favor of the terms on the right. Many native English writers believe that using the wordy terms appears more intellectual or clever, and non-native writers have also been taught the same. This is wrong. The use of these wordy terms is fine in creative literature and poetry and in other types of writing where style may be considered as important as substance, but in scientific writing we should be aiming for concision. In my time here in China, I’ve twice had Chinese people tell me about their school education in English. A common task would be for the teacher to tell the class to write, for example, 200 words on a particular topic. Frequent use of terms such as “in order to” and “at this point in time” were a good way to reach the word limit, but in scientific writing the objective is usually the opposite: to say as much as you can in as few words as possible. The less you use these wordy terms the more space you have to use the technical and often complex scientific language you should be focusing on. This is especially the case for abstracts, where upper word limits need to be strictly adhered to. Another simple way to improve concision is the use, or rather not using, the word “of”. As you know, this word indicates the possessive of something, for example “the slope of the mountain”. This can be shortened to “the mountain slope”, where the word “mountain” is now used essentially as an adjective to describe the slope. Now take the short sentence “the slope of the mountain that is covered with forest.” This can be shortened to “the forested mountain slope”, where the adjective “forested” means the same as “covered with forest”. The sentence has been reduced from 10 words to four, and means exactly the same thing. This is a very simple and general example of improving concision, but this process constitutes much of the editing I perform on English manuscripts written by non-native English writers. The opening quote of this post – “easy writing's curse is hard reading” – means that writing the first thing that enters your head will usually convey most of what you want to say, but will often contain too many words and too much repetition. This can make it difficult and tiring to read. An initial draft of a piece of English writing can almost always be improved and made more concise. One of the great things about English is that although it has the capacity to be unnecessarily wordy, it is flexible enough to improve concision dramatically, as the above example showed. Unfortunately, this is often not an easy thing to do, especially for non-native speakers and writers. Similar to native speakers, non-native speakers need to spend time both writing and reading in English to develop the writing (and re-writing) skills needed for optimal concision. It is not just in English that this is an issue. The 17th Century French mathematician, physicist and theologian Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) famously said to a correspondent in a letter: “I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.” He meant that to have improved the concision of his letter would have required much more thought and effort than the initial draft. Pascal wrote this in French, but it still applies equally to making things concise in English. Returning to a theme of an earlier post (Writing and the art of scientific reading), good readers make good writers. The more English text you can read in your scientific field, and the greater familiarity you gain with the scientific vocabulary and grammar of your discipline, the more easily you will be able to use it in your writing. This includes learning the most concise way to write things. The nature of reality and science are complicated enough without wordy English getting in the way. Try your best to write concisely and clearly, and let your English language be an open doorway to the importance of your research, not an unwieldy barrier. Matthew Hughes, PhD Soil Sciences Editor Edanz Group China
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热度 2 waterlilyqd 2011-6-9 15:53
Even language editor can't do language editing for your manuscipt if they can't figuer out what you want to express in your paper or when your paper is ill-organized. Some manuscripts that have passed peer-review, revised by the authors and edited by editors will be sent out to native speakers for language editing. Today, one language editor told me he had great difficulty in continuing the language editing after doing only about two pages.He sent backthe edited manuscriptwith many comments and questions in these two pages, and also along explanation-- "I only touched the first part of the abstract since I “smelled” difficulties in the body of the paper. I also did a spell check (US English). The names of reference authors and places should be carefully checked. The authors used inconsistent terminology when referring to the Wenchuan earthquake, indicting that they had not carefully reviewed their own work. The authors should remember that the international readership will not be as familiar with the Wenchuan earthquake as they are. My principle comments are contained in small font between the marks. From these comments, you will see why I believe the text is not acceptable scientific writing." Follows are our conversation about this issue. Languageeditor Ispentacoupleofhoursattemptingtoeditthepaper.IftheEnglishtranslationisanyreflection,evenadistortedreflection,oftheoriginalChinese,thenthepaperispoorlyorganized.Thesectionson"systemstheory"requireeitherelaborationwithreferencesorshouldbedroppedcompletely.Idonotdoubtthedataandthemathematics,butisthepointofthepapertoexplaintheconceptualmodelofsystemsthinkingoramethodofexaminingrisksfordebrisflow?I'dsaytheauthorsaretryingtodobothinonepaper,andthisconfusesthecontent.IfIwerethe"professor",I'dcallforare-evaluationofthepurposeofthepaperandacompleterewrite.I'mafraidI'mthewrongpersonforthispaper. waterlily Thispaperhasbeenpeer-reviewedand primarily revised byone professor. Thenthe authorswere asked to have a revision. "The paper covers a topic of paramount importance. However, I think it has to be completely revised first because of the English, which is sometime not understandable. Please note I am not a native speaker and I am the last person who can complain about English, but I believe that the paper has been sent without any care about this aspect. "---reviewer's comments Languageeditor Iamhappytohelpwithapaperof"paramountimportance".ButtheEnglishrenditionleavesmealittlehelpless.I'llgiveyouwhatIdidsofarandyoumightbeabletoseetheproblemsasIencounteredthem. Waterlily okay. I'llasktheauthortoreviseitonceagain. ButIamafraidtheycan'tcookabetterdishinlightoftheirpresent Englishproficiency Languageeditor Imaintainthatmanyoftheproblemsareorganizationalwithsomeofthecarelessnessyououtlined.Theyarescientists,butthatdoesnotmeantheyaretranslators.PerhapstheyshouldseekhelpfromcolleagueswhohaveabettercommandofEnglish. Languageeditor Ijustwanttoindicatethatmycriticismareharsh.I'velearnedalotinthelast3yearsaboutthewritingofChinesescientists.Aswebothknow,thereisvastroomforimprovement,yetthecontentofmostscientificwritingisexcellent.Sinceyouhaveindicateditsimportance,Itrulywishthebestforthewritersofthispaper.
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[转载]Classical Paper List on ML and NLP
wqfeng 2011-3-25 12:40
Classical Paper List on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing from Zhiyuan Liu Hidden Markov Models Rabiner, L. A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition. (Proceedings of the IEEE 1989) Freitag and McCallum, 2000, Information Extraction with HMM Structures Learned by Stochastic Optimization, (AAAI'00) Maximum Entropy Adwait R. A Maximum Entropy Model for POS tagging, (1994) A. Berger, S. Della Pietra, and V. Della Pietra. A maximum entropy approach to natural language processing. (CL'1996) A. Ratnaparkhi. Maximum Entropy Models for Natural Language Ambiguity Resolution. PhD thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1998. Hai Leong Chieu, 2002. A Maximum Entropy Approach to Information Extraction from Semi-Structured and Free Text, (AAAI'02) MEMM McCallum et al., 2000, Maximum Entropy Markov Models for Information Extraction and Segmentation, (ICML'00) Punyakanok and Roth, 2001, The Use of Classifiers in Sequential Inference. (NIPS'01) Perceptron McCallum, 2002 Discriminative Training Methods for Hidden Markov Models: Theory and Experiments with Perceptron Algorithms (EMNLP'02) Y. Li, K. Bontcheva, and H. Cunningham. Using Uneven-Margins SVM and Perceptron for Information Extraction. (CoNLL'05) SVM Z. Zhang. Weakly-Supervised Relation Classification for Information Extraction (CIKM'04) H. Han et al. Automatic Document Metadata Extraction using Support Vector Machines (JCDL'03) Aidan Finn and Nicholas Kushmerick. Multi-level Boundary Classification for Information Extraction (ECML'2004) Yves Grandvalet, Johnny Marià , A Probabilistic Interpretation of SVMs with an Application to Unbalanced Classification. (NIPS' 05) CRFs J. Lafferty et al. Conditional Random Fields: Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data. (ICML'01) Hanna Wallach. Efficient Training of Conditional Random Fields. MS Thesis 2002 Taskar, B., Abbeel, P., and Koller, D. Discriminative probabilistic models for relational data. (UAI'02) Fei Sha and Fernando Pereira. Shallow Parsing with Conditional Random Fields. (HLT/NAACL 2003) B. Taskar, C. Guestrin, and D. Koller. Max-margin markov networks. (NIPS'2003) S. Sarawagi and W. W. Cohen. Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields for Information Extraction (NIPS'04) Brian Roark et al. Discriminative Language Modeling with Conditional Random Fields and the Perceptron Algorithm (ACL'2004) H. M. Wallach. Conditional Random Fields: An Introduction (2004) Kristjansson, T.; Culotta, A.; Viola, P.; and McCallum, A. Interactive Information Extraction with Constrained Conditional Random Fields. (AAAI'2004) Sunita Sarawagi and William W. Cohen. Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields for Information Extraction. (NIPS'2004) John Lafferty, Xiaojin Zhu, and Yan Liu. Kernel Conditional Random Fields: Representation and Clique Selection. (ICML'2004) Topic Models Thomas Hofmann. Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing. (SIGIR'1999). David Blei, et al. Latent Dirichlet allocation. (JMLR'2003). Thomas L. Griffiths, Mark Steyvers. Finding Scientific Topics. (PNAS'2004). POS Tagging J. Kupiec. Robust part-of-speech tagging using a hidden Markov model. (Computer Speech and Language'1992) Hinrich Schutze and Yoram Singer. Part-of-Speech Tagging using a Variable Memory Markov Model. (ACL'1994) Adwait Ratnaparkhi. A maximum entropy model for part-of-speech tagging. (EMNLP'1996) Noun Phrase Extraction E. Xun, C. Huang, and M. Zhou. A Unified Statistical Model for the Identification of English baseNP. (ACL'00) Named Entity Recognition Andrew McCallum and Wei Li. Early Results for Named Entity Recognition with Conditional Random Fields, Feature Induction and Web-enhanced Lexicons. (CoNLL'2003). Moshe Fresko et al. A Hybrid Approach to NER by MEMM and Manual Rules, (CIKM'2005). Chinese Word Segmentation Fuchun Peng et al. Chinese Segmentation and New Word Detection using Conditional Random Fields, COLING 2004. Document Data Extraction Andrew McCallum, Dayne Freitag, and Fernando Pereira. Maximum entropy Markov models for information extraction and segmentation. (ICML'2000). David Pinto, Andrew McCallum, etc. Table Extraction Using Conditional Random Fields. SIGIR 2003. Fuchun Peng and Andrew McCallum. Accurate Information Extraction from Research Papers using Conditional Random Fields. (HLT-NAACL'2004) V. Carvalho, W. Cohen. Learning to Extract Signature and Reply Lines from Email. In Proc. of Conference on Email and Spam (CEAS'04) 2004. Jie Tang, Hang Li, Yunbo Cao, and Zhaohui Tang, Email Data Cleaning, SIGKDD'05 P. Viola, and M. Narasimhan. Learning to Extract Information from Semi-structured Text using a Discriminative Context Free Grammar. (SIGIR'05) Yunhua Hu, Hang Li, Yunbo Cao, Dmitriy Meyerzon, Li Teng, and Qinghua Zheng, Automatic Extraction of Titles from General Documents using Machine Learning, Information Processing and Management, 2006 Web Data Extraction Ariadna Quattoni, Michael Collins, and Trevor Darrell. Conditional Random Fields for Object Recognition. (NIPS'2004) Yunhua Hu, Guomao Xin, Ruihua Song, Guoping Hu, Shuming Shi, Yunbo Cao, and Hang Li, Title Extraction from Bodies of HTML Documents and Its Application to Web Page Retrieval, (SIGIR'05) Jun Zhu et al. Mutual Enhancement of Record Detection and Attribute Labeling in Web Data Extraction. (SIGKDD 2006) Event Extraction Kiyotaka Uchimoto, Qing Ma, Masaki Murata, Hiromi Ozaku, and Hitoshi Isahara. Named Entity Extraction Based on A Maximum Entropy Model and Transformation Rules. (ACL'2000) GuoDong Zhou and Jian Su. Named Entity Recognition using an HMM-based Chunk Tagger (ACL'2002) Hai Leong Chieu and Hwee Tou Ng. Named Entity Recognition: A Maximum Entropy Approach Using Global Information. (COLING'2002) Wei Li and Andrew McCallum. Rapid development of Hindi named entity recognition using conditional random fields and feature induction. ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 2003 Question Answering Rohini K. Srihari and Wei Li. Information Extraction Supported Question Answering. (TREC'1999) Eric Nyberg et al. The JAVELIN Question-Answering System at TREC 2003: A Multi-Strategh Approach with Dynamic Planning. (TREC'2003) Natural Language Parsing Leonid Peshkin and Avi Pfeffer. Bayesian Information Extraction Network. (IJCAI'2003) Joon-Ho Lim et al. Semantic Role Labeling using Maximum Entropy Model. (CoNLL'2004) Trevor Cohn et al. Semantic Role Labeling with Tree Conditional Random Fields. (CoNLL'2005) Kristina toutanova, Aria Haghighi, and Christopher D. Manning. Joint Learning Improves Semantic Role Labeling. (ACL'2005) Shallow parsing Ferran Pla, Antonio Molina, and Natividad Prieto. Improving text chunking by means of lexical-contextual information in statistical language models. (CoNLL'2000) GuoDong Zhou, Jian Su, and TongGuan Tey. Hybrid text chunking. (CoNLL'2000) Fei Sha and Fernando Pereira. Shallow Parsing with Conditional Random Fields. (HLT-NAACL'2003) Acknowledgement Dr. Hang Li , for original paper list.
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热度 2 dygnuist 2011-3-20 14:11
  很多人认为中国是个人情社会,不但是现在,而且有悠久的历史。所以,就和长城一样,“关系”被认为是中国文化的特色了。这种观点,实在是少见识的结果。   不但是中国,任何一个法制观念不强、陌生人规范不健全的国家都难免出现“关系时代”。更早的欧洲、先前的北美,一度出现大家族的政治裙带和商业家族,包括家族式的黑手党。还不说传承两三千年的王位世袭和贵族体制,都源于血缘的纽带。   既然,历史上被大洋分割的人类社会,不约而同的出现了以家族、人情为纽带的政治经济或军事集团。我们可以肯定,这绝不是偶然现象,而是有某种内在的规律在里面。我们从演化的角度推演一下。   刚出生的婴儿,我们暂时认为他们没有先天的本质差别。想想婴儿的情况,作为“父母身上的一块肉”,被父母捧在手心,获得无微不至的关怀。从家长来看,爱孩子乃是出自天性,因为一定程度上讲,他或她就是自己,而且是更年轻的未来的自己,是自己生命的繁衍。从孩子来看,自然会对衣食父母产生依恋,他们代表着无私的爱、安全感、信赖感,代表着变动世界里唯一的安全港湾。父母兄弟一起生活一二十年,在生活中相互依偎,相互取暖,感情自然是十分亲密。用詹姆士的自我观分析,他们都视对方为自己的一部分,彼此建立起认同感。这种认同感能够突破身体,让灵魂纠缠在一起。在强烈的认同中,悲伤彼此的悲伤,快乐彼此的快乐,同荣辱,共进退。外界的人和家庭感情比起来就无足轻重了。自然生活中,较多交往的还有亲戚,乡亲邻里,朋友,同事等等。在实际的交际中,会发生不同的情感联系和认同。一般来说,交往时间长,互动多的关系更亲密,认同度更高。   我们以中国传统乡土社会为例。古代的中国,交通不发达,又是农业立国,很多人数代居住在固定的地方,日出而作,日落而息。这样,日日见面打交道的都是邻里乡亲。这种日常交际,建立的感情必然十分深厚,自然具有强烈的对家乡、土地、邻里的认同感。这些人面对陌生的外来者或是外乡人的时候,感情自然的倾向“自己人”。按照同样的原理,中国形成了从父母子女开始,到亲戚,朋友,乡亲,再到君臣的层层伦理规范。这不是生硬的规定,它植根于中国古代乡土社会的现状,植根于人们日常生活的磨合交际,植根于人自发的感情。   我们谈谈基于自然交往的认同感,如何生存行事的。基于自然认同的兄弟、父子,彼此了解,情感深厚,心心相印,荣辱与共,祸福同享,可为彼此舍生忘死,。当成员要在社会上建功立业的时候,自然会彼此扶持。不因为别的,就建立在强烈的情感上,一荣俱荣,一辱俱辱,为兄弟父子,就是为自己,两者是一体的。这种情况下,以家庭为单位的生产、战争,无论是从信息沟通上、从信任上、从协调上、从成功的动力上,都是最佳的选择。我们对比一下由陌生人组成的经济或军事组织,就可以看出家族的优势。首先,陌生人彼此不了解,需要花费较多的沟通成本,更别说要到默契的程度了。第二,陌生人之间信任难以建立,即便是有允诺、有契约,又如何能够保证能够很好的遵守呢?而家庭基于固有的凝聚力,成员彼此信任,很少在背后搞小动作。既是基于感情,又是基于违规的大成本(一旦存私利被发现,会伤害家庭感情)。第三,陌生人的组织认同度低。陌生人在组织生活中,对自己利益的认同比对任何他人的认同都强烈,除了关心自己的利益之外,很少真心的关心他人,关心集体。而家庭运作中,成员之间有强烈的荣辱与共的认同感,强烈的一体感,适宜集体运作。第四,陌生人为了自己的利益比较不容易相互妥协。而家庭成员基于强烈的感情和家族共同体的维护,倾向于协商,各退一步,维持共同体。第五,陌生人没有情感联系,只有最基础的组织规范。而基于自然情感的父子兄弟,一衣带水,情谊相通,愿意为对方牺牲很多东西,更乐于彼此帮助,以对方过上好生活为乐。这种种特点,都说明了基于自然感情共同体的运作有巨大的优越性。所以我们说,打仗亲兄弟,上阵父子兵。   所以我们说,关系是自然交际发展成的纽带。人类社会起初就是在这种纽带的连接下,组织起来的。自然交际是感情的连接和认同,是灵魂的纠缠。上面以家庭成员的认同情感为例,是先有自然的感情,然后共同行事业。这就好像好朋友一起创业一样,先有情感认同,后一起做事。另一种是,为了在一起做事,交际互动成朋友,成父子兄弟。为了达成像上面所描述的家族认同的巨大威力,把政治、经济、军事的运作关系,变成类似父子兄弟的情感认同。这就是我们通常所讲的“搞关系”。把生人搞成熟人,把领导搞成父亲兄长,把下属搞成儿子小弟,把女人搞成姐妹或老婆情人,把男人搞成兄弟朋友。通过社会关系的家庭化,社会交际的情感化,彼此之间的关系就转化了。通过援引家庭的感情体验,推及到陌生交际中,冷冷的生人交际,变成了情感交流,产生了共同体的认同。有了这种认同,彼此更亲密,甚至可以当做一体,彼此互相帮助自是情理之中。有什么理由不帮自己?有什么理由不帮自己人呢?   搞关系完全可以效法自然情感的生成方式:一是利用简单暴露效应。即常常见面,经常联系。无论他人如何,简单的熟悉就能引起好感。二是示好,人更倾向于喜欢喜欢自己的人。主动示好,表示喜欢,对方也会喜欢上你的。和喜欢自己的人在一起,能印证自我的良好感觉。三是说好听的话。人乐于听好话,这里面有两种因素:通过他人的头脑意见,确定良好的自我感觉。另一方面,即使明白对方的话是夸张的逢迎,心内也洋洋得意。因为必是自己的某种特质或地位,令对方放下尊严,讨好自己。四是送礼物,为对方办事情,主动满足其需求,且不要回报。这样,对方就会感激,觉得自己欠了人情债。要么就会感动,觉得获得了超乎寻常的友谊。无论哪种情况,对方都有投桃报李的倾向。五是寻找其兴趣点,扩大交流,形成某种同志或是同趣,生成认同感,一体感。六是参加一些共同活动,共同的欢乐或悲伤的体验,能够拉近彼此的距离,尤其是共同的快乐体验。比如夜总会的生活,就是共同娱乐。七是分享秘密。分享秘密是感情加深的象征,是值得信任的表示。当人觉得自己被信任,会体会到自我的价值感,从而会对对方产生感激和喜爱。八是,办任何能让对方高兴的事情。在人的心智组织中,会喜爱让自己快乐的东西,如果你是他快乐的原因,自然也就获得了他的喜爱。让他快乐的可能有:美貌、良好的形象、幽默的谈吐、有吸引力的谈话能力、有吸引力的气质、有吸引力的思想、可敬重的品格,等等。九是了解对方的价值观、对某些事物的态度和信念。表明自己的支持立场,获得认同。十是救人于危难。人特别会感激在落魄的时候帮助自己的人,因为特别需要,所以回馈心也强烈。特别会有滴水之恩,涌泉相报的心情。十一是寻找其开心的时候,提出要求。人的心境会对外界染色,好心情能觉得艳阳高照,坏心情能觉得寒冬腊月。开心的时候,你在他眼中也变好了。   我们再研究一下酒场文化。酒是麻醉品,巧妙在并不真正蒙蔽思维,它使人放松警惕,放开心情,缓解紧张,减弱自我控制。陌生初谈,难免生硬。而酒精使人放松,敞开心胸。喝了酒的人,能说些清醒状态下不会说的话,做些清醒时不会做的事。反过来,说过这些话,一起做过这些事的人,会拉近彼此的距离。在一起喝过酒的人,是共同经历了一种独特体验的人,就像一起玩了真心话大冒险,体验了降低内心防御的经验。而彼此降低内心防御,不正是亲密朋友才做的事吗?   总结一下,搞关系适用于陌生人,根据的经验来源于日常生活的亲密体验。将个人生活的情感体验推及出去,用来缔结友谊和感情。从而扩大交际圈,将关系转化为利益。在这里,我们可以看到,这乃是一种聪明的交际策略。但是,我们应该明白,很多的交际并不是基于心理的亲密情感,而是把感情作为投资的要素,目的是为了相互交易。虽然,很多电影的主题,都是描述人原本以私利为目的的接近,在交往的过程中发生了真正的友谊或是爱情。但我们要知道,大多数的搞关系仍然是以感情为幌子的利益勾结而已。其实双方都明白,彼此的感情并不像表面上那样亲密,内心没有那种真正的情感认同。称兄道弟不过是为了降低彼此的生疏和疑虑。   如此看来,真正的情感投资,以诚待人属于高明的搞关系。利用感情投资,相互勾结,属于大众化的低层次。   我们继续深入一点,为什么中国的关系风如此浓烈,而欧美的文化却较少如此。是国民性的问题吗?不是。这是历史发展阶段的问题。在较早时代,农业社会,交通不发达,信息闭塞,人口流动受限。社会是块状组织,每一块都拥有以自发交际发展起来的规矩和风俗,国家控制块状之间的关系,而较少直接管理块内的活动。块内的乡土,可以说是某种程度的乡民自治。从二千年前的封建,到其后的专制集权,表明了国家统一控制力量的增强。中国直到近三十年,人口才真正的流动充裕。   这有很深的社会背景,传统的家族生产方式中,虽然家族组织拥有巨大的凝聚力和组织力量,但是却不利于个人能力的优化配置。如何理解呢?个人能力在家族的框架里分工,共同生产。虽然成员之间关系深厚,但是少数家族成员之间的能力未必是互洽的。更有可能是A家族的某成员,和B家族的某成员之间的能力更能互补,结合起来有更大的生产力。传统的小区域的劳动分工,不利于释放更大的生产力。假如允许劳动力自由流动,就可以在市场“看不见手”的引导下,达到最大效率的分工合作,从而极大的促进社会效率。但是,劳动力的自由流动也带来了另外的问题:瓦解了原来自然感情的纽带,要基于陌生人的关系来重新组织生产。失去了深厚情感的基础、乡土社会的道德和可监督性,大量的犯罪和道德败坏也随之产生了。原因很简单:如果一家人组织生产,成员之间彼此亲爱,荣辱与共,很少互相欺骗,家庭的情感和伦理能够补充生产的规范。而陌生人之间几乎没有情感联系,没有深刻认同,在组织生活中只关心自己的利益和快乐。为了自己,而欺骗他人,损害组织,丝毫没有心理障碍。再加上人员的大量流动,如果没有很好的社会管理,很难定位个人,完全可以干一票就走,而不必担心被发现。(摘自炎黄春秋网,刊外稿)
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chile 2011-3-11 12:47
“毒食品”危害猛于黑恶势力 本报记者 王 帝 《 中国青年报 》( 2011年03月11日 01 版) SCRIPT language=javascript /* if(picResCount0){ document.getElementById("picres").style.display="block"; document.write(" "); }*/ 3月9日,全国两会的一项纪录被刷新。 全国人大代表、重庆市公安局局长王立军联合来自12个省(区、市)的439名代表共同提出了《关于制定〈中华人民共和国食品、药品安全犯罪法〉,以严刑峻法惩治食品、药品领域严重犯罪的议案》。 这是1983年以来,有据可查的联名代表人数最多的单项议案。 “有毒食品会伤害几代人” 3月10日中午,在人民大会堂外,中国青年报记者“堵”到了王立军。 “为什么要提出这个议案?因为食品、药品领域不安全的状况,现在是我们国家和民族的最大危害。”王立军说。 “为什么说这是最大危害?”记者追问。 “经济形势不好,5年、10年可以调整;社会秩序不好,也可以通过法律的、行政的、体制的办法把它调整过来。但因食品、药品不安全造成的健康危害,会伤害一代人,如果破坏了遗传基因,还会祸及子孙,用百年的时间都不足以弥补!”王立军说。 他说,现在,触目惊心的有毒食品充斥百姓的餐桌:瘦肉精、毒奶粉、地沟油、陈化粮、毒豇豆……“现在有谁敢说自己和家人没有吃过这类东西?” “这严重弱化了党和政府的公信力,严重弱化了社会的制衡力,严重弱化了老百姓的安全感。在这种状况下,社会稳定都会面临很大挑战。”王立军说。 与王立军有同感的人大代表很多。这份议案在12个代表团里,有四成多的代表参与联名。 全国人大代表、大连海事大学校长王祖温说,现在大家在食品药品领域很没有安全感,“这关系到我们整个民族的身体素质,比如说三聚氰胺奶粉,这会危及祖国下一代的健康,后果简直不堪设想。” 王立军提醒说,现在不仅是国内一些无良商人在伤害我们的同胞,“很多来自国外的食品药品也在伤害我们,而这些更具有隐蔽性,很多人还没有意识到。” “比如说,抗生素、生物制剂、好多国外慎用甚至不用的药品,在我们的医疗市场却占很大比例。我们变相地成了国外一些生物制剂的试验品。这是在用人的生命作代价啊!”一开始不情愿接受采访的王立军说到这里,显然有些激动,声音提高了不少。 “我是一个警察,维护社会治安是我的本职工作。看到这些情况,实在痛心,无法视而不见。民生的基础是民安,没有安全,怎么保障国家的未来?”王立军说。 作为西南政法大学犯罪研究所主任,王立军和相关专家学者对此调研了整整8个月。“我看了上千个食品摊点,看了蔬菜大棚,看了养殖场,看了屠宰厂,看了小面馆,看了少年儿童的小食品,看了所有的消费链条、养殖链条、生产链条。本来是想作为一个课题研究的,但当得知自己被选举为人大代表时,我就想,我要用足我的话语权,来推动这方面的立法。” 西方一些发达国家现在在食品药品安全方面比我国状况好。但曾经,他们这方面的问题比我们严重很多。后来,他们慢慢完善了法律,大规模的伤害成为历史。有些人认为,我国也得走这条路,食品药品领域出现安全问题是发展过程中无法避免的代价。现在设立严刑峻法的条件尚未成熟,需要法律的循序渐进,以及行政驾驭能力的逐步提高。 “西方这个历程用了30年到80年,难道我们非要牺牲一两代人才行吗?西方已经走过了这条路,经验和教训我们都看到了,我们为什么不能现在就解决这个问题?”王立军说,“现在没有什么比维护食品药品安全,更让我感觉到有危机感了。” “和黑恶势力的猖狂比呢?”记者问。 “这没法比,完全没法比!这些区域性的黑恶势力能影响到十几亿人吗?能影响到下一代吗?完全没有可比性!”王立军激动地说。 看了被伤害的孩子,“整整3天吃不下饭” 作为法医学领域的专家,王立军见惯了死人。但是,走访一些被有毒食品药品伤害的残疾儿童,“让我留下了严重的心理阴影,整整3天吃不下饭,脑子里全是那些孩子的样子”。 “有的孩子完全没有痛感,用火在自己胳膊上烧,皮肉都焦糊了,孩子感觉不到疼。那漠然的眼神,让我心里感觉被狠狠地撞了一下,几乎承受不了。 “这些,如果你没有亲眼看到,完全无法想象。我面对过那么多的凶杀现场,去过许多大的自然灾害的现场,虽然悲痛,但我都承受过来了。可看到这些孩子,看到他们活得如此惨烈,给我留下的那些震撼,难以想象。 “现在我在街上看见小孩就忍不住想摸一下,想确认他真的是个健康的孩子,让自己感到一些安慰。就是到了这么一种心理状态。”王立军说。 王立军看到的是被伤害的儿童,同样在这个议案上联名的全国人大代表、河南省回龙村支书张荣锁,让他记忆深刻的是那些祸害家乡的商贩、个体户。“他们知道自己生产的食品是有问题的,自己不吃,销售给村民!” 王立军介绍说,作为公安民警,他处理的有毒食品、药品案件,这几年数量在成倍攀升。但在这些案件上升的同时,一方面是很多官员的沉默,另一方面是老百姓的默默承受。难以想象,为什么明知道有毒,大家还在吃,还在允许大家吃? 业内人士称,目前,在食品药品安全的立法方面,已经有了很多进展。1984年出台的《药品管理法》、2009年出台的《食品安全法》以及刚刚出台的《刑法修正案(八)》都从不同侧面对解决日趋严峻的食品、药品安全犯罪问题提供了法律依据。但仅靠上述法律法规仍不足以解决食品、药品安全犯罪问题。这些法律的出台,只能表明我们意识到了其对社会的危害性,可是法律的支撑体系还不够。 王立军认为,正是因为法律存在盲区,人们对这些危害无可奈何,只能生活在一个高危的食物链条和医疗链条当中。 与此同时,无法忽视的还有地方利益、行政保护、地方保护主义等,这些都在制约对食品药品犯罪的打击。“这种包含多种利益的巨大惯性很难让其停下。”王立军举例说,“就像贩毒一样,人人都知道会判死刑,但是它巨大的诱惑力还是会让人铤而走险。” “所以,最有效的手段就是采用制定特别刑法的形式,以严密而细致的罪名设计,有效遏制该领域的犯罪行为。”王立军说。 “严刑峻法杀无赦、倾家荡产一场空” 主要负责食品药品安全相关案件的全国人大代表、河南省驻马店市中级人民法院副院长李其宏也认为,现有的惩罚力度与犯罪的严重程度不相匹配。“食品药品关系重大,必须严厉惩戒,可现在我们没有足够的法律来对付这些犯罪。没有严厉的惩罚,问题只能越来越严重。” 王立军认为,根据现状,借鉴国内外先进经验,我们仍然亟须一部刑事司法领域更为细致、完善的《食品、药品安全犯罪法》。 “严刑峻法杀无赦、倾家荡产一场空”,这是其议案的中心内容。议案中提到,食品、药品违法行为,主观方面是放任结果发生的间接故意致人死亡、重伤的犯罪,直接定为故意杀人罪、故意伤害罪。对因食品药品安全犯罪而被判处有期徒刑以上刑罚的,不得适用缓刑、减刑、假释、保外就医。此外,上百万元罚金的制度设置,也让其再无犯罪的经济能力。 该议案的核心是对食品、药品安全领域的犯罪严密法网,加大刑事调整力度,改进罚金刑的处罚方式,大幅提高罚金刑幅度,对最具社会危害性、主观极为恶劣的犯罪分子适用死刑、无期徒刑等刑罚,并禁用减刑、假释。对于一些严重违法犯罪行为,创设了10个新罪名予以规制。 同时,处以巨额罚金,剥夺其所有非法所得及再犯能力。通过并处罚金、加处罚金、无上限罚金等技术方式,加大罚金力度,个别犯罪的罚金刑起刑点为200万元。特别是不安全食品、药品致死罪,使存在严重业务过失或者严重疏于管理的相关违法人员,也对其致死行为承担相应的刑事责任,对相关产业的违法行为能起到强烈的震慑效果。 王立军表示,严刑峻法的目的在于,让在食品、药品领域的犯罪者,无力再犯。“现在要阻止食品、药品违法这种强大惯性,只有依赖更为严格的惩处措施”。 “这个法律就是要让做假的人付出非常大的代价,倾家荡产,甚至付出生命。”大连海事大学校长王祖温对此议案如此评价。 全国人大代表、飞宇集团总裁王跃胜表示:“不管这个立法能不能通过,不管什么时候通过,我们都要呼吁再呼吁,让大家认识到严重性。” 当问及如何看待有439名人大代表在王立军制订的议案上联名时,他透露,“其实,在3月9日提交议案之后,仍有数十名人大代表通过电话联系我,表示非常支持这一提案。这些都反映了严厉打击食品、药品安全犯罪是众望所归。”王立军最后说,“我对这个立法充满信心。” 本报北京3月10日电
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热度 1 chile 2011-3-11 11:53
http://bgpt.zdzsc.zju.edu.cn/news/129843088330526598.html 2011中国大学排行榜揭晓 发布人:浙江大学 资讯来源:浙江大学 发布时间:2011-02-22 22:13:37 点击数量: 2011 年1月17日,中国校友会网与《21世纪人才报》发布最新《2011中国大学评价研究报告》,其中,北京大学连续4年问鼎“2011中国大学排行榜”榜首,清华大学居第二, 浙江大学 上升至第三 ,复旦大学下降一位列第四,南京大学居第五。 华中科技大学 武昌分校、北京师范大学珠海分校和华中科技大学文华学院居中国独立学院前三甲;北京城市学院、湖南涉外经济学院和南昌理工学院列中国民办大学前三强。今年最引人关注的是,“校友捐赠”首次纳入中国大学评价,引领大学向世界一流大学看齐;大学“造富”能力凸显,有望成为中国大学又一职能,北京大学最盛产“亿万富豪”,蝉联“2011中国造富大学排行榜”榜首,造就79名富豪校友,继获得“院士摇篮”、“社会科学家摇篮”之后,勇夺“造富摇篮”美誉。    “ 校友捐赠”首次纳入中国大学评价,引领大学向世界一流大学看齐   自2003年起,中国校友会网和《21世纪人才报》已连续第9年发布中国大学评价报告。2011年的最大亮点是首次将“校友捐赠”纳入中国大学评价。中国校友会网大学评价课题组首席专家蔡言厚教授指出,校友是大学最杰出的产品、最得意的佳作、最自豪的财富;“校友捐赠”是欧美世界著名大学的常态,是对大学教育成果的重要检验,已成为评价世界一流大学和检验校长执行力的重要标准。同时,在国家最新“985”工程大学三期评价指标体系中,新增加“学校获得的捐款在学校经费中所占的比例”指标。因 此课题组在国内率先将“校友捐赠”纳入中国大学评价,旨在倡导大学树立校友捐赠文化、引导大学更好地以人为本、以教学为根、引导中国大学向世界一流大学看齐。    北京大学连续4年蝉联榜首,华中科技大学挺进前十   报告显示,在最受关注的2011中国大学排名中,北京大学连续4年蝉联“中国校友会网2011中国大学排行榜”榜首,清华大学列第二,浙江大学上升至第三名,复旦大学比去年下降一个名次居第四,南京大学上升至第五,上海交通大学比去年下降一位,列第六;名列第七、八位的是武汉大学和中国人民大学,华中科技大学再次挺进前十强,名列第九,中山大学名次没有变化,仍居第十, 吉林大学 下降至第十一位。   名列“中国校友会网2011中国大学排行榜”前二十的其他高校”是吉林大学、四川大学、北京师范大学、南开大学、中南大学、山东大学、哈尔滨工业大学、中国科技大学、西安交通大学和厦门大学等。中国校友会网大学评价课题组首席专家蔡言厚教授介绍说,在今年报告中,除首次将“校友捐赠”纳入评价指标外,还删除了学生获国家大学生竞赛奖等较低层次人才指标。 今年浙江大学的名次上升至第三位,完全得益于其在“校友捐赠”和杰出校友等方面的最佳表现,表现出中国一流大学应有的底气; 而华中科技大学凭借2010年在国家科技奖励和杰出校友等多个方面的突出表现,则再次挺进中国大学排行榜十强。 中国校友会网2011中国大学排行榜10强 名次 学校名称 所在省市 办学类型 总分 1 北京大学 北京 综合 100 2 清华大学 北京 理工 96.18 3 浙江大学 浙江 综合 56.10 4 复旦大学 上海 综合 55.57 5 南京大学 江苏 综合 42.90 6 上海交通大学 上海 综合 42.52 7 武汉大学 湖北 综合 39.37 8 中国人民大学 北京 综合 36.61 9 华中科技大学 湖北 理工 34.56 10 中山大学 广东 综合 33.77 蔡言厚 百科名片 蔡言厚,湖南省资兴人,北京吉利大学教育研究所教授, 我国最权威大学评价咨询专家之一 ,中国校友会网大学评价课题组学术主任,代表中国校友会网大学评价课题组先后多次接受国内几十家家新闻媒体专访。 目录 人物简介 学术成果 媒体专访 人物观点 科学研究获奖、杰出校友首次作指标 评价核心为高校对科学与人才的贡献 将评选“杰出社会科学家” 纵论高考状元“全军覆没”现象 人物简介 学术成果 媒体专访 人物观点 科学研究获奖、杰出校友首次作指标 评价核心为高校对科学与人才的贡献 将评选“杰出社会科学家” 纵论高考状元“全军覆没”现象 展开 编辑本段 人物简介    蔡言厚 蔡言厚,是我国最权威大学评价咨询专家之一、中国校友会网大学评价课题组学术主任,北京吉利大学教育研究所教授。1937年5月生,湖南省资兴人。   蔡言厚教授自1980年开展科技管理与研究工作,1982年发表研究论文以来,共发表了科技管理、大学评价方面的论文60余篇,著作4本,其中《走向世界》一书填补了中国国内科学管理领域的一项空白,获各类奖励23项,其中研究成果奖6项,科技管理奖5项,优秀论文12篇。2005年以来作为中国校友会网中国大学排行榜大学评价课题组学术负责人,发表《2007中国大学评价研究报告》、《2006中国高校杰出人才培养状况调查报告》《2006中国民办大学评价报告》等多项大学评价研究成果。蔡言厚,1937年5月生,汉族,湖南省资兴人。中国最资深大学评价咨询专家,中南大学高等教育研究所教授,曾任中南大学科研处副处长、高等教育研究所副所长。现任中国校友会网大学评价课题组首席专家,中国材料研究学会理事。   2005年以来,蔡言厚教授代表 中国校友会网 大学评价课题组先后多次接受国内几十家家新闻媒体专访,包括中央电视台(CCTV)《新闻会客厅》、《道德观察》栏目、中国教育电视台(CETV-1)《国视报告》栏目、上海电视台《七分之一》栏目、南京电视台、湖南教育电视台等的邀请,分别就我国大学评价和高考状元相关话题做专题采访。 编辑本段 学术成果   自1980年开展科技管理与研究工作,1982年发表研究论文以来,共发表了科技管理、大学评价方面的论文七十多篇,出版专著4本,其中《走向世界》一书填补了中国国内科学管理领域的一项空白,获国家、地方及校级奖励23项,其中研究成果奖6项,科技管理奖5项,优秀论文12篇。   自1997年以来发表的主要论著:   1、高等教育专业化评估的探讨《高教改革》 1997.2   2、高等学校科学研究效益指标体系的探讨《有色金属高教研究》1997.4   3、大学量化评价案例研究《有色金属高教研究》2003.3   4、完善中国科学基金制的建议?D?D对实施国家自然科学基金连续资助框架方案的探讨《21世纪中国科学技术基金会发展与展望》1999   5、我国高校培养高层次人才的综合实力比较《湖南研究生教育》1998.2   6、完善中国大学评价的若干建议《中国高等教育评价》2000.3   7、大学排序在我国高等教育发展中所起的作用《中国高等教育评估》2001.1   8、用科学计量法评估高校科技工作的两种指标集的比较《科研管理》2001.5   9、大学科研定量评价指标体系的探讨《中国高等教育评估》2002.5   10、大学科研定量评价指标体系设置若干原则的探讨《研究生和发展管理》2002.5   11、进一步完善中国大学评价的若干建议《中国高等教育评估》2002.6   12、中国大学评价给各个大学的启示《三湘高校论坛》2003.4   13、完善中国大学排行榜的若干建议《现代大学教育》2003.3   14、从历史的视角看中国大陆一流大学的评价《江苏高教研究》2003.6   15、大学排序对学校发展的促进-中南大学改革发展的个案《中国高等教育评估》2003.3   16、再进一步完善中国大学评价的若干建议《中国高等教育评估》2003.4   17、985工程和一流大学综合评价的探讨《中国高等教育评估》2004.3   18、大学排名的名次是大学文化沉淀与底蕴地标志《现代大学教育》2004.5   等等   研究报告:   《2010中国大学评价研究报告》   《2009中国两院院士调查报告》   《2009中国大学创业富豪榜》   《2009中国大学评价研究报告》   《1999-2008中国高考状元调查报告》   《2008中国杰出人文社会科学家研究报告》   《2008中国两院院士调查报告》   《2008中国奥运冠军调查报告》   《中国高考状元职业状况调查报告》   《2008中国高校富豪校友排行榜》   《2006中国高校杰出人才培养状况调查报告》   2009中国造富大学排行榜等。
个人分类: 转自他乡|1761 次阅读|1 个评论
高被引科学论文前20篇( 2007 - 2011)
热度 1 xupeiyang 2011-3-5 09:13
Scopus TopCited 是Scopus推出的评价功能,提供26个学科领域3-5年中最高被引论文前20篇。 查阅各学科 请见 http://www.info.sciverse.com/topcited/ TOP document.write(intNumArticles) 20 cited articles in all subject areas (2007 - 2011) 1. A short history of SHELX Sheldrick, G.M. (2007), Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography, Volume 64, Issue 1, Pages 112-122 Cited by: 13,006 2. MEGA4: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software version 4.0 Tamura, K. (2007), Molecular Biology and Evolution, Volume 24, Issue 8, Pages 1596-1599 Cited by: 5,880 3. Cancer statistics, 2008 Jemal, A. (2008), CA Cancer Journal for Clinicians, Volume 58, Issue 2, Pages 71-96 Cited by: 4,299 4. Cancer statistics, 2007 Jemal, A. (2007), Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, Volume 57, Issue 1, Pages 43-66 Cited by: 4,061 5. Review of Particle Physics Amsler, C. (2008), Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, Volume 667, Issue 1-5, Pages 1-6 Cited by: 2,861 6. Structure validation in chemical crystallography Spek, A.L. (2009), Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography, Volume 65, Issue 2, Pages 148-155 Cited by: 2,810 7. The rise of graphene Geim, A.K. (2007), Nature Materials, Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages 183-191 Cited by: 2,791 8. Genome-wide association study of 14,000 cases of seven common diseases and 3,000 shared controls Burton, P.R. (2007), Nature, Volume 447, Issue 7145, Pages 661-678 Cited by: 2,528 9. Three-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) observations: Implications for cosmology Spergel, D.N. (2007), Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, Volume 170, Issue 2, Pages 377-408 Cited by: 2,475 10. Cancer statistics, 2009 Jemal, A. (2009), CA Cancer Journal for Clinicians, Volume 59, Issue 4, Pages 225-249 Cited by: 2,367 11. Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Adult Human Fibroblasts by Defined Factors Takahashi, K. (2007), Cell, Volume 131, Issue 5, Pages 861-872 Cited by: 1,972 12. Clustal W and Clustal X version 2.0 Larkin, M.A. (2007), Bioinformatics, Volume 23, Issue 21, Pages 2947-2948 Cited by: 1,931 13. Iron-based layered superconductor La FeAs (x= 0.05-0.12) with Tc = 26 K Kamihara, Y. (2008), Journal of the American Chemical Society, Volume 130, Issue 11, Pages 3296-3297 Cited by: 1,923 14. Five-year wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe observations: Cosmological interpretation Komatsu, E. (2009), Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, Volume 180, Issue 2, Pages 330-376 Cited by: 1,538 15. Induced pluripotent stem cell lines derived from human somatic cells Yu, J. (2007), Science, Volume 318, Issue 5858, Pages 1917-1920 Cited by: 1,531 16. 2007 Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension: The Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Mancia, G. (2007), Journal of Hypertension, Volume 25, Issue 6, Pages 1105-1187 Cited by: 1,495 17. PLINK: A tool set for whole-genome association and population-based linkage analyses Purcell, S. (2007), American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 81, Issue 3, Pages 559-575 Cited by: 1,476 18. Chromatin Modifications and Their Function Kouzarides, T. (2007), Cell, Volume 128, Issue 4, Pages 693-705 Cited by: 1,449 19. Effect of rosiglitazone on the risk of myocardial infarction and death from cardiovascular causes Nissen, S.E. (2007), New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 356, Issue 24, Pages 2457-2471 Cited by: 1,436 20. Sunitinib versus interferon alfa in metastatic renal-cell carcinoma Motzer, R.J. (2007), New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 356, Issue 2, Pages 115-124 Cited by: 1,387
个人分类: 引证分析|2388 次阅读|1 个评论
wangke321 2011-3-3 12:04
国务院提请提高个税起征点 SCRIPT language=javascript type=text/javascript /*实现图片的按比例缩放*/ function DrawImage(ImgD, iwidth, iheight) { var image = new Image(); image.src = ImgD.src; if(image.width 0 && image.height 0){ if(image.width / image.height = iwidth / iheight){ if(image.width iwidth){ ImgD.width = iwidth; ImgD.height = (image.height * iwidth) / image.width; } else{ ImgD.width = image.width; ImgD.height = image.height; } // ImgD.alt = image.width + "×" + image.height; } else{ if(image.height iheight){ ImgD.height = iheight; ImgD.width = (image.width * iheight) / image.height; } else{ ImgD.width = image.width; ImgD.height = image.height; } // ImgD.alt = image.width + "×" + image.height; } } } // --------------------------------------- 2011年03月03日06:26 来源: 长江商报   个税起征点,一个撩拨无数人神经的基本点,时隔3年,终于要动“手术”了。   国务院总理温家宝1日主持召开国务院常务会议,讨论并原则通过《中华人民共和国个人所得税法修正案(草案)》。从2008年第二次调整后,个税起征点一直固定在2000元。如今,这一基准线将再次上提。   税率级次级距将调整 全国政协会议下午3时开幕 聚焦两会专题 国务院通过个税修正案 专家建议以家庭为单位征收个税 成渝经济区规划终获批 影视剧控烟非禁烟 审查是关键 高清:中国空军运输机利比亚撤侨 曹建海:我为何非常同情郎咸平 和讯网新闻中心诚聘编辑   会议认为,为加强税收对收入分配的调节作用,进一步减轻中低收入者的税收负担,有必要对个人所得税方法进行修改,提高工资薪金所得减除费用标准,调整工资薪金所得税率级次级距,并相应调整个体工商户生产经营所得和承包承租经营所得税率级距。   会议决定,《中华人民共和国个人所得税法修正案(草案)》经进一步修改后,由国务院提请全国人大常委会审议。   11类所得将合并收税   据悉,此次个人所得税法修正草案,还计划将目前个人11类所得合并成少数几个,例如将目前的劳动报酬所得与工薪所得进行合并。   合并之后,各类所得扣除将大大降低。   根据财政部统计,从分项目收入看,近年来工薪所得项目个人所得税收入,占个税总收入的比重为50%左右。   据介绍,目前个人所得税的改革方向,是由现行的“分类所得税制”,改为实行综合和分类相结合的“混合所有税制”。   基本设想是:根据简税制、宽税基、低税率、严征管的原则,对工资薪金等具有连续性、经常性的收入实行综合征税。   同时合理调整税率级距和税负水平,适当降低边际税率;统一、规范扣除标准,实行基本生计扣除加专项扣除。   按照调整草案,综合征收的前提很可能是,将其余10类所得的征点,调整到与工薪所得一个水平,也就是说其他专项扣除很可能提高到2000元。不过,个税起征点上调后,专项扣除如何调整还需讨论。    影响   若调至3000元一年最少省1200元   多位专家预测,个税起征点可望从目前的2000元提高至3000元。   如果个税起征点上调至3000元,税务部门工作人员帮百姓算了这笔账:假设按现行标准不变,即个税的最低税率超出500元征收5%,超出500元至2000元之间征收10%,那么一方面月收入低于3000元的人就可以不缴税了;另一方面月收入超过3000元的,也可以有1000元的收入纳入免征税范畴,一年下来比过去至少节省1200元。   比如,对于一名月收入2500元的普通员工来说,他过去每年要缴300元的个税,以后就不用缴这笔钱了。以月收入不到4000元为例,每年缴税2100元左右,如果起征点上调至3000元,那么一年就只要缴900元的个税了。   分析人士认为,按照改革思路,工薪阶层作为个税纳税大户的现状有望改善。   全国政协委员、祈福集团董事长彭磷基提交提案,建议提高个税起征点,并逐步建立与地区物价水平、通胀系数相挂钩的个税浮动机制,完善以家庭为单位的个税缴纳机制。   彭磷基认为,个税起征点没有充分考虑生活资料价格和房价的上涨,没有考虑教育、医疗、抚养、赡养等家庭必需的支出日趋沉重等因素。
811 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]John Searle' books:
geneculture 2011-3-2 17:26
Making the Social World: The Structure of Human Civilization John Searle (Author) There are few more important philosophers at work today than John Searle, a creative and contentious thinker who has shaped the way we think about mind and language. Now he offers a profound understanding of how we create a social reality--a reality of money, property, governments, marriages, stock markets and cocktail parties. The paradox he addresses in Making the Social World is that these facts only exist because we think they exist and yet they have an objective existence. Continuing a line of investigation begun in his earlier book The Construction of Social Reality, Searle identifies the precise role of language in the creation of all "institutional facts." His aim is to show how mind, language and civilization are natural products of the basic facts of the physical world described by physics, chemistry and biology. Searle explains how a single linguistic operation, repeated over and over, is used to create and maintain the elaborate structures of human social institutions. These institutions serve to create and distribute power relations that are pervasive and often invisible. These power relations motivate human actions in a way that provides the glue that holds human civilization together. Searle then applies the account to show how it relates to human rationality, the freedom of the will, the nature of political power and the existence of universal human rights. In the course of his explication, he asks whether robots can have institutions, why the threat of force so often lies behind institutions, and he denies that there can be such a thing as a "state of nature" for language-using human beings. http://www.amazon.com/Making-Social-World-Structure-Civilization/dp/0195396170/ref=sr_1_1?s=booksie=UTF8qid=1299057125sr=1-1 Philosophy in a New Century: Selected Essays John R. Searle (Author) John R. Searle has made profoundly influential contributions to three areas of philosophy: philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and philosophy of society. This volume gathers together in accessible form a selection of his essays in these areas. They range widely across social ontology, where Searle presents concise and informative statements of positions developed in more detail elsewhere; artificial intelligence and cognitive science, where Searle assesses the current state of the debate and develops his most recent thoughts; and philosophy of language, where Searle connects ideas from various strands of his work in order to develop original answers to fundamental questions. There are also explorations of the limitations of phenomenological inquiry, the mind-body problem, and the nature and future of philosophy. This rich collection from one of America's leading contemporary philosophers will be valuable for all who are interested in these central philosophical questions. http://www.amazon.com/Philosophy-New-Century-Selected-Essays/dp/0521731585/ref=sr_1_9?s=booksie=UTF8qid=1299057125sr=1-9 Freedom and Neurobiology: Reflections on Free Will, Language, and Political Power (Columbia Themes in Philosophy) John Searle (Author) "This engaging small volume serves as a token reminder of how masterfully Searle manages to combine philosophical innovation with clarity of prose." -- Constantine Sandis, Metapsychology "Clear and engaging." -- Randall J. Russac, Science Books and Films "Searle is a beacon of accessible expertise, a throwback to a time when philosophy was part of the public debate." -- David Papineau, Times Literary Supplement " slim, elegantly written and intellectually rigorous volume." -- British Journal of Psychiatry "A brief clearly articulated account by one the world's foremost philosophers." -- Henry Stapp, Journal of Consciousness Studies, Volume 15, No 7 (2008) "Perhaps most importantly, it sets forth a suggestive vision of the systematic connections across various philosophical fields and avenues for their further exploration." -- Daniel K. Silber, Philosophy in Review http://www.amazon.com/Freedom-Neurobiology-Reflections-Political-Philosophy/dp/0231137532/ref=sr_1_10?s=booksie=UTF8qid=1299057125sr=1-10 Mind, Language, and Society : Philosophy in the Real World John R. Searle (Author) ohn Searle's summation of earlier writings is not just an essential tie-up volume for existing readers; it is also a perfect introduction to the work of one of the clearest heads in the philosophy of mind. Searle's book is a riposte to all those academics who make a career out of contradicting and complicating such default positions as the existence of an external reality, the reality of personal consciousness, and the reasonable fit of language to the perceived world. Certainly, we should examine these positions! But the first duty of philosophy, Searle argues, is that it should attempt to accommodate what is known. As far as we can tell, for example, consciousness is a biological product, but there is a long-running contention between the materialists--whose reductive descriptions of consciousness arrive, finally, at an embarrassed denial that consciousness exists at all--and the dualists, who cannot describe consciousness without evoking some supernatural involvement. Neither position is tenable--each offers some corrective to the other. The good explanation is in there somewhere, but the sheer intractability of the debate won't let it be expressed. In situations like this, Searle argues, it is always the terms that are wrong. Terms, mind you, that in this case include "matter," "mind," "physical," and "mental"! Searle--married as he is to common sense--is of necessity one of our most iconoclastic and creative thinkers. --Simon Ings, Amazon.co.uk --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Publishers Weekly For years, Searle (Intentionality; The Mystery of Consciousness; Minds, Brains, and Science), a professor of philosophy at UC-Berkeley, has battled against philosophical fashion to insist that the world is, in fact, intelligible to the human mind. This may sound unremarkable to laypeople. But, as Searle remarks, at a time when postmodernism and deconstruction are in vogue, intellectuals, to be taken seriously, often must believe that different cultures have different rationalities and that the world as a whole is unintelligible. Searle, however, defends the naturalistic belief that there does exist a real world, which is perceivable and comprehensible and is not changed by the angle of our observation. Among his most forceful arguments are that consciousness is a genuine phenomenon caused by knowable physical processes; that intention is real, produced by causal mechanisms in the brain; and that language expands the possibilities of intentionality. In an interesting aside, Searle speculates that contemporary thinkers reject an objectivist theory because of "an urge to power." They don't want to be answerable to the world but for the world to be answerable to them. To Searle, however, realism "is not a theory at all but the framework within which it is possible to have theories." Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. http://www.amazon.com/Mind-Language-Society-Philosophy-World/dp/0465045219/ref=sr_1_5?s=booksie=UTF8qid=1299057125sr=1-5
个人分类: Philosophy of Language|1807 次阅读|0 个评论
Merry Christmas
jiaojiaojing 2010-12-24 22:24
Nowadays, I am very interested in animation package in R language. So today I made a simple animated picture by R to express my best wishes to every one. the results: R script: library(MASS) library(animation) pp-function(N) { x1-runif(N,0,N) y1-runif(N,0,N) par(ann=F,bg = darkblue) x-seq(1,30*N) j-sample(x,30) plot(1, ann = F, type = n, axes = F,xlim=c(0,N),ylim=c(0,N)) points(j,N-1.5*rep(1,30),pch=19,col=white,cex=2) for(i in 2:N) { x-seq(1,30*N) x-x j-c(sample(x,30),j) plot(1, ann = F, type = n, axes = F,xlim=c(0,N),ylim=c(0,N)) y-N-1.5*rep(1:i,rep(30,i)) points(j,y,pch=19,col=white,cex=2) z-sample(N,length(x1),replace=T) #plot(1, ann = F, type = n, axes = F,xlim=c(0,N),ylim=c(0,N)) points(x1 ,y1 ,pch=19,col=N-i,cex=3) points(x1 ,y1 ,pch=19,col=N-i-1,cex=2.5) text(N/2, N/2, Merry Christmas, srt = 12*i, col = rainbow(N) , cex = 4.5 * i/N) Sys.sleep(0.005) } } saveMovie(pp(30))
个人分类: 未分类|3725 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载] English is a Crazy Language—which is why so many of us hate it
zuojun 2010-11-30 05:20
English is a Crazy Language by Richard Lederer it is now time to face the fact that English is a crazy language -- the most loopy and wiggy of all tongues. In what other language do people drive in a parkway and park in a driveway? In what other language do people play at a recital and recite at a play? Why does night fall but never break and day break but never fall? Why is it that when we transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when we transport something by ship, it's called cargo? Why do we pack suits in a garment bag and garments in a suitcase? Why are people who ride motorcycles called bikers and people who ride bikes called cyclists? Why -- in our crazy language -- can your nose run and your feet smell? we find that hot dogs can be cold, darkrooms can be lit, homework can be done in school, nightmares can take place in broad daylight while morning sickness and daydreaming can take place at night, tomboys are girls and midwives can be men, hours -- especially happy hours and rush hours -- often last longer than sixty minutes, quicksand works very slowly, boxing rings are square, silverware and glasses can be made of plastic and tablecloths of paper, most telephones are dialed by being punched (or pushed?), and most bathrooms don't have any baths in them. In fact, a dog can go to the bathroom under a tree -- no bath, no room; it's still going to the bathroom. And doesn't it seem a little bizarre that we go to the bathroom in order to go to the bathroom? Why is it that a woman can man a station but a man can't woman one, that a man can father a movement but a woman can't mother one, and that a king rules a kingdom but a queen doesn't rule a queendom? How did all those Renaissance men reproduce when there don't seem to have been any Renaissance women? Sometimes you have to believe that all English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane: In what other language do they call the third hand on the clock the second hand? Why do they call them apartments when they're all together? Why do we call them buildings, when they're already built? Why it is called a TV set when you get only one? Why is phonetic not spelled phonetically? Why is it so hard to remember how to spell mnemonic? Why doesn't onomatopoeia sound like what it is? Why is the word abbreviation so long? Why is diminutive so undiminutive? Why does the word monosyllabic consist of five syllables? Why is there no synonym for synonym or thesaurus? And why, pray tell, does lisp have an s in it? English is crazy. You can read on at http://www.english-zone.com/language/english.html
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|4556 次阅读|0 个评论
nine "mark-up" languages that can be used to "Sweave" together data, code, and r
jianfengmao 2010-7-21 19:28
九种mark-up languages that can be used to Sweave together data, code, and results: * LaTeX: The Sweave utility in base R provides a method for creating LaTeX files wich can then be converted to PDF files. * HTML: The R2HTML, HTMLutils, hwriter, prettyR, and Hmisc packages provide methods for outputting R code and output to HTML pages. * asciiDoc: The ascii package provides methods for creating asciiDoc files which can then be converted to HTML, XML, or LaTeX files. See examples here. * t2tags: The ascii package provides methods for creating t2tags files which can then be converted to HTML, XML, or LaTeX files. See examples here. * reStructuredText: The ascii package provides methods for creating reStructuredText files which can then be converted to HTML, XML, or LaTeX files. See examples here. * org: The ascii package provides methods for creating org files which can then be converted to HTML, XML, or LaTeX files. See examples here. * textile: The ascii package provides methods for creating textile files which can then be converted to HTML, XML, or LaTeX files. See examples here. * OpenOffice: The odfWeave package provides methods for creating files in the open document format (odf) which can then be opened in OpenOffice. These files can then be output to a vareity of formats. * MSWord: The R2WD package provides a markup language for creating MSWord documents from within R. The SWord software provides the ability to use Sweave-like markup to create MSWord documents. Inference for R is proprietary software that allows the user to embed R code and output into a Microsoft Word document. 这里的部分内容转自网络
个人分类: R and Statistics|2771 次阅读|0 个评论
the c programming language standard
hillpig 2010-5-13 12:01
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_C c99 http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/ c1x http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C1X http://www-949.ibm.com/software/rational/cafe/community/ccpp/standards
个人分类: 未分类|9 次阅读|0 个评论
C 语言(谭浩强PDF版)
热度 1 eddy7777 2010-5-10 18:56
C语言,是一种通用的、程序式的编程语言,广泛用于系统与应用软件的开发。具有高效、灵活、功能丰富、表达力强和较高的移植性等特点,在程序员中备受青睐。 C语言是由UNIX的研制者丹尼斯里奇(Dennis Ritchie)和肯汤普逊(Ken Thompson)于1970年研制出的B语言的基础上发展和完善起来的。目前,C语言编译器普遍存在于各种不同的操作系统中,例如UNIX、MS-DOS、Microsoft Windows及Linux等。C语言的设计影响了许多后来的编程语言,例如C++、Java、C#等。 后来于1980年代,为了避免各开发厂商用的C语言语法产生差异,由美国国家标准局(American National Standard Institution)为C语言订定了一套完整的国际标准语法,称为ANSI C,作为C语言的标准。1980年代至今的有关程式开发工具,一般都支持符合ANSI C的语法。 MATLAB是解释语言,c是编译语言。 另外,MATLAB本身,除了符号计算部分MATLAB使用的是MAPLE内核,其他主要部分都是使用C编写的.所以,二者的语法极为接近。而MATLAB却是面向用户的界面友好的数学软件,是第四代计算机语言,会被越来越多的人喜爱接受! 谭浩强的《C程序设计》被公认为国内最通俗易懂,最适合入门的教材,大家看看,c语言难不难学啊? 谭浩强c语言PDF版
个人分类: 概论统计软件|5775 次阅读|3 个评论
wonderful websites for SMS(short message service)
carldy 2010-4-17 09:18
the following websites for short message service are recommended by my friends in America. I collected a lot of data from them. http://www.webopedia.com/quick_ref/textmessageabbreviations.asp http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~rpnlpir/ http://www.txtmania.com/messages/text.php http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/language_tips/auvideo/2009-08/27/content_8624761.htm http://www.lingo2word.com/index.php http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text_messaging http://www.txt2nite.com/
个人分类: 个人收藏 My favorites|3373 次阅读|0 个评论
语言学与人类本质language and human nature
carldy 2010-2-23 20:15
语言学与人类本质 language and human nature 正常人至少能说一种语言,而且大多数人对所说的语言都有比较好的认识。语言是什么东西?为人类所特有?对人类又有何贡献?语言学作为研究语言现象的学科,算不算科学?这样的话题,经常出现在与语言问题相关的场合。 一个多世纪以来,语言学家一直在尝试把语言学解释给其他对语言学话题感兴趣的人。有许多杰出的语言学家都曾撰书立说,介绍语言与语言学知识,目的在于教育外行人员或启迪临近学科的学者。这些书有些已成为经典,比如美国著名语言学家 William Dwight Whitney ,在 1875 年出版了专著 The life and growth of language: an outline of linguistic science( 《语言的生命与成长:语言科学简介》 ) 。随后有三位著名的以英语为母语的语言学家 Edward Sapir ( 1921 )、 Otto Jespersen (1922) 与 Leonard Bloomfield (1933) 出版了同名书籍 Language( 《语言》 ) ,这些书成为研究语言的一代经典。美国当代著名语言学家 Noam Chomsky在1975年 出版了 Language and Mind( 《语言与心智》 ) ,另一著名学者 Steven Pinker于1995年 出版了 The language instinct (《语言本能》 ,该书曾数月保持为最畅销书之一)。这样的书,不一而足,举不胜举。 语言学家把自身所研究的语言看成一门科学,即专门研究语言的科学。这一观点,早在十九世纪就已经得到学者的认可。 Max Mueller 在 1869 年出版专著 The science of language (《语言的科学》),在该书第一章,作者就指出 the science of language one of the physical science( 语言科学物理学的分支学科 ) 。 语言,与人类其他活动一样,不属于真正的科学活动。语言学家把所研究的领域看成是一种科学,那是因为他们共同分享科学所共有的特征即具有明确的科学研究与调查目标,那就是语言。语言可以通过科学的手段进行客观科学的认知(或更准确地说进行跨学科理解)。一旦我们接受科学需要调查研究这样的观点,我们就可以说,研究任何事物,只要能通过科学手段进行理解与阐释,都可以说具有科学性。 在很大程度上,科学理解的可能性取决于研究目标的复杂性与规律性,物理学之所以如此成功,相对来说,是因为物理现象的高度规律性而非杂乱无章。相反,人文科学没有取得像物理学这样的成就,主要是因为人类行为非常复杂的,不像物理世界或生物界那样有规律。语言与人类行为的其他方面相比,也具有规律性,我们称之为语言规则制约性。正是语言及与语言相关行为的这种本质特征,使得我们在人类语言这一领域内取得了巨大进步。通过研究这种为人类所特有的语言,我们可以更好地了解人类,认识人类的本质。 We now know that the possibility of scientific understanding depends largely on the complexity and regularity of the object of study. Physics has been so successful because the physical world is, relatively speaking, highly regular and not terribly complex. Human sciences, by contrast, have been much less successful and much slower to produce results, largely because human behavior is so complex and not nearly so regular as is the physical or even the biological world. Language, though, contrasts with other aspects of human behavior precisely in its regularity, what has been called its rule-governed nature. It is precisely this property of language and language-related behavior that has allowed for fairly great progress in our understanding of this delimited area of human behavior. Furthermore, the fact that language is the defining property of humans, that it is shared across all human communities and is manifested in no other species, means that by learning about language we will inevitably also learn about human nature. Aronoff, M. Janie Rees-Miller. (eds.), 2001/2003. The handbook of linguistics. Oxford : Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
个人分类: 读书心得体会 Harvest|4757 次阅读|0 个评论
Early words—a few facts about the acquisition of word for children
carldy 2010-2-22 22:19
Early wordsa few facts about the acquisition of word for children 有关儿童语言习得的话题:词类习得的顺序 When we discuss the acquisition of words for the children, we will ask this question: Whats the order of acquisition for word categories? As far as major lexical categories go, childrens early production vocabularies exhibit a preponderance of nouns, typically used to refer to objects in the childs immediate environment (e.g. mummy, daddy, dolly, car).Alongside these, children are often quick to develop a small number of general purpose verb (Radford et al 1999/2000: 212). In a study of the 1970s, Roger Brown and his colleagues at Harvard reported the results of their detailed longitudinal work with three children. It included a number of verbal inflections within which Brown distinguished between regular and irregular past tense inflections (as in jumped and came ) and between regular and irregular third person singular present ( walks , does ). His research shows that the verbal inflections were acquired as the following orders: 1) progressive ing 2) past tense irregular 3) past tense regular 4) third person singular present regular 5) third person singular present irregular (cf. Radford et al 1999/2000: 215) This reason for the progressive morpheme coming first is its regularity. Unlike the past tense and third person singular morphemes, the progressive morpheme has no variation realizations as allomorphs. As a verbal suffix, it attaches in a fixed form to the vast majority of English verbs, and this, coupled with its relatively transparent semantics in signaling ongoing activities, may be sufficient to account for its accessibility to children. ( 这里我保留一种疑问:对于中国学习者来说,动词过去时的不规则变化与规则变化的习得顺序,是否不同于英语母语学习者? Of course, Brown et al 1999/2000:216 present their suspicions and observations on this order of acquisition: First, the irregular forms, while relatively small in number, include some of the most frequently occurring verbs in English (was, had, came, went, brought, took, etc.). Second, the regular patterns does indeed prevail but only after a period during which the irregular forms are correctly produced. So, here comes the phenomenon of overregularization which needs another chapter to discuss.
个人分类: 读书心得体会 Harvest|3475 次阅读|0 个评论
Assembly language
huangfuqiang 2008-12-13 10:47
An assembly language is a low-level language for programming computers . It implements a symbolic representation of the numeric machine codes and other constants needed to program a particular CPU architecture. This representation is usually defined by the hardware manufacturer, and is based on abbreviations (called mnemonics ) that help the programmer remember individual instructions , registers , etc. An assembly language is thus specific to a certain physical or virtual computer architecture (as opposed to most high-level languages , which are usually portable ). Assembly languages were first developed in the 1950s, when they were referred to as second generation programming languages . They eliminated much of the error-prone and time-consuming first-generation programming needed with the earliest computers, freeing the programmer from tedium such as remembering numeric codes and calculating addresses. They were once widely used for all sorts of programming. However, by the 1980s (1990s on small computers ), their use had largely been supplanted by high-level languages , in the search for improved programming productivity . Today, assembly language is used primarily for direct hardware manipulation, access to specialized processor instructions, or to address critical performance issues. Typical uses are device drivers , low-level embedded systems , and real-time systems. A utility program called an assembler is used to translate assembly language statements into the target computer's machine code. The assembler performs a more or less isomorphic translation (a one-to-one mapping) from mnemonic statements into machine instructions and data. (This is in contrast with high-level languages , in which a single statement generally results in many machine instructions. This is done by one of two means: a compiler is used to most-efficiently translate high-level language statements into machine code executable files; an interpreter executes similar statements directly and in its own application environment.) Many sophisticated assemblers offer additional mechanisms to facilitate program development, control the assembly process, and aid debugging . In particular, most modern assemblers (although many have been available for more than 40 years already) include a macro facility (described below), and are called macro assemblers . 功能补充:提高程序非功能性要求的有力武器、程序破解技术的关键、理解和构筑操作系统内核的关键、语言处理技术的基础、开发工具构筑的重要环节、应付与扩展封闭系统的突破口等. 高校汇编语言课程应引入32位汇编内容,或者16与32对比教学与研究,32位汇编可以结合GCC这个交叉编译平台,比较不同层次语言(高级与低级)处理指标的对应关系、性能、调试、优化等方面,有利于培养不断层的专业人才,同时也有利于提升潜在的能力。 Assembly language_Wikipedia
个人分类: 计算机软件理论与工程|3616 次阅读|0 个评论

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